T3 Cultural armors - why so expensive?
If by the time you scrape together 119 gold you still don’t have armor with stats you want, you’re doing something wrong :-P
Nah, I’m just saying, even if T3 was made exotic, you’d still be transmuting it for the skin, rarely if ever the stats. Making the armor exotic would only be a psychological comfort.
Nah, I’m just saying, even if T3 was made exotic, you’d still be transmuting it for the skin, rarely if ever the stats. Making the armor exotic would only be a psychological comfort.
Which is exactly what the OP wants imo
I swear most people haven’t heard of transmuting… You are buying the skin, like any other expensive weapon with identical stats to any other exotic. It has some prestige because not everyone can afford it and that’s how it should stay.
Lol this is why I’d rather the cultural to just be skins (at the same price) that way you don’t have to add the cost for gems/stones ontop of the gold you spent on the armor :P
Or maybe I’m just being cheap
1] It’s for the skin and they look awesome (in the eye’s of most)
2] It work’s towards an achievement so that partly explains the price
3] Even if they were exotic, it would have a certain set of stats which would end up getting transmuted anyway.
Stop making these threads now, there is clearly not much of an argument to make them exotic
Aztro [Engineer] Extro [Warrior] Xilent [Thief] Tyrax Deathrain [Ranger] Krogax [Guardian]
The T3 skins are too expensive for me to even consider purchasing an entire set.
119 gold? I could buy a precursor for that.
It’s a shame because I do like some of the t3 sets. Alas, I shall never own one.
but in reality,the stats of t3 isnt that good even if the did make it exotic,
eg. t3 human medium, rampagers set, (i would not use that stats even if they will turn into exotic quality)
likewise you can use the reasoning for legendary weapons, only a few will use p/v/t stat, and will transmute it into something else
Make it ascended, problem solved.
Apparently, for female human T3 at least, it costs 30g to buy a glorified bra. That’s all that chest piece is really…
On a serious note, have you guys considered why the costs increase so much from t2 to t3? I think it’s because you can salvage the lvl 80 armors and get an ectoplasm, so the ANet had that in mind when they set the price of the armor.
Because ectoplasms will be 20 gold per piece in the future.
I don’t think they are overly expensive. Considering there are not many items in the game to buy. The expensive items in the game would be legendarys and the ultra rares.
Nah, I’m just saying, even if T3 was made exotic, you’d still be transmuting it for the skin, rarely if ever the stats. Making the armor exotic would only be a psychological comfort.
Which is exactly what the OP wants imo
Wrong, OP wants T3 armor cheaper so he can save his gold for other stuff and still get the “best looking” armor in the game.
T3 is vanity armor, deal with it, and ArenaNet, dam you if you cut the prices of these now – I’ve already got mine :P
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
I know that its vanity, and not everyone should have it, yadda, yadda…but..since everyone has the right to give his opinion , here’s my $0,02:
For the price you pay, t3 should at least be exotic.
IMHO, they should cost less, like Orders gear or be exotic. The way they are now, I think something is a bit out of the place.
I like the current price. And really, even if it was exotic most ppl would transmute it since there’s only 1 stat combo. And if you’ve saved up 119g for a T3 and you don’t have a full exotic set already you might want to check your priorities.
How about reading the thread eh? Its the JUSTIFICATION of spending that amount of gold on sub par gear, why would I do so? I wouldnt of course because it does not make sense to do so.
Logic fail again by people with no concept of value.
You still don’t get it, do you? You don’t by it to equip yourself with, you buy it to apply the SKIN to exotic armor. YOU DON’T BUY IT FOR THE STATS. So stop saying, that T3 armor is only rare. IT DOESN’T MATTER.
I guess you only created the topic because you want the skin and you can’t afford it.There is no need for lowering the prices, they are totally fine. Even in the first two months of the game, ppl got the skins. Now, with ongoing inflation, ANet should think about making things more expansive.
If it doesn’t matter, then why the hell not just make it exotic quality? At 80, that’s what we’re all after and the price you’re paying for it certainly should cover the cost of the quality. 130 gold should also give you exotic stats.
119g is too cheap, it should be 300g or more.
It might help to look at it this way:
The armor could be White rarity, and still be “worth” exactly the same amount of gold.
Quite asking for end game gear/appearances to be cheap, this is an mmo for kitten sakes, pull yourselves together preople.
I own a nearly complete set of T3 asuran cloth armor. It was my primary goal for my character. I simply picked chose a piece and then would work towards it and buy it when I got it and then transmuted it over. It is a goal orientated skin. I don’t play the tp. So I earn gold slower than many people, this means it is still easily attainable.
