The Female Human epidemic
I am a girl, but a have a lot of guy friends that prefer to play females. Some say they can get away with some stuff as a female character, the men look like they are on steroids, and of course the hotness factor. As for girls, some play male characters because they feel they are more respected.
And of course not every female character is a guy. There are TONS of women that play.
I like to play a character that is (not in any sexual way) pleasant to look at. Male or female.
Simple as that. Not really sure why people make such a big deal about this.
4 characters, 2 human males, one norn female and one human female. i don’t like Asura and hate the way armor looks on charr and sylvari.
The majority of the time in online games I pick male characters as I am a guy myself but it doesn’t bother me that other dudes play as female characters.
As someone who mains a male character… I simply don’t care. It’s just a character that I had the option to customize and change Its shape a “little”. Not like I’d say I wouldn’t play Tomb Raider because the main character Is a girl: Sure thing I would.
tl;dr: It’s just a game.
Because I like looking at my human female thief in t3 cultural.
But then again, I also like looking at my sylvari male warrior in that bare-chested plate armor.
I have a manly Human Male Warrior (the largest, muscular max height setting – otherwise they can be scrawny) – as I do in all games – and the rest are cute female characters. To be honest, the best female body type is Norn (my guardian), but human female thief works very well too
Women tend to pick MMO characters that closest resembles themselves. Men pick MMO characters that closest resembles their fantasies (if they play female toons).
When I’m making a character I start with a few general ideas like an outline of a personality, or a race or profession I want to play and then I match everything else to it. So in games where it’s purely cosmetic (everything except the Elder Scrolls as far as I know) I pick whichever gender I think suits the character best.
At the moment I’ve got 3 women and one man, but it could just as easily have been the other way around.
Personally I think it’s a bit strange to assume every character a person plays has to be an accurate and complete representation of them. I mean, you wouldn’t insist that a male author can only have male characters in their stories, or even all-male main characters. IMO role-playing isn’t that different, you’re still creating a story about a character, you’re just doing it within someone elses world and rules.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Women tend to pick MMO characters that closest resembles themselves. Men pick MMO characters that closest resembles their fantasies (if they play female toons).
Wouldn’t they all play as humans if that were true?
Women tend to pick MMO characters that closest resembles themselves. Men pick MMO characters that closest resembles their fantasies (if they play female toons).
Wouldn’t they all play as humans if that were true?
Not necessarily .. it’s how you perceive yourself. I have a friend who won’t play anything but short squat female characters … and she’s well ..
I’m not saying this is the rule, there are exceptions, but when women create characters they tend to try to replicate themselves, at least with their first/main toon, more so than men do.
I’m not saying this is the rule, there are exceptions, but when women create characters they tend to try to replicate themselves, at least with their first/main toon, more so than men do.
I would hope that it would be more than just an “exception” that people actually have imagination.
When my brother played D&D he always played a male paladin with exactly his own personality. 20+ years of the same character. I get that people of both genders will often play as themselves, but it strikes me as really boring. It’s not as weird to me the first time or two someone is playing a game with a character creation feature, but after a while I would think it would get old.
KOTOR was the first game I played like that. I made a character just like me who did everything just like I would. It was okay. But then I made a different character who was opposite gender and made all decisions differently from myself. Keeping track of and maintaining consistency with a thought process that didn’t come naturally was fun, and the game was far more rewarding when I took that approach.
They’re just much prettier to look at than men.
What does it matter what character people play? Just assume that everyone is male like probably 97% of players are. MMO is not a dating site
Some play human male, some female, some are charr, some are asura, some are tauren, some are undead, some are elves and some are dwarves. Characters do not have to be a mirror images of the players themselves. Shocking, isn’t it?
I’m not saying this is the rule, there are exceptions, but when women create characters they tend to try to replicate themselves, at least with their first/main toon, more so than men do.
I would hope that it would be more than just an “exception” that people actually have imagination.
When my brother played D&D he always played a male paladin with exactly his own personality. 20+ years of the same character. I get that people of both genders will often play as themselves, but it strikes me as really boring. It’s not as weird to me the first time or two someone is playing a game with a character creation feature, but after a while I would think it would get old.
KOTOR was the first game I played like that. I made a character just like me who did everything just like I would. It was okay. But then I made a different character who was opposite gender and made all decisions differently from myself. Keeping track of and maintaining consistency with a thought process that didn’t come naturally was fun, and the game was far more rewarding when I took that approach.
