Switching weapons out of combat
Sounds exactly like the current system but you are asking for more “slots”.
Tips on staying organized? Keep your bags in order and don’t let them get cluttered. I have a section in my bags for weapons and armor.
Equipment slot bags work wonders.
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Greetings fellow elemenatist! I use an invisible bag for my first bag slot, organized with alternate weapons, armor sets and my buff foods/oils/stones. I keep the size of the inventory set to the smallest possible so I’m always ready to doubleclick in a different weapon out of combat.
I wouldn’t mind the option, but I don’t see how it’s an issue either. Just buy an Equiment bag is it really forms an issue for you.
This sounds like the GW1 F key weapon system. You had up to 4 different equipment slots where you could put different weapon combos to swap between (I don’t recall if it was out of battle or not). Our F key slots are largely taken up now by skills but I’m sure there’s still a way to implement this. It didn’t take the weapons out of your inventory, though, it was just a way to quick-equip them.
I’d also like “outfit” slots like this. Let me group pieces of armor together into outfits that I can change in and out of with the click of one or two buttons instead of 6+.
I would love to have both of these features to cut down on the “fiddling with bags and raging at being hit by an enemy while I try to equip” element of PvE.
The above wouldn’t help bag organization, but others have posted suggestions to address that element. Having a right click option to “hold the item” in your inventory which might give you a few warnings before you sell would be nice, though.
All my gear is meticulously sorted in my inventory, even without an equipment specific bag.
I place food, salvage kits, repair canisters, bank access etc at the very bottom, followed by two rows of armor, sorted alphabetically by prefix, and finish with one row of weapons sorted by frequency of use.
Giving everything you use daily a specific spot in the inventory will really help. Especially at the bottom. Anything picked up along the way goes allll the way to the top so there’s quite a bit of separation.
This sounds like the GW1 F key weapon system. You had up to 4 different equipment slots where you could put different weapon combos to swap between (I don’t recall if it was out of battle or not)
There wasn’t “out of combat” in GW1. You could always swap. The fact is that you couldn’t change your skills in GW1 and even less your attributes.
You primary swapped to change stats (example, half recharge time on a particular attribute before casting a spell tied to that attribute).
Whiteside Ridge
Yeah, in GW’s, the only thing you couldn’t do while in an active map where combat took place was change builds/skills. You could actually swap weapons at will.
I wouldn’t mind having some out of combat set up’s here so I wouldn’t have to open my bags every time. Even just one would be great.
I mainly use what we have currently to use speed boost skills for down time. I will make my inventory box small as possible but leave it open. I will then put the weapon I only use for swiftness in the very corner and unequip it/replace with my desired weapon when approaching combat situations.
An actual 3rd swap out of combat would eliminate that hassle. Only real problem I see is something that could happen now, getting caught with your pants down in a set that you don’t want.