(edited by Moderator)
The Charr and the other 'cute' races.
I would like to play Charr characters, I like their design and how the communicate and their lore.
But the four legged run makes me motion sick. =(
It’s cuz they forgot the option to make them stand upright. I was looking forward to making one that was like the Shaman types in GW1 but I wasn’t allowed.
I would like to play Charr characters, I like their design and how the communicate and their lore.
But the four legged run makes me motion sick. =(
Any skill you use make them run on two legs. Warriors using warhorn for example never run on 4 legs unless you want them too. Poor mans version of this is of course just pushing 1.
It’s cuz they forgot the option to make them stand upright.
I was looking forward to making one that was like the Shaman types in GW1 but I wasn’t allowed.
They did make them stand more upright than the gw1 version. Look at a picture of Pyre Fierceshot as compared to a gw2 charr. The gw2 charr is much more upright, about midway between the Shaman type and the non caster type.
ANet may give it to you.
I’ve seen herds of Charr players! Especially among rper groups. Fact is they also have other races they play. On my server I’ve ran many times with a woman commander that mains a Charr. I think you might want to look around a little more hun. They are out there lol. /salute.
I’ve seen herds of Charr players! Especially among rper groups. Fact is they also have other races they play. On my server I’ve ran many times with a woman commander that mains a Charr. I think you might want to look around a little more hun. They are out there lol. /salute.
Statistics don’t lie ‘hun’.
http://guildwars2viz.com/ (As posted in the original post)
There is twice as many humans as there are charrs
It’s cuz they forgot the option to make them stand upright.
I was looking forward to making one that was like the Shaman types in GW1 but I wasn’t allowed.
They did make them stand more upright than the gw1 version. Look at a picture of Pyre Fierceshot as compared to a gw2 charr. The gw2 charr is much more upright, about midway between the Shaman type and the non caster type.
Pyre wasn’t one of the GW1 Charr who stood upright. There were 2 different types of Charr, as discussed many times on these forums. Originally people thought there’d be an option for which type in GW2.
I’ve seen herds of Charr players! Especially among rper groups. Fact is they also have other races they play. On my server I’ve ran many times with a woman commander that mains a Charr. I think you might want to look around a little more hun. They are out there lol. /salute.
Statistics don’t lie ‘hun’.
http://guildwars2viz.com/ (As posted in the original post)
There is twice as many humans as there are charrs
I can’t argue with that /hatsoff.
But I kid you not, I’m always running into Charr players. Those that make them must really be playing them often or I happen to be on a server that embraced the Charr more than usual?
I’ve seen herds of Charr players! Especially among rper groups. Fact is they also have other races they play. On my server I’ve ran many times with a woman commander that mains a Charr. I think you might want to look around a little more hun. They are out there lol. /salute.
Statistics don’t lie ‘hun’.
http://guildwars2viz.com/ (As posted in the original post)
There is twice as many humans as there are charrsI can’t argue with that /hatsoff.
But I kid you not, I’m always running into Charr players. Those that make them must really be playing them often or I happen to be on a server that embraced the Charr more than usual?
The numbers listed are %.
10% of 100,000 is 10,000. Which is still a relatively large number. So if there are a huge number of characters, you could still see a large number of Charr and they still be a minority in what race people choose.
Also who knows if that data is updated or if it’s 3 years old. The reddit post has posts from 3 years ago. Or about 2 months after launch. If the data hasn’t been updated, humans still likely have the majority, but who knows how much of a majority or what order the other races are in.
I like seeing graphs like that, kind of gives you an idea on what race and profession is the majority.
With me I play nothing but Charr but with that being said I have one Asura. The reason I like Charr is because it reminds me of the Industrial Revolution. Also this is the only game that I’ve played without being a human for once.
So it has come to my attention that very few people play Charr in comparison to other races, as can be seen on http://guildwars2viz.com/ (data website). I couldn’t find female to male ratio but I’m guessing it’s something like 5:1?
That site shows 14% Charr, 15% Asura, 15% Sylvari. So, three races are pretty much equal in representation. Norn is not much higher. Yes, human has a large representation, but they also represent the race that is the same as player race and the one that has the least problems with clipping, stretching, and proportionate size of weapons and armor.
It also shows 37% female characters & 63% male characters. I’d think that Charr gender would also reflect those percentages or maybe even a higher percentage of male.
My Rev will be my third Charr. Visuals aside they have the best personal story choices.
Crystal Desert
It’s cuz they forgot the option to make them stand upright.
I was looking forward to making one that was like the Shaman types in GW1 but I wasn’t allowed.
They did make them stand more upright than the gw1 version. Look at a picture of Pyre Fierceshot as compared to a gw2 charr. The gw2 charr is much more upright, about midway between the Shaman type and the non caster type.
