It seems to me that you’re more likely to enjoy Guild Wars 2 if you focus more on the world itself and less on the mechanics of the game.
Those who seem to be able to lose themselves in the world, to get distracted by things, to play for the enjoyment of the game instead of phat lootz are more likely to enjoy this game than hard-core, goal oriented players who need constant challenge.
I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately and in almost every thread that says there’s no balance in PvE or that X profession is disadvantaged, someone else in the thread is saying they play that profession just fine and never had a problem not even in finding dungeon groups.
In other threads, people complain about the game not being alt friendly but some people seem to not think that at all. What’s the difference?
Some people are more about numbers and BIS gear and some people are about having a good time and just enjoying the world. Of course there are more than just these two types and different people will be closer to one side of the spectrum or the other, but I really do believe what we’re seeing there is a clash of cultures.
I don’t think either side is wrong. I don’t think min/maxers or people who want BIS gear are wrong for wanting to play that way. I don’t think people who want play and enjoy themselves and have a good time without worrying about BIS gear or what other professions do are playing the game wrong either.
However, I do think the problems most people are having are a matter of perspective based on how they play the game.
Guild Wars 2 is what it is. Some people really like that (which apparently you can’t do unless you’re a fan boy/girl). Some people are dissatisfied and that’s personally okay.
But I maintain the reason for this dissatisfaction is often a player’s approach to the game.
As a person who is more relaxed and just enjoys being distracted by how beautiful or cool the world is, I don’t share many of the problems others do. However, my game wouldn’t be negatively affected if Anet were to better balance professions in any form of the game. My enjoyment of the game wouldn’t be negatively affected if Anet added a group finder into the game. My game wouldn’t be negatively affected if Anet added more challenging content into the game. My game wouldn’t be negatively affected if Anet added more solo content into the game.
The problem seems to be, that’s a lot of stuff that needs happening and people believe it should have been done already…and it hasn’t.
I’ll continue to speak up when I perceive people going overboard with criticism, but I think that the criticism is necessary. I just think it can be phrased constructively.
We should probably remember that though we all have our different play styles, others play games differently than we do. I’m going to try to remember this more moving forward as well.