The Games Biggest Short Coming

The Games Biggest Short Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wookie slayer.4259

wookie slayer.4259

Today listening to Totalbiscuit, a game caster/review with a large gaming channel on youtube, he said something very interesting.

I quote (and probably not 100% spot on) , " I am Having some of my best times, why? Because coordinated ops with tons of your friends in a massive outfit is a ton of fun. That is what MMO’s are supposed to be about… And more often that not they arent that anymore, they seem to be more single player story based…"

When he said that I though GW2, at least the pve. That is the reason why I stopped playing the game. Most the time it seems like I am playing a single player game where the player might as well be NPC because of how little I need to interact in group with them. Even in dungeons most of the time it takes not strategy just lets throw our group at it and do the same thing we do every fight from 1-80. I miss out fitting big groups and going through the group before a fight telling each man or woman their job this fight and if not working try something else.

The Games Biggest Short Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Logun.2349


I think players have to look forward and not back when evaluating your gaming experience. WoW is not a genre, it and its clones are just one way to do multi player in an MMO.

I always have hated instanced content it, it feels like I spend more time trying to find a group or waiting for other players to finally get ready to run it. The waiting to have fun and the lack of spontaneity is the downfall of the organised instanced group content and trinity mechanic.

GW2 tries to do it a bit different and offer a more spontaneous experience with it’s scaling group content peppered throughout the world.

Although these encounters take less of a coordinated effort and little communication on the part of the players the combat in GW2 offers a much more visceral and intuitive experience between players.

Fear not however, by the looks of things more instanced content appears to be on the way with dungeons like the Fractals being added to the end game.

What remains to be seen is if both an open world group dynamic event system and an instanced endgame can remain viable long term.

The Games Biggest Short Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khemizt.5104


I think players have to look forward and not back when evaluating your gaming experience. WoW is not a genre, it and its clones are just one way to do multi player in an MMO.

I always have hated instanced content it, it feels like I spend more time trying to find a group or waiting for other players to finally get ready to run it. The waiting to have fun and the lack of spontaneity is the downfall of the organised instanced group content and trinity mechanic.

GW2 tries to do it a bit different and offer a more spontaneous experience with it’s scaling group content peppered throughout the world.

Although these encounters take less of a coordinated effort and little communication on the part of the players the combat in GW2 offers a much more visceral and intuitive experience between players.

Fear not however, by the looks of things more instanced content appears to be on the way with dungeons like the Fractals being added to the end game.

What remains to be seen is if both an open world group dynamic event system and an instanced endgame can remain viable long term.

Irrelivent WoW was not mentioned nor was WoW the inventor of endgame content and large groups…

The Games Biggest Short Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoid.2568


The Personal Story is a small part of GW2 and you can bring other players, though many does not.

What i don’t miss from old mmorpgs are people telling me what to do when themselves are noobs and less experienced.

What GW2 community don’t need is players that don’t accept people lower than level 80 for low difficulty fractals, when they are scaleable. If it’s above difficulty lvl 10 in fractals i understand, exotics are pretty much needed.

What GW2 need is better communication between what proffesion builds you bring into a dungeon, so you that way can get the most out of your group.

The Games Biggest Short Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wookie slayer.4259

wookie slayer.4259

I think what gw2 needs is content and mechanics that allow for skillful group content that requires people to actually work together. Right now every roll seems very similar, to the point where there are no roles just 5 players all with the same skills massing their collect strengths to over come a boss rather than each player brings something the group needs.

This leads to a everyone just do dmg and debuff the boss as much as u can and kite.

The Games Biggest Short Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedBaron.6058


I play this game for 3 months now, have been part of hundreds of parties and the dialogue in party chat never went beyond “Hi..”.

This game is based on solo tasks or group zerg tasks that do not need any coordination at all…when you get a party you just spam your attacks and kill the strong mobs you are not able to kill solo.

As per the need to belong to a guild, well I never felt that need because there are no guild tasks/objectives/perks to achieve. Pretty interesting stuff for a game that calls itself “Guild Wars 2”.

“Blackadder: If you want something done properly, kill Baldrick before you start.”

The Games Biggest Short Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Peetee.9406


You know, I log on and go into WvW and there’s usually 1 or 2 commanders on the map so I latch on to them. No sooner do I arrive there then I am being told to put on a scepter/focus and cast swirling winds which I won’t do. That’s not how I want to play my character.

