Tequatl Feedback [Merged]
Wonderful, teq is STUPIDLY easy again. -_-
Really Anet, can’t you adjust it properly instead of going too far one way or another? Please? Teq should not be as easy kittenterer.
Actually Teq is back to the situation before all patches (starting with the skill patch); it has been this way all along, either succes with 7-9 minutes left, or fail due to not enough players around. After the skill patch this changed to succes with 10+ minutes left and was called too easy. Than the +100% health patch changed it to very hard, due to lack of crit spots. Now that has been repaired and we are back to how it always was: 7-9 minutes left after succes or fail due to not enough players around. Indeed, that is no hardmode Teq anymore, but why complain now if people kept quiet all those months before the patchings where he was slain in the same amount of time? I’d say: good fixing!
(edited by Albadaran.1283)
Wonderful, teq is STUPIDLY easy again. -_-
Really Anet, can’t you adjust it properly instead of going too far one way or another? Please? Teq should not be as easy kittenterer.
Actually Teq is back to the situation before all patches (starting with the skill patch); it has been this way all along, either succes with 7-9 minutes left, or fail due to not enough players around. After the skill patch this changed to succes with 10+ minutes left and was called too easy. Than the +100% health patch changed it to very hard, due to lack of crit spots. Now that has been repaired and we are back to how it always was: 7-9 minutes left after succes or fail due to not enough players around. Indeed, that is no hardmode Teq anymore, but why complain now if people kept quiet all those months before the patchings where he was slain in the same amount of time? I’d say: good fixing!
Maybe Anet can buff it a little.
- For instance batteries/laser defending phase is to easy.Adding something more to it would be nice.
- Anet can add not able to ressurect dead people(only waypointing will bring you back to life).
- From downstate only banners can raly players.Well you can heal your self too.But none other player can heal.
(edited by moiraine.2753)
teq is back to were it should be and pretty much the same as before they broke it.
All is forgiven ANET. I stopped facing Teq for about a week once I saw it can’t be done but I hop in today and got a Dire Ascended Chest by the end of it ^^.
Lastly, geez, you can never pleased anyone on here.
Anet doubled the HP, and then doubled the damage each person do. If that is not quality game balancing, I don’t know what is.
Looking from the outside, what they did was fix so condi worked and crit worked while keeping the difficult level about the same as before. If they had just done that in a single patch it would had looked great.
(edited by Belorn.2659)
Killed Teq VERY fast last night. Only one wave of mobs spawned (the ones at 14:00) and we were working on the champ when battery phase started.
Not sure what the solution should be; I liked it being harder but I like bosses can be crit. I’d love to see Teq do more varied attacks but I doubt that will happen.
Teq was a very normally timed take down last night after the July 7 patch. Of course, everyone was doing what they were supposed to be doing. We had Teq down at about the 8 min mark. Heck, most of the bosses seemed normal again.
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi
Finally, it is fixed again, thank god.
Maybe you can put some new attacks/moves for him so the fight can be a little harder, but we don’t need some extreme hardcore content for this boss, if people really want hardcore content, go for fractal 50 and solo Arah.
Wonderful, teq is STUPIDLY easy again. -_-
Really Anet, can’t you adjust it properly instead of going too far one way or another? Please? Teq should not be as easy kittenterer.
It’s medium difficulty and that is perfectly fine, go solo champions around Tyria if Teq is too easy for you, you will probably have more fun.
This WB should be accessible to everyone.
Buffed health pool is not hard mode Teq. As I’ve suggested before; if you want a hard Teq fight all you gotta do is spawn into the map like 30 seconds before the event starts. You’ll probably get into a fresh map. Loads of challenge trying to set things up and organize the handful of people you’ve got with you. Seriously, have a blast with hard mode, just don’t expect any rewards from it.
Teq is back where it should be for the majority of the player base.
Beat Teq on a map I hopped into 5 minutes before reset last night. We didn’t have a south hills group setup or a finger team. A few attentive players took out the south hills mobs when the turret called for help and remained for defense. But otherwise this seemed like a pre patch fight that required less coordination than the last two weeks and felt a little less like an accomplishment. I can’t complain because it was a win, but the fact that it would have failed on Monday made the fight a bit more exciting.
teq is back to were it should be and pretty much the same as before they broke it.