If I can earn it monetarily in the game it means most can too.
I don’t want to see the price lowered. It’s a statement of dedication.
It’s like asking why a set of armor costs 75,000 gold, and requires 120 Globs of Ectoplasm and 120 Obsidian Shards, in addition to standard materials (400 of a common, and 32 of a rare, differing by profession)… and have the exact same stats as a set that costs 5,000 gold and standard materials.
SOME people buy it because they like the look… but most buy it because it is expensive. (For bonus bling points, buy 5 Black Dyes and look REALLY ugly!)
At least some of the T3 culturals do look great. Very few Obbi sets did, in my opinion.
I bought it because prior to the game even going in beta there was a picture of an asuran standing in the hand of a golem. That armor was the best armor I had seen and I said to myself if I could get that armor I would. It’s all about personal taste. I love the asuran cloth T3 and the Norn heavy T3 but I don’t care for the human armor. That’s just me. I won’t buy something I don’t like just for achievement points but I will buy something because the looks are what I desire.
i recently acquired my 3rd set of T3 heavy for my guardian. i can say that yes, i bought it for the skin, and not stats. and i am okay with this.
i also have T3 human light for ele, and T3 norn medium. when i bought my first set, i was surely disappointed that the stats weren’t as good as i hoped. i waited and waited everyday, looking at the stats of the items, hoping that one day they will get secretly bumped up. but it did not.
no biggie, because during my travels i acquired some fine transmutation stones, and quickly changed the look of an exotic set. no fuss about it, and i think the price is okay where it is.
i must be the only player that is okay with how this currently works.
As been said 100 times. You buy it for the looks. This whole thread reminds me of this scene from Don’t Be a Menace.
“You don’t like? You don’t buy.”
i must be the only player that is okay with how this currently works.
Maybe you can tell us how much play time you invested.
And if you think it is ok to go through solid rock to speed up a dungeon run.
Did you mean 3 T3 heavy + T3 light + T3 medium = 5 T3 sets = 5 * 129g + 5*6 Fine Transmutation stones?
I know that its vanity, and not everyone should have it, yadda, yadda…but..since everyone has the right to give his opinion , here’s my $0,02:
For the price you pay, t3 should at least be exotic.
IMHO, they should cost less, like Orders gear or be exotic. The way they are now, I think something is a bit out of the place.
Even if they were exotic, there’ll only be a limited set of stat combos and you’ll probably have to transmute it to something as well. Then, if that happened, someone will post a complaint thread saying there aren’t that much varying stats in the t3 armor, the game is punishing me for using ______ stat combos, I paid 119g for this I should get the stat I want, it’s still too expensive, yada yada yada.
Honestly, 119 gold isn’t really too much. Imo it’s just right, or could be a bit cheaper just to make it a flat number (119 doesn’t look like a nice number). Sure you’ll probably say it’s difficult to earn 119g, but if you sold all your ectos, mats, ores, etc, you’ll probably be significantly closer to getting that 119g.
I am completely fine with the price. For all you complaining about the price simply do this….
Put each piece in a priority list. Which piece is your favorite…. that one goes first. Then continue the list to the bottom.
Now that you have your priority list done. Look at how much gold you have. Think about how to make the money.
1st. look at resources. Crafting resources earn you plenty of money. Gather while you level and sell it.
2nd. Karma, karma, karmachameleon. Go earn karma by playing and then also do your dailies. Save them up and go to orr. Buy the gambling boxes. With a decent amount of karma you can then earn a decent amount of gold from the variety of things that drop from it.
3rd. Doing your dailies usually gets my 80 around 20-25 silver from doing the events and killing mobs and gather and selling the mats. Then you can also decide to sell the mystic coin, or make mystic weapons and sell them.
These are easy peasy ways to make money without “forcing” you to go do dungeons or fractals. Those that do that can add even more money to their stockpile.
This is the same way as doing a long distance journey. Don’t look at the end instead set goals and hit the smaller marks and soon enough you will find you done with the overall journey.
The price is not that high. Simply pick it off piece by piece. Also you don’t need the full set.
Make sure you like the look of the pieces you buy. If you don’t like the look of them…. simple as this… don’t buy them.
Think of the gold you grind for them equivalent to grinding dungeon tokens or ectos or whatever for other armor appearances.
