I see so many threads talking about various weaknesses and strengths of GW2. The question is, “Does GW2 have the staying power as-is?”
There are hundreds, perhaps more, of people on the forums and I’ve met many in game, especially at boss events like dragons and the Megadestroyer, that constantly complain about bad loot, lack of reward for effort, that sort of stuff. Let face it, with a pure RNG system loot should be well, random. This doesn’t seem the case and really doesn’t add up in game. You have some who have a mystic clover shoved up their butt and always seem to get good drops while others are perpetually cursed. The number of cursed certainly seems to out number those who are lucky. But is there a middle ground? Well, there used to be…in the pre-Nov patch days. In the last few months though, loot has gotten progressively worse and worse to the point of near hopelessness…at least for me. They tell us it’s in the name of fighting bots, but I don’t buy it. Perhaps this is the intent. Perhaps the intent is to drive people to the gem store. I think this is short sighted and not sustainable in the long run. When the fix affects your population in such a negative way they really should be considering whether it fixed anything. Bots are gone for the most part, yes, but how many players have left over loot issues?
While I have read of problems on many servers, I’m not entirely sure game population is necessarily a problem…at least not on my server, Borlis Pass. The problem is once you get zone completion, there’s not usually any reason to go back to a zone. So, outside of starting areas, say the 1-15 and 16-25 areas, the 70+ areas and towns there usually isn’t any incentive to hang around, unless there’s a boss you like or unless you’re farming a certain item. So if you’re in an area like Timberline Falls, it’s virtually unpopulated save for bots I often saw farming grawl when I was completing the area. With waypoint costs, it all the highest level areas, it’s not necessarily feasible to just pop in, do an event and pop out. Especially with rewards the way they are. I do know that maps tend to be less populated than when I started out late summer/early fall, but yet I always go in to overflow at Lion’s Arch, which I rarely did back then. Does this mean more people are just hanging around and not actually playing? I don’t know. Are a lot of people leaving the game? I don’t know. I personally know many people who have left to the point that I had to change guilds. I’ve heard through guild chat that this is not uncommon. Many guilds have been failing due to people leaving the game or switching to different servers. I tend to agree with some the threads I’ve read that while some the servers might say “full” or “very high”, that is certainly not any indication of “active” population.
Why are people leaving? Lack of end-game content? I’ve seen this often mentioned. Being a relative MMO noob, I’m not even sure what it means, but it seems to be a big issue, especially with the introduction of the ascended gear. Some are leaving due to boredom to be sure. I know, like D3, many are leaving due to the horrible drop rates. I know some who have gone back to playing WoW or GW1 simply because they didn’t feel rewarded playing GW2. This I can certainly sympathize with, but I’ve learned to enjoy GW2 in other ways.
So what will the future bring for GW2? Can they maintain a workable population with the current reward system and economy, a system many, including myself, consider to be broken? If the economy keep going like this, how long before it inevitably collapses? How many players are still playing just out of habit…going through the motions of dailies or doing the same dungeons over and over again? Is this sustainable? I don’t know. Elder Scrolls Online, probably one of the most anticipated MMOs perhaps since WoW was released, slated to be out later this year. Now, they’re really starting to ramp up their advertizing campaign. Is there some sort of damage plan, 1) to show players why GW2 is better and why they should stay and 2) to mitigate the potential exodus the release of ESO may cause? I don’t know, but I would certainly be interested to find out. Fixing loot and reigning in the economy would go a long way in making many many players very happy. Personally, to me, it seems ArenaNet is going the way of Blizzard, and GW2 the way of D3, and unfortunately, like D3, I don’t think they will fix things before doing irreversible damage to the game.
Bottom line…will GW2 have a 7 year life, like GW1? Only time will tell.
That’s my 2c anyway. Thoughts?