(edited by Adry.7512)
The Depth I Want to See
Player housing There are empty homes out there you can… what… sit in? This is an often suggested feature, use google to find previous threads.
Professions Have you played through the main story? Which order you pick counts there. But yeah, it’d be nice to have more “quests” with the chosen faction.
Farmer You know you can just make potions via crafting, right?
Drunk Check your video settings. Drunk = wobbly if you have the right settings.
Those are some horrible alternatives compared to what I suggested.
So, first, there is no player housing in the game. I don’t expect there to be player housing at any time in the near future. It’s not a feature. That’s why it’s “terrible”.
As for making content that varies from class to class or even faction to faction, that creates a lot more work, because everyone isn’t playing the same story. You might believe this is possible for this company with this budget, but we’ve seen no indication that it is possible.
You already have blurred vision from drunkenness in this game and it’s fine. Nor do I think that adds depth and I’m not really sure why you do.
So, first, there is no player housing in the game. I don’t expect there to be player housing at any time in the near future. It’s not a feature. That’s why it’s “terrible”.
As for making content that varies from class to class or even faction to faction, that creates a lot more work, because everyone isn’t playing the same story. You might believe this is possible for this company with this budget, but we’ve seen no indication that it is possible.
You already have blurred vision from drunkenness in this game and it’s fine. Nor do I think that adds depth and I’m not really sure why you do.
Hahahahha well to me it adds depth because it’s a nice side feature that adds more to the experience. Yes it sounds silly but it’s the little things that count. Don’t get me wrong this game is great and top tier, especially after MO took charge.
I’m not sure about player housing. If it’s actual areas in the game then it becomes a limited resource, the prices skyrocket, and then unless you’re an auction house baron or you came soon enough you will most certainly not find a house for your character. And then what do you do with players that quit while they hold such a limited resource?
On the flipside, if everyone get their own instance then nobody is going to come visit your house unless they are specifically looking for you so that’s basically the same as a guild hall.
A class campaign on the other hand is something I would really like though. In fact that should be how you unlock your elite specialization. To fight the dragon your character goes on a journey with the best of the best in his or her profession to train and become stronger. Doesn’t have to be as big as in Legion, just make it big enough to give some flavor to the elite specialization.