The New Bass
Yeah i dint make tha mistake of buying it! That..that sound.. is just awful..just awful.. *shaking my head in distubance
Ugh! Yup. I was rooked!
They made the Guitar with primitive Tyrian Technology. What you expect?
Even the Char coulda made a 4 stringer with a better sample than this is using!
I’m with B on this. When I heard people strumming this toy at Minister’s Waypoint, I was underwhelmed by the sound. As I listened it became clear that it wasn’t an actual bass guitar, but a synthesised piano that’s been tone-shifted down. You can hear the multi-tonal notes, like the multiple strings of a piano being struck by the hammers. This disappointed me. Anet, you could have hired a bass player to come strum some for you. Could’ve, should’ve, but didn’t. Please do something about this godsawful sound.
Doesn’t sound good :/ I understand they wanted to do something more “immersive” by not making it sound exactly like a modern bass, but… It just doesn’t sound pleasing to my ears.
Also, no slapping and popping sounds.
I was waiting for a bass guitar in GW2, but I’ll pass.
Well, it doesn’t sound anything like a piano, just a really really really cheesy synthbass patch, the kind you’d hear on a fifty dollar Casio.
Bass players always get the bum deal Now, LEAD guitarist, on the other hand…
Bass players always get the bum deal
Now, LEAD guitarist, on the other hand…
Yeah, good luck with that, you’d get the fifty dollar Casio “distorted solid body” patch.
James Jamerson.
James Jamerson.
Right on, old school walking lines are killer.
For some modern psycho, try this…
James Jamerson.
It’s beautiful. ;o
Easily the worst sounding instrument added to the game. While I never purchased the others, from what I’ve heard of the flute, lute and harp they sound genuinely authentic.
This guitar is insulting though, sounds more like a piano. Being the first of my friends to purchase it, when they asked what it was like I promptly told them to avoid it like the plague. For the love of all the human Gods, the Eternal Alchemy, the High Legions, the Mother Tree and the Spirits of the Wild, PLEASE change the sound.
No, no. The trumpet is the worst. Ever. But I agree that it sounds more like an out of tune piano than an actual bass.
the bass should sound like this
Welp, we’ve been conned. 800 gems + whatever it costs to stop my ears from bleeding.
the bass should sound like this
Right on, the girl sounds great.
It’s a cool looking item.. But Mega fails with that cheesy synt sound… They should fire that dev who authorized this. I would not buy it even if it was 50 gems.. ..burrk!
Thank you, thank you so much.
I was going to get this when I got home. I managed to avoid all the other instruments, but this would have sucked me in. Now that I know its quality is not sufficient I have the willpower to resist.
Sounds fine to me
like a Bass with a really big amp lol
No one cares about bass players anayway.
Joke aside, It’s a terrible instrument. They could have made a violin or a xylophone. – GW2 – A world of wonder
Sounds fine to me
like a Bass with a really big amp lol
Oh my gawshh.. How can you mistake that for a poor excuse of a base. It’s cheesy synt piano sound dhaaaa! … go back to play the flute dweebo.. lol
Ps: prehemp in case you wer not sarcastic..;P
I’m still waiting for a driving Piano. I would throw so many gems at it.
Would be the best “mount” in MMO history.
I’m still waiting for a driving Piano. I would throw so many gems at it.
Would be the best “mount” in MMO history.
Good choice, I actually dig that one.
I’m still waiting for a driving Piano. I would throw so many gems at it.
Would be the best “mount” in MMO history.
good game. vanessa carlton is hot.
Just leaving it here…
Well it is a bass guitar, not an acoustic one. Dunno what you guys were expecting… I don’t think it’s meant to be played alone, without another musician accompanying it
Say NO to fishing…..
Oh….never mind….
(still thankful for the ability to turn off instrument playing….)
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
here are the cool basslines
I bought every Instrument yet, even the Frame Drum which is the most disappointing of all because the sounds are to random. And when i try to make a rythem i don’t want to depend on luck to get a good one.
But now this Bass Guitar takes the 2nd place of disapointing Instruments.
Like people already said, this sounds synthezised. And i guess those people who play a Bass Guitar themself now the difference between a Bass and a Acoustic Guitar and even those already said this doesnt sound like a good bass.