Yep Tequatl is back to beeing a loot pinata giving candy to everyone once more.
Tequatl feels like it’s in the same place as before the balance patch. Anet never intended to make the fight more challenging, just to balance it out. I would be fine with instanced “challenge mode” for guilds(with unique rewards), but kitten he’s back to normal now, let it be.
I ’m actually fine with the whole double HP + crit chance, now that it is no longer bugged. It is harder than it was before. Let me explain:
Prior to this update, the best way to fight tequatl was in soldier gear. The additional toughness and health meant that the average player could take quite a beating. But now, to do maximum damage you need glass cannon gear, and that takes away more than you’d think.
For example, I like to do Tequatl on my elementalist. In my full soldier set (soldier gear with ruby trinkets and strength runes. Zerker weapon), I have an effective power of 2998, and an effective health of 26,04 This is including things like crit chance, crit damage, toughness, but not healing. Now, I have to do Tequatl on my zerker set, which has 4220 effective power, but 12,505 effective health.
Lets compare the two. I’m gaining 40.7% more damage, but losing 48% of my overall health. Now these percentages can be a bit misleading, because they actually mean different things. So, I’ll put it in ratios, I have about 1/2th my health, but am doing only 7/5ths more damage.
Since old Teqqy couldn’t be crit, I actually had a relevant power stat of 2633. But also, teq had half of the health, so that is equivalent to 5266 power now. Overall I am doing 4/5ths the total damage, but at1/2 half the health..
Wonderful, teq is STUPIDLY easy again. -_-
Really Anet, can’t you adjust it properly instead of going too far one way or another? Please? Teq should not be as easy kittenterer.
It’s medium difficulty and that is perfectly fine, go solo champions around Tyria if Teq is too easy for you, you will probably have more fun.
This WB should be accessible to everyone.
It’s not even medium difficulty. It’s complete faceroll. I was incredibly disgusted by it last night. This boss is not supposed to be easy like the other bosses. We had the kitten thing down in 13 Minutes and change.
And I’m in a large organized guild. We like to do things together. Right now the only large scale boss that gives even a tiny bit of challenge is TT. That’s it. Anet needs to address this problem and create more bosses like Marionette and TT. Or give us some way to spawn a hard mode version of bosses.
(edited by xarallei.4279)
Oxxx only if it was possible to summon a hard mode Tequatl that would be freeking awesome.Leave the bloody pinata that it is now to the casuals and give the hard core a higher difficulty.The potion that can be used to summon bosses is worthless.
Ok yesterday I (been a super casual player and like before expresing how frustating is to be called pug and noob) run (yes i run) a succesfull TEQ, and yet come across the big one problem of this fight (what Anet already say their going to fix) and was the crits spot. The problem now is not even the organization part, and yes it is a pain in the kitten been there 1h to 45m before a event, and thats the real reason here.
lest face it, theres really few that made this kind of events for fun, every single MMO have the same treat… and thats the “LOOT”, invested time / loot is the only reazon you play a hard event (im not saying imposbile anymore). if your gonna spend 1h for the same loot you get before the patch them the reason behind making the event is really disapointing, so yes right now SW is a gold digger stuff (and actually is awesome), and i find that really good for all the players (veterans and new ones), cose again lest be real most people havent reach what you say "At a certain point, gold becomes irrelevant. " and are aiming that spot, so yes i really hope they keep events for people that like hard stuff and do it for fun, but i hope also that Anet do something about the loot
I agree that loot per minute appears to be the prevailing viewpoint, and will also admit I do promote that attitude for people who have a high cost goal they want to achieve (ex: legendary).
My view is that it’s impossible to consistently balance loot with effort, and there will always be optimal methods to earn it by (grinding) certain events. In this game, the hardest content (or longest time to complete) does not have the highest rewards in value.
But, there is the simple reward of satisfaction that you completed the event. This is the only place where I’ve ever found “hard” content, in any game, to have value. No amount of gold will ever overcome bashing one’s head against a challenge for days on end.. but when that first win comes, the feeling is EPIC.
