William S. Burroughs
Tequatl daily
William S. Burroughs
well the teq boss fight got a lot more difficult to make it epic according to anet,it was full of playes in the first 3 week of it after patch but even then the frustration of overflow ruined the fun for many and waiting to get to main server and for teq to land was annoying.totally against fun when players failed to kill teq and u had to do it all over again.
anyway after a month most of hard core players got their achievement and they dont go through same frustration again this time for lousy reward,u can spend same time doing much better stuff and get gold rather than going through teq thing again.
that is why on my server teq is almost dead and 2 other servers i guested for it.
now days if u want to kill teq u should do it at peak time and get lucky to get into main server and get lucky again with players who can kill it.
TEQ IS ALREADY A DEAD CONTENT.just try to kill it these days and see how dead it is .
anet stop making such content please. i like world bosses when they were weak at least that time they were among one of the ways u could make gold out of them. they were not dead.
Its been that way for weeks, im guessing the recent surge in people complaining about the event being a ghost town, that anet figured lets try force people to go to the event for that 1 AP yaya, no, its still a ghost town, no one has any interest in this event, so really they took an event that was farmed daily into an event that was farmed for a week then abandoned, and im sure Jorlag, Shatterer will soon follow.
It’s just that so many people hate zerging, and teamspeak coordinated zerging is even more frustrating for some…
William S. Burroughs
Tequatl Terror Squad strikes again!
I would never encourage the developers to introduce more content of this kind by joining such an initiative, but hf.
William S. Burroughs
For as ‘difficult’ as Teq is, the rewards hardly seem worth it. I’ve done it about 20-30 times. I’ve managed to get nothing of value except 2 sunless runes for my efforts (so yea, nothing of value). Obviously a 100% chance to drop an ascended item is a bit excessive, but I’m tired of running the encounter for a bunch of greens that I’ll just salvage when I can get about the same amount of loot elsewhere. This is how most players feel and why they’ve stopped showing up.
ANet needs to expand on their token system some. Introduce a ‘master token’. Players can turn in 1 laurel, 100 dungeon tokens, 250 badges of honor, 1 guild emblem to get a ‘master token’. These master tokens can then be used to buy things of higher value. Say 50 toeksn to get an ascended weapon. 1 token to get a dungeon skin as opposed to the item. 1/2/3 tokens to get a cultural skin.
this way, regardless of what a player does, they’re awarded for their efforts. the player knows going in what amount of work is needed to get what they’re after. They can do whatever they want to get it.
Once you have a proper reward system in place, then you roll out the unique skins and such that have a stupidly rare chance to drop.
If certain content (like Tequatl) doesn’t get enough attention under this system then it means it’s too difficult and needs to be toned down.
The fun was in doing the content once for the challenge or a few times to complete the achievement.
The fight itself is not fun, too many deaths, too much coordination required, no reward for failing. It’s just not worth it...
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
It’s just that so many people hate zerging, and teamspeak coordinated zerging is even more frustrating for some…
i find it ridicilous that i’m forced to use teamspeak to do a event. I’m sitting in the livingroom and my wife and kids don’t like it when dad is talking to nobody when they watching tv. so there will be never a dungeon or teq for me in this game.
greetz exp
I don’t know why they don’t make two versions of the tequatl:
- Enraged
- Normal
Normal could scale to enraged, accordingly to amount of player, spawn time, certain conditions to spawn, etc etc…
Enraged would give the loot table it currently have.
Normal would be a easier version of tequatl, almost a harder version from the old tequatl, and without the newer drop list.
The new Tequatl is a nice example for bad game design. It is supposed to be an open world event, but it does work like a closed raid encounter.
You can not mix those two qualities without kittening off most of the playerbase. The result, the more or less hardcore people get their stuff, then the event becomes deserted.
Some people will be there from time to time, but thanks to its setup, the encounter becomes unbeatalbe for those. In the end, noone will ever bother with it anymore…
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
I don’t know why they don’t make two versions of the tequatl:
- Enraged
- NormalNormal could scale to enraged, accordingly to amount of player, spawn time, certain conditions to spawn, etc etc…
Enraged would give the loot table it currently have.
Normal would be a easier version of tequatl, almost a harder version from the old tequatl, and without the newer drop list.
Why? Ask yourself, why split the loot?
