The Dye System

The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ezio.4197


I recently made an alt and realized that all of the colors that I had collected while playing my main weren’t available on my alt. The wiki says that dyes are character based, not account based, but I remembered reading an article on the GW2 blog saying otherwise.

Clearly they decided to change up the system but I am curious as to why. Was it in order to increase the value of dyes?

Has anyone seen an article or update on this since the original article was posted?

The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Entity.3408


Probably because they could make money by selling them for gems.

The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AsgardNation.2953


they did it in order to buy with real money from their shop! dont get me wrong,im ok with this. but u buy blindly,u can get only crap dyes. i used to play cabal online last 5 years,i wish arenanet to learn how to build a shop from them! cool items, expansive but so cool! all here bought this game so i asume all can afford to spend few hundreds dollard in it. Atm i dont have on what to spend my money in anet shop. pls consider this a constructive opinion.

The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gstringbass.2506


I’ve had this debate before on why the dye collection should be account based instead of character based. I myself was always on the side of account based dyes, but I have to say one thing. At least its not like GW1 where you have to buy/find a dye for each piece of armor. The system now lets you use your black dye 1 million times instead of limiting you to one use. I would say it is an improvement.
I have about 150 additional dye colors on my main character and the way I look at it is I can decide what colors are worth buying for my alts, most of them are inexpensive. I think it would be even less of an issue if they added previewing to the trade post. You can see what the colors look like before you buy them.
Also from a collectors point of view. I am trying to collect every color and its a bit frustrating they are limited to one character. But yes I think it was to increase the value of unidentified dye. there are crafting items for legendary items that require you to collect 250 unidentified dyes. If people collect all the dyes to quickly then the unidentified ones loose all value and make it too easy to get a legendary weapon. I think that’s why they are character bound.

The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


The dye time-line…

- Dyes were going to be account bound. And people were happy.

- Mystery dye plant food was a fun cheap item in the cash-shop.

- Arenanet hired Crystin Cox to work on the cash-shop. Crystin Cox formally of Nexon a company known for pay to win games and micro transactions that knickle and dime the players.

- Fans predict her taking things we have and changing it encourage cash-shop buys.

- Crystin Cox announced that dyes would be character bound and retracted all previous statements made by Perry and anyone else who said they would be otherwise.

- Cheap mystic dye plant food disappears from cash-shop, it is replaced by the more expensive dye packs.

- Fan predictions come true.

- People were unhappy and demanded changes.

- Anet said no.

There you go, now you’re all caught up.

The Kismet

The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


You guys seem to be forgetting that you can craft dyes.
Also dyes are for sale on the TP, and yes you can see the color before you buy it.
Just hover your mouse over the name and a square pops up that shows you the color.
Dyes are also fairly cheap on the TP unless you want Abyss/ Celestial.
No one has a need to buy dyes with gems, so no, Arena net is not trying to steal your money.
I read an article somewhere (can’t find it now) where they explain that the reason for making dyes character bound is so that players would develop more distinctive looks on their different characters.
If you really really need that special dye on and alt, buy it on the TP.

Gunnar’s Hold

The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seraph.8315


The dye time-line…

Truly a sad story….

The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NinjaKnight.1340


- Arenanet hired Crystin Cox to work on the cash-shop. Crystin Cox formally of Nexon a company known for pay to win games and micro transactions that knickle and dime the players.

- Crystin Cox announced that dyes would be character bound and retracted all previous statements made by Perry and anyone else who said they would be otherwise.

Thanks for the insightful info.

Well I guess this is a taste of things to come. It probably also explains why they are nerfing classes right left and center. They are probably hoping people will switch mains or create new chars then buy Gems to help get those new chars up.

I never played GW1 but I have played games where you could buy skins and sell them. I find this dye concept a joke. So many hundred colors, most of which noone will buy/use.

(edited by NinjaKnight.1340)

The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Peacenote.1698


The dye time-line…

That is sad. And I’m sure it’s true.

I was hoping at first that dyes would be a good way to make money as a Chef. But you need SO many ingredients to make just one dye. And then you don’t know for sure which one it will be. Many of the dyes sell for just coppers on the Trading Post. Seems like the only way to make money off of dyes in this game (as with a lot of things) is if you come by it for free as a drop.

So at first I thought it would be good for Chefs if dyes were character-specific instead of account-bound, but now I just think it’s a huge bummer. Especially since dyes can be purchased with Gems.

The “characters will look more unique” explanation doesn’t make any sense to me. All characters start out with base colors. Until people start acquiring dyes, people will have MORE of a tendency to look the same than if they acquire dyes quicker because they are available on all of their characters. More choices = more variety, no?