Pyre wasn’t one of the GW1 Charr who stood upright. There were 2 different types of Charr, as discussed many times on these forums. Originally people thought there’d be an option for which type in GW2.
Ummmm. That was sort of my point. That there were two postures in the original game and that they made the Guild Wars 2 Charr posture in between the posture of a non caster such as Pyre and the shaman class.
ANet may give it to you.
Hrm. This data is really, really old.
I’m not saying every stat has been turned on its head in the past three years, but it’s not reliable information for making statements about the current environment.
One way to get a Bipedal charr is to make them an engineer and always use kits. you can’t holster a kit so they always have their hands full.
In my experience, that alone can be absolutly biased to a total sample, the less population of GW2 players, the higher the charr % of the population go.
I supose its about that we have more roleplayers than most races (like humans that represent a huge % of the population) and that charrs are more unique and arent in any other MMO or game, i mean you can play as an humans everywhere, specially in real life.
Plus our zones and culture are more unique than humans and mostly any race.
Long life tothe Charrs!.
Pd: Give us back race subforum.
I play a Charr Mesmer.
So far I think Im the only one.
Nothing like a Charr throwing purple butterflies around.
It’s cuz they forgot the option to make them stand upright.
I was looking forward to making one that was like the Shaman types in GW1 but I wasn’t allowed.
They did make them stand more upright than the gw1 version. Look at a picture of Pyre Fierceshot as compared to a gw2 charr. The gw2 charr is much more upright, about midway between the Shaman type and the non caster type.
Pyre wasn’t one of the GW1 Charr who stood upright. There were 2 different types of Charr, as discussed many times on these forums. Originally people thought there’d be an option for which type in GW2.
Ummmm. That was sort of my point. That there were two postures in the original game and that they made the Guild Wars 2 Charr posture in between the posture of a non caster such as Pyre and the shaman class.
That has nothing to do with what I’m talking about though. I’m talking about upright VS hunched. No need to bring hunched but slightly less hunched but still hunched into the mix. Please stay on topic.
It’s cuz they forgot the option to make them stand upright.
I was looking forward to making one that was like the Shaman types in GW1 but I wasn’t allowed.
They did make them stand more upright than the gw1 version. Look at a picture of Pyre Fierceshot as compared to a gw2 charr. The gw2 charr is much more upright, about midway between the Shaman type and the non caster type.
Pyre wasn’t one of the GW1 Charr who stood upright. There were 2 different types of Charr, as discussed many times on these forums. Originally people thought there’d be an option for which type in GW2.
Ummmm. That was sort of my point. That there were two postures in the original game and that they made the Guild Wars 2 Charr posture in between the posture of a non caster such as Pyre and the shaman class.
That has nothing to do with what I’m talking about though. I’m talking about upright VS hunched. No need to bring hunched but slightly less hunched but still hunched into the mix. Please stay on topic.
Actually, they don’t stand hunched up. They lean forward and neck is curved and heavy and the head is thrust forward, which gives the impression of a hunch, but if you study them the line of the back is straight. Slanted, but straight with no hunch.
ANet may give it to you.
One way to get a Bipedal charr is to make them an engineer and always use kits. you can’t holster a kit so they always have their hands full.
And if you trait streamlined kits you’ve virtually got permanent swiftness.
EDIT: Also I like the look of the new outfit we got.
(edited by Lazuli.2098)
One way to get a Bipedal charr is to make them an engineer and always use kits. you can’t holster a kit so they always have their hands full.
And if you trait streamlined kits you’ve virtually got permanent swiftness.
EDIT: Also I like the look of the new outfit we got.
the Wedding outfit for the charr is also awesome, when you dye it in the right colours. the female one reminds me of asian clothing and the male one of greek or roman civil clothing…it is kind of cool.
the last new outfits also had something to overlap, so the tail doesn clip through the armor, I like that.
to topic: i think a lot of the averagely casual players play one or two of the non-human races plus humans. It’s probably pretty seldom that someone has not atleast one human among their toons, even if they like another race more.
it’s sad that they closed the race subforums.
One way to get a Bipedal charr is to make them an engineer and always use kits. you can’t holster a kit so they always have their hands full.
And if you trait streamlined kits you’ve virtually got permanent swiftness.
EDIT: Also I like the look of the new outfit we got.
the Wedding outfit for the charr is also awesome, when you dye it in the right colours.
the female one reminds me of asian clothing and the male one of greek or roman civil clothing…it is kind of cool.
the last new outfits also had something to overlap, so the tail doesn clip through the armor, I like that.
I like the Chef outfit on Charr so I can run around Naked with an awesome mask on. :o
I loved the Charr race in GW1. In GW2 they seem to have been watered down quite a bit. I still like my Charr characters ( I have 3 ) but I have no plans to make any more of them.
