Tequatl event and queue mechanics
What usually happens is people will join in with a dedicated guild for Teq killing, like TTS, and there will usually be someone already in an overflow to ‘taxi’ people in. This avoids the main server altogether and depending on how many people are actually on and running the events (because they’re now all sync’d together, even the overflows, and usually start near the top of the hour), it’s made more predictable and easier to organise an event across multiple overflows with people who know what they’re doing.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
Except you shouldn’t need such workarounds to begin with.
If the event was supposed to take place in a private instance – that’s basically what Tequatl killing guilds do when going on empty overflows and making members go there – it should have just implemented at so.
The major problem is the scaling – the base is far too high, so people have no reason to even try in most servers. They should fix it starting with that.
Tequatl Terror Squad attempts to do Teq kills on regular servers but with 5500 members it’s difficult not to trigger overflows
Recruitment is currently closed but they do take requests to come to your server:
The fight itself is not to hard when everyone has knowledge of what to do during the fight. I’m in TTS and we fight on a different server each night on the main server to help that server and their people get their kills for Teq. Most nights we have commanders on both the main and the overflow. Its pretty rare that we lose against Teq. main reason people that want to kill him listen to the people that have mastered the art of doing so.
To stay on topic here the reason most people don’t do the fight in my opinion is because they do not properly know what to do during the fight or having people to lead them during the fight. I’m sure if someone said in LA map chat spread word to your guilds our server is going to take down Teq. at said time you would have a good showing of people willing to listen. Everyone wants to do the fight most just don’t know how.
| 80 (Mesmer) Brook Envision | 80 (Thief) Kuro Rin |
Most people don’t do the fight because they see no chance to begin with with such an harsh scaling, since no one would reasonably go there unless he already knew there were people doing Tequatl.
And when it is known there are people doing it, situations like Desolation arise.
Thus having almost all servers that don’t even try doing it, some servers completely full and guilds who resort at overflows.
The problem (and potential solution) is the scaling on the event. While some servers have the numbers and coordination to handle an 80+ player fight, many do not.
Allow this event (and future ones like it) to scale down to 20 players and you will start to see guilds running them regularly (and most likely, enjoying the hell out of them) – even guesting to low pop servers to do them from time to time.
This would have a positive impact on the global population instead of the negative impact requiring such large numbers currently has (manifested primarily in so many bandwaggoning to servers like Blackgate).
I love this game, but feel the Tequatl population requirement was the single biggest mistake they made in 2013. They had the opportunity to give us something close enough to raids to make organized guild groups happy and instead turned it into yet another reason to flock to the highest populated servers.
All of this effort for a very low chance at a decent reward. Why should anyone do this fight?