Invariably I end up being berated either by the commander or one of his guildmates, these people are also not in the minority either. I can not go into WvW these days without having someone tell me how to play my character. I’ve played on Sea of Sorrows, Blackgate, and Sanctum of Rall it happens everywhere.

Most of the WvW diehards, just like most of the dungeon diehards, are jerks. I hate to say it but I’d much rather play alone then with most of these kitten.

[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall

The Games Biggest Short Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mars.6319


I play this game for 3 months now, have been part of hundreds of parties and the dialogue in party chat never went beyond “Hi..”.

This game is based on solo tasks or group zerg tasks that do not need any coordination at all…when you get a party you just spam your attacks and kill the strong mobs you are not able to kill solo.

As per the need to belong to a guild, well I never felt that need because there are no guild tasks/objectives/perks to achieve. Pretty interesting stuff for a game that calls itself “Guild Wars 2”.

How did you get past the swamp fractal?

The Games Biggest Short Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

I play this game for 3 months now, have been part of hundreds of parties and the dialogue in party chat never went beyond “Hi..”.

This game is based on solo tasks or group zerg tasks that do not need any coordination at all…when you get a party you just spam your attacks and kill the strong mobs you are not able to kill solo.

As per the need to belong to a guild, well I never felt that need because there are no guild tasks/objectives/perks to achieve. Pretty interesting stuff for a game that calls itself “Guild Wars 2”.

How did you get past the swamp fractal?

It’s interesting that a lot of the coordination-type things to beat an encounter don’t involve a synergy between skills of varying professions. People argue the depth of combat, but when the depth is entirely optional in order to beat an encounter… it kind of begs the question as to really “how deep” is the combat?

The Games Biggest Short Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Decrypter.1785


Well there is no defining roles in this game , your dps and kite n dodge , self survival utilities , it gets old fast , lack of depth and no defining roles is just not fun

[WM]give us in game ladder

The Games Biggest Short Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flynch.6034


When people know their profession well enough, they don’t need to communicate unless something goes horribly wrong.

When people are unsure of something, they speak up. Currently, GW2 has pretty easy content so there is a pretty decent level of confidence.

The fact remains, that the game gives you all you need to be communicative, but it is down to the players to use it. I chat in /map all the time with people. Have a laugh etc. If you don’t engage, don’t expect people to engage you first. Just get chatting. Job done.

Had a great group in Arah and we were talking all the time about the next boss and tactics etc.

I’ve been in plenty of PUGs in past MMOs and it’s been silent as well – simply because half the players want to just get through the content and they know it well. Find a group that is unsure of the content and you’ll have an open dialogue.

The Games Biggest Short Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scrambles.2604


I play this game for 3 months now, have been part of hundreds of parties and the dialogue in party chat never went beyond “Hi..”.

This game is based on solo tasks or group zerg tasks that do not need any coordination at all…when you get a party you just spam your attacks and kill the strong mobs you are not able to kill solo.

As per the need to belong to a guild, well I never felt that need because there are no guild tasks/objectives/perks to achieve. Pretty interesting stuff for a game that calls itself “Guild Wars 2”.

How did you get past the swamp fractal?

It’s interesting that a lot of the coordination-type things to beat an encounter don’t involve a synergy between skills of varying professions. People argue the depth of combat, but when the depth is entirely optional in order to beat an encounter… it kind of begs the question as to really “how deep” is the combat?

yeah, i agree with these sentiments very much. The potential is there, but i don’t believe the content is at that level.

Everything they put out seems to have the main goal of “accessibility,” but i think what it really needs is very difficult content that requires preparation, coordination, strategy, and of course tons of trial and error. Something along the lines of the near-impossible raid content of the vanilla WoW days.

The Games Biggest Short Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alloy.2839


OP, if that’s the biggest problem then GW2 will probably survive it quite well. I started playing about 4 weeks after launch and was not here for the initial mass of players moving through the PvE content. This in no way reduced my enjoyment from leveling 2 characters to 80 and a third to 60. The current state of the PvE world simply looks normal to me. It was during the Karka events that I first saw a zerg in PvE. Some people talk about the good old days and how things were better then. I hear them, but to me they are only stories. What counts is that I am enjoying my current experiences, which I am.

The Games Biggest Short Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

MMOs have been trying to me more like Single-Players Games for years while Single Player games have tried being more like Online RPGs.

Weird World, isn’t it?