The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome
Can you be killed by other players attempting those dailies? If so, it has something to do with PvP. It only has nothing to do with PvP if no one chances upon you.
Yes you can – and I can fall off in a jumping puzzle and die, I can get killed by a champ … I really can’t understand the problem some people seem to have with being killed by players while aparently having no qualms about being killed by NPCs or the environment.
A champion doesn’t laugh at you and dances on your dead body, or whatever else
some ganking kids in MMOs do after they jumped you from behind while you were
fighting against other mobs.And this actually bothers you? Seriously?
In PvP farming arenas (and ranking arenas) NOONE dances on you – (a) they have better things to do and (b) you respawn way too fast for that to actually happen.
In WvW it happens but (a) I love it when they do that because it gives me enough time to direct people to them and it’s a resurrected me that dances on them a few moments later and (b) if you do ruins and guard killer your chances of running into someone is really, really small and most of the time (when you do those in your homelands) those guys have better things to do because of (a).
I have had VERY bad PvP experiences mself in some games – you left the town and were insta-ganked by people who camped there all day and had nothing better to do than to kill people leaving town – kitten poor game design. GW 2 is much, much better designed in this aspect.
GW2 is especially better designed since it gives me the choice to avoid everything
that has to do with PvP. And after playing AION for 8 months i finally took the
conclusion that i never ever will set a step in a game where i am forced to have to
deal with PvP players.
And there are of course more things that bother me .. and yes i know not all PvPler
are total idiots .. but i simply avoid PvP like i would maybe never visit a Hells Angels
Bar .. even if maybe most Hells Angels are really friendly persons.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Call me stupid … what do fractals (PvE in its purest form) have to do with PvP?
By making 2 of the 4 pve choices fractals, pve players who don’t frac must find something to do in either pvp or wvw in order to get the daily.
Of course the thing I don’t understand is why you need 2 camps, but only one ruin or Dolyak.
If you look at each mode, some tasks are more involved than others. There are very simple tasks (Spender, Dolyak, Ruin), less simple tasks (Camp Capture), and somewhat more involved tasks (Take a Keep). The lines do get a little blurred with regard to just how easy or less easy the tasks are, but there is a hierarchy mostly based on how long the task might take.
The system allows players to visit all 3 modes and get the completionist AP with all very simple tasks, limit themselves to 2 of 3 modes and have to perform one slightly more involved task or stick to 1 mode and have to perform one of the somewhat more involved tasks (in PvE, for instance, Full Fractal or 4 events in XLand).
But I do have thousands of player kills. I’m not arguing for me. I’m seeing other people’s points. You should try it sometime.
I have and did that not but a couple of days ago. Someone from this post said they where having trouble tagging while holding back for the lowbies so i joined them. At first i had them confused with another player from this post who didnt want to do the events so at first i was successfully hitting events with 2-3 other players until they told me they were having trouble tagging so i switched tactics. As a mesmer, again the worst tagging class, I did 1 mind stab into event and then left. At a champ i waited until it was in critcal health before attacking, still got credit. Participating in an event doesn’t mean you have to power through and kill everything before the player next to you gets a chance to swing nor do you need a gold medal for the lowbie areas for it to count towards daily.
Your right there isn’t a large portion of people who do the higher levels of fractals, shouldnt you be instead motivated to work up to that level and have that non pvp option available? The problem isn’t that the content is too difficult but that the average gw2 player is lazy and expects everything to be handed to them. for example: if you aren’t in an organzised teq mapchances are youll more likely abandon the event even though you may do it daily, tri wurm – forget about doing major damage unless your specially at a tts map.
If the days requirements bug you that much, skip a it. This really is 50 pages of salt over doing 3 out of 12 for 10 mesely ap when you can do other achievements and get a hell of alot more ap.
If the days requirements bug you that much, skip a it. This really is 50 pages of salt over doing 3 out of 12 for 10 mesely ap when you can do other achievements and get a hell of alot more ap.
Incorrect. It’s 20 pages of complaint, 5 pages of workaround, and 25 pages of “proving” other posters wrong on the internet. Which latter category we’ve both added to.
By making 2 of the 4 pve choices fractals, pve players who don’t frac must find something to do in either pvp or wvw in order to get the daily.
The very idea of having half the PvE daily selection (upon login) and two-thirds the requirements for minimum qualification for the 10 AP’s for the people who just don’t fractal (people who are mostly casuals who login for a brief time only to get these AP’s) is silly, and these people are being cheated. I’m ONLY speaking for PvE requirements, as the reward overall could instead be accomplished in WvW fairly easily.
