Targeting... I'd rather hit my head against a concrete wall... repeatedly

Targeting... I'd rather hit my head against a concrete wall... repeatedly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: raesirecks.4325


There are many many points about this game that are great… phenomenal even… but I have to say, hands down, that the targeting is worse than any other game I’ve played. Ever. Especially in WvW where there seem to be rabbits, worms, stags, bears, raptors, bats, and any other number of NPC’s that are absolutely, utterly and completely 100% irrelevant when the person you’re trying desperately to target is actually in the process of shoving his sword so far up your kitten that your all you can do is otherwise eat dirt and pray that the nearest rez point is very very close, swearing profusely that you wish to almighty high heaven that someone at ANET would actually play this game and determine that, in fact, the targeting is so abysmal that it’s quite literally possible, potentially, to target a pile of raptor dung or perhaps even a beetle carcass while otherwise intending to target another actual player. Whew. That was one sentence. I feel better. Seriously. The targeting in this game is awful. It is awful. Awful. Shaking my head it’s so awful.

Targeting... I'd rather hit my head against a concrete wall... repeatedly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kumu Honua.2751

Kumu Honua.2751

Options > Control options.

“Nearest Enemy” – Bind this.
“Next Enemy” – Bind this.
“Previous Enemy” – Bind this.

Will help you out quite a bit more.

Sylvari Guardian. – Dragonbrand.

Targeting... I'd rather hit my head against a concrete wall... repeatedly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: coglin.1496


Options > Control options.

“Nearest Enemy” – Bind this.
“Next Enemy” – Bind this.
“Previous Enemy” – Bind this.

Will help you out quite a bit more.


@ OP…..How can you suggest it is bad targeting design when your hitting your bind for “next target” and complaining that it doesn’t hit the one you want because there are a lot of targets in sight. That is not by any means a targeting issue.

It is very mis-representative of fact to going to WvW with 50 opponents and 20 NPC mobs in a specific area, then coming here and complaining that due to this specific time and place issue it is clearly a targeting issue with the game because the first touch of a scroll target button I used, didn’t land on the specific target you wanted.

The context under which you make your complaint is very illogical.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

(edited by coglin.1496)

Targeting... I'd rather hit my head against a concrete wall... repeatedly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: raesirecks.4325


@ OP…..How can you suggest it is bad targeting design when your hitting your bind for “next target” and complaining that it doesn’t hit the one you want because there are a lot of targets in sight. That is not by any means a targeting issue.
It is very mis-representative of fact to going to WvW with 50 opponents and 20 NPC mobs in a specific area, then coming here and complaining that due to this specific time and place issue it is clearly a targeting issue with the game because the first touch of a scroll target button I used, didn’t land on the specific target you wanted.
The context under which you make your complaint is very illogical.

You’re right… I’m the only one that’s complained about targeting. My bad. Com’on… even with the targeting parameters and the insane pyrotechnics that happening, most have no idea who in the hey they’re targeting. Tab? You have to tab through about 20 targets before you can actually zero in on some one that is worth your while. Sure, I’m complaining Coglin, but I’m not the first one nor will I be the last to point out that the targeting in this game, including the scope of available parameters, is weak, weak, weak.

Targeting... I'd rather hit my head against a concrete wall... repeatedly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: raesirecks.4325


And let me point out that, while I agree with Kumu, none of these parameters have any value whatsoever UNLESS you’ve successfully targeted a player first and not a random stack of kindling. Without this, “nearest enemy” does no good. “Next enemy” might be do some good, pray to the almighty, and “previous enemy” only does good if you were successful from the very beginning. Agree 100% that I should L2T (learn to target in case you don’t know), but it doesn’t change the fact that all targets share equal weight in the game, even if they’re not fighting you!

I mean, be careful using “next enemy”… there might be a hawk flying by. Or a grasshopper on your shoe. How about parameters like…

  • Target nearest enemy that is dry-humping you
  • Target nearest enemy that has you over a barrel
  • Target nearest enemy that is hitting you… hard… and frequently
  • Target nearest enemy that is not an NPC or beast or barrel or kindling or herbs…
  • Target nearest brew pub

I’m just saying…

(edited by raesirecks.4325)

Targeting... I'd rather hit my head against a concrete wall... repeatedly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: coglin.1496


You’re right… I’m the only one that’s complained about targeting. My bad. Com’on… even with the targeting parameters and the insane pyrotechnics that happening, most have no idea who in the hey they’re targeting. Tab? You have to tab through about 20 targets before you can actually zero in on some one that is worth your while. Sure, I’m complaining Coglin, but I’m not the first one nor will I be the last to point out that the targeting in this game, including the scope of available parameters, is weak, weak, weak.

