The Mystic Treasure Chest
2/10… would have been 8/10 if you left that last sentence out, much too obvious with that last sentence in there.
You are just super lucky. For example, I am unluky because even when i use 4 level 80 exotic item in the mystic toilet, I end up with some level 76-78 exotic cr… item.
Well in LA last night, someone said they had just put 400g of rare greatswords in and got both Dawn and Dusk.
Dunno. I only know that I threw in 4 super random rares for daily mystic forge today, and got storm back.
Not bad, change 80s for 450g.
Hmmm, okay. I just feel like they upped the drop rate for pres in the mystic forge. Maybe because of HoT and the ability to craft precursors they made it a bit easier for now? Who knows. I was just wondering if I happened to be one of the few who has been really lucky. I have gotten 6 in about 5 days and a guild member got two Sparks back to back like I did so.
kinda makes you wonder if they upped the drop rates…or if people are trying to pump rare/T5 mat prices on the the TP trying to convince people to waste gold in the forge…