TITLE EDIT: Do Sylvari have genitalia?

TITLE EDIT: Do Sylvari have genitalia?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Yes, the Sylvari have genitalia. In addition to the wiki statements, there was an interview with Ree and Kristen prior to launch where it was stated that all of the races are “sexually compatible” but could not cross breed.

For the life of me, I can’t find it anymore, but that has stuck with me. Primarily because I thought it was hilarious that they broached that topic.

So if Zojja and Logan have a kid Logan will have to transform into an Asura to do so? I think it’d be a great subplot and with Asura magitech should be possible.

TITLE EDIT: Do Sylvari have genitalia?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palador.2170


They don’t have “parts” that function for reproduction, but they do have the shape of them.

Look at a sylvari’s head and hair. See how it’s made to mimic that of a human, even though there’s no functional need for it? It’s the same for the rest of the body. Why 5 fingers, and not 4 or 6? Why two arms instead of four? Why legs instead of a snake tail? It’s all based on the human form. It’s only natural that this is true for the area in question, as well. They have the form, even if they don’t need the function.

As for sylvari views on sexuality, I would remind you that they do not grow up as humans do. They’re born adult and intact, and go from there. With no need to reproduce, their physical gender is just another trait, like having black hair or a cleft chin. Some may make a big deal of this, others may dismiss it as irrelevant to who they are.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

TITLE EDIT: Do Sylvari have genitalia?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bird.5920


CDA: One of the lore questions that bother players the most is – do Sylvari have sex? Are they able to procreate on their own, or just keep sprouting out of the Pale Tree?

Martin Kerstein: I’m not exactly a lore person, but as far as I understand – yes, Sylvari can have sex and they will have sex with whoever they like, they are fully capable of doing so. But they don’t do it to create to new Sylvaris. They actually grow from the tree.

source: http://www.cdaction.pl/news-20880-4/guild-wars-2---wywiad-z-martinem-kersteinem-i-erikiem-flannumem.html

GG: Given the fact that the sylvari do express sexually dimorphic traits on the surface, does this create awkward moments when they interact with other species who might have more comparatively rigid gender roles in some capacity? I imagine there is a lot of confusion about the sylvari in general, but where does that start/end in terms of what has been written?

Ree: Certainly! Because of their physical design (male-female gendered), the sylvari are typically ascribed to ‘standard’ gender roles by the other races.

source: http://gaygamer.net/2011/10/interview_guild_war_2s_ree_soe.html

TITLE EDIT: Do Sylvari have genitalia?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CadeRG.4508


Forum censoring completely took over this thread LOL

Vaulting daredevil leap frog teef of AoE destruction

TITLE EDIT: Do Sylvari have genitalia?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grover.8753


If you think a ken doll is, externally, biologically accurate, I have a couple of websites you should visit.

And the Ken doll comment is………strange. Have you actually seen a naked person? They have external features that a Ken doll doesn’t have.

What!? ken is not a male? My whole world just got flipped!

TITLE EDIT: Do Sylvari have genitalia?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

If you think a ken doll is, externally, biologically accurate, I have a couple of websites you should visit.

And the Ken doll comment is………strange. Have you actually seen a naked person? They have external features that a Ken doll doesn’t have.

What!? ken is not a male? My whole world just got flipped!

I’m going to assume from your comments that the only naked person you’ve ever seen is yourself, and that you look like Ken.

This is indeed unfortunate for you, on several levels. Medically speaking though there is something that can be done, there is reconstructive surgery. I suggest you make an appointment with a doctor. It will indeed “flip your world”

Good luck.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

TITLE EDIT: Do Sylvari have genitalia?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grover.8753


If you think a ken doll is, externally, biologically accurate, I have a couple of websites you should visit.

And the Ken doll comment is………strange. Have you actually seen a naked person? They have external features that a Ken doll doesn’t have.

What!? ken is not a male? My whole world just got flipped!

I’m going to assume from your comments that the only naked person you’ve ever seen is yourself, and that you look like Ken.

This is indeed unfortunate for you, on several levels. Medically speaking though there is something that can be done, there is reconstructive surgery. I suggest you make an appointment with a doctor. It will indeed “flip your world”

Good luck.

As much as you would like to see and discuss my genetalia I think its best that we keep it tourselves. if you have an urge there are plenty of other people available to you im sure.

TITLE EDIT: Do Sylvari have genitalia?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


This is indeed unfortunate for you, on several levels.

Read this line….. heard Mad King Thorn in my head…..

Given the context of the conversation….. really creepy… lemme tell ya…

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

TITLE EDIT: Do Sylvari have genitalia?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astra Lux.2846

Astra Lux.2846

Sylvari do not possess the internal organs that grant the ability to reproduce. However, it is fact that they are human shaped and have all of the external human shapes necessary for recreational coitus.

TITLE EDIT: Do Sylvari have genitalia?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

No there are no genetalia. The story has explained this. They do not reproduce in any way. They sprouted from the pale tree.

The lore says they have external genitals.

Dream and Nightmare

No one knows how long the sylvari live. The oldest of their race are the firstborn, all of whom awakened twenty-five years ago. Sylvari show little signs of growing old, and none have yet died of advanced age. Physically, sylvari are male or female, and the relevant external biology is accurate on both, but they cannot sexually reproduce as the other races do; they have no internal organs capable of creating children. Whether they have their own methods of reproduction outside of the Pale Tree has yet to be seen.

No genetalia. It says Physically. not biologically. Ever seen a Ken doll? Can’t expect an understanding when you’re educated through magazines. Dolls have relevant external biology…but no genetalia. duh.

Below is a picture of a Ken doll, without clothes. Contrary to your assertions, while he does has a bulge in the relevant area he does not have anything that would make him “externally biologically accurate” such as the Devs have said would allow them to have sexual intercourse or have “relevant external biology” as you have said. Due to forum limitations I’m unable to post a picture of a biologically accurate male, however if you still have doubts I suggest you google it and compare the two.

Good luck.


Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

TITLE EDIT: Do Sylvari have genitalia?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


The phrase is ‘anatomically correct’ guys

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

TITLE EDIT: Do Sylvari have genitalia?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doggie.3184


My male Sylvari does.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.