And for me, when I realized that I couldn’t use the dyes from my main on one of my alts, my reaction wasn’t to go and find more dyes. It was: “Oh, I guess I just have to use the base colors…..meh.”

Too bad.

The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haishao.6851


How do they make more money out of this system than the one that FORCED your to buy certain color on gemstore?

The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

How do they make more money out of this system than the one that FORCED your to buy certain color on gemstore?

Because not everyone has a compulsion to collect the rainbow. If I just wanted a few dyes I would buy them and be happy. End of story. With random packs, you keep buying them with the hopes that the RNG gods smile upon you and give you want you want.

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The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

Yeah, I love bein’ able to make my characters look unique, but no way I’m gonna spend money to buy dyes.

That said, I love the change they made to the dye system in this game – so much better than it was in the first game and once I started playin’ around with it I found myself keepin’ most of the dyes I found instead of sellin’ em. (at least for my main)

I love how much more ya can do with the dyes now and that you can experiment with different looks until you find the perfect mix n’ match. I get ta spend a lot longer on my outfits, gettin’ em just right, changin’ em and tweaking ‘em than I ever did in the old game. I’m startin’ ta build myself a pretty good wardrobe selection. (I just wish I could wear light armor skins as well … medium armor has some pretty good skins for outfits, but some more cloth skins would be fantastic.)

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haishao.6851


How do they make more money out of this system than the one that FORCED your to buy certain color on gemstore?

Because not everyone has a compulsion to collect the rainbow. If I just wanted a few dyes I would buy them and be happy. End of story. With random packs, you keep buying them with the hopes that the RNG gods smile upon you and give you want you want.

Wow, seriosuly, bravo. You win. I wont tell you what but you certainly win.

Why do you keep buying them if you know you will potentially not ever get the color you want?

You get dyes by:
killing monster 100% free random color from common to rare
gathering plants 100% free random color from common to rare
cooking Cost material you gather(and get dye doing so) to cook random color of the shade you want of the rarity you want
Trading post You pay in game money between 1 copper to 5 gold to get exactly the color you want. Obviously the most effective method.
Gemstore You pay real money, or about 1.5 gold for the gems to get 5 random bottles of unknown color and rarity. You are assured that 2 of them will be either uncommon or rare.

Yet you chose the last one.
I ask again, why?

If you wanted what you want, you’d act in a way that gives it to you. Now you just act randomly expecting to win whatever.

I just cannot believe you’re serious.

The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

How do they make more money out of this system than the one that FORCED your to buy certain color on gemstore?

Because not everyone has a compulsion to collect the rainbow. If I just wanted a few dyes I would buy them and be happy. End of story. With random packs, you keep buying them with the hopes that the RNG gods smile upon you and give you want you want.

Wow, seriosuly, bravo. You win. I wont tell you what but you certainly win.

Why do you keep buying them if you know you will potentially not ever get the color you want?

You get dyes by:
killing monster 100% free random color from common to rare
gathering plants 100% free random color from common to rare
cooking Cost material you gather(and get dye doing so) to cook random color of the shade you want of the rarity you want
Trading post You pay in game money between 1 copper to 5 gold to get exactly the color you want.
Gemstore You pay real money, or about 1.5 gold to get 5 random bottle of unknow color and rarity. You are assured that 2 of them will be either uncommon or rare.

Yet you chose the last one.
I ask again, why?

If you wanted what you want, you’d act in a way that gives it to you. Now you just act randomly expecting to win whatever.

I just cannot believe you’re serious.

When did I ever say I bought a random pack? I was illustrating the reason why there isn’t just a menu to pick and choose which you want to spend gems on.

We may never know what award I won, but you have certainly taken home the “Lack of Reading Comprehension/Jumping to Conclusions” Best In Show.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haishao.6851


When did I ever say I bought a random pack? I was illustrating the reason why there isn’t just a menu to pick and choose which you want to spend gems on.

We may never know what award I won, but you have certainly taken home the “Lack of Reading Comprehension/Jumping to Conclusions” Best In Show.

So you weren’t answering my question.
Sorry. I thought you quoted my post and replied that people actually bought random pack expecting their dark and edgy color and that was why dyes being character bound instead of account was made specifically for arenanet to make money.

You can chose and pick the color you want. You press O, click on the little scale icon and type in the color name you want.

The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Passive Aggressive.3154

Passive Aggressive.3154

Honestly unless you want black or white (and really does EVERY one of your alts need to be in black and white?) you will get SOOOO many dyes in this game just over the course of questing that you can change the color of your outfits every day for a month and not wear the same color twice.