In games where you get to make choices my main character will always do what I think is right. But that’s partially to keep it simple and partially because I like to see how it would play out.
Even then I wouldn’t say they have the same personality as me because, frankly, if they did they wouldn’t be in those situations in the first place. They’d be one of the merchants or crafters in town, or maybe at best someone trying to organise the defences and keep people safe. Not the wandering hero out looking for trouble.
But I’ll always make at least one alternate character, usually more, so I can try different choices. In games with good and evil options (as opposed to games like this where none of the choices are really wrong) I’ll always make one where I take all the evil options to see just how bad it can get. (Currently Dragon Age Origins male city elf intro wins that one – your fiancee and your best friend get kidnapped and after killing a bunch of innocent guards to get them back you can take a bribe to let them be kitten and possibly killed, take all the credit for “trying” to rescue them and then let you friend take the fall and be dragged off to be executed when the guards come looking.)
One reason I have 4 characters in this game is so I could have 1 join each order and then decide which one my main character would pick. I’ve also made and deleted a bunch of other characters to try out different story options.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Many men will play a female character in this type of game because girls who are badaasses are apealing to them. Its this same demographic of men who like movies such as “Kill Bill” and “Kickaass”.
Many of these men would not likely play a female character in a non violent game, such as the Sims. (Although some still might, I imagine).
Many men will play a female character in this type of game because girls who are badaasses are apealing to them. Its this same demographic of men who like movies such as “Kill Bill” and “Kickaass”.
Many of these men would not likely play a female character in a non violent game, such as the Sims. (Although some still might, I imagine).
In the Sims you usually end up playing a whole family. I suppose they could make a gay couple with adopted male children, but I think if anything that would be top of the list for games where most people have both male and female characters.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I’ve never been hit on in an MMO. It seems to be a common thing based on what I’ve read but it’s never even come up in my experience.
I’ve also never been treated with kid’s gloves or given free stuff while playing a female character.
(edited by Moderator)
I cant speak for others but when I create a character I have a whole back story that I give them. So for me its not the " what do i want to look at " factor but more of a what do I want to make today kind of thing.
I have 8 character slots.. half female, half male. I don’t really prefer one over the other, just like the thought/idea of having some balance.
Edit: Also, a lot of my names are based on things I’ve found interesting/books I’ve read… So it’s not really female for the sake of being female either.
I have a mix of genders for my character but i’ll try help shed some light on why I’ve gone the way I have. I have 8 character slots, 5 female, 3 male.
I picked the females because, in my opinion, the best male character models are Charr and Norn. With a Charr I can feel pretty monstrous, that deep growl for a voice and being a monster race that doesn’t look plain dumb. Really nice. With the Norn I again, can feel this (although I will never make another Norn, that personal story is too much to endure).
My trouble with male characters, for each race is as follows:
Charr & Norn get banded together. Huge character models make the camera god awful and combining that with the slow run animation really ruins it for me. I’ve never liked the hulking, slow moving, muscle bound, OTT manly type on humanoid characters. I don’t like being slow. Hence why in games like Dynasty Warriors I played a large amount of females compared to male characters. If they could make shorter Charr i’d be over the moon. If you could put some of the Norn faces on a human male i’d be happy too (that’s why I chose Norn male).
Human and Sylvari: It’s really hard to get a rugged look without being plain ugly. I’d like something along the lines of Gandalf for a light armour person, or Gimli for a heavy armour. I can get Gimli like faces with a hell of a lot of fiddling on a Norn, but they are so big the run animation feels too slow. I simple cannot get Gandalf. No long beards and not really any none ripped male character models ruin it. Gimli is simply too short to make without being Asura, who don’t look remotely like that type.
Sylvari and Human. Again banded together. Both have either feminine face models, or pug ugly face models. Why can I not, for the love of god, make something that doesn’t look like he should be on TOWIE, or embarrassing bodies, or some trash TV like that.
Asura. Oddly enough these guys aren’t too bad for male models. Although i’d much prefer more hair and face styles because, for my preference I feel pushed into a single male Asura face, and the hair style with the head band thing.
Females however fare better. Shorter models make running feel less tiresome and boring. I can make them classy, which is how I imagine certain characters. If anyone has read the series of books by David Eddings know as the Belgariad and the Mallorean, you’ll know that a thief character like Velvet (Margravine Lisel) is achievable as a pose to Prince Kheldar. Velvet being an attractive thief with great wit. Prince Kheldar being a long nosed, short man with a snappy wit also. I can’t describe much more but anyone who knows what i’m getting at you get it already.
