The Best class to play.

The Best class to play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BleuSkillet.2130


Okay, so I’ve played pretty much all of the classes, and It’s getting very hard to choose a class to play. I have to admit I’m a little dissapointed with every class having so many roles to play, because I kinda felt special having a single role, (like tank, or healer.)

I don’t want people to get the wrong impression of me, I’m all for the new inovative stuff and trying new things in mmo’s.

Anyways, I guess I just really want to play an all around great class, thats plenty of fun, and will keep me busy for a long time. Something that has a lot to offer, whether it be playing the story, WVWVW, or SPVP.

I’d love for anyones opinion on what class they believe will be a great class to have fun with. Thankyou in advance for all of your opinions.

The Best class to play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brunhel.7580


Personally, I chose Thief so I can do a little bit of everything. Melee, ranged, single-target, AOE, swords, pistols, bows, daggers, even a little group healing. They even wear MEDIUM armor (not adhering to the light or heavy extremes).

The Best class to play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I started with a Ranger. I am a have good range DPS with some healing. Those are my main 2 things I focus on atm.

I could switch it up and go to melee damage and have more crowd control but I like my other option more right now!

The Best class to play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GostlyEnigma.8347


Go with the one you enjoy the most as that well be the best class for you. Sorry but its the truth in the end.

Its never the fall that kills you only the sudden stop.

The Best class to play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaedalusDragon.3754


Just not elementalist unless you LOVE the elementalist…. it needs just a tad more work (actually it needs a LOT more work).

The Best class to play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adzy.8370


Warrior is probably the most versatile class.

Good melee, good range. High armor/hitpoints.

The Best class to play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DirtyHoudini.2917


Best class? Guardian or Warrior

The Best class to play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rakanarshi.5892


I have to agree with Adzy. I tried most of the other classes to around level 10 and found that the warrior was easily one of the most versatile and well made classes. Everything feels like it can work really well with the right play style.

I found that the thief didn’t have the damage I imagined it would. After playing around with the different weapon sets I could have, I found that the short bow was grate for damage with the exploding arrow skill, just time it so you detonate it over your targets head. But apart from that I think the thief needs a bit of a buff to damage.

The ranger has been the class I have played the most of so far as I simply like the play style. I tend to switch between the short bow and the grate sword. A bit like the thief I tend to keep to my short bow and get to the side of my target and bleed it to death or group up my mobs, set a trap and swing like mad with the grate sword. The long bow is very useful for keeping people behind cover when attacking a keep.

Honestly I could not get past level 7 with the Mesmer. So I’m not sure if my experience with this class can be of that much help to you. But even after I got all of the skills I found that it simply did not have the damage I wanted. I battled a mob with health regen for about three minutes one on one with the scepter and I’m not getting into melee range of a target when I am wearing cloth armour. Other people can probably work really well with this class, I just found it to be a bit of a pain.

Engineer is a bit lack luster. All your weapons are ranged (with the exception of kits obviously) and they don’t seem to do that much damage at all. I had been hoping to level by switching between the rifle and flamethrower and I did have fun doing this. The flamer might not be the best way to AoE in game, but I found it to be very fun. Its just a shame that my warrior is so much better at dealing with groups with a main hand sword and off hand axe. Still, the engineer is just fun with the flamer :P

Eli needs more damage. I expected this class to be my main. There are lots of tools for AoE damage and support, but with a bit of lag and a few hits, you go down (or at least I did anyway)

The other classes I havn’t played so much. I think I got a guardian up to level 3 but then had to delete it so I could play with the character creator some more and my Necro hasn’t seen much action. It might seem like the warrior is over powered, but IMHO, the other classes need some more work, at least in early PvE. Also, I guess the warrior does so well as it has a large amount of play styles that can be adapted to work with it. The other classes seem to have those playstyles available, but they aren’t viable.


Warrior awesome, so many ways to play it, all of them good.

Other classes, have other ways to play them, but only one or two play styles are a viable option.

The Best class to play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Anything that spins to win is usually a safe choice (war, thf)

The Best class to play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DaedalusDragon.3754


I rerolled a guardian and am loving it. It has the complexity of up close combat combined with precise blocking techniques. Really makes me think that the ele was the joke class that they wanted to remove a month or so into the game just for laughs.

Honestly, my guardian (lvl 11 at the time, with 1 trait point and lvl 11 gear) did equal damage in WvW to my ele (lvl 80 with ok gear and full damage spec). So I am definitely glad I decided to jump ship until they get the elementalist off of the “broken class” board, but from what I’ve heard about the ele in GW1 (granted these are second hand infos so I don’t go off of this too much) they will probably be UP for the entire life of the game. sadface