For the future, if you should do a Violine, Saxophone or other type of Guitar, please let some musicans judge it before release.
To those wondering, this is what the bass sounds like. It’s….pretty bad.
They made the Guitar with primitive Tyrian Technology. What you expect?
Tyrian technology is not primitive at all. Look at all the things the Asura make and the cannons used to shoot down the Claw of Jormag. Or even the Dredge technology.
This guitar is a huge letdown. I heard someone playing it in the PvP lobby and it sounds awful.
To those wondering, this is what the bass sounds like. It’s….pretty bad.
it’s not that bad. it’s like an 80’s techno bass. or a bass with little distortion. it’s grungy.
but they can replace it with clean sounding bass sounds. just like yamaha midis.
(bass player here)
it sounds like the intro bass of Blew by Nirvana
(edited by alcopaul.2156)
It reminds me of the intro to Beat It by Michael Jackson (before the guitar riff kicks in).
Animation on asura almost made me ask for refund gems.. Srsly devs it need rework
Tekkit’s Workshop
why cant we have charr stuff in that (visual) quality all the time…
Looks great, sounds like a low quality midi file. Worse is the total lack of Chords, WHY in the name of Ogden’s petrified britches can this thing only play one note at a time?
And I was just about to buy it…
I think ALL instruments need a work over AND chromatic play-ability.
I love the instruments, but in the current state, you have to be an autistic rainman to play anything decent or run a macro.
Thanks ANet, for yet another fine example of poorly developed content! Enjoy the $10 you got from me! /irrate
I don’t mind the sound quality as much as the animation on Asura… This overacting playstyle was fitting for the lute, but definitely not for a bass… This just looks wrong.
I liked the idea bassguitar, but sadly it sounds pretty bad.
I continue sticking with the harp for now.
Oh. It really really sounds like a keyboard sound, doesn’kitten
kitten . A real CharrBass would be cool to play in GW2
(edited by TamTiTam.9574)
Yeah…. I like the look of the guitar but from the way it sounds, it might as well be a keytar.
I bought this Bass guitar yesterday and instantly regretted it as it sounds NOTHING like a bass guitar. It sounds like a synthesised piano and everyone at lions arch was saying the same thing. Heck me trying to play that thing put a lot of people off buying it.
Anet I really want a refund. Either that or turn this guitar into a Axe Weapon skin. The skin is great and looks awesome but as a musical instrument its horrible.
(edited by Victuswolf.5286)
Oh. It really really sounds like a keyboard sound, doesn’kitten
kitten . A real CharrBass would be cool to play in GW2
That is a piano. That is a piano with a minor warble tacked on for no apparent reason. I don’t play any instruments, but I can immediately identify that as a piano and not a guitar of any sort.
I have mixed feelings about this purchase.
I can live with the sound (grudgingly). It is not a bass guitar in the classic sense. It is a resonator bass which, as others have described as organ-like, a bad midi file, a Casio synth-bass, a bad garage grunge bass, etc.
I say I can live with the sound, but to be honest I’m also limited by it. Frankly, it does not sound great when attempting to play with other instruments. The one exception is the drum which can be made to work (I’ve tried this on my Alt account, setting up a drum beat and then playing the bass on my main account).
The responsiveness is terribad. Just ugly.
I was running with a fairly good connection yesterday and I just found that the notes responded much slower than on other instruments that I’ve purchased.
I hope they re-visit this and see if they could ‘tighten’ it up a bit.
Appearance is top notch. I mean really good. I play this with my Rob Zombie look-a-like Norn Necromancer and he looks awesome both playing and holding it idle.
I give the artists and animators full marks for this.
I’ve heard some other races don’t look as “metal” when playing it, and that’s too bad.
I can verify on a Norn, it looks good (but that’s my opinion).
New Bass Guitar-
1. The keys/notes are unresponsive. There is a delay after hitting each note/key.
2. There is a cool down after hitting a note/key.
Both of these things make it terrible as a instrument.
3. The Bass Guitar in GW2 is a Piano. There is no two ways around it. It sounds like a is a piano. It’s nothing like a guitar.
Is all this a bug that’s going to be fixed?
Bass players always get the bum deal
Now, LEAD guitarist, on the other hand…
Should tell this to Markus Miller.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.