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
first step to revitalize tequatl would be to get rid of the timer.
all the timer does is say “you better do this this this and this way or else you will fail and get nothing”
make the daily tequatl and future hardcore world bosses have a daily chest of exotic/ascended instead of rare and it will be hoarded again. noone will turn it down if they know they might get a prec or an ascended from it. just dont make the exotic account bound :P
I will always turn it down in its current state, mate. No matter the rewards. I actually prefer to do some of my RL work and pay for gold/items with real money than to waste life camping and zerging this boring event.
One just does not feel that he’s doing anything in the zerg, maybe on the turrets, but it’s only 6 people out of the whole bunch…
William S. Burroughs
(edited by Asmodeus.5782)
I like doing the Teq event, but I hate all the organizing and waiting in overflow before he spawns. I don’t have all that much time to play and the waiting can take up most of my available gaming time.
For as ‘difficult’ as Teq is, the rewards hardly seem worth it. I’ve done it about 20-30 times. I’ve managed to get nothing of value except 2 sunless runes for my efforts (so yea, nothing of value). Obviously a 100% chance to drop an ascended item is a bit excessive, but I’m tired of running the encounter for a bunch of greens that I’ll just salvage when I can get about the same amount of loot elsewhere. This is how most players feel and why they’ve stopped showing up.
ANet needs to expand on their token system some. Introduce a ‘master token’. Players can turn in 1 laurel, 100 dungeon tokens, 250 badges of honor, 1 guild emblem to get a ‘master token’. These master tokens can then be used to buy things of higher value. Say 50 toeksn to get an ascended weapon. 1 token to get a dungeon skin as opposed to the item. 1/2/3 tokens to get a cultural skin.
this way, regardless of what a player does, they’re awarded for their efforts. the player knows going in what amount of work is needed to get what they’re after. They can do whatever they want to get it.
Once you have a proper reward system in place, then you roll out the unique skins and such that have a stupidly rare chance to drop.
If certain content (like Tequatl) doesn’t get enough attention under this system then it means it’s too difficult and needs to be toned down.
I agree entirely. I am one of the reset team that gathers on EU desolation server for the tequatl takedown and its becoming less and less viable even there. We have good, skilled people who put in a lot to lead the community and who haven’t gotten one decent reward out of 30 plus kills. Each time someone else gets their second mini tequatl, its a smack in the face for them and they are less likely to return. Already our turret team is struggling to get all turrets manned and that is where specialist, dedicated players are really needed for the event to work.
Tequatl is being killed by RNG, because the deserving players often feel more cheated with each unrewarding kill they get. They don’t turn up, the kill doesn’t happen, for anyone, lucky or not.
Its rather a bummer to read this. Things have just started to settle down at my job now that we’ve released some of the new healthcare stuff (not the government one) and I had missed Teq’s event. I’m hoping to go back and get a chance at him, but if its so dead that will prove frustrating probably.
Re: daily. ANet has to stop trying to dictate how I play their game.
My server seems to do him daily, but I don’t fully understand the complaints on Teq. If I buy a ticket to Disneyland ankitten ot allowed to ride the kiddy rides because I am too big I don’t throw a fit, I just go do something else. If I can’t do Teq for whatever reason(I dont like teamspeak, too hard, too much organization) then I can choose to just go do something else.
Content is just not for everyone, some content requires more investment than others but you can choose to invest it or not.
My server seems to do him daily, but I don’t fully understand the complaints on Teq. If I buy a ticket to Disneyland ankitten ot allowed to ride the kiddy rides because I am too big I don’t throw a fit, I just go do something else. If I can’t do Teq for whatever reason(I dont like teamspeak, too hard, too much organization) then I can choose to just go do something else.
Content is just not for everyone, some content requires more investment than others but you can choose to invest it or not.
I think the problem is that Teq has become a ghost town because the difficulty-reward ratio is completely out of whack. We don’t like content that is exhausting for the sake of exhausting, without having any real light at the end of the tunnel.
I’ve said before in other threads that I like many of the changes made to Teq (except that I hate the way guesting and overflows are handled. Half the battle is getting into the map), but there’s no point doing it because, ultimately, I get very little out of ~1+ hours work.
It’s sort of like how Fractals have been handled. Devs want us running Fractals? Ok, give us a reason to run them beyond losing 1-2 hours of our lives.
