Thank you for dealing with gold sellers

Thank you for dealing with gold sellers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zoejo.2317


First off, sorry if there’s a better place to post this. This section seemed right to me.

Since I haven’t been bothered by the horde of gold sellers anymore since that annoying week when they seemed to be going at it full force, I’d like to thank the staff for whatever they did. Truth is, I haven’t seen any in weeks, and it hasn’t popped up on the forums anymore. I’m assuming gold sellers didn’t just spontaneously stop, so ArenaNet’s staff must have figured something out or worked overtime to fix it for us. Thank you for that.

Thank you everyone who reported every gold seller as well, I’m sure that helped a lot.

I felt that after all the rage it caused, some recognition was due too.

Thank you for dealing with gold sellers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carnius Magius.8091

Carnius Magius.8091

You have better luck than me. I got spammed about a dozen times yesterday.

Thank you for dealing with gold sellers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jokke.6239


Did you stop playing pvp or something?
Cause that is likely the answer to why you are not getting spammed anymore.
It’s absolutely horrible in pvp still.

Thank you for dealing with gold sellers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Did you stop playing pvp or something?
Cause that is likely the answer to why you are not getting spammed anymore.
It’s absolutely horrible in pvp still.

If it being a casual-friendly mimicry of Runescape’s duel arena without the staking wasn’t enough to keep me away, this sure is.

Thank you for dealing with gold sellers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brother Omnio.6452

Brother Omnio.6452

If you wouldn’t standing still at the mists entrance, maybe it would be harder for gold spammers to whisp you ^^

Not to mention there is absolutely no reason to do such a stupid thing but to offer gold spammers a good spot for farming clients, since you don’t actually need to be in the mists to pvp ^^

Thank you for dealing with gold sellers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.6840


Hi everyone,

Discussions of gold selling are not allowed on the forums. If you feel a player is abusive in-game, please report them using the in-game ticketing system so our Customer Support team can properly investigate the issue and take any appropriate action.

Thank you for your understanding.