Thank You GW2 Community and Devs.
just bought a 50 dollar gem back to say thanks. bag space for all my toons, yay!
Hi!!! And I am glad you found a home here in the community. I hope youre with us for the years to come!
Renoria Blackheart loves her kitty Kronos. <3
Proud member of the Blackgate community.
Proud member of the Blackgate community.
Welcome to the community!!
you can’t fix stupid
Greetings and salutations.
Welcome Pezz. I hope you get as much enjoyment out of the game as I do.
Agree, it is a nice, friendly community for the most part.
I want to be in the room with the Wildstar guys. Looks entertaining.
Champion Phantom
We are not friends.
We are not friends.
I’ve never stuck around a game this long. GW2 community is just kitten good. Happy to have more represent and keep it going strong!
Welcome home! =)
You are welcome