The Breached Wall is just too much
The most difficult one of these I’ve encountered so far is the Tribulation Rift vista in Dredgehaunt Cliffs due to the stakes (it’s very high up, so if you fall, you die) and the Veteran Stone Guardian event boss camping next to it, the latter of which made me go, “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I’m not going to try to fight that thing now! What if I get my kitten handed to me? It took TEN MINUTES for me just to get up here!!! Kitten that!!!”
I managed to edge past it with minimal damage, but I couldn’t activate the vista because the boss was still engaged in combat with me. I had to wait until the event timer ended and the boss went away (and stopped taking pot shots at me) before I could get my vista point, which all told made the entire experience last a good fifteen minutes or so.
I remember the Breached Wall skill point being harrowing experience for me. I made it on my first go, but I noticed when I got there that my heart was pounding and my mouse was covered in sweat. I remember a couple of the jumps (and I think one in particular) being very close, with me gasping for breath after making each one. I don’t think I’m going to be looking forward to doing this one again for my alts, though I have to admit after doing this sort of thing once, following attempts become easier because you’re more relaxed (e.g. you stop having a death grip on your mouse).
As for the Mad King’s Clock Tower, all I had to do was watch a YouTube video of that and I was like, “No, I’m good. That’s okay. I don’t need that kind of stress in my life, thank you very much.” :P
OP, if you’re on Dragonbrand, or if I can figure out the guesting thing, I can try to help you or at the very least go with you. Watching someone else fall off the wall or miss a jump might make the ordeal a little more lively for you (or traumatize you). :P
(edited by achensherd.2735)
Thanks almost everyone and especially Karizee…didn’t know most of that list.
And if all else fails, leave it until your blood pressure goes back to normal then try it again. I totally suck at jumping puzzles. Even the simplest jumps elude me a good part of the time. I too am ahem mature and totally understand what a p.i.t.a. they are. The breached wall is one of badder vistas. Don’t rush your last jump, hop to that little lower lip on the left and jump from there….and all of what Karizee said.
Leader of The Ethereal Guard
Great suggestions, Karizee. It took me many, many tries to get through this puzzle successfully. There are a lot of hard bits to it but you do feel very accomplished once you managed it. On my first successful time through past the skill point, I made it up until the last jump to the view and then missed and fell. (Don’t hop down to the lower level – I did and missed. Next try I went from the upper level, lined myself up and sailed right over to where I needed to be).
Recently I helped hubby get through the wall and we managed in about 4 or 5 tries which was very good considering he had never been the route before. I did learn a few things – If you fall attempting to make the jump between the two arches, aim for the ledge just below as you fall. You can jump the gap and walk back up the leaning pillar to try again without having to start all over. I wished I had realized that on the many tries I ran all the way back to the beginning. Also finding the right point to hop between the arches was probably the most frustrating to me but there is an area on the first arch which lines you up to make it. Once I figured out where it was I have been able to make the jump nearly every time.
Also sheath your weapon before jumping – you will be much faster and more accurate. It is hard with the fast respawn rate but doable. Don’t give up.
I’m old and Breached Wall frustrated me. But eventually I got it… and missed the vista.
OP, this could be one of those things that tips the scales, but let’s be honest…one skill challenge that is hard to do, is not what drives you to wanting to give up on a game, is it now?
My guess is that if you really are fed up then you have more things that have been building up over time. It’s all of that together….or you are just overreacting out of frustration and just need to get it out of your system.
Sorry to sound so negative but this jumping has got to be one of the stupidest time-sinks I have seen in a game since Mark Jacobs rolled out Trials of Atlantis and killed DAoC. I have a feeling that most MMORGs plan games around so called “hard-core” gamers when in reality they might be best served by designing around the folks who have limited time play (folks who have jobs and – pardon the pun- are least likely to “jump” from game to game).
