Teleport to a friend

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jade.7614


Can Anet PLEASE put teleport to a friend in the gem store? I would also like to have the option to ‘buy’ map opening. Could we have the map opened (not necessarily completed), at least so it is easier to find things in an unexplored map? Speaking as a player who both works and goes to school full time, I don’t have any toons with map completion, but to have the map opened at least with waypoints would be so worth it. Those who are against the idea of either of these things, simply do not buy them!!


Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


That was a nice attempt on the preemptive argument. I have 100% map completion, multiple times. It’s really not that hard and I’d be annoyed if someone were allowed to simply buy the achievement.

Mesmerising Girl

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mXz.4512


That was a nice attempt on the preemptive argument. I have 100% map completion, multiple times. It’s really not that hard and I’d be annoyed if someone were allowed to simply buy the achievement.

Likewise, it’s similarly redundant as having the game play itself. Paying for pre-geared characters, paying for levels, etc. If that’s the whole point, then really why bother playing at all?

As I mentioned in another topic, most maps aren’t even that hard to go through. Tedious with mobs, sure, but that’s the extent of it.

Yes I’m a vet, yes I’m salty. Problem?

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I suspect T2F are setup to be special rewards for those willing to drop funds on BL chests. They also give them away for free with 3rd & 4th birthday presents.

I doubt they’d want to dilute the value of the reward by also selling them directly.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jade.7614


As I said previously, those who object just shouldn’t buy them !! :P

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jade.7614


the other thing I said was not buy map completion but just open the maps and wp, all other achievements on the map would still have to be done the old fashioned way. Sheesh!! L 2 READ

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Berelious.3290


Personally, at this point I see no problem with an item that allows access to one or two waypoints per map if you don’t have them. However I do feel that instant access to all of them is a bit overkill.

Corwin Grimjaw: Guardian (80)
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

As I said previously, those who object just shouldn’t buy them !! :P

That has nothing to do with what I posted. Personally, I don’t care if these are purchasable or not; I know people who don’t have enough and would do so.

However, there are two issues:

  • If people can buy them, they aren’t special rewards; they are just money saved.
  • It makes map completion purchasable; that isn’t currently true.

Accordingly, I’ve speculated that ANet objects to the idea, which would make it moot about whether players object or not.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jade.7614


“However, there are two issues:
If people can buy them, they aren’t special rewards; they are just money saved.
It makes map completion purchasable; that isn’t currently true.”
Again, NOT ASKING TO PURCHASE MAP COMPLETION. Had to cap it since people can’t seem to read. I asked for the map to be opened so you know where things are that you are looking for and maybe a wp or two per section. Map completion to be done manually like normal people. All POIs, Vistas, and skill points , and mastery points to be achieved manually.
On the teleport to a friend. I can’t seem to get any. I have opened countless chests and not gotten any. Their favorite item to put in a chest is two useless items and one moderately useful. I have even purchased Black Lion keys looking for them, to no avail. All of those who object to others purchasing probably have at least 30 on each toon anyway. Hence they don’t need to buy. But some of us do need to. Why does it have to be ‘special’ to you? It is a utility just like repair canisters and revive orbs which are all available to purchase.

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I’m sorry you haven’t gotten any & I sympathize. That doesn’t mean that it’s a good idea for ANet to sell them directly.

I’ll try one more time to explain: you might have map completion, but other people do not. It would allow anyone to purchase waypoints by buying T2F and letting other people get to the harder-to-reach spots.

You might not consider these as a special reward, but the fact that they are exclusive to chests & birthdays makes them so. Making them purchasable affects how people feel about those rewards; it has nothing to do with owning some now.

So again, I’m not saying that I personally object because I do not object to the idea. I am speculating as to why ANet might object, so that you understand why it might be a good idea that isn’t likely to happen.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Teleport to Friend is now a “special reward?” Good grief. How low we have fallen.

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I really like them. They seem ‘special’ to me, like Mystic Forge Stones. Much more so than, say, Merchant Expresses or the like.

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hiwi Kiwi.7386

Hiwi Kiwi.7386

I see an exploit coming. For people who worked their bums off with many characters having map comp.. this seems unfair. Also, consider what could be exploited outside of just map comp. I don’t agree with this. Sorry.

Also “just ignoring it” is not a solution. You don’t want to play the game – don’t play. You don’t want to work for what you get – then that says a lot about someone outside the game as well.

#saltysomuchnotreallylearnsarcasm <3

" ’Cause in the end, all you really have are memories. "

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arnox.5128


To everyone who thinks it cheapens map completion, let me ask this.

Why the hell does it matter how someone completed a map. It’s just a stupid map. And even further, you wouldn’t even know if someone completed a map or not. And even FURTHER, it’s just waypoints. Not the whole map. As in they’ll still have to jog around to see everything and get map completion.

ArenaNet, please give us more skills!

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: trailofsalt.6571


I would also like to have the option to ‘buy’ map opening. Could we have the map opened (not necessarily completed), at least so it is easier to find things in an unexplored map?

There are numerous guides to help you find what you need for map completion. There is the wiki for starters. GW2Timer has a full map that shows you everything including map gates. Lulleh (Oopsy) has a great list of all the maps you need for map completion with an entire custom route planned and explained. You can find those maps here:

The ability to buy map discovery on the gem store would break the spirit of map completion and there are those like me who still enjoy it. I was remarking to a guild mate earlier how we get so wrapped up in achievements, WvW, sPvP, rewards, bosses, and so we tend to forget how beautiful this game is put together both visually and musically. Map completion is a way you can recapture some of that beauty.

Do the Tyrian Explorers Society proud… explore!

I smash “1” for greatness… (òÓ,)

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jade.7614


I would also like to have the option to ‘buy’ map opening. Could we have the map opened (not necessarily completed), at least so it is easier to find things in an unexplored map?

There are numerous guides to help you find what you need for map completion. There is the wiki for starters. GW2Timer has a full map that shows you everything including map gates. Lulleh (Oopsy) has a great list of all the maps you need for map completion with an entire custom route planned and explained. You can find those maps here:

The ability to buy map discovery on the gem store would break the spirit of map completion and there are those like me who still enjoy it. I was remarking to a guild mate earlier how we get so wrapped up in achievements, WvW, sPvP, rewards, bosses, and so we tend to forget how beautiful this game is put together both visually and musically. Map completion is a way you can recapture some of that beauty.

Do the Tyrian Explorers Society proud… explore!

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jade.7614


Oh MY GOODNESS!!! Did you EVER miss the point of my post!! I asked for the map to be opened so you can find things you need B4 map completion, then map completion can be done at as leisurely pace. As it is now, when I have a character that does not have some maps opened up, I have to figure out where the ‘portals’ are to adjoining maps so I can find a way into the map from one I have open 2 or three away. It’s exhausting. At least if we could open the ‘portals’ to other maps would even be helpful. bold I am not talking about buying map completion!!!bold Why can no one understand that?
And teleport to a friend is no more special than revive orbs or repair cans. Make them available for purchase.