Since you’ll get the majority of the stats you want from karma or crafted gear the racial stuff is ALL about the looks. They could have no stats on them at all (they might as well) and people would still pay those prices – you’re going to be wearing better/more customized stat-wise by the time you get them.
i must be the only player that is okay with how this currently works.
Maybe you can tell us how much play time you invested.
And if you think it is ok to go through solid rock to speed up a dungeon run.Did you mean 3 T3 heavy + T3 light + T3 medium = 5 T3 sets = 5 * 129g + 5*6 Fine Transmutation stones?
no. i have a set of each. sorry for the mislead. 1x light, 1x medium, 1x heavy, for 3 total sets. i currently sit on a little bit over 1500 hours. (i think its like 1575, or close). during the week i play 2-3 hours each night before bed, and on weekends, i play 18-20 hour days, with a break for food + bathroom, and the second one to sleep. with an assortment of DVDs to watch on my computer while playing on my second monitor, because i do not have cable television (just internet), play days go by very fast at a tolerable pace. i normally try to sleep before the sun rises again.
i have reached the burnt-out wall several times, but managed to keep playing through it despite agonizing mentally over “i should stop right about now” voice in my head. something always comes along, or a guild friend comes online, which i enjoy. somebody new to talk to, and play with.
i go on dungeons with people i am comfortable with – after all, they showed me how to do the dungeon the first few times, and the same people take me along often when they go. i don’t usually go with others, because i have to then relearn the pacing and play styles each time, usually by the first battle, so it does not seem as easy or fun if i don’t pick up on the party feel by then.
i ran fractals for awhile, but have since been working on pve fluff-n-stuff.
(edited by rgrwng.4072)
Legendary Weapons are priced around 1500g-2000g and they’re just a cosmetic skin as well.
No they are not “just cosmetic”. They will always be top tier statted, no matter what other gear is released. Anet stated catagorically that when gear is released that has better stats than a current legendary, said legendary will be bumped up in stats.
Thats value for its high cost, in that it will never be superseded, it is the pinnacle of gear stats.
Why does it need to? Please answer that.
Economics. An item that is percieved to be “expensive” only maintains its value when said expensive is in comparison to its worth. In a game based on gear stats, an item on the higher end of the price scale should reflect that in stats, or it wont sell as it should.
Less gold sinks is a bad thing and ruins game economies.
Again – for the skin alone Anet is better served selling it on TP.
They aren’t sold on the TP because they are racial. Pretty simple really. If they were sold on the market as you suggest then they wouldn’t be called cultural armor.
i have reached the burnt-out wall several times, but managed to keep playing through it despite agonizing mentally over “i should stop right about now” voice in my head.
Listen to that voice! :o Stop for a few days and you’ll feel better playing once you get back
Maybe you can tell us how much play time you invested.
1500 hours. (i think its like 1575, or close). during the week i play 2-3 hours each night before bed, and on weekends, i play 18-20 hour days
That’s the point! This is impossible for “a few” people.
They aren’t sold on the TP because they are racial. Pretty simple really. If they were sold on the market as you suggest then they wouldn’t be called cultural armor.
And legandary weapons are not sold on TP because they are legendary, if they were they wouldn’t be calle…
Oh wait.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
So many other armours for you people to go after, leave this expensive one alone if you can’t get it so I can shine!
Thanks to this topic I will soon be about 125 gold poorer, as soon as I have it that is. But I will be stylish. I looked at the T3 Asuran male armor and decided it is a must have. It seems to be the armor equivalent of legendary weapons and is much cheaper. Plastic surgery isn’t cheap either. Then I can buy my commander icon…
Maybe you can tell us how much play time you invested.
1500 hours. (i think its like 1575, or close). during the week i play 2-3 hours each night before bed, and on weekends, i play 18-20 hour days
That’s the point! This is impossible for “a few” people.
Maybe you should accept that this is something that won’t be achievable by you. See I’ve always wanted to climb Mount Everest, but as the years go by I realize that my life style will make it impossible for me to achieve that particular goal. That is something that I’ve come to accept.
They could have no stats on them at all (they might as well) and people would still pay those prices
I would pay MORE gold (not that much more, mind you) if the cultural actually were just applyable skins.
Perhaps you failed to read the part where I said getting the money is not an issue. Its justifying the cost of the armor
If you can’t justify the cost, then don’t buy it. They exist exclusively in order to look good/different. If that’s not sufficient reason to spend the gold then don’t spend the gold.
You’ve already identified the fact that the stats don’t justify the gold cost, so what’s your confusion?
