(edited by Shinghan.9265)
TITLE EDIT: Do Sylvari have genitalia?
Of course they do! My sylvari Kindzi runs around with Zuzu all the time!
They aren’t cats so no. Not sure what the forum euphemism is covering.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a Sylvari with a pet cat. Or any pets, for that matter. Well, I meant NPCs, of course.
They have (fern hound) puppies. I’m sure there are kittens somewhere.
ANet may give it to you.
“there’s a lot of commotion going around about whether Sylvari have kittenes or not…”
I’d like to know where this commotion is happening.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
Ah, yes. The Fern Hounds. How could I have forgotten! Silly me!
Ah, yes. The Fern Hounds. How could I have forgotten! Silly me!
I want a fern hound puppy that rolls over, shows its tummy and hearts comes off it so bad. ANet won’t give it to me though.
ANet may give it to you.
Aww. That’s unfortunate. Maybe it will become a mini-pet some day.
Good luck.
I have kitten mini pets, but my Sylvari engineer has her watchwork moa and the necro prefers her orrian chick.
No, only charrs have kittens, also calles cubs.
Sylvari have only sprouts, saplings, and them fern hounds. For some reasons, there are no plant kittens.
I hope this answers your question.
No, only charrs have kittens, also calles cubs.
Sylvari have only sprouts, saplings, and them fern hounds. For some reasons, there are no plant kittens.
I hope this answers your question.
Sylvari don’t have sprouts! Sylvari are born fully formed from the Pale Tree’s skull. Er. Branches.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
No, only charrs have kittens, also calles cubs.
Sylvari have only sprouts, saplings, and them fern hounds. For some reasons, there are no plant kittens.
I hope this answers your question.
Sylvari don’t have sprouts! Sylvari are born fully formed from the Pale Tree’s skull. Er. Branches.
I think in the living story, my Sylvari is addressed as sprout.
Aww. That’s unfortunate. Maybe it will become a mini-pet some day.
Good luck.
Except they’d probably make it that dirty great monster in Auric that wants to roll around on top you as a mini pet that shoots out pink hearts.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Sylvari are clearly dog people.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
No, only charrs have kittens, also calles cubs.
Sylvari have only sprouts, saplings, and them fern hounds. For some reasons, there are no plant kittens.
I hope this answers your question.
They could always adopt a non plant kitten you know. They have kittens in game. I’ve seen some in Timberline Falls. There’s a Stalker(?) and her kittens there.
ANet may give it to you.
No, only charrs have kittens, also calles cubs.
Sylvari have only sprouts, saplings, and them fern hounds. For some reasons, there are no plant kittens.
I hope this answers your question.
They could always adopt a non plant kitten you know. They have kittens in game. I’ve seen some in Timberline Falls. There’s a Stalker(?) and her kittens there.
That’s true, but I don’t think OP was talking about adopted kittens. Correct me if I’m wrong
No, only charrs have kittens, also calles cubs.
Sylvari have only sprouts, saplings, and them fern hounds. For some reasons, there are no plant kittens.
I hope this answers your question.
They could always adopt a non plant kitten you know. They have kittens in game. I’ve seen some in Timberline Falls. There’s a Stalker(?) and her kittens there.
That’s true, but I don’t think OP was talking about adopted kittens. Correct me if I’m wrong
Well, unless he was suggesting that they give birth to actual kittens then they would have to be adopted. ^^
ANet may give it to you.
No, only charrs have kittens, also calles cubs.
Sylvari have only sprouts, saplings, and them fern hounds. For some reasons, there are no plant kittens.
I hope this answers your question.
They could always adopt a non plant kitten you know. They have kittens in game. I’ve seen some in Timberline Falls. There’s a Stalker(?) and her kittens there.
That’s true, but I don’t think OP was talking about adopted kittens. Correct me if I’m wrong
They have to start somewhere. Adoption is best before wholesale corruption of jaguars and stalkers. Just so they know that they really want them.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Yes. It was mentioned back when they revealed the Sylvari. See the biology section under http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dream_and_Nightmare (search for physically)
re the title change: I thought so!