It seems to me that there is a big lack of understanding on what the long term subscribers enjoy in a game that has yet to be understood by marketing and then given to the game designers ensure they have the knowledge needed to build the game around if they want any longevity to a game. Build content around the folks who have the bigger and steadier incomes and who are least likely to cancel. I wonder how much marketing was done and provided to the game designers before work was started on the next big game?
Most of the folks claiming to be the “hard-core gamers” who whine about “watering down the game” tend to be the a.d.d types who can play for hours on end, get burnt out, and then leave for the next best beta test w/in months of a games release. They are not the ones who continue to pay either through a monthly subscription or use Gems/ equivalent. In the end, it seems like this whole industry has gotten into chasing the wrong target — and designing for the wrong group who doesn’t bring the long-term revenue in the game.
I know this might sound harsh to a designer/developer to have someone criticize something they have worked on for so long, but I honestly think that stuff like this does not endear itself to the older middle class player who values their all-to-short playing time and might choose to invest it in a game that does not have the same perceived time-sinks.
I work more than 40 hours a week. I don’t have time to go from game to game to game. I do want to finish the map and the only way to do that is to dance to the game rule of completing the map includes completing the vistas no matter how many times you fall into the water, rocks or to your death.
Just my 2 copper from 50+ year old who is bringing up another char through the jumping vistas and just about ready to throw the towel in.
What I’ve noticed is that I can almost breeze the jumping puzzles that I have little to no investment in, while the ones with something I need at the end have me calculating every single inch of every single move. I’ve also noticed that when I go back to those with an alt or to help a guildie with my original character, often times I wonder why it was so hard the first time as I virtually dance from jump to jump.
Granted, the ones that take a long time and that can kill you if you trip up always unnerve me, but even those become less stressful to do if I feel like I have nothing to lose. As such, I think at very least a small part of the difficulty with some of these jumping puzzle vistas and skill points has to do with personal tension. The less stressed I am about a given puzzle, the easier it becomes.
I remember a vista in the Eternal Battlegrounds that took me a solid ten minutes to do, and it wasn’t because it was really all that difficult. It basically involved going up some stairs around a tower and making two or three jumps across some planks. That’s it. The thing was, though:
1. This took place immediately after I had helped my world secure the enemy keep the tower was in, an effort that took an enormous number of people, equipment, time (almost a week in the making), and coordination.
2. Almost immediately after we secured the keep, the enemy world regrouped and was pounding on the doors (it’s their keep after all, and it’s right next to their spawn point).
3. That particular vista was my primary’s final one, the one that would give him world completion.
4. I wasn’t the only one there trying to get it, which meant lagfest.
NEEDLESS TO SAY, I was not in a good shape when I got to the tower. I was tired. I was stressed. I was shaking. I was cursing. I kept looking at the keep door, anxiously anticipating an enemy zerg bursting through to do horrible things to an invader that had helped in taking over their keep. By the 20th failed attempt to even land on the first plank, I was screaming obscenities at my screen.
When I FINALLY got to it and got my world completion song and dance in, I was utterly exhausted.
Stress can kill a person, man…
I had fun doing the breached wall, it DID get annoying but it was still fun! I did have the advantage of a few other people doing it at the same time, we were able to help each other out… or at least amuse each other when we fell, got laughed at, then the same person laughing fell.
All jumping puzzles in this game are either simple, or a lot more fun to do with at least one other person along. Find a guild mate, friend, or even just a random fun person that wants to do jumping puzzles/skill points with you or even someone who has them done but wants to help anyways… it will always be more fun, even if you still fail! :P
In a recent thread discussing jumping puzzles:
I hate to point this out, being a person that is in a love/hate relationship with jumping puzzles. It is kinda annoying that two jumping puzzles are required to get world completion (Vizier’s Tower & Great Wall in Diessa). I’m not calling you out to change this, I’ve gotten used to them, but I have friends that have given up on world completion for this reason, their computers are just too terrible on lag to give them the ability to do these puzzles properly. Just food for thought on future creations.
