Temple event scaling

Temple event scaling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


I don’t know whom changed the scaling of these events but, I’m sick of being one shotted already. Especially when it’s not showing on the combat log or simply saying “unknown” hit me for more than my entire HP pool.

Fix or tone it down, please…. Not fun!

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Temple event scaling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


For your information, the ‘unknown’ damage type is usually an explosion from the risen plague mobs. They walk up to you, have a one second explosion animation, then explode and die. If you dodge the danger is gone permanently so in regular play they can be countered. They are particularly difficult to spot in the graphical mess of an event like Lyssa after they are summoned by risen acolytes.

There have been a number of requests to remove these mobs in the past and I would agree. It is unfair to ask players to spot the plague mobs, let alone their animation, in the temple events.

Temple event scaling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ionut.2307


How do you not know where “unknown” damage comes from?
GW2 and combat log at its best.

Temple event scaling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chemiclord.3978


It really is long past due for the ability to mask all particle effects except the user’s, at the very least. If you want your mechanics to be based on identifying what the enemy is doing and reacting to it… we need to be able to, ya know, SEE what is going on in front of us.

Temple event scaling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Algreg.3629


I donĀ“t think the scaling was changed, it is just more players now at these events scaling to maximum which we had not seen in a long time.

Temple event scaling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


I was at the Cannon event chain of Lyssa when I blew my top and made this thread. I was making laps around the cannon while dropping traps to chill/cripple in my wake. Even with an infinity spawn of level 82’s I was doing ok. I truly did not see any cause for the damage. It’s like “Yeah….. baby!!!! Whooooo……” pop I’m dead. Wha’ .. why?

For the Lyssa temple event itself, yeah that’s troll central. The camera is so bad and the AOE effects blind you to the mobs, especially Troll Kong!!!!!! I wiped to him twice. He was not even on the platform but, below and inside the wall. No way I could have seen it coming. It’s just really poorly designed.

Grenth shades have been wiping entire maps. I ran into an active event and went straight to the room to the right. I ran over the pool, hit #1, and then pop, insta dead from a shade. Again, no damage report in the combat log.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

Temple event scaling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Max Lexandre.6279

Max Lexandre.6279

The scaling that cused issues is at Arah Escort to Shank Anchorage, if there is +10 people it spawns 2-3 champs with major aoes that get npcs down and fails event in a matter of seconds, we decided to leave the area and let only 5 people do the escort to make it possible.

About Grenth, Grenth was never made to be Zerged, he zergs you back.

I’m The Best in Everything.
Asura thing.