If they have underwear then they have something to hide. They probably do have tackle but maybe they look like vinewraths and tulips.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
There’s a lot of commotion going around about whether Sylvari have kittenes or not.
It was a gift though. I promised to do map completion with the cat and that’s what I did. And it went well, more or less.. cat wasn’t really focussed..
That’s one seriously evil looking cat. I’d call an exorcist if I were you…
re the title change: I thought so!
If they have underwear then they have something to hide. They probably do have tackle but maybe they look like vinewraths and tulips.
God, I hope not.
ANet may give it to you.
That’s one seriously evil looking cat. I’d call an exorcist if I were you…
That was what they guy who gifted me it and who it’s named after said
A question that’s intrigued me too. Biologically, they don’t need to, but then they don’t need any of the other humanoid features they have. I suspect the Pale Tree designed them to look as humanoid as possible so they would better fit (and be accepted by) the humanoid races. Whether the Pale Tree planned for them to be accepted … into the bedroom, is an interesting question.
Even if they were anatomically correct, there wouldn’t be any possibility of inter-mingling with other races. I doubt the Pale Tree has the ability to craft sper…uhm… genetic material to be compatible with that of other species. And being plants, they wouldn’t be susceptible to most, if not all, of the usual transmittable diseases of other races.
So basically, sylvari are lucky kittens who can kitten as much as they want with no consequences.
This is pretty much the first thing that came to mind when I saw the topic title.
Well, to be discussed.
Mordremoth wouldn’t want and need for Sylvari to be able to reproduce by themselves. It controls the reproduction of its minions and that’s how it has been planned from the beginning. It wouldn’t make sense if they had genitalia. The female or male body features are purely aesthetical and could be justified by how these features remain visible despite the clothing. However, genitalia are not visible through clothes.
But there’s also the Wiki page that states that : “To a sylvari, love is spiritual and eternal, regardless of physical form and contact, and sexuality is simply a natural part of life.” meaning that they can have sex, which is a strong argument for the “they have genitalia” side.
Oh wow this title edit changes everything. LOL!
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
I’d imagine they do, since they have petals/leaves covering their genitalia up. They just can’t reproduce, but I’m sure they make love & they DO still have to eat & drink like everyone else which means they do relieve themselves, how else would they get rid of their wastes? Some form of Photosynthesis?
Hey people! A topic popped up while I was doing Teq so I thought I would bring it up here. There’s a lot of commotion going around about whether Sylvari have kittenes or not. Some people mentioned the lore saying yes and some mentioned no. There have also been some people saying that Anet did talk about this but I couldn’t find much. Let’s discuss!
EDIT: I meant the P-word for genitalia! NOT KITTENS!
They do not have genitalia. If you paid attention in the Caithe’s memories in the living story instead of rushing through it like a headless chicken you would know. The Inquest captured a group of secondborn Sylvari wandering outside of the Pale Tree for the first time and immediately dissected them without painkillers. During the stealth moments where you infiltrate the base one of the Inquest mentioned that they had no reproductive organs. (pee pee and vagoo).
“B-but muh leaf coverings!”
Blame the Pale Tree for making you with unremovable clothes. Embrace Simplicity.
Zraiyya – Asuran Elementalist | EVOS
Akkodi – Asuran Engineer | EVOS
(edited by Ananeos.4587)
They do not have genitalia.
What the asura says is true. Sylvari are not capable of reproducing, thus they do not have reproductive organs. They do however have what they need for fun.
This was confirmed when sylvari were revealed back during development:
Physically, sylvari are male or female, and the relevant external biology is accurate on both, but they cannot sexually reproduce as the other races do; they have no internal organs capable of creating children.
Blame the Pale Tree for making you with unremovable clothes. Embrace Simplicity.
Sylvari clothing, as in the cultural look, is grown as an extension of the body.