I’ll look into this. I’d like to get the Vistas changed or the jumping challenges reduced on any of them that are too hard for casual players. Anyone know of any others that feel too hard?
Essentially, Early on in development of some maps jumping puzzles weren’t yet considered completely optional content. Josh wants to reduce the difficulty of vistas that are too jump intensive, as he’s stated in the above thread that they want jumping puzzles to be fun but optional content for people who actually enjoy them.
If you’re having a huge problem with a vista, make sure you comment in this or another thread so make your voice known so that these vistas can be brought in line with the majority of other vistas.
There are only a handful of vistas in the game that require real Jumping Puzzle like coordination and platforming play, and its been made clear that the intention is that this kind of play should be reserved specifically for the optional jumping puzzles, and that they’re toning down a number of vistas so that the difficulty is more managable for players who aren’t quite as platforming friendly.
Just skip it for now, and return once Josh and company have adjusted the difficulty. You’ll find there are maybe four vistas in the whole game with this kind of difficulty, and while I found them fun, rest assured it’s not normal or intended that you have to do a medium to hard level jumping challenge to complete vistas, and a fix is coming.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
Wow… hard platforming is hard… make it less… less optional?
Really – feel like people are driven from a game because they don’t like a single example (or three) of an optional component being tricky and requiring time/effort investment from the player to complete.
Wait until you see ascended jumping puzzles – you can’t even ENTER THE NEW MAPS unless you can finish jumping puzzles into them, no waypoints!
It may just be that your original statement was wrong.
Please try again.
I agree with completely OP, this modern notion of “Challenge” = ridiculously hard and annoying tedious content, for the sake of pleasing the minority hardcores is tiresome at best..
“Fun” does not equal hard annoying or long content..its just fun…
I’m getting too old for these games I guess, just spent hours trying to get the skill point and vista for Breached Wall, finally got the skill point and missed the last jump.
I’m worn out, I feel I wasted $60 Christmas and worse, wasted hours on a Saturday night. MMORPGs have been my favorite type of games for many years. But the stores have ruined them, probably something in there that lets you jump further.
My conclusion is that an overly difficult jumping quest is not fun..not even a little bit….it’s just frustrating …and if the quests are this hard at level 25, there’s no way I’ll be able to play to whatever top level is. (BTW did you guys just do something that cripples you if a mob sneezes on you?)
Well, whatever dev designed that…pat yourself on the back if your purpose was to drive away anyone without that good ol’ hardcore twitch. Guess you showed me. This kind of difficulty is why I don’t play FPS. Well, I’ll go play a RT strategy game…love those, all thinking, no jumping….and try this again if I upgrade my system, it may be my computer is getting old too.
I did talk to a guy that coudn’t do the Halloween jumping puzzle, he tried for hours and then he tried it on another computer and did it in a couple of tries.
GW2 is supposed to be computer friendly but it really aint.
I think the problem with that, and the vizir tower, is that it is sometimes hard to tell exactly what you can stand on. Never mind that the camera can bump into the terrain, resulting in it shifting position at the worst of moments.
As for hard, anyone with some gaming experience will be familiar with the expression “Nintendo Hard”. Funny thing is that the difficulty level was usually a result of games being arcade ports (like the first Castlevania game) and so was designed to munch coins. But in the process of converting they usually only gave you a limited set of continues, indirectly ramping up the difficulty.
Honestly for me a part of this games “difficulty” comes from the mishmash of action focused game mechanics, and a very classic control interface. I would love to see ANet introduce a permanent mouse look that allowed me to aim ground target circles with the camera look. Without it the interface feels overly busy for no good reason, jumping back and forth as various skills are activated.