My server seems to do him daily, but I don’t fully understand the complaints on Teq. If I buy a ticket to Disneyland ankitten ot allowed to ride the kiddy rides because I am too big I don’t throw a fit, I just go do something else. If I can’t do Teq for whatever reason(I dont like teamspeak, too hard, too much organization) then I can choose to just go do something else.
Content is just not for everyone, some content requires more investment than others but you can choose to invest it or not.
I think the problem is that Teq has become a ghost town because the difficulty-reward ratio is completely out of whack. We don’t like content that is exhausting for the sake of exhausting, without having any real light at the end of the tunnel.
I’ve said before in other threads that I like many of the changes made to Teq (except that I hate the way guesting and overflows are handled. Half the battle is getting into the map), but there’s no point doing it because, ultimately, I get very little out of ~1+ hours work.
It’s sort of like how Fractals have been handled. Devs want us running Fractals? Ok, give us a reason to run them beyond losing 1-2 hours of our lives.
Fractals and Teq is like comparing luke warm water to boiling water.
Fractals are still one of the best/cheapest ways to get an ascended back item, it gives relics that can be used for bags/shards, it gives skins that are exclusive. You can CHOOSE your group, and run it whenever you want. A well formed group has no problem running it in a short period of time.
Teq on the other hand, forces you to play with afk people, clueless people, rude people, in some server like mine – no people. If you do want to actually succeed, you have to find an overflow with organization already in place, or guest to a big server and get lucky. To get into either of those places you MUST show up early, often over an hour early and wait for the timer (sitting around in sparkfly is lots of fun).
For reqwards, you have a very rare chance of an exclusive skin and ascended weapons… And the same rewards for any other world boss event (a few rares, some greens and blues).
You can argue fractals are not rewarding enough to keep doing them after you have your skins, or after level 20/30/40, but that dungeon is much better handled than Teq, which is a disaster.
The teq activity must be really bad at the moment, if they felt the need to reactivate the daily.
Hint: don’t try to patch the problem with duct tape. First try to find out why it’s broken, and then fix it at it’s core.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
There were loads of posters very aware of what would happen with the Teq event even b4 it was implemented. It was common sense that it would be abandoned by most players. It seems like a waste of time to rework things so less players enjoy the content. Really it’s a lose/lose situation…..lots of time any money is spent…and….less players play the content and avoid what was “fixed”.
Ofc I don’t have the metrics for the event (nor do I see us ever being privied to them), but most severs I have tried guesting to for it have been ghost towns.
Ofc I don’t have the metrics for the event (nor do I see us ever being privied to them), but most severs I have tried guesting to for it have been ghost towns.
Here is the leaderboards which show Tequatl kills by server:
However, kills obtained on overflow servers are not presented on that Leaderboard. As of yesterday the Tequatl Terror Squad alone is over 200 kills on overflow servers:
It’s exactly like what kaiyanwan said, tequatl encounter is more of a raid fight but it’s a world boss, I’m pretty that’s why a lot of people aren’t doing it, pretty sure a lot of guilds would have a weekly event where they go to an instance and kill tequatl, even with the 15 minute timer, but the encounter being a world boss you’ll get a lot of problems (inexperienced people, people who don’t like to wait for over an hour, afk people sending you to overflow, lack of coordination, kittenbags who refuse to WP after they die)
Is currently emotionally unstable because Breaking Bad is over
Ofc I don’t have the metrics for the event (nor do I see us ever being privied to them), but most severs I have tried guesting to for it have been ghost towns.
Here is the leaderboards which show Tequatl kills by server:
However, kills obtained on overflow servers are not presented on that Leaderboard. As of yesterday the Tequatl Terror Squad alone is over 200 kills on overflow servers:
Looking at that…things are not looking good. Out of 18,360 encounters (30 days, 12 enounters per day, times 51 servers) it has only be finished 1,263 times. So if one guild has done it 200 times alone and there are at least 4 designated guilds for it…….you can see where I am going with this. That is 1k players out of millions……….the metrics are worse than I feared.
I think the other thing to take into consideration with the leaderboards (and point it out if I’m missing it) is that it displays when Teq was FIRST downed, but not when it was LAST downed … there was the flurry of activity during the first week the updated Teq went live as numerous servers struggled to be the first one to accomplish it, but within a couple of days of release, it was being done multiple times on multiple servers … but that was then and this is now … how often is Teq being taken down now, outside of specialized guilds organizing in overflow?
