but a harsh word stirs up anger.” -Jewish Proverb
The Farmer's Prayer
but a harsh word stirs up anger.” -Jewish Proverb
Risen Farming Union [ROSE], wholeheartedly supports this message.
Blessed RNG, we art thou humble servants. Protect us from DR and all things not shiny, amen.
(bows before the altar of shinies) <reads from the book of Dwayna) Blessed art the farmers for they shall inherit Tyria.
The almighty RNG will not be appeased by our pathetic pleas. We must bring sacrificial offerings to the Mystic Forge
+ grabs Dookies.2718 and throws him in forge+ Please RNG gods bless me!
Throws God of Gods.7235 in the fire.
And make that double for me, oh Blessed RNG God.
Simply hilarious. I’m lovin it. {:þ -LOL
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
Oh lord of RNG. Please forgiveth the blasphemous tongue of Im Mudbone.1437 for he is not sane. Through thy mightiness bless us with thy prosperity, to cleanest our selfish needs. So thou shall hear of thy laurels and bounties thy have delivered.
Oh lord of RNG. Please forgiveth the blasphemous tongue of Im Mudbone.1437 for he is not sane. Through thy mightiness bless us with thy prosperity, to cleanest our selfish needs. So thou shall hear of thy laurels and bounties thy have delivered.
Still lovin it.
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
Knew I should’ve included this prayer somewhere!
Throws Im Mudbone.1437 in the forge too because every little bit helps. :-P