Female Charr i’ll grant I dislike.
Female Asura are fine. Cute little things, so totally the opposite of how I imagine myself that getting into that sort of mindset is more immersive.
Norn Females are shorter. That makes them less tedious to travel with, and you can make some interesting faces and hair style with them.
Human females are just better than males. As said I hate a ‘pretty boy’ male. I can make a far better witch female than I can a Wizard male.
But it’s each to their own. I hate being slow, and I hate the pretty boy look. That rules out most male options in the game.
Suggestion: Make more rugged male faces. Make males capable of being shorter. Make males have more builds that aren’t overly masculine (ESPECIALLY NORN!!!). Give better facial hair options.
Then I can make my old man Wizard rather than my Witch, or traditional female caster type.
Sorry to anyone who read that. That’s a jumbled up mess but you get the point.
So much of this thread is totally missing the fact that male characters outnumber females 2 to 1.
I’m not saying this is the rule, there are exceptions, but when women create characters they tend to try to replicate themselves, at least with their first/main toon, more so than men do.
I would hope that it would be more than just an “exception” that people actually have imagination.
When my brother played D&D he always played a male paladin with exactly his own personality. 20+ years of the same character. I get that people of both genders will often play as themselves, but it strikes me as really boring. It’s not as weird to me the first time or two someone is playing a game with a character creation feature, but after a while I would think it would get old.
KOTOR was the first game I played like that. I made a character just like me who did everything just like I would. It was okay. But then I made a different character who was opposite gender and made all decisions differently from myself. Keeping track of and maintaining consistency with a thought process that didn’t come naturally was fun, and the game was far more rewarding when I took that approach.
Hrm, maybe it’s just a girl thing to do? I cannot tell by your forum name whether you’re male or female, but the bulk of women I know (including myself) who play MMO’s (shhh! it’s true, girls DO play MMOs!) … tend to make, at the very least, their first toon resemble themselves. Women tend to be more vain that way I guess. But as I said, there are always exceptions.
And I can appreciate you taking an alternate path and deriving enjoyment from playing opposite of who you are in real life, it’s the Internet after all, a lot of people do that and not just in MMOs. But for me? My toons resemble me… well maybe with different shades of hair colour And online in other areas of the net? I’m pretty much wysiwyg too.
Interesting side story: Warhammer had a toon that looked identical to me, it was almost surreal and somewhat unsettling. I even posted comparison photos of me and my toon on the forum and overwhelming response from most saying “yep, that’s you.” A little TOO much realism, lol
Yeah, guys should have a right to play female characters, but if too many guys exercise it… I’m not going there since I know how these threads go down lol!
If you read my post I wrote; “As for the other idea and with no offence meant to you I find that just ridiculous and the inferred link somewhat tenuous at best.”. The other idea in that case being exactly the worry you just posted about.
So yeah I did read the post and understood it. And I replied in a reasonable manner. (My post was not simply about one particular issue raised by the other poster).
That said, I do see how the part of my post I just quoted may have not been fully understood or simply not taken in the context it was intended to be and will try to convey my meaning in an easier to read and understand manner in future.
Anyways, this thread is still entertaining! I have, for the most part enjoyed reading it. Thanks again OP/TS – sorry for the semi derail.
(edited by Moderator)
What is the allure of female humans characters and why are there so many males playing them?
Can’t speak for the being male part as I am female, but I think I only have one female human. Just don’t understand the allure myself, I would rather play a female Charr or Asura, just due to the fact I am already a human IRL. Playing a Charr or Asura really draws me into the fantasy part of the game myself. My husband would rather play a male character than female. I asked him why, and he said if he is going to be killing something in a game, he wants to look like a big burly mountain man. I asked him why not a female, and he said that he just couldn’t connect to a female avatar.
So I suppose it is all preference really.
Current Home: Yaks Bend Former Home: Maguuma/TC/SBI
Sin’s Characters on Gw2efficiency
And I can appreciate you taking an alternate path and deriving enjoyment from playing opposite of who you are in real life, it’s the Internet after all, a lot of people do that and not just in MMOs. But for me? My toons resemble me… well maybe with different shades of hair colour
And online in other areas of the net? I’m pretty much wysiwyg too.
