T3 Cultural armors - why so expensive?
You also must not forget that the high cost of cultural armour (in connection with the fine transmutation stones that one can only get through blt-chests or for gems, if I’m not mistaken) is also a good monetization item for the developers. Many that want the look will grind for the gold, but some will also buy gems and turn them in to get the look faster.
Together with the fact that they are entirely cosmetic, I’m absolutely fine with the cost of the armour. I don’t have any, but I also don’t need it and there are plenty of good looking models available for less coin or even for karma.
[DP] Diamond Pirates
where do you get armor for karma? anyone
where do you get armor for karma? anyone
The vendors in Orr, at the temples.
They aren’t that expensive, you could get 10 to 20 T3 full sets for the price of a single Legendary weapon.
I have a watch that cost £1600 and a watch that cost £150, both of them keep excellent time. Is one better than the other? Only in my mind. To someone who is not into watches, one of them is a neccesity, the other is a pointless piece of self-indulgence.
Now, would you buy the £1600 one if they weren’t equal except for the price, but the cheaper one was actually a better watch? Because that’s what we have now.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I have a watch that cost £1600 and a watch that cost £150, both of them keep excellent time. Is one better than the other? Only in my mind. To someone who is not into watches, one of them is a neccesity, the other is a pointless piece of self-indulgence.
Now, would you buy the £1600 one if they weren’t equal except for the price, but the cheaper one was actually a better watch? Because that’s what we have now.
for the sake of luxury, i will still buy the 1600 watch even if it does not function well, like a vintage watch that does not tell time,
that is what t3 armors are for a bling bling to show off how expensive your character is.
because the only pve endgame goal is farming.
and once you get the item, i guess you keep farming.
not that it changes the game after you get your farmed reward.
well, some stat increases..
content is still the same.
so to answer your question; some items need to take longer to farm for hardcore farmers.
The point is that after dropping a load of gold for the vanity (which is lame, but legit), it’s insulting that the items have crappy stats on top. There’s no call for it. ANet already gets to drain your $ by a huge chunk. No reason to make the items have kittenty stats. They may as well be white items.
yeah for that price make them exo with good stats!
instead of having to transmute on your old armor that you could put in your collection or use for another type of build.
As the title suggests, Im just wondering what the point of the exorbitant cost of cultural armors is?
I mean the skins are nice enough, but they are only “rare” quality. Im not about to spend 50+ gold to get a set of armor thats underpowered compared to karma exo gear or TP stuff. Im serious, what is the point of the high cost? Skin alone? If so make it Exotic, and worth the money. Right now, its completely pointless to spend the gold on them since the gear is rare only especially when I can get exotic armor for 40k or so karma a piece ,or spend a one or two gold in TP or even just use exo dungeon gear.
T3 Cultural armors – waste of time and money.
Because they’re third tier.
Judging by some posts, I think this is some people’s first MMO since they’re so shocked by prices and lengths of time it took to achieve things.
Whether you like the design or not, they’re status symbols, basically.
To me, it feels like people need to have ’’reasons’’ for everything, which, in my opinion, is what makes most MMOs dull, and I’m glad ArenaNet took a different approach with Guild Wars 2.
Everything must have some kind of reason it seems, nothing can be spontaneous.
If you can’t find a reason to buy Cultural Tier 3, then don’t buy it. If you can’t find a reason to do Jumping Puzzles, then don’t do them. If you can’t find a reason for this or that, simply leave it alone.
Everything don’t need to have a reason, I love when things are spontaneous. I saw Twilight/Sunrise preview leak before the Guild Wars 2 release, I said to myself ‘’I will get that weapon no matter what.’’ And guess what? I don’t have it, when I saw what ir required to get it, I ignored it, and left it alone to other people.
I then saw Logan Thackeray’s armour, and said to myself, I will get it no matter what, and guess what? I found the vendor, and farmed the kitten out of Orr, I bought the armour, and I couldn’t care less about it’s stats or coloured named, I wanted it no matter what, and I got it.
To me, it feels like people need to have ’’reasons’’ for everything, which, in my opinion, is what makes most MMOs dull, and I’m glad ArenaNet took a different approach with Guild Wars 2.
Everything must have some kind of reason it seems, nothing can be spontaneous.
If you can’t find a reason to buy Cultural Tier 3, then don’t buy it. If you can’t find a reason to do Jumping Puzzles, then don’t do them. If you can’t find a reason for this or that, simply leave it alone.
Everything don’t need to have a reason, I love when things are spontaneous. I saw Twilight/Sunrise preview leak before the Guild Wars 2 release, I said to myself ‘’I will get that weapon no matter what.’’ And guess what? I don’t have it, when I saw what ir required to get it, I ignored it, and left it alone to other people.
I then saw Logan Thackeray’s armour, and said to myself, I will get it no matter what, and guess what? I found the vendor, and farmed the kitten out of Orr, I bought the armour, and I couldn’t care less about it’s stats or coloured named, I wanted it no matter what, and I got it.
That’s the spirit!
As the title suggests, Im just wondering what the point of the exorbitant cost of cultural armors is?
I mean the skins are nice enough, but they are only “rare” quality. Im not about to spend 50+ gold to get a set of armor thats underpowered compared to karma exo gear or TP stuff. Im serious, what is the point of the high cost? Skin alone? If so make it Exotic, and worth the money. Right now, its completely pointless to spend the gold on them since the gear is rare only especially when I can get exotic armor for 40k or so karma a piece ,or spend a one or two gold in TP or even just use exo dungeon gear.
T3 Cultural armors – waste of time and money.
They’re expensive, because they’re are supposed to be the most “elite” armor skins available. That’s why they look so much better than 99.9% of the armor in the game. Including dungeon armor (especially on a Charr).
Because it’s simply a skin. If you wanted a skin + stats…they would be considerably more. On the other hand, if you just offered the skin, people would kitten that they weren’t getting their money’s worth without stats.
Can’t please everyone. If you want the look: buy the gear, transmute it, be done. If you don’t, who gives a kitten?