Hey people! A topic popped up while I was doing Teq so I thought I would bring it up here. There’s a lot of commotion going around about whether Sylvari have kittenes or not. Some people mentioned the lore saying yes and some mentioned no. There have also been some people saying that Anet did talk about this but I couldn’t find much. Let’s discuss!
EDIT: I meant the P-word for genitalia! NOT KITTENS!
They do not have genitalia. If you paid attention in the Caithe’s memories in the living story instead of rushing through it like a headless chicken you would know. The Inquest captured a group of secondborn Sylvari wandering outside of the Pale Tree for the first time and immediately dissected them without painkillers. During the stealth moments where you infiltrate the base one of the Inquest mentioned that they had no reproductive organs. (pee pee and vagoo).
“B-but muh leaf coverings!”
Blame the Pale Tree for making you with unremovable clothes. Embrace Simplicity.
There are internal as well as external reproductive organs, in both male and female. The less obvious internal male organs can include the various ducts, the related internal glands as well as the testes which are enclosed in skin and can be missing and only be a “facsimile” in the “male” Sylvari. These could be the missing reproductive organs mentioned by the Asura, not the external features.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
No there are no genetalia. The story has explained this. They do not reproduce in any way. They sprouted from the pale tree.
No there are no genetalia. The story has explained this. They do not reproduce in any way. They sprouted from the pale tree.
The lore says they have external genitals.
No one knows how long the sylvari live. The oldest of their race are the firstborn, all of whom awakened twenty-five years ago. Sylvari show little signs of growing old, and none have yet died of advanced age. Physically, sylvari are male or female, and the relevant external biology is accurate on both, but they cannot sexually reproduce as the other races do; they have no internal organs capable of creating children. Whether they have their own methods of reproduction outside of the Pale Tree has yet to be seen.
ANet may give it to you.
Well, I’m going to have to point out that sylvari are fictional, so not only do they not have genitalia, they also don’t exist.
But the lore mentioned above is what I’ve always gone by- that the externals are based on humans and therefore they do have decorative genitalia in the context of the story. And it makes sense, given that we see multiple sylvari in relationships. (Caithe and Faolin obviously have a history, for example.)
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
No there are no genetalia. The story has explained this. They do not reproduce in any way. They sprouted from the pale tree.
The lore says they have external genitals.
No one knows how long the sylvari live. The oldest of their race are the firstborn, all of whom awakened twenty-five years ago. Sylvari show little signs of growing old, and none have yet died of advanced age. Physically, sylvari are male or female, and the relevant external biology is accurate on both, but they cannot sexually reproduce as the other races do; they have no internal organs capable of creating children. Whether they have their own methods of reproduction outside of the Pale Tree has yet to be seen.
No genetalia. It says Physically. not biologically. Ever seen a Ken doll? Can’t expect an understanding when you’re educated through magazines. Dolls have relevant external biology…but no genetalia. duh.
No there are no genetalia. The story has explained this. They do not reproduce in any way. They sprouted from the pale tree.
The lore says they have external genitals.
No one knows how long the sylvari live. The oldest of their race are the firstborn, all of whom awakened twenty-five years ago. Sylvari show little signs of growing old, and none have yet died of advanced age. Physically, sylvari are male or female, and the relevant external biology is accurate on both, but they cannot sexually reproduce as the other races do; they have no internal organs capable of creating children. Whether they have their own methods of reproduction outside of the Pale Tree has yet to be seen.
No genetalia. It says Physically. not biologically. Ever seen a Ken doll? Can’t expect an understanding when you’re educated through magazines. Dolls have relevant external biology…but no genetalia. duh.
If you think a ken doll is, externally, biologically accurate, I have a couple of websites you should visit.
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
yes, you can get a kitten with sylvaris, check zuzu.
I believe some of these ears could contain stamens. They are probably rudimentary because sylvari don’t need to reproduce, the mother tree does this for them.
I believe I can see some stamens and I can imagine she has a pistil in that haircut of hers.
No there are no genetalia. The story has explained this. They do not reproduce in any way. They sprouted from the pale tree.