Eh heh, if you think that’s bad, wait till you see some of the others they’ve cooked up. I played the beta a ton and did the puzzle multiple times, so I had it down to a science. Not bragging, but some players demand I stop cheating on Jumping Puzzles, because there’s no way I can complete them that fast. If you want, I can guest to your realm and give you a portal to the top. Do it all the time for fun, love hopping about testing my timing. Some of them are rather clever and well hidden
Some jumping puzzles have issues, that’s for sure. I have to agree that this one is one of the easiest JP’s so you may have a lot of issues with the others, but often it’s not due quite to the fault of the player. Camera issues, random slippery slopes that don’t appear slippery, pointless guesswork in where one must jump, and difficulty in judging the gap between jumps are just some of the issues plaguing jp’s (at least for me). I think it just will take you some practice, but in some cases practice isn’t going to be enough and it will just involve trial and error in some cases, which is kind of silly.
If you really really cannot endure another jump then i have to parrot the suggestion of hiring a mesmer to do it for you.
But if you want to give it another try, i would suggest you identify the problem. The few difficulties in this jump is
1)Not knowing where it start. Since you already started , that is not the problem.
2)Can’t clear the mob that spawn. Easiest is to come back when you are stronger.
3)Don’t know the correct route. The cause of many failed jumps is not knowing where to jump from and jump to. Easiest is to watch a youtube video .
4)Dying from falling. Change into the trait the 1/2 falling damage.
5)Can’t clear the jumps. Identify the jumps that you are not good at. Use your speed buff. All class has some form of swiftness. Some better than others but all have it.
I found this one and the one near Sorrow’s Embrace to be terrible. I enjoy map completes – admiring the scenery, killing things that need killing, finding all the little hidden things that the game has to offer but the time I spent on these – I could have completed another map, without getting stressed out and frustrated and only not giving up because I never wanted to go back there again.
True JPs should be optional, whereas vistas and skill points should have some challenge but not be so time consuming and complicated that they overshadow the rest of the map.
geez, and i thought game was kind of easy.
You think getting old is an issue, wait until you start going blind.
Anet will need to revamp their game for them aswell.
This game has a z-axis and takes advantage of it. There are plenty of MMOs out there where you either can’t jump at all or don’t have to jump as much as you can in Guild Wars 2. Guild Wars 2 is unique in that respect and that is a good thing.
If you don’t like jumping. Maybe Guild Wars 1 is the game for you?
Hi OP: great advice in this thread.
I understand how you feel since I am an older gamer with no co-ordination and a fear of heights- my stomach still knots whenever I think of Dredgehaunt cliffs.
When I leveled my first char I did so with my husband and he would jump like a gazelle and I would die- so many times that I rage quit like a kid.
Imagine how embarrassing it is to have a mesmer who can’t jump- once I had to ask another mesmer to port me.
I had a lot of camera clipping issues where my view got stuck or would shake so that did not make it any easier.
Al last because I was so very bummed out I asked my husband to do a hard vista for me and he noticed that he can’t do it on my pc either- long and short of it he replaced my mouse and all my troubles went away.
I am not a great jumper by any stretch but I have now done 4 actual jumping puzzles just because I could and I don’t stress out as much at all.
Atm I am soloing Dregdehaunt Cliffs on my Engi and so far so good
You do get better as you practice- that is all I can ad- and look at your mouse, maybe you can benefit by a change
Some of this has already been mentioned in this thread, but I thought it was somewhat pertinent to the original topic. Please read the quotes by Josh Foreman, jumping puzzle creator extraordinaire. He is mostly talking about a new, massive jumping puzzle (challenge) that is under construction, but also discusses the puzzles in general:
This one that you’re working on.. I suspect you cannot talk much about it, but can you say whether it will be for a currently existing zone or for an as-of-yet unannounced zone? Is it themed for a specific holiday, or is it more general purpose?
Everything about it is brand new. I mean… everything. So it’s going to take a while. Give it a couple months.
josh, thank you for answering questions.
