Taxi to "good" server
I have played this game since pre launch and enjoyed it very much. I have spent more than an average of 20$/month in the shop. This “taxi” trend of late concerns me. It seems as if:
Taxi to good server: more loot chest, more bags, enemies die faster, more fun
No taxi: stuck on crap server: barely any bags, weak loot, event takes an hour to complete, no fun, etc….
Is this what this game has become? Fun and engaging if you can “taxi” to a decent server, no fun and suffering if you get stuck on a “bad” server.
Is that what the devs want the difference between a player that gets decent rewards and a player that gets basically no rewards to be? Luck on whether they get on a decent server or not? Seems like really bad gameplay….. Why not make the events scale to gear correctly so that every server has a chance to do well? (Just a thought). Why punish players that play your game (just because they had the misfortune of logging into a “bad” server). Seems like a really poor design decision.
Why ppl can’t just listen to the Commanders?Why is so hard to just use a ts3?
The servers that succeed at boss blitz do so because someone was proactive about organizing the event. If you don’t want to taxi to a different server consider organizing something on the server that you’re placed into.
oh well, we all know open world sucks anyway. I guess Anet is heading toward the instance route too.
Why ppl can’t just listen to the Commanders?Why is so hard to just use a ts3?
This times a million.
But sadly, as seen from many open world raids, average population of GW2 consists of people who aren’t keen on engaging in organisation or reading/listening. And they also don’t bother finding out a decent build.
Without instanced raid content, and without choosing which server we go to and choosing people to play with, this creates random problems and things like “good server” and “bad server” and the constant need for Taxi.
[DV] – megaboss community
It’s not a game design. It’s the players. When Boom Boom, for example, takes 30+ minutes to kill because people keep ignoring the turret no matter how many times people tell them to attack the turret, not her…it’s not a surprise that people taxi. Not taxiing means you get stuck with the people that don’t listen, and thus can’t get the event completed in time.
Don’t blame ANet for something that’s completely on the players.
Catorii | Lustre Delacroix | Catorii Desmarais | Synalie
It’s a problem with both design and players.
On one hand you have the mindless zerg who, for whatever reason, are unable to coordinate; on the other hand you have an event design that makes it easy for a mindless zerg to ruin coordinated efforts.
I’m assuming Anet is using some sort of sadistic Pavlovian technique to try and wean people away from zerging, but I think they’re overestimating the average zerger’s ability to adapt to new strategies.
You don’t need voice chat for PvE. It’s the same encounter every time, the same tactics every time, nothing fluctuates, nothing changes.
It’s time people stopped playing the blame game and started playing THIS game.
They started to convert open world content to highly-organization-obligatory content.
Ok, coordination and playing together is good. But what about taxiing problems and trying to join a community(with teamspeak) instance for 30-60 minutes ?
Is this fun ? Imo, no !
I’m getting bored while I’m trying to join the taxi guy’s instance. It takes so long and becomes a boring “in-game dialog” click fest. Click>Instance full>Ok>Click again…
You always fail with pugs, because of the lack of coordination. The game must be more user and pug friendly. They should find a way between organized communities and pugs.
Coordinated game play requires some form of leadership. And of course there are way more followers than leaders.
For the Crown Pavilion Boss blitz you need 6 leaders to get the “Gold & Silver rewards” a zerg can complete for Bronze.
I have yet to be in there with more than 2 (even during prime time) commanders. I have seen in map chat people say “we need 6 commanders” (and usually there is only 0 or 1 on the map)!!! So once the bosses come up everyone will follow as a zerg because even though people are spamming chat with “we need 6 groups” no one is stepping up and saying I’ll lead a group here. Someone else start grouping up over there"
Also there are trolls who also spam no need for groups.. we want to zerg zerg zerg.
So, anyone that is new to the festival is bound to be confused and just follow the group.
Also, there are those players that see it going to be a zerg and only go kill one boss and then afk in the middle until the end reward. So even experienced players end up not helping the situation.
So it’s understandable that those who have the opportunity to “taxi” to a better more coordinated server, will do so.
Last night, myself and a few other people built up an instance to do blitz. We did not use Teamspeak. We “recruited” solely through LFG. Anybody was welcome, regardless of gear or level.
They just had to take the initiative to open LFG, look for a taxi, and join.
We got gold within a few attempts and then over and over and over again.
As a small guild leader who has had many concerns that large-scale coordinated events will lead more and more of my members to leave and join 500+ man guilds, it’s been a concern to ensure that these events can be done by PUGs. This event is tuned perfectly for that.
In fact, we typically got gold with the last 15 seconds of the timer. (Once we managed it about a minute early.)
My mantra: I’ll worth with anybody who wants to work with me. I’ll organize with anybody who cares to organize. I’ll do the event with anybody who wants to DO the event.
LFG seems to be a good way to get those people in the same place. I’m curious if I could put together a guild-launched Tequatl or Wurm group that way… /