I also don’t particularly care for how they have been sissified by a particular group of players, but that doesn’t stop me from playing mine the way I envision them.
Tarnished Coast Server
I loved the Charr race in GW1. In GW2 they seem to have been watered down quite a bit. I still like my Charr characters ( I have 3 ) but I have no plans to make any more of them.
I also don’t particularly care for how they have been sissified by a particular group of players, but that doesn’t stop me from playing mine the way I envision them.
the charr in GW1 were also awesome. i think they had to be watered down to be a playable race and to fit in the plot with them working together with everyone inside the pact.
i don’t know what you mean with sisifiying them…i think it is very difficult to make a charr look like a sissy. even wearing a pink tutu makes them look more funny and cool than sissy.
Human kinda boring for me. Play once for story achivement (oh.. and several rounds of key farm) and done.
What does ‘narcissism beyond compare’ have to do with what race you choose to play?
What does ‘narcissism beyond compare’ have to do with what race you choose to play?
i think "narcissism "is the wrong word, but probably it is easier for people to identify themself with a human than with a non-human race like the Asura or charr.
this explains also why some of the people playing non-human races try to fit them into the “real” human norms of gender dimorphism and asking for dresses and human-girly accessoires for races than have lore-wise a relatively gender-equal system.
An Asura would probably not care for the other characters biological sex or gender as long as they’re doing their job, with charr, except flame legion, it is similiar. so it is not socially supported to over-emphasise the own gender or biological sex.
Also…since they look very different than humans it is highly probably that they look at other attributes when they’re searching for a partner.
like intellect, hierarchical/social position, health, nice ears, sharp claws, a fitting temeperaments… it is very unlikely that a Asuran or Charr male would choose a partner of their own race for their boobs or hourglass figure.
I’ve always found it boring to play as human except for a very few cases, but in this one case, I couldn’t get the face I wanted. Too… cheesy, for a lack of better words.
I don’t exactly play Charr for their “brutality” but rather… their ruggedness, unique faces and the behaviors that can be created around that. Since the beginning I wanted my engineer to appear experienced, with quite a few years behind him, the brutality is a small bonus. The race is very malleable.
Charr, uuhhh:
- In every dungeon corner I get their stinky fell into my nose.
- living in a metal scrapyard
- worst polluters of Tyria
- militaristic rivalitery from birth on
- used weapons of mass-destruction against a peaceful city
- mass-murderer and destructors of Ascalonian culture
I also always wondered how they evolve: horns (a defensive weapon of an gregarious animal) on a predator animal. They must be th result of an drunken genetic engineer
(edited by Dayra.7405)
Charr, uuhhh:
- In every dungeon corner I get their stinky fell into my nose.
- living in a metal scrapyard
- worst polluters of Tyria
- militaristic rivalitery from birth on
- used weapons of mass-destruction against a peaceful city
- mass-murderer and destructors of Ascalonian culture
I also always wondered how they evolve: horns (a defensive weapon of an gregarious animal) on a predator animal. They must be th result of an drunken genetic engineer
sounds like a perfectly cute race in a fantasy game.
the internet loves kittens.
I tend to lean exclusively Charr for my characters. Main reason being the following:
- They’re sci-fi in a fantasy game, giving them points for being outside of the norm.
- They’re an actual beast race (sorry FFXIV, AuRa are NOT a beast race)
- They are one of the two manliest races in the game
- The Charr themselves are interesting with their reactions to normal daily things.
- They tend to treat people in their culture well as long as they can do something to help the race as a whole.
- They have some of the best lines and voices in the game (save for female human, “Oh, it’s on now!”)
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
I would never play a Charr. I remember them from GW all too well.
I dislike the magic snowflake wand that made them somehow the Industrial Power. In GW they didn’t even have trebs or any evidence of industry past forging of armor and weapons. Primitive, shamanistic Barbarians.
Every time I hear some filthy beast yell “Remember Ascalon” all I can say is, yes. I do.
And I want to gut them.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
I would never play a Charr. I remember them from GW all too well.
I dislike the magic snowflake wand that made them somehow the Industrial Power. In GW they didn’t even have trebs or any evidence of industry past forging of armor and weapons. Primitive, shamanistic Barbarians.
Every time I hear some filthy beast yell “Remember Ascalon” all I can say is, yes. I do.
And I want to gut them.
Problem, Ascalonian?
I would never play a Charr. I remember them from GW all too well.
I dislike the magic snowflake wand that made them somehow the Industrial Power. In GW they didn’t even have trebs or any evidence of industry past forging of armor and weapons. Primitive, shamanistic Barbarians.
Every time I hear some filthy beast yell “Remember Ascalon” all I can say is, yes. I do.
And I want to gut them.
