TOGA Party Games & Prizes On Desolation!

TOGA Party Games & Prizes On Desolation!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Going Postal.8601

Going Postal.8601

“It is time for gamers to give back and this week Desolation is playing host to Guild Wars 2’s first server wide charity event in support of Multiple Sclerosis. Gamers Giving Back and the Gaming World Entertainment Network, who were behind many other major charity events hosted in Guild Wars including the renown ‘Pink Day’, are returning to offer players an evening of events, prizes, and a chance to show the wider media gamers are not anti-social troglodytes hammering away at keyboards in dark rooms.

This Saturday, 20th April, between 1pm and 5pm CDT, everyone is invited to guest themselves over to the Desolation server, the best server let’s be honest, and take part in races, scavenger hunts, treks, fashion shows, and costume brawls. During all the excitement players should also tune into’s radio station for more chances to win prizes, keep up to date, and listen to some awesome tunes!"

For more information and the rest of the article visit –

For the main organizers site –

Many thanks & hope to see you there!