1) if your not the first, why would you make a new thread on it, instead of continuing the conversation on existing threads? What makes you so special.

2) I can mouse click any target reasonably easily.

3) Judging by your post, I do not believe your using all 4 options of targeting available to you, and when I seconded the suggest of 3 of them, you chose to argue

4) I disagree with you, regardless of the reason, I have no issue with it, nor do the other 5 account holders and players in my home.

Millions of folks where tin foil hats, claim that aliens live among us, and see UFOs in their back yard every day. That doesn’t mean I should believe them anymore then you and the select few others who complain that it is an issue.

Look at it another way. What targeting solution do you have for a WvW scenario with 70 target able characters in a region with a large battle ?

Oh and “target nearest enemy” doesn’t target random sacks of kindling. It only targets player or non player characters capable of combat.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

(edited by coglin.1496)

Targeting... I'd rather hit my head against a concrete wall... repeatedly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: raesirecks.4325


1) if your not the first, why would you make a new thread on it, instead of continuing the conversation on existing threads? What makes you so special.

I’m special because I know how to end questions with question marks. Booyah!

Seriously, that was wrong and I apologize. I started a new thread because, as on all forums, threads get buried. Likewise, I’m not arguing with you. You’re arguing with me. You have a position and I have a different one, but I stated mine first.

My opinion is that ANET could provide a more refined set of parameters that actually allow for a more accurate targeting system. Again, I want to point out that I am not the first to highlight this. At the same time, I do not purport to know how to solve the problem as I am not a game developer. However, in the words of Thoreau, “my own personal faults and shortcomings do not detract from the truth of my statements.”

Yes, I know that you can’t target kindling. I was exaggerating to prove a point. It’s a common technique… I picked it up from our presidential candidates.

Since you have no problem, nor the other 5 account holders or players in your home (have fam involved?), outside of the ‘parameters’ suggested previously, what do you do specifically that allows you to be at peace with the existing targeting system?

Seriously, I’m asking and am sincere in my request. Arguments aside, I’m struggling.

(edited by raesirecks.4325)

Targeting... I'd rather hit my head against a concrete wall... repeatedly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: coglin.1496


My opinion is that ANET could provide a more refined set of parameters that actually allow for a more accurate targeting system. Again, I want to point out that I am not the first to highlight this. At the same time, I do not purport to know how to solve the problem as I am not a game developer. However, in the words of Thoreau, “my own personal faults and shortcomings do not detract from the truth of my statements.”

Yes, I know that you can’t target kindling. I was exaggerating to prove a point. It’s a common technique… I picked it up from our presidential candidates.

Since you have no problem, nor the other 5 account holders or players in your home (have fam involved?), outside of the ‘parameters’ suggested previously, what do you do specifically that allows you to be at peace with the existing targeting system?

Seriously, I’m asking and am sincere in my request. Arguments aside, I’m struggling.

And I do not want it changed. The ones like yourself are the vocal minority who want to change a system that most of us feel works well. Your 5 account holders joke was referring to those other 5 thread starters complaining about it right?

Unless you have evidence to support that over half of the 2.5+ million who purchased the game have issues with it, all your lobbying for is hosing the rest of use so the select few 20-50 tops who have posted about get what they want. No offense, but I do not want to get hosed, just because a few of you guys have a tough targeting day in WvW.

Yes, I know that you can’t target kindling. I was exaggerating to prove a point. It’s a common technique… I picked it up from our presidential candidates.

I would like to take a step back from the issue here to applaud this, because at the time I read it, It struck me as pretty kitten funny.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Targeting... I'd rather hit my head against a concrete wall... repeatedly

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zaxziakohl.5243


I’ll be honest. I rarely use the targeting system.

If something hits me and I have no target, I seem to target it automatically. Love that, and it’s useful.

I don’t have to be targeting to hit anything. If I use single shots, I aim in the general direction I want it to go. If I’m using aoe’s then I manually aim as a general rule. When you start thwacking away, you will auto-target one of the things you hit. And since you’ve already aimed and hit it, one would assume that it is an appropriate target yes?

I only use the tab-target in instances of me v one mob…