Disregarding the above sentence and speaking only from a fractal daily standpoint, personally I’d give fractals their own subcategory because, like dungeons, they’re not everyone’s cup o’ tea, and certainly not all casual PvE’ers. Most of the time I see the requirements for the PvE daily revolving around gathering and world events, and going by the number of people I see at any given time in the area that said events occur in, we’re not short of people there.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
GW2 is especially better designed since it gives me the choice to avoid everything
that has to do with PvP. And after playing AION for 8 months i finally took the
conclusion that i never ever will set a step in a game where i am forced to have to
deal with PvP players.And there are of course more things that bother me .. and yes i know not all PvPler
are total idiots .. but i simply avoid PvP like i would maybe never visit a Hells Angels
Bar .. even if maybe most Hells Angels are really friendly persons.
Well … Real Life != game, I’m not a hardcore PvP player but I wouldn’t frequent a biker hangout either …
I can understand if yout got some really bad experiences from another game (didn’t play Aion, so I can’t relate) but did you actually try to do one of the aforementioned PvP or WvW dailies (and didn’t like them) or are you just against them because of prior experience in a completely different game?
How about trying them … once ortwice and then decide?
As I said – a few re done in seconds …
PvP: Player-Kill
Just enter one of the Skyhammer map farming servers, run to point B (middle exit then right if you’re red, middle exit then left if you’re blue), throw some AoE into the enemies under Point B and jump (over the side or through the holes in the ground if the glass doors are open). You can get your 3 player kills in less than 20 seconds (less than 10 if you enter an existing game and don’t have to wait for the timer). You can leave right after that (although it’s not looked kindly upon)
PvP Point Capture
Enter one of the Kyhlo map farming servers and make your way to the middle and go up the stairs. Wait till it is your team’s time to recap. Assuming the “enemy” starts recapping when you appear it’ll take about 30 seconds to get that daily, much less if you appear “upstairs” at a different time.
WvW Ruin
In your homelands (assuming your side does not have a waypoint in the middle fortress) run left, exit through the arch and drop off the ledge to the left of your homeland’s NW tower. Continue along the path (speed boosts help) and you’re in front of your closest ruin. Enter it and stand in the circle until it turns your team’s colour. If you’re somewhat familiar with the path and have speed boosts you can get this done in < 2 minutes.
WvW Spender
Save the rewards from the ruin runs (10 badges) and once you have enough just buy blueprints from the siege master – second panel sells them for just badges (so no real money loss) and this one’s 100% guaranteed without enemy interaction because you never leave your own fortress where you are invulnerable.
Those 3 (4 once you have some badges) can be used to complement your PvE routine and one of those should always be available and allow you to compensate for fractals or those “do 4 events” things which take a whole lot longer than all three (4) activities I mentioned above combined.
I can understand if you’re hard set on “never setting a foot in PvP” territory again but you’re really missing out on 3 (4) super easy and fast opportunities then.
What is a “map farming server” in PvP and how do you find or get on it?
Anet, please consider not combining 2 Fractal events on one day. Today’s (Jan 9) daily had three time consuming PVE options. The “4-event in specific area” and all fractal events are extremely time consuming. The random selection for dailies should consider “4-event” and all fractal options should all be considered equally time consuming. Having 3 of 4 options as time consuming should never happen.
For anyone responding, please DO NOT suggest PvP or WvW. Many people don’t play PvP and WvW as enjoyable, or if they aren’t good at it, an equally time consuming option. If you are tempted to make those suggestions, you are wasting your time as I’ve already addressed these as non-equitable options. The choice between PvE, PvP and WvW needs to be equitable for all players.
For anyone responding, please DO NOT reply: “then just don’t try” misses the point all together. Again, my comments are directed at keeping the daily’s equitably possible.
For anyone responding, please DO NOT brag that you have no problem getting a fractal done quickly, easy-peasy. FROM EXPERIENCE in Fractals I know the skill bars for quick and even successful take experience and knowledge of the various areas. Furthermore, from personal experience, requires knowledge of how accomplish the multiple tasks within each area. Learning fractal takes a lot of time, and for the majority of people, patient training by experienced fractal-er’s. FROM EXPERIENCE, I’ve seen 2-4 hour runs. And, I can’t count how many times I’ve seen runs totally fail, and party quit (and quite a few rage-quit) because it takes a lot of time to learn. Trying to learn by pugging takes a long time, because of the need to know how to deal with the various areas, and because pug’s who are in-experienced are often kicked from party because they are slowing the run down or are too unfamiliar with the multiple