- Some random quote -
The Walkers and the Whispers, ANVIL ROCK
I assume the October 1 patch notes don’t reflect what is being seen in game for the event?
Or that the rewards have gone up slightly, but still not close to the scale of difficulty of the event ?
The rewards for fighting Tequatl the Sunless have been updated to more accurately reflect the difficulty of the encounter and coordination required to be successful.”
I did it all of 3 times during boss week and none since. As far as I’m concerned, it not that the event isn’t fun but the time it takes is too long and the requirements are too high.
- It requires you to find and get into a special guild, if they don’t have slots open then too bad, find another. If you already have 5 guilds then do what? Abandon one of them even though you use them regularly?
- it requires you to do it on the guild’s schedule and not yours.
- It requires you to abandon your server and guest to another, which compounds your servers problems in trying to do this event.
- It requires you to wait for one to two hours in a specific map. You can’t just go there when it starts or shortly before and hope to do it if the guild doing it is in an overflow and you can’t get in it.
For the rewards you get and the time required, I’m better off running any of the other meta events and skipping this one.
I kinda wish they had given you what a lot of you wanted, a big instanced raid that you can organized runs for and put a big ol’ dragon in there.
I miss the old Tequatl, and never understood why it was necessary to take content away to provide new content. He is what he is now, though. Sadly some of the tweaks to some of the other dragons make them a bit less frequented too. FE and Shaterer (the purple crystal dragon, if it ends up getting filtered), come to mind. Even Claw, while actually easier to complete now if you have enough people, has taken a really big hit between the champ runs (which I also do, I certainly don’t blame them for how they spend their time, I get it) and the fact that they stripped rewards from the champs at the event. I’m happy to work the wall during the event and forgo the rewards. It was nice having more people around like in the old days that were more interested in the champs, to be honest. At least the ended up helping.
Tequatl is not difficult. My server does him several times a day with several minutes to spare. Everything coordinated by a public teamspeak server and not by large guilds. Increasing his rewards yet again would be nuts.
The new Tequatl is a nice example for bad game design. It is supposed to be an open world event, but it does work like a closed raid encounter.
You can not mix those two qualities without kittening off most of the playerbase. The result, the more or less hardcore people get their stuff, then the event becomes deserted.
Some people will be there from time to time, but thanks to its setup, the encounter becomes unbeatalbe for those. In the end, noone will ever bother with it anymore…
If it’s a bad design, why is it that I’ve been able to beat him numerous times, and max out my achievements? The players who get mad are the ones who don’t organize for the fight. Make friends, join guilds, and coordinate.
Heyyy, the daily is here again. Maybe it’s permanent, like gatherer?
William S. Burroughs
Its rather a bummer to read this. Things have just started to settle down at my job now that we’ve released some of the new healthcare stuff (not the government one) and I had missed Teq’s event. I’m hoping to go back and get a chance at him, but if its so dead that will prove frustrating probably.
Join TTS and you will get him done.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
If it’s a bad design, why is it that I’ve been able to beat him numerous times, and max out my achievements? The players who get mad are the ones who don’t organize for the fight. Make friends, join guilds, and coordinate.
A bad design doesn’t mean it isn’t feasible.
But as an open world content, it requires far too much organization and the respawn timer and random window greatly incentive people to go afk.
Even when killing it, you’re just getting a shot at something nice. Unless you’re lucky, you’ve spent two hours – cause the few servers that are doing it are seeing all the people interested there, cause it scales up too much and either you find yourself on empty servers or in full ones, thus you must go there in advance – for a couple of golds and three rares, all things you could have took in a couple fast dungeon runs in a third of the time.
Imho, they should reduce the random spawn window, reduce the scaling and put a token system so that you don’t find yourself beating him 25 times without finding anything good.
Or make it instanced (but still with a token system).
Ha, even after this “loot” update i got 2 yellows. 7 Greens and 4 Blues. This was total from the chest and the bags you get from killing him. I killed him a total of 7 times and no more then 3 yellows. All greens and blue. Yeah, no thanks.
As of yesterday the Tequatl Terror Squad alone is over 200 kills on overflow servers:
In effect turning the whole thing into a instanced raid by manipulating the overflow mechanics. Nice going ANet…
first step to revitalize tequatl would be to get rid of the timer.
all the timer does is say “you better do this this this and this way or else you will fail and get nothing”
Indeed. All the timer does it reinforce the “DPS! DPS! DPS!” mantra.