Isn’t that why most people play video games? In my own 34 years of gaming, that’s the answer for me. Your mileage may vary significantly
I prefer the time limit be meaningful. A 15 minute timer only needing half that is strange. Why is it there? If there are 3 minutes left, that puts the time limit into play, not 8 or 9
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”
Tequatl’s nice because he can give me my daily fix and income if I’m busy. That, along with needing a Sunless weapon skin, makes me happy to see the crit spot is fixed and Tequatl is back to his pre-traits’n’conditions difficulty more or less. If I ever feel up for a challenge, usually I’ll just go berzerker ele double-dagger and practice staying alive while clipping his toenails. Doesn’t lead to high stress of having wasted 45 minutes as the past two weeks had been.
I still pitch that the hardcore apples find/form guilds dedicated to handicapping themselves and doing Teq and other things that way, if they’re in this for challenging runs and not rewards as some claim. That’s a safe compromise, yes? It’s a player driven way for adding the artificial difficulty they yearn for so much and doesn’t necessarily mean everything else has to be more of a pain for the rest of us.
[EDS] Elder Dragon Sympathizers
No, that’s not really a good compromise. We need real content to do and Anet needs to address this in HoT by giving us more difficult world bosses and/or an elite zone. Or give us guild summons for a hard mode version of world bosses. The current state of things is terrible.
I liked hardmode Teq better. Sure we failed him a couple of times but it was totally the players fault, either the Turrets not cleansing zerg or zerg not stacking properly. When it all came together right it felt like a well-earned victory.
Easy Teq is cheese. He gets 1 real attack phase and then it’s just chain burn till win.
No, that’s not really a good compromise. We need real content to do and Anet needs to address this in HoT by giving us more difficult world bosses and/or an elite zone. Or give us guild summons for a hard mode version of world bosses. The current state of things is terrible.
I dig the guild difficulty option, provided they have some kind of incentive for the buff (so that people can complain when they join a teq guild for better rewards and Super Teq is too hard)
That being said, as it is now, if you want challenge, handicap yourself for the time. Skinny dip with Teq and leave the map if you die if you want Teq harder than he’s become accepted to be. I’m hoping for enough varied content in HoT that can be challenging, but not a boring slugfest like Teq and some other bosses were with doubled HP before the crit fix.
[EDS] Elder Dragon Sympathizers
Well there definitely should be better rewards for harder content. Greater the effort should give a greater reward. Doesn’t have to be much, something like exclusive skins and new titles. So I would expect a hard mode version of bosses to give something.
So the question I have now… Is Teq still a “structure”?
If not, what is it?
Also… I did like it better when it was harder, it was more of a challenge and more rewarding when completed. But that is all behind us now.
Well there definitely should be better rewards for harder content. Greater the effort should give a greater reward. Doesn’t have to be much, something like exclusive skins and new titles. So I would expect a hard mode version of bosses to give something.
You were the most vocal here for the bugged, pug-unfriendly Teq, and now you want better rewards for doing a hardmode version if they ever implement that? What happened to having something fun to do in an organized setting? Which also boiled down to having more zerkers/reflects and standing at a certain spot. Easiest attainable farm-status ever, just exclude the casuals from the map. Sorry, but those are the bread and butter of this game and the master is well aware of it.
Well there definitely should be better rewards for harder content. Greater the effort should give a greater reward. Doesn’t have to be much, something like exclusive skins and new titles. So I would expect a hard mode version of bosses to give something.
You were the most vocal here for the bugged, pug-unfriendly Teq, and now you want better rewards for doing a hardmode version if they ever implement that? What happened to having something fun to do in an organized setting? Which also boiled down to having more zerkers/reflects and standing at a certain spot. Easiest attainable farm-status ever, just exclude the casuals from the map. Sorry, but those are the bread and butter of this game and the master is well aware of it.
Sorry, but pugs were killing teq more and more often towards the end. They just needed to learn. That fight was not hard, even when it was bugged. Which is something I said. Multiple times. It’s a medium difficulty fight in the end and not supposed to be faceroll, but it’s not supposed to be super hard either so that pugs can kill it if they get organized. It is not a “hard mode” fight. For a true hard mode fight like what we are proposing with a guild summon hard version of a boss, yes you bet your kitten it should have better rewards. It’s a slap in the face to not reward greater effort in some way. And no, Anet more health is not hard mode. More mechanics is what we need. And it wouldn’t have to be something massive, like I said….titles or some skins would probably be fine.