250 years have gone past. It’s the difference time wise between say, the 1400s and the 1700s, which is from the Middle Ages to when Britain was becoming a world power. Granted the Charr we saw weren’t very advanced but its not impossible to go from fairly primitive to fairly advanced in 250 years, especially since they had knowledge of technological advances from other races that they could imitate, innovate, buy or steal.
ANet may give it to you.
I would never play a Charr. I remember them from GW all too well.
I dislike the magic snowflake wand that made them somehow the Industrial Power. In GW they didn’t even have trebs or any evidence of industry past forging of armor and weapons. Primitive, shamanistic Barbarians.
Every time I hear some filthy beast yell “Remember Ascalon” all I can say is, yes. I do.
And I want to gut them.
Aim for the Flame Legion. If you recall, they were the ones that ruled over the Charr until their gods, the Titans were taken out of the picture by the players. Then the other legions rose up and threw them out. After that the whole “no more gods” thing took over and they began to forsake magic in return for old fashioned forging.
Not a surprise that within the amount of time between GW1 and 2 they had gone through an Industrial Revolution and have become a technological powerhouse. Even in nowadays time for the game Charr that use magic are not really trusted by others.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
I have a heavy armor Charr and like the race in general. However, I do have a major complaint and the reason why I only have one Charr character. The only option is male armor. I don’t like that. Also, I went through all of the trouble of selecting the looks of my charr in character creation and I would rather show that off. So I hide the helm/shoulders and have the “skimpiest” chest armor I could find to show off the fur I selected. I would prefer the ability to hide most of the armor for the Charr since it’s an animal race.
I run into a lot of charr, or at least, not less than other races. I agree that there are far more humans in general, but that’s normal for all games.
My main is charrior. I can say aside T3 armour all others suck. No good armour for charr females. The thing that really annouys me is how they are not straight up.
(edited by TokyoGhost.6492)
My main is charrior. I can say aside T3 armour all others suck. No good armour for charr females. The thing that really annouys me is hot they are not straight up.
I have a female Charr warrior. While I agree the options for good armor can be limited, I use Scallywag on the chest (the armor that’s a couple of leather straps) to show the fur and I found a couple of leggings without skirts. Add a pair of boots with daggers strapped to the side (Whisper’s) and I think she looks pretty good.
ANet may give it to you.
I currently have a:
Charr necromancer ash
Charr engineer iron
Charr ranger blood
With the first two having charm and third having ferocity.
I love the Charr, and they are in the top races to play for me, human and sylvari just feel boring and real, Asura are awesome in that they are such braggers about themselves and Norn with their simple happiness.
The only problem I can have with Charr is the bigness (feels slow walking) and weird armor bugs, further I really like the 4 feet running animation and think it realizes how an animal race like Charr are.
I also really enjoy their personal stories, while I find it sad I’ll always end up with rytlock (he’s awesome though) and think they are one of the most interesting stories.
I have 16 slots and not one Charr.
I’d like to have one and tried a few times, but the loping run makes me queasy.
As far as I can see, all players are complaining how charrs are too deformed standing and interacting with the world.
This bugs the heck out of me as well. They should really fix them already, this is not cool at all.
(edited by TokyoGhost.6492)
If there’s ONE THING I could change about my Charr, it would be his stomping animation, it’s so sloppy. I would take Norns’ stomp anyway, its so kitten.
Charr, uuhhh:
- In every dungeon corner I get their stinky fell into my nose.
- living in a metal scrapyard
- worst polluters of Tyria
- militaristic rivalitery from birth on
- used weapons of mass-destruction against a peaceful city
- mass-murderer and destructors of Ascalonian culture
I also always wondered how they evolve: horns (a defensive weapon of an gregarious animal) on a predator animal. They must be th result of an drunken genetic engineer
or it could just be a breeding preference, no horns = less sex = less cubs.
I have several charr characters, engi, warrior, thief. At least one Charr for each of my accounts. The one I am short on is the US account does not have a lvl 80 Sylvari, which I intend to fix when HoT is released.
I dunno, male Charr in tier 3 without helmet as a guardian with bright blue goku hair and that new makeover kit face is going pretty strong IMO.
My goal is one of every profession as a Charr, grouped into little warbands~
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I love everything about the Charr, from the way the character stands to the way they run on all fours. I only really dislike the absolute lack of armor choices that don’t clip or make them look goofy… and let’s not even mention the hair style “non” choices ( all fatal flaws for a game that touts itself as having no endgame but cosmetics )
I have charr: Warrior, Guardian, Engineer, Elementalist, Necromancer and Mesmer (female a that)
It’s the only beast race in any MMO I’ve played that was done right… and then the game got live, not enough people felt like I do so the Charr race as a whole got left twisting in the wind to become second class citizen to the devs who created them. Now they are mostly a joke race with goofy 80s pink or cyan Glam Metal band hair cuts.
Yes, I’m a little salty
A lot of people who played 1 don’t like the charr still