The Flameseeker Prophecies
Infact the flameseeker prophecies is pretty awesome.
1. It is the only legendary with lore behind it (Glint wrote prophecies about the gw1 players.
2. it’s effects are actually quite awsome, ask someone in map chat if they got the weapon and play in max settings. I belive you’l like it :P
Hmm thanks I should probably do that!
I’m in the minority when I say that FSP is one of the better legendaries in the game.
Yes, it has no footsteps, but it’s one of the few legendaries that have a detailed animation to it and a reflective shine not only around the shield, but on the ground.
Never noticed that :O You guys are making me search an engi with it ^^ Thanks alot!
I’m in the minority when I say that FSP is one of the better legendaries in the game.
Yes, it has no footsteps, but it’s one of the few legendaries that have a detailed animation to it and a reflective shine not only around the shield, but on the ground.
It is the only Legendary I care to save up for in terms of gold or resources.
So I guess I’m in that minority as well.
I’m in the minority when I say that FSP is one of the better legendaries in the game.
Yes, it has no footsteps, but it’s one of the few legendaries that have a detailed animation to it and a reflective shine not only around the shield, but on the ground.
It is the only Legendary I care to save up for in terms of gold or resources.
So I guess I’m in that minority as well.
Hopefully you don’t regret it like I did. I made both the FSP and meteorlogicus, and I barely get to use them. That’s +5000 gold I threw away!
I’ve done previews on it with my Guardian, the look works well with my armor.
Since I like using shields it shouldn’t be a problem hopefully.
I got The Chosen in the forge. I really like the FSP too, but my main is an Ele. Sold it to buy the precursor for Meteorlogicus. I still think the FSP has awesome animation.
I think the only bad thing about FSP is the fact that shield is terrible on Guardian in PvE. It’s by far the most awesome legendary. Granted it wouldn’t hurt to have some Krytan alphabet characters spelling out the prophecies for footprints, but it is perfect as is. Just wish I had a character that shield wasn’t bad on.
FSP was my first legendary. I love the look of it when it’s active but I feel it lacks when it’s on my back. I’d love a special kind of floor effect that maybe only appears when the shield is not active. I LOVE the idea of krytan words or letter on the floor when standing still. Make it subtle. Amazing suggestion.
However, shield is rarely used in the mass of builds out there. I use a very customzied build in order to use it and my frostfang. Do I love it? Yes. Do I wish it had more versatility in use? Yes! Do I wish I hadn’t gone for looks and maybe overall use and power in builds? I’m still on the fence. Which makes me not as happy as I should be.
Far Shiverpeaks
I’m in the minority when I say that FSP is one of the better legendaries in the game.
Yes, it has no footsteps, but it’s one of the few legendaries that have a detailed animation to it and a reflective shine not only around the shield, but on the ground.
It is the only Legendary I care to save up for in terms of gold or resources.
So I guess I’m in that minority as well.
Nope, I think it is awesome too. It was going to something I aimed for…then the Dragon Shield appeared and that suited my character better. But it is very cool to see out in the field on those rare occasions one pops up.
I think the only bad thing about FSP is the fact that shield is terrible on Guardian in PvE. It’s by far the most awesome legendary. Granted it wouldn’t hurt to have some Krytan alphabet characters spelling out the prophecies for footprints, but it is perfect as is. Just wish I had a character that shield wasn’t bad on.
+1!!!!!:D Seems to suit perfect!
Still wondering how Anet Thinks about FSP