I do have one question though. will we still be able to use our normal skills in the new dungeons? because I suck at jumping puzzles
but as a engineer, that doesn’t matter as much (jump shot
No. ALL skills, buffs, or any other un-equalizer will be removed. (including size differences among the races) But if you suck, we will have Baby Mode. So ANYONE should be able to have SOME amount of fun.
Not really a jumping “puzzle”,
I hate the term Jumping Puzzle. It really only applies to about 20% of them. I’ve always called them Jumping Challenges which covers the scope of what they offer.
Also, I hope we’ll get to be our own characters :’(
I anticipated that most people would want to be their characters, and wouldn’t want to lose the look they’ve worked so hard to achieve, so I made sure we would not transform you into something else. Just don’t expect to be your normal size.
Jumping puzzles are the worst aspect of GW2 that I have found to date, besides DR, of course.
I’m getting too old for these games I guess, just spent hours trying to get the skill point and vista for Breached Wall, finally got the skill point and missed the last jump.
I’m worn out, I feel I wasted $60 Christmas and worse, wasted hours on a Saturday night. MMORPGs have been my favorite type of games for many years. But the stores have ruined them, probably something in there that lets you jump further.
My conclusion is that an overly difficult jumping quest is not fun..not even a little bit….it’s just frustrating …and if the quests are this hard at level 25, there’s no way I’ll be able to play to whatever top level is. (BTW did you guys just do something that cripples you if a mob sneezes on you?)
Well, whatever dev designed that…pat yourself on the back if your purpose was to drive away anyone without that good ol’ hardcore twitch. Guess you showed me. This kind of difficulty is why I don’t play FPS. Well, I’ll go play a RT strategy game…love those, all thinking, no jumping….and try this again if I upgrade my system, it may be my computer is getting old too.
If you find The Breached Wall frustrating, I would hate to see what you will find Tribulation Rift in Dreadgehaunt Cliffs. The Breached Wall is a piece of cake compared to the Tribulaion Rift and Viziers Tower. Although they aren’t the only ones there are others that are somewhat challenging.
It’s NOT optional if he is trying to complete the map, or complete all maps, which is a requirement to obtain those two thingies that count if you are going for a legendary.
My old lower spec computer failed completely on jumping as the screen view was awful most of the time, since I got the new comp it’s better but yeah being an older gamer doesn’t make it fun to try and do these puzzles- besides which, I thought jumping games were pretty much covered by Mario on a handheld and we had moved on from platform games?
It is optional, as legendaries are optional. Trite responses aside I can only imagine that older gamers (or those with lower-end PCs) may have issues with certain aspects of the game, but to remove them or make them easy for that demographic seems a bit asinine to me. The OP said himself, he managed to get the Skill point and missed the last jump. That must have been pretty frustrating and I guarantee you if he’d made that last jump, he’d not have been posting here. I’m 99% certain this thread exists because of the frustration at him/her self for missing the final part, rather than an objective criticism.
There are jumping puzzles I have still to complete, because I’ve stormed out going “F- This for a game of soldiers”, after multiple failures. I didn’t start a thread about it though because the issue lies with me – not the game.
I’ve been trying to finish Tribulation Caverns, off and on, since launch. Always fail right near then end, falling to my death. I’ve cursed and raged, but never thought to start a thread on it.
This jumping puzzle just isn’t that tough. Took me half dozen attempts to complete it (no guide), but I did it. And the last jump isn’t difficult either. OP just needs to calm down and come back to it later. I do it almost on autopilot now since I’ve done it so often. OP will too. Forum rage isn’t going to accelerate that process.
I’ve been trying to finish Tribulation Caverns, off and on, since launch. Always fail right near then end, falling to my death. I’ve cursed and raged, but never thought to start a thread on it.
I think he meant the first half, before the vista, since that is required for map completion. Getting up that scaffolding is a lot of jumps for a vista, although at least there are no mobs there.