For me it’s an exercise in putting myself in another’s shoes. It’s what roleplaying is to me, and I do it in both video games and pencil-and-paper rpgs.
But I don’t do it in social interaction. I don’t get a kick out of misleading people. I’m not really social in MMOs but I’ve never hidden who I really am if I had to interact with folks. But I also don’t volunteer information if it’s not relevant.
The most appropriate class/ profession for me is a thief or rogue because the way I’d approach a dangerous situation is to hide in the shadows and use whatever advantage or surprise I could to keep a fight short and unfair. Everyone talks about thieves being really great and even OP, so considering all of the above I should really enjoy playing one, right? Nope, I haven’t really gotten a big kick out of it yet and have been playing my sylvari female necromancer, human female mesmer, and charr male warrior a lot more.
On a side note and not trying to entice a war or what not, I wonder what same sex oriented people prefer?
This is kinda an odd question, but I know ya didn’ mean it ta be offensive, so I won’ take it that way. I am a gay woman, not transgendered, when I fantasize I don’ imagine meself as a man, I am gay – I’mma girl what likes other girls. Not ta mention it would be downright offensive ta play a guy so’s I could flirt with women what didn’ know what I was – that’s ah huge breach ah trust there. (now, I’mma roleplayer, so if I’m playin’ a male character an’ he falls for a girl he’ll flirt, but I will tell the player before hand so’s she knows an’ is comfortable with it.)
As for the part about people bein’ uncomfortable about it; yeah, I’ve run inta this big time – in this game even. Was runnin’ a dungeon about a month back, doin’ good, got through it once an’ was waitin’ while we filled holes in our party ta go through again. All of a sudden one ah the PCs comes up ta me an’ demands ta know if I’m a guy in real life – probably because ah my account name, not my fault he’s never met ah girl named Jack before. He was very aggressive and insistent about it, an’ some ah the other players had ta step in an’ say, “hey man, we’re jus’ playin’ the game, what does one have ta do with the other?”. It was a strange experience.
On the other side ah that, I’ve had male PCs hit on me in bars an’ get very lude and suggestive – ta the point where it was uncomfortable an’ if I’d been in ah real bar I’d have asked the bouncer ta walk me ta my car. So playin’ a girl doesn’ always come with benefits.
My character – she’s me manic side given shape; she is not me though – she’s ah character in ah story. I have male characters too, an’ when I play them I try ta act like a guy – never had a girl come up an’ demand ta know if I was really a man behind the doll.
I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.
(edited by Jack of Tears.9458)
It’s not “strange” at all, if you took two seconds to think about it. There may be a handful of guys that quote that “stare at a chick’s backside instead of a dude’s” garbage, and actually believe it, but the rabbit hole goes a bit deeper than that for most people. So, here are the top three reasons male players create female characters:
1. The male character models suck. Most MMO/RPG male character models look somewhere between atrocious and awkward. The character is too buff or anemic, the walking/running animation looks odd, the face templates are ugly, or the male avatars just look so feminine that you may as well make a female and have done with it. Usually it’s some combination of the above.
2. Female-only content. Sometimes, dialogue (or even entire cutscenes or missions) changes because the character is female. Ultimately, this means seeing it requires creating at least one female character.
3. Roleplaying. Some people don’t create an avatar, they create a character. They decide on a personality, affix a gender, determine a look, mold a character model. For whatever reason, the character they’ve created feels more like a female character, rather than a male character, and so the character ends up being female.
4. (Here’s an extra one for you, because I thought of it while I was typing) Chicks that kick kitten There’s something incredibly hot about a woman who can kick kitten and take names. A featherweight of a chick that can heft a sledge hammer and smash you in the face just as good as any of the boys is hilarious, and sexy as hell.
So, there you go. The [four] major reasons guys play female characters. Believe it, don’t believe it, I don’t really care.
(edited by Moderator)
I actually regret making a human female. Sure it worked out fine for my Ranger but my Thief? No way. Male medium armors look way better for thieves. I’m gonna buy a character makeover as soon as I can and change my Human female thief to a human male thief.
I’d rather not play a guy with an annoying voice saying “eat my dust” every half minute.