It should fail because the players fail to stop Tequatl from obtaining some goal, not because “oh, look at the time! Take 5 everyone!”.
Tequatl is not difficult. My server does him several times a day with several minutes to spare. Everything coordinated by a public teamspeak server and not by large guilds. Increasing his rewards yet again would be nuts.
It doesn’t effect me so it must not effect the other 3+million other users. Well 90% including the surge population…I wonder how far it’ll fall without the surge population.
(edited by Essence Snow.3194)
Lack of rewards and difficulty aside.
It’s the fact that it requires 80+ people to even do.
That’s a mistake I called out INSTANTLY when it was announced.
It’s a viscious cycle, the harder it is to get the people necessary to do it, the less people will bother, which makes it even harder to get people necessary to do it.
They should’ve made it a 30 man event that scales up.
first step to revitalize tequatl would be to get rid of the timer.
all the timer does is say “you better do this this this and this way or else you will fail and get nothing”
Indeed. All the timer does it reinforce the “DPS! DPS! DPS!” mantra.
It should fail because the players fail to stop Tequatl from obtaining some goal, not because “oh, look at the time! Take 5 everyone!”.
Or, make the death more punishing, while also making the one shots and big attacks more forgiving.
They can make anything more difficult and require more zerging. Truth is many of these events cannot be done without zerg, which makes mid low servers fail these events often. And truth is I am about to rage quit the game because I always have to guest to high tier servers to do these events in order to get dc after spending a long time in jormag and gain nothing.
Lack of rewards and difficulty aside.
It’s the fact that it requires 80+ people to even do.
That’s a mistake I called out INSTANTLY when it was announced.
It’s a viscious cycle, the harder it is to get the people necessary to do it, the less people will bother, which makes it even harder to get people necessary to do it.
They should’ve made it a 30 man event that scales up.
Agreed. I think that the rewards for Tequatl are fine (1 gold, 3 guaranteed Rares plus a number of Champ chests and assorted blue/green loot); we can’t make the rewards TOO good without potential impacts on the economy. Personally I’d love it if Teq gave a guaranteed Exotic for beating him, but I imagine that would throw the high-end side of the economy out of whack very quickly.
So the only other solution to avoid Tequatl becoming “abandoned” is to make it so that Tequatl can be completed more easily if there are less people around. We don’t want him to be soloable (or even 5-mannable), but he should be doable by a group of, say, 10 – 20 people as long as they know what to do. Alternatively, remove the timer (or increase it to 20 – 30 mins), so people feel more confident about joining in later and still having a decent chance of success.
The new Tequatl is a nice example for bad game design. It is supposed to be an open world event, but it does work like a closed raid encounter.
You can not mix those two qualities without kittening off most of the playerbase. The result, the more or less hardcore people get their stuff, then the event becomes deserted.
Some people will be there from time to time, but thanks to its setup, the encounter becomes unbeatalbe for those. In the end, noone will ever bother with it anymore…If it’s a bad design, why is it that I’ve been able to beat him numerous times, and max out my achievements? The players who get mad are the ones who don’t organize for the fight. Make friends, join guilds, and coordinate.
Because it is an open world event, which are made for everyone. If you want to setup a group, you have to gather people and you are most likely not able to do the event on your own server. You have to join a overflow server, which will result in too few people to get the event done on the home server.
If that is not bad game design, what is it?
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
I just pretend they took him out of the game. One less thing on the to do list. He was on there today as well though in small print it said “or any other world boss”. I’ll chew tinfoil before I put myself through trying that again with a random group.
I assume the October 1 patch notes don’t reflect what is being seen in game for the event?
Or that the rewards have gone up slightly, but still not close to the scale of difficulty of the event ?
The rewards for fighting Tequatl the Sunless have been updated to more accurately reflect the difficulty of the encounter and coordination required to be successful.”
Frankly, it would have to rain ascended at this point to have any significant effect on how often Teq is being done. It’s the second part (“difficulty of the encounter and coordination required”) that makes it a dead zone on most servers.
And, of course, if you made it rain ascended, it would pull people away from living story, which is definitely not what Anet wants.
Basically, no reward increase (or adding it as daily, lol) will help the situation. Only significant toning down the event will. Anet just overdone it in their attempt to make it challenging.
Remember, remember, 15th of November