I’ve been trying to finish Tribulation Caverns, off and on, since launch. Always fail right near then end, falling to my death. I’ve cursed and raged, but never thought to start a thread on it.
I think he meant the first half, before the vista, since that is required for map completion. Getting up that scaffolding is a lot of jumps for a vista, although at least there are no mobs there.
I find only one jump on that whole scaffolding is tricky – a jump around a corner from one platform to another. And it doesn’t drop you far if you miss.
Breached Wall has a couple tricks using odd geometry. Namely, you can jump across the window arches over a gap if you can get up there – which takes some effort. After that, you’re good.
Grendich Gamble? Ugh. At the top, some of the spots are vertically a bit tight, and there’s trebuchets which can knock you off the tower to falling death.
Vizier’s Tower I had more problems with since I couldn’t tell what was a spot I could land on safely versus what was just decoration I would slide from.
Cubular Fells was a bit fun, but the teleporters were not seemingly set up right from how I was experiencing it. I wound up having to get “cute” with my jumps.
I’m still working through the list too.
Hi OP: great advice in this thread.
I understand how you feel since I am an older gamer with no co-ordination and a fear of heights- my stomach still knots whenever I think of Dredgehaunt cliffs.
When I leveled my first char I did so with my husband and he would jump like a gazelle and I would die- so many times that I rage quit like a kid.Imagine how embarrassing it is to have a mesmer who can’t jump- once I had to ask another mesmer to port me.
I had a lot of camera clipping issues where my view got stuck or would shake so that did not make it any easier.
Al last because I was so very bummed out I asked my husband to do a hard vista for me and he noticed that he can’t do it on my pc either- long and short of it he replaced my mouse and all my troubles went away.
I am not a great jumper by any stretch but I have now done 4 actual jumping puzzles just because I could and I don’t stress out as much at all.
Atm I am soloing Dregdehaunt Cliffs on my Engi and so far so goodYou do get better as you practice- that is all I can ad- and look at your mouse, maybe you can benefit by a change
MY mouse IS very old, a basic battery one from back when the cordless just came out many years a go, and sometimes there does seem to be a hesitaton…
what kind of mouse did you get?
Pretty much every difficult vista in the game has half a dozen or more youtube videos showing you the correct path to take. If you have trouble with a vista, check there to make sure you aren’t trying to take a sub-optimal or impossible path to the vista.
If it’s purely a jumping issue and you just can’t master it after reading the various tips above, I’d echo what many others have said, ask a mesmer for help. When I play my Mesmer, I’m always more than happy to help people along via Portal. Usually, unless I’m seriously pressed for time, I’ll even linger for about five minutes, hopping portals back and forth between the objective and some easier point of access, in order to aid any players who might be coming in behind me for a complex vista/jumping puzzle.
It’s fortunate there is at least this option for people who just can’t get some jumps. (I’m far from perfect, I miss a fair number of jumps myself, but fortunately, I guess, I’m pretty patient with my failures).
Jumping puzzles would be my absolute favourite part of the game if it weren’t for the horrific camera, dodgy collision detection and unresponsive controls. Give me a joypad, a quick response and a better overall game engine, and I would get a real kick out of them.
I like most of them as it is – the only one that I thought was a pointless load of kittylitter was the Clocktower at Hallowe’en. Nothing to do with skill – just divides players into those prepared to waste six hours learning the exact sequence of moves and those who can’t be bothered. What makes the other puzzles good is the tension as you try to line yourself up for that succeed-or-die jump.
I also dislike the various sections where you basically have to take a chance and stand/land on thin air to progress. There’ll be this ridiculously thin iron bar beneath you and your character will be proudly standing with a leg either side of it. What lazy level architecture – they actually designed them around the awful collision detection!
I am an older gamer and not a big fan of the jumping puzzles that are timed. If I can take my time I do ok, and I have watched some vids on ones that I have trouble with.