These sad people have not yet discovered the awesomeness of Asura.
unofficial theme song of the Nightmare Court
These sad people have not yet discovered the awesomeness of Asura.
my female asura engineer is super cute!! Unfortunately, I figured out a little late that I didn’t really like the engineer, so she’s just collecting dust >.<
I’m a male and am attracted to strong females. Female MMA fighters, female bad kitten in novels, etc. It doesn’t bother me a bit. To each their own. I don’t generally create female characters in games only because I know I’d have to try and explain it to my gf, but I don’t see a problem with it. Pick up a book and read something, you’ll see what I’m talking about. Malazan Book of the Fallen, a Wheel of Time. Plenty of strong female leads out there, so why not create another?
These sad people have not yet discovered the awesomeness of Asura.
Lol I still love my Asura ^_^ After meeting my goals I’m going to gear it! :D
These sad people have not yet discovered the awesomeness of Asura.
The Asura are so adorable! If it weren’ for the genius tech thing – which just doesn’ fit with me character – I’da made her an Asura in ah second.
I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.
- If I’m going to look at my character’s butt constantly while playing it might as well be an aesthetically pleasing butt.
- Studies show female avatars tend to do better in in-game negotiations.
- Human model is large enough to be seen and small enough to avoid the camera issues that plague charr and norn on jumping puzzles.
- Human/norn/sylvari armour models tend to look better and be more visually distinctive than asura and charr.
- Human starting areas are more visually attractive than the other starting areas.
- Human backstory is more relatable and does not require you to immediately digest a lot of lore.
- Humans offer a wide range of roleplaying choices and do not require you to assume your character is a warrior or a scientist.
- Everyone knows what a human is; the other races require explanation.
- Humans were the only available race in GW1 and players may want to “continue” their character.
- Female character and armour models in GW1 were particularly well-done and players may expect the same in GW2.
- Many single player games offer only a male avatar and players may want to take the opportunity to play a female while it’s available.
Probably more reasons but those are plenty.
(edited by GregT.4702)
Up the years I’ve always played male characters. And found playing a female one unsatisfying for some reason. However, in Guild Wars 2 I’ve mixed it up. I still have more male than female characters though. My rule: If I’m playing a caster, I go female. If I play something else, I go male. I dislike playing a male with light armor and a female with heavy.
Women tend to pick MMO characters that closest resembles themselves. Men pick MMO characters that closest resembles their fantasies (if they play female toons).
True for some, false for many others.
It’s just the two-groups kicking in again. Some choose an avatar of themselves, some make a character fitting their role (which could be sexualized, or might not be).
Although I personally prefer playing female characters (I’m female), and all five of the characters I made were female, I would have no problem playing male or genderless characters. I just tend to prefer female character models and the like, provided they’re not overly sexualized.
My main character is for me just a character I like. Her look and form is nowhere close to my RL look and form, and not what my idealized RL form would be either. My other characters also bear no similarities to me. My previous game, I also had no character that was anywhere close to my look (except for a brief 1 month long reincarnation on my mage, and that’s only because that was the best looking style).
D. The only reason I play male characters is cause I hate being hit on by a bunch of dudes who can’t figure out that the gender of someone’s character does not directly translates to their gender in RL.
I’ve never been hit on in an MMO. It seems to be a common thing based on what I’ve read but it’s never even come up in my experience.
I’ve also never been treated with kid’s gloves or given free stuff while playing a female character.
I used to get hit on a lot in UO back in the old days. Removed ~ Dalmarus
It’s happened to me three times, once around 2005, once around 2008, once in 2010. The second and third times, I very vocally went off on the culprit (thankfully was never reported). I didn’t play games where lots of adolescents congregated, so I may have just gotten lucky.
I know several women who do play male characters to blend in and avoid comments when they play a shooter type or a game like WoW.
I know some female WoW and PC game players who don’t openly say they’re women as a number of people believe women can’t play with skill, only play because of a “boyfriend”, should only be healers, call them trans, or are only looking for handouts.
I also know many women who avoid voice chat in those types of games (especially competitive PC games) because of both the above abusive comments, and on top of that the vulgar sexual comments (sometimes the same person doing both!).
(edited by Moderator)
I have 8 characters, all male (although different races). I just prefer to play as a male avatar if given the choice. I guess it is because I relate better to character of my gender (even if of a different race). The further an avatar is from how I really am, the less it feels like I am playing “me” and more like I am playing some fictional character. I’m fine with both, I just never got into playing a different gender.
I always find it funny that people look down at men who play as women in video games when normally they are the kind of person who is trying to project themselves into the game world where they are the big strong hero, loved by all and destined to save the world.