“Do what you want to do and don’t tell other people how to behave.” ~ Ruth Stout

The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corian.4068


I’m ultimately okay with this, because outside of blacks and whites dyes of all colors are cheap and easily accessible even if you choose not to spend gems on dye packs.

It’d be preferable for the dyes to be unlocked for one’s whole account, but even if they aren’t this is still a step ahead of GW1 and other games where dyes are one-time use. It’s not what quite what they told us we’d have, but it’s still more than what other games are offering.

Hit level eighty
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye

The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


The dye time-line…

- Dyes were going to be account bound. And people were happy.

- Mystery dye plant food was a fun cheap item in the cash-shop.

- Arenanet hired Crystin Cox to work on the cash-shop. Crystin Cox formally of Nexon a company known for pay to win games and micro transactions that knickle and dime the players.

- Fans predict her taking things we have and changing it encourage cash-shop buys.

- Crystin Cox announced that dyes would be character bound and retracted all previous statements made by Perry and anyone else who said they would be otherwise.

- Cheap mystic dye plant food disappears from cash-shop, it is replaced by the more expensive dye packs.

- Fan predictions come true.

- People were unhappy and demanded changes.

- Anet said no.

There you go, now you’re all caught up.

Crystin Cox’s job is basically about breaking systems in the game in order to encourage gem purchase. By breaking those systems, it’s a certainty you’ll affect the level of enjoyment of a certain part of the people who already spent 60 dollars/55 euro on the game. Nobody is against making money, but making money in such an unscrupulous way is simply disgusting (and when I say unscrupulous, I’m not referring only to dyes, but to most of the items in the cash shop). I really don’t know how these people can live with themselves.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haishao.6851


Crystin Cox’s job is basically about breaking systems in the game in order to encourage gem purchase. By breaking those systems, it’s a certainty you’ll affect the level of enjoyment of a certain part of the people who already spent 60 dollars/55 euro on the game. Nobody is against making money, but making money in such an unscrupulous way is simply disgusting (and when I say unscrupulous, I’m not referring only to dyes, but to most of the items in the cash shop). I really don’t know how these people can live with themselves.

You have secret contact from the inside who told you why Crystin Cox was hired for? Maybe you should show us your proof that it’s her job to break the game?

Also why don’t you tell me what are these items that are absolutely required from the Gem store to play the game. Because frankly, I cannot think of a single item on Gem store that will help me achieve anything in game.

(edited by Haishao.6851)

The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gauradan.8361


You have secret contact from the inside who told you why Crystin Cox was hired for? Maybe you should show us your proof that it’s her job to break the game?

It’s no secret that she’s working as a Monetization Producer.

Also why don’t you tell me what are these items that are absolutely required from the Gem store to play the game. Because frankly, I cannot think of a single item on Gem store that will help me achieve anything in game.

Really? I understand defending the game in order to gain self-reassurance, but this is too much.

Why do you require me to name examples you already know about? The mere fact that you can trade gems for gold helps you achieve something in game. Then, there are the Black Lion Salvage Kits (which have a chance of getting rare materials which is twice as much as the one of the best Salvage Kit available in-game), boosters, Mystic Forge Stones, Revive Orb, Transmutation Stones etc. All these items help you achieve something in-game, otherwise people wouldn’t be buying them. Not to mention the Black Lion Chests and the chance for the permanent “convenience” items.

Sure, none of them are required to log in and play, but they sure as hell make the experience a lot more enjoyable. It’s obvious there are a lot of things designed to guide you into the cash shop. Take for example, the Trading Post: why can you post items from anywhere but not pick up items or gold you received? The former is as much logic breaking as the latter, so what was the problem? They had to sell items in the gem store. Same is the case with depositing items in your bank.

Now, these are not game breaking, but they lead into other issues: imagine if waypoints had no cost, like in the first game. Nobody would have bought the Bank Access Express and Black Lion Trader Express items. Thus, they had to make waypoints cost a lot. And the list goes on.

Saying the game is not designed to make you use the shop is pure ignorance. Whether you are willing to cope with that or not is entirely subjective.

Aed f’haeil moen Hirjeth taenverde.

The Dye System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ingram of Haz.5987

Ingram of Haz.5987

I have to admit I DO miss the Dye mixing ability… feels like so many options to unlock for Dyes and then you realize if you could just mix a few you could get the look you want and it be a LITTLE more unique. BUT its not too hard to just keep collecting em, just frustrating when you know you have a color unlocked on 1 toon and cant transfer a skin get dyed the way you want it from another toon. you got to wait till you find just the right dye again on that other character… Its just frustrating is all I’m saying. I get it, just really wishing it were account locked and not character locked.

Jade Quarry