The lore says they have external genitals.
No one knows how long the sylvari live. The oldest of their race are the firstborn, all of whom awakened twenty-five years ago. Sylvari show little signs of growing old, and none have yet died of advanced age. Physically, sylvari are male or female, and the relevant external biology is accurate on both, but they cannot sexually reproduce as the other races do; they have no internal organs capable of creating children. Whether they have their own methods of reproduction outside of the Pale Tree has yet to be seen.
No genetalia. It says Physically. not biologically. Ever seen a Ken doll? Can’t expect an understanding when you’re educated through magazines. Dolls have relevant external biology…but no genetalia. duh.
If the ‘relevant external biology’ is accurate, then that means they have genitals.
And the Ken doll comment is………strange. Have you actually seen a naked person? They have external features that a Ken doll doesn’t have.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Ofc the have, they are NUTS :-D
Wat r u, casul?
No there are no genetalia. The story has explained this. They do not reproduce in any way. They sprouted from the pale tree.
The lore says they have external genitals.
No one knows how long the sylvari live. The oldest of their race are the firstborn, all of whom awakened twenty-five years ago. Sylvari show little signs of growing old, and none have yet died of advanced age. Physically, sylvari are male or female, and the relevant external biology is accurate on both, but they cannot sexually reproduce as the other races do; they have no internal organs capable of creating children. Whether they have their own methods of reproduction outside of the Pale Tree has yet to be seen.
No genetalia. It says Physically. not biologically. Ever seen a Ken doll? Can’t expect an understanding when you’re educated through magazines. Dolls have relevant external biology…but no genetalia. duh.
Anet has literally stated that sylvari can and do have sex (and enjoy it).
I am going to vote against what the wiki says. They don’t have a knowledge of kitten or hetro sexuality, so they love whomever they want, regardless of gender, and without a second thought to it. Conflict with that, comes from the organs and chemicals in the body, and since we don’t see any dialogue in game to suggest any issues with ‘who loves who’, i can only assume they don’t have the equipment to get the job done.
That being said, it is entirely possible that they could “grow” the equipment as needed, should the situation arise where they would need it.
Lest you forget in your focus on the salacious aspects of the question, the external organs under discussion are multi-purpose. Reproduction is not their only function. So, unless sylvari never need to visit the restroom, they require some sort of organ for liquid waste elimination. Being modeled on human beings, it would make sense for those organs to resemble those used by humans for that purpose.
Can you imagine how horrible it would be to have a mouth for drinking beer, but have no way to pay the rent on it? Even Mordremoth could not possibly be that cruel to his creations!
Lest you forget in your focus on the salacious aspects of the question, the external organs under discussion are multi-purpose. Reproduction is not their only function. So, unless sylvari never need to visit the restroom, they require some sort of organ for liquid waste elimination. Being modeled on human beings, it would make sense for those organs to resemble those used by humans for that purpose.
Can you imagine how horrible it would be to have a mouth for drinking beer, but have no way to pay the rent on it? Even Mordremoth could not possibly be that cruel to his creations!
Unless they feed via photosynthesis. In addition, the moisture would be absorbed, so they wouldn’t need to “rent on it”. I’m aiming at more towards the plant-side of the physiology.
No they don’t. It’s explicitly said by an inquest during Living Story 2 chapter 7 in that don’t get detected once then get detected in every room on the next round part. I even gave Trahearne an inappropriate nick name because of it. ^_^
Yes, the Sylvari have genitalia. In addition to the wiki statements, there was an interview with Ree and Kristen prior to launch where it was stated that all of the races are “sexually compatible” but could not cross breed.
For the life of me, I can’t find it anymore, but that has stuck with me. Primarily because I thought it was hilarious that they broached that topic.
No they don’t. It’s explicitly said by an inquest during Living Story 2 chapter 7 in that don’t get detected once then get detected in every room on the next round part. I even gave Trahearne an inappropriate nick name because of it.
They don’t have the internal organs, they do have the external organs.