Honestly i think they should drastically raise the price of T1 and T2 . At least that would change the mentality of the way people look at the price of T3
Yes they will. I acquired and transmuted The Moot roughly a month before they upgraded the look. Guess what. When they upgraded the effects mine was upgraded as well. So yes i believe that they will know I have a legendary, transmuted or not, and bump up the stats to BiS. Had mine not of received the new effects i would say no. But it did. As to what stats it will have that is easy. It will revert back to the original solider stats. So I will “grind” or really just play the game until i get the ascended stats that i want.
Off-topic, but minor note: You clearly don’t understand how transmutation works, or how skins work.
The reason your transmuted Moot now has the new graphics is because they literally replaced the original graphics of the Moot with the new ones. So when your item is loaded on your client, it calls the new file because that file replaced the old one. The game can’t call on graphics that no longer exist.
It has nothing to do with the stats. In fact, I strongly suspect that when “legendaries” are upgraded, that absolutely none of the ones that were transmuted will get the upgraded stats. Why would they? Your “legendary” is really just a skin now so far as the game’s code is concerned, so it’s no longer looking at the original file’s stats to determine how strong it is. If you transmuted an Exotic’s stats onto an Ascended item, you wouldn’t magically get bumped up to Ascended power, so why would anyone assume that a transmuted “legendary” will be any different?
And we’ll have tons of people in these forums whining about how their transmuted “legendary” no longer is the best in the game, even though it’s rather obvious that it wouldn’t work that way. They’d have to do all sorts of tinkering to make it work like that, I’ll bet.
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.
Because this game apparently needs an insane amount of gold sinks, but very few ways to get gold, all in the name of fun though..
Strangely Karma isn’t used, i wonder why?
Honestly i think they should drastically raise the price of T1 and T2 . At least that would change the mentality of the way people look at the price of T3
That’s a great idea…. then no one will buy them and it will sit there gathering dust like so much other stuff in this game does…
Lets all pay 100 gold for level 35 rares just because they look slightly different, to everything else..
People these days..no Tier 3 need to be reduced or they all should be converted to karma..
Actually you can buy three precursors for that, check out Rage…
(edited by Dante.1508)
That’s a great idea…. then no one will buy them and it will sit there gathering dust like so much other stuff in this game does…
You mean like Obsidian, Vabbian, and Primeval armor in GW1?
Wait, no, lots of people got those, because they WANTED them.
Whether for the skins or conspicuous consumption is up to the players, but they were bought by many despite (and sometimes, because of) their enormous cost.
I’m working on getting my last piece of Charr Tier 3 armor (12 gold boots). All the other pieces did not seem too hard to get as long as I was making sure I wasn’t spending needlessly. I probably blew over 100 gold levelings up alts, crafting, bad investments, holiday items, etc AFTER i decided that Tier 3 was my goal (sometime in September/October). So it takes a little discipline and patience.
The second thing was to get gold, its best to run dungeons. I didn’t run them obsessively or “farmed” them. Basically from all those tokens and gold, I was able to buy the Tier 3 armor piece AND the exotic dungeon armor I wanted at the same time. Transmute and look play/good.
The main thing is that it’s DOABLE and not unreasonable. This whole time of earning gold for it, I never once felt like it was such a boring hard grind. I had many goals and things to do. Leveling alts, dungeon running with PUGs, etc has been fun for months. I just feel like people are to impatient to save gold.
That’s a great idea…. then no one will buy them and it will sit there gathering dust like so much other stuff in this game does…
You mean like Obsidian, Vabbian, and Primeval armor in GW1?
Wait, no, lots of people got those, because they WANTED them.
Whether for the skins or conspicuous consumption is up to the players, but they were bought by many despite (and sometimes, because of) their enormous cost.
Neither of these three was stat-inferior to normal armor sets. Just saying.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Money sink. Also forces players to buy transmutation stones, just like the fractal skins.
Personally, I feel the T3 should be brought down a bit and the other tiers should be raised. The reason why I say that is, in some occasions the lower tiers actually look kind of good, while some of the T3s I find sort of okay-ish.
That has made me wonder why they’re so expensive and T1 and 2 so cheap if some lower tiers look so nice. In that regard it feels a bit like a disincentive to get the T3s.
I have a watch that cost £1600 and a watch that cost £150, both of them keep excellent time. Is one better than the other? Only in my mind. To someone who is not into watches, one of them is a neccesity, the other is a pointless piece of self-indulgence.
It will be similar driving factor that makes you buy T3 Cultural. If you think it’s overpriced….you don’t want it enough to buy it…so don’t buy it.