But generally I love that you can jump at all so much – playing years of gw1 with no jumping, I find it a lot of fun. I also love getting up on rooftops, just wish you could snipe more often – hate when an enemy turns invulnerable after two shots.
The only gripe I have is the camera up your shorts problem.
Sure I miss a lot of jumps, but I find that if i get frustrated, just go kill something and have fun, maybe come back to the puzzle tomorrow with fresh energy.
GW2 is supposed to be computer friendly but it really aint.
The developers make the faulty assumption that players will be able to optimise their configuration to match their gear, despite KNOWING from GW1 that half the players out there are using kitten poor configuration on top of faulty hardware and generally blaming the devs/vendor for what is really a platform issue.
In my experience across multiple OS and hardware platform GW2 is amazingly computer friendly, but then again it is my bread and butter to be able to identify the difference between issues at the various levels, the average “proleet” gamer out there is melting their gear for two or five percent gains but at least knows how to identify likely performance/quality culprits and test, most others just use the quality vs. perf. slider and blame all forms of lag on the server side.
It may just be that your original statement was wrong.
Please try again.
I wasn’t even aware it was a jumping puzzle till I finished at the top. I was like “huh… so that’s why it was so long, it’s a jumping puzzle”. But seriously, it’s not very difficult, the path is going up is a bit obvious, and there are no “trick” jumps, and if you fall, you don’t start all over (like skipping stones >.>)
This is way harder than the vizier’s tower, esp at the top, where you have to jump to the branch and you can only jump there from the top leaf (not the bottom) and without speed buffs =/
You thought that was hard?! try the optional Griffonrook Run legitimately, not just “run through it to the end and get the achievement”, but actually try to get the treasure.
3 minute bomb, can’t get hit by the unpredictable griffons, final destination.
Hi OP: great advice in this thread.
I understand how you feel since I am an older gamer with no co-ordination and a fear of heights- my stomach still knots whenever I think of Dredgehaunt cliffs.
When I leveled my first char I did so with my husband and he would jump like a gazelle and I would die- so many times that I rage quit like a kid.Imagine how embarrassing it is to have a mesmer who can’t jump- once I had to ask another mesmer to port me.
I had a lot of camera clipping issues where my view got stuck or would shake so that did not make it any easier.
Al last because I was so very bummed out I asked my husband to do a hard vista for me and he noticed that he can’t do it on my pc either- long and short of it he replaced my mouse and all my troubles went away.
I am not a great jumper by any stretch but I have now done 4 actual jumping puzzles just because I could and I don’t stress out as much at all.
Atm I am soloing Dregdehaunt Cliffs on my Engi and so far so goodYou do get better as you practice- that is all I can ad- and look at your mouse, maybe you can benefit by a change
MY mouse IS very old, a basic battery one from back when the cordless just came out many years a go, and sometimes there does seem to be a hesitaton…
what kind of mouse did you get?
I got a Logitech G600- it is pricey but I am in love with it. It makes it really easy to swap attunements on my ele or kits on my engi,
If you don’t want to spend so much or don’t like all the buttons try one of the simpler Logitech corded mice- Logitech is a very good brand.
Good Luck
Oh Anwar, so many of us share your pain!
I seriously thought I must be literally the worst jumper in the world!
The one thing above all else that helped me with jumping puzzles was to optimize the performance. (I think it’s in Options > Graphics > Choose Best performance.)
You’ll lose the pretty graphics, which itself can be a hindrance in some parts of JPs, but you’ll up the frame rate and feel a little more in control of your actions!
And take some comfort knowing you’re not alone! There are many many players just as bad as you and I! This guy always puts a smile on my face:
Stick with it Anwar!
Regarding skills like Engineer’s Jump Shot, Ele’s Ride the Lightning, or Warrior’s Savage Leap etc… you don’t need any specific profession.
