Thank You to the Anet team
Yes thank you, as a developer myself I understand the amount of work it takes to rework systems that have been in place. Along with all the testing and verification of the reworked systems behaving properly.
Thanks for the great work and I look forward to supporting you for many years to come!
The best feature in this “feature pack” is not new by any stretch of the imagination. It required no new development. It required no new systems. It required no new testing. It has existed in the heart of the mists for as long as this game has been available to the public. It is absurd that you are praising them for copy pasting some code that should have been copy pasted when we first asked for it in April 2012.
The rest of the changes are a wash. Yay no repair costs. Boo champion loot nerf. Yay new traits. Boo worse trait level restrictions. Yay account bound wxp. Boo PvE crit damage nerf. Yay sigil of air got buffed. Boo sigil of bloodlust/perception got wrecked. Yay account bound dyes. Boo unidentified drops will no longer drop. Yay wardrobe system. Boo can no longer mix & match town outfits. Yay account bound legendaries & ascended items. Boo all the poor people who worked so kitten making multiple legendaries & ascended items across their account just had a significant portion of that work invalidated. Yay bug fixes. Boo bugs that have been thoroughly documented and reported for months IF. NOT. YEARS. STILL NEED FIXING – not to mention the regular appearance of new bugs included with prior bug “fixes”.
What we really need are way more reasons to say “yay” and way fewer reasons to say “boo”.
I’ve maintained from the beginning that GW2 is amazing for 3 reasons
1) Level design
2) Music
3) Art – character art, weapon/armor skin art, breathtaking world art.These strengths seem much more suited toward producing new, expansion type of content than what they’ve done so far.
Imagine if you will – an alternate universe with a living story-less guild wars 2. Instead we are now 3 months away from GW2 xpac 1: The Crystal desert. Fantastic new desert themed environments. Pyramids, dunes, oases, palm trees, tents, ancient tombs. Fantastic new enemies like mauraders, djinn, sand wurms, mummies – forgotten , Enchanted armor New weapon and armor skins. Imagine dressing up your medium armor thief like aladin instead of yet another trenchcoat. Scimitar swords, staves shaped like snakes, wicked curved daggers… New class: Dervish. New weapon: Scythe. New personal story exploring the lore of the desert, where we first learned about ascension in GW1. Glorious new arabian themed music.
HOW COOL would that be? New zones to explore, new class to learn, new weapon, new music …
instead we’re bogged down in this era where 1 good change that the community has been begging for since the beginning of the game along with a series of tradeoffs is suddenly being hailed as amazing.
Sorry I type a lot. I just feel like GW2 had so much potential that has been squandered.
What you are describing is an expansion, not a feature pack.
Are you a software/game developer yourself (I am a software developer, btw)? If not, how is it you can claim there is no development and testing required for these changes? Some may not be huge, but some sound pretty significant to me, and all changes require testing, and testing, and testing. As a developer I can tell you that most of my time is involved in testing any changes that I make.
Indeed, thank you for a great and wonderful Game =)
The feature pack is indeed the largest number of changes to hit GW2 in one go, since launch day.
I also think overall its great, games, especially MMO’s need those big shake ups every 6-12 months.
Thank you for the great changes.. my alts are very pleased
Finally found a thread that I can post in and hopefully not get strangled.
After reading the notes over the last few days I am seeing the GW1 light shining through. Account binding items, allowing a whole account to access max gear, FREAKING LAST LOGIN STATUS, “Hunting” for traits all sounds great. The ideas are not perfect but I am very very grateful for a step in the right direction.
Don’t you let me see some Orange gear tier in the future or you will be dead to me
O yeah and if you have the time please add another of the trolling AC Trolls on CoF P1 that comes out of the wall at the bridge and fears the Raging Elitist Zerkfest off the bridge so that they might actually have to do a dungeon
(edited by Hilko.1760)
The ending to the Living Story Season 1 made it quite clear we are getting new zones in the Magumma Jungle and Wastes soon.
Thank you ANet. This update will be amazing and really goes to show that you go into great lengths to listen to the community and that you want to make GW2 the best game it can possibly be.