I’m disappointed in the current teq because it’s not even medium difficulty now, it’s faceroll easy. Which makes it very boring. I guess we’ll have to live with it until Anet gives us something more interesting in HoT.
Oh and please stop equating casuals with farmers or facerollers. They are not one and the same. There are plenty of casual players who want harder content.
edit: Anet it would be really awesome if you allowed us to summons special hard mode bosses in our guild halls. It would be a fun way for guilds to do content together. This might be a great way to bring back Marionette somehow. That’s still a favorite of mine.
(edited by xarallei.4279)
First thing: sorry for my english.
Maybe this is not a good ideia but im going to say it anyway. Teq has Hardened Scales that makes it invulnerable when its get at 20 scales, i was thinking like if the “Hardened Scales” absorb damage, like for each scales its absorb 1% of damage, and when it get at 20 scales its become invulnarable and for regenerate a % of health based in the amount of damage absorb for the time it sinvulnerable, something like " for each 5s invulnerable its regenerate 1-5% of the damage .
Anyway, just an ideia.
I am curious for those who say that they want hard content, and everything is simply way too easy. Would you be satisfied it ANet gave you your hard content for the same or less reward we get now? I am just curious if you really want a challenge or just like to complain. After all the challenge of beating harder content is it’s own reward.
P.S. I know, I know, why do harder content if I am not going to get a better reward. Thank you for making my point for me.
It’s quite simple, because that is what is fair. More effort equals more reward in some way. Would I do the content anyway? Probably. I do TT everyday afterall and we all know the rewards are terrible. But even TT gives you a title for a triple decap. When Marionette was around I did that everyday as well, despite not being interested in the loot. You are honestly going to begrudge someone some small reward? Seriously? It’s not like we’re asking for some tier of gear beyond ascended that’s only obtainable through the hard content. Because that would be unfair and not in the spirit of GW2.
(edited by xarallei.4279)
I am curious for those who say that they want hard content, and everything is simply way too easy. Would you be satisfied it ANet gave you your hard content for the same or less reward we get now? I am just curious if you really want a challenge or just like to complain. After all the challenge of beating harder content is it’s own reward.
P.S. I know, I know, why do harder content if I am not going to get a better reward. Thank you for making my point for me.
Honestly right now I would do it for the same or less reward. I have already done enough dungeons and stuff to get all the stuff in game that i really want. I mostly play now because i really enjoy hanging out with my guild. Even now my favorite Teq kills are when we spawn it ourselves at an off-time so there are few if any pugs on the map. These are also some of our best times for the kill.
The other reason I enjoy playing the game is because I really like how all of the combat mechanics work. And the more content really flushes out all of the different mechanics the more I like it.
This is also why we only melee Teq, you have to dodge, reflect, heal, coordinate turrets, and focus on highest dps all at the same time. I honestly would not do Teq at all if my guild did not melee it. It would be too boring.
Everything is normal again it seems.
We just done with KnT / ATT guild spawn.
Time was about more than 11:20 left on the clock.
everyone who claims its “faceroll to easy”#
that whats happen if a boss is exposed to a great puplic ALL THE TIME.
since we have no better exsample i compare it to raid bosses in WoW.
WHAT happens to raids 3 months after the inital launch and th dust of world first settled?
the bosses get to FARM status and not jsut for hardcore raids, but casual raids too.
tactics are imbeeded in your muscle memory, thing SEEM easier since you are conditioned to fight the raid boss.
what you see as face roll baby easy mode is simply tequatle goin back to farm status, specialy since the mechnics in of themselfs never changed. the onyl thing the community had to adjust too was more zerk dmg.
and that is the reason why it was DUMB to call double HP hardmode in the first place.
it wasn’t. it was a to uncalculated attempt to keep teq on the pre pre patch farm level of succes, while i think the pre patch version was actualy better to effectifly get the loot rewards after good 1 1/2 years of doin this WB.
Your hardmode mindset is really just elitism and exclusion of content that was meant to be for EVERYONE.
and it will happen again. and again. and again.not jsut with tequatl but all the new challanging content coming with HoT. the only thing you can Hope for is that it takes alot longer to bring the challaning content to farm status.
Asoon it hits that point new challanges should be ready to be released.