Any profession can use these consumable items:
Experimental Rifle
Experimental Teleportation Gun
I really have no problem with jumping puzzles being present in the game, but I would honestly have preferred it if they had refrained from putting Vistas/SP on top of them. Yes, I got my 100% map completion done anyway, but platforming gameplay isn’t for me. And PLEASE people, stop labeling trying to complete one of the most classical MMO objectives (map exploration) “optional”, it’s a tad silly tbh.
Okay, after a few times, I’m now officially . . . ANNOYED . . .at Dreamdark Enclave. There’s a mushroom platform at a high angle way near the top, like the second to last platform. Slightly too sharp an angle as I kept sliding off it and dying from the drop. Which means doing both the Spiral and then that again.
Add in the three veterans near the start (with a hulk, and a group of hounds), AND the mortar flowers/brambles? This is very difficult to do alone. It’s really the fall towards the end on that one platform that’s a killer since I survived with only 11 hp and then was hit by a bramble cloud to be downed. If I hadn’t had that 11hp I would have had to start all over from the Spiral.
Can we please have some sort of safety net preventing outright death? I don’t mind starting it over, but death and then having to do what amounts to two (since this is the almost-end of the second) puzzles to get back here? Even Tribulation Caverns isn’t that nasty
I wonder how you would react to the clock tower if you can’t do breached wall.
significantly above average?
it’s still the easiest in the game.
Easier than two level jumps? I don’t think so.
Many of you seemed to miss the part about being an older gamer.
You’ll understand when you get there I guess.
I wonder how you would react to the clock tower if you can’t do breached wall.
Clock Tower was where I decided my computer couldn’t hack it (I died four times in a row due to things not showing up properly), and thank god I didn’t really need to do it. I had similar experiences to the Wintersday one (where it lagged removing platforms so I thought they were still there . . . no, they’d melted).
Learn to jump better.
What good would exploration be if they just handed you stuff on a silver platter?
What I found annoying on breached wall was getting stuck in combat mode. You really need to be sure to kill anything that hits you on the way up. I found myself needing to kill something 2 levels down that hit me once but would not let me out of combat until it was dead. Other than that, BW was fairly easy to this 40+ yo.
I also hate that there is no reward for finishing all of the JPs. I was looking forward to a title or some goodies, but…nada. I did my last one and just kind of stood there dumbfounded for a bit that there was no indicator of any kind that I had just COMPLETED A HUGE PART OF THE FREAKIN’ GAME!
But I still love ’em all!
Footsteps of War [FoW]
Yak’s Bend
You know what I’d like to see in an upcoming puzzle? The option to leave your name at the end so people know you ran it
I wonder how you would react to the clock tower if you can’t do breached wall.
The difference is that because of ANet putting Vista/SP on top of Breached Wall, this JP is getting attempted by many, many players who otherwise don’t want to be bothered with platforming at all, but feel forced to in order to get map completion done. The clocktower doesn’t have that problem at all. I guess that’s the best answer I can give you. If you want to know how I personally reacted to the clocktower…I looked at it, giggled and left with the warm and satisfying feeling that I really really don’t have to do this.
I can’t understand how someone could feel these are hard. Most of them are way too easy, most just easy but of course there must be couple jumping puzzles that makes people to really do their best. Breached Wall might be one of those harder ones along with WvW jumping puzzles and couple others.
For older people I can still understand when they really need to struggle past some of the jumping puzzles…
Still reading this? You know there is something better to be done for sure. -.-’’
(edited by Timze.7980)
If we’re going to talk about jumping puzzles making people scream? I was doing Morgan’s Leap this morning and after a second failure in the Dreamdark Enclave due to those aforementioned veterans? I brought my 80 Ranger in. There were a couple people who were doing it, getting halfway up and giving up because they just couldn’t do it.
Grendich Gamble also made at least three people swear while I was trying to figure out why a jump simply wasn’t working. Then a trebuchet hit threw me off it and I gave up.
Then there’s Sharkmaw . . . I do think we all know about Sharkmaw.