Personally I don’t see how people playing as the opposite gender is any different from humans playing as a different species.
They’ll always be guys that play mangina for the eye candy. But with GW2 specifically, male human face selection is awful. As I don’t want to be an androgynous Asian, a meat faced dipkitten or Clint Eastwood, I go with Sylvari. But for guys that absolutely want a human character, you’re pretty SOL with your options in GW2 for men.
I was frankly surprised at how awful and limiting the male human face selection was. Every other race has more/better options. But because ANET made the secondary detail layer of male human to be porn star mustaches instead of scars, tattoos or complexions its subpar to every other race. With very little variety because oddly enough not everyone wants to look like their dad’s prom photo.
It’s a strange thing i have, but if i’m going to play a support character in an MMO, it’s got to be a female. Otherwise, it’s a male character.
So my engineers a human female. I would’ve picked a female norn, but they sound like men.
If any guys try to chat me up, or ask if i’m a guy or not, i allways tell them i’m a male.
For me, humans seem to generally move the best, if that makes sense. For example, norns just feel like they’re running in slow motion. That alone is a deal breaker for me, even if it is just my own perception. I’ve never tried a char but I assume it would be the same. The small ones (I don’t even know what they’re called, lol) are just to small and kind of creep me out..lol. And the leaf people, who I thought would be the main species I would play, turned out to just look weird to me. Humans were actually the last class i expected to play.
Yup, i’m a male and my two toons are both female. Why? I gues they’re just more appealing to look at than the male models in general, not trying to be creepy but that’s just how i feel. As of right now i’m playing a ranger and theif who seem to have nothing but trench coat armor, so I gues it’s not the kitten thing.
These sad people have not yet discovered the awesomeness of Asura.
My one and only character is an Asura with the smallest body-type available. (I wanted to be a small as possible). She’s tiny enough to hide behind a coffee cup, and the way her little arms flail about when shes jumping around brings me grat joy!
… and she has the absolute best /cheer!
This topic gets repeatedly beaten like a dead horse. I’ve seen it so often on gaming sites that I practically have a rote response based on what I’ve observed from these recurring discussions. It always comes down to two camps.
One camp are players who feel that MMO characters should reflect their real life personas for whatever reason. They project themselves into their characters and feel uncomfortable role-playing another gender.
The other camp either tends to see them as video game characters that have no more relation to real life than characters in a fantasy story or movie or they want to role-play something different from what they are in real-life, just as they might role-play a non-human creature.
Generally, the people in the second camp don’t care how people play their characters in a game they purchased with their own money. It’s usually some of the people in the first camp (not all) who get bent out of shape when other people aren’t playing the game the way they think it should be played.
Personally, I don’t role-play much in MMOs but I like stories that have large casts. I like writing stories that have large casts (like in my webcomic) so naturally I’m rolling a bunch of alts in GW2. My current batch of alts has one character that is female, and I’m planning on adding in two others in the next round of alts because those were the character ideas I thought up.
I may end up doing my own stories with these characters and limiting myself to characters of a single gender would make for a boring story.
(edited by DoctorOverlord.8620)
i pick the races which aren’t too small and not too big. i choose the females because generally in games their animations are smoother and less intrusive so you spend less time looking at the toon itself and more time at the world around you/thing you’re killing at the time.
of course, that was before gw2’s obsession with distracting buttcapes and massive dresses on casters. what IS with that? all i want is some pants.
The male human faces are awful. they are all abrecrombie looking models. When I do play male characters I want them to look kitten like they are real tough guys who flex and bust out of things. Not some wimpy pretty boy who is to busy combing his hair to do any awesome roundhouse kicks.
So when I roll humans I pick the females so I can see pretty girls do back flips onto ledges of cliffs while fighting a dragon with 38 butts
If I’m going to play a human, it will be female because if I’m going to look at the backside of a human, I’d rather look at a backside of a female.
Charr don’t have anything good to look at anyway so I’d play a male then.
I also like the plant chicks. They just have better curves.
Male characters tend to be more bulky heavy duty shapes. Females tend to be more artistic.
If I’m going to play a human, it will be female because if I’m going to look at the backside of a human, I’d rather look at a backside of a female.
Charr don’t have anything good to look at anyway so I’d play a male then.
I also like the plant chicks. They just have better curves.
Male characters tend to be more bulky heavy duty shapes. Females tend to be more artistic.
Norn males are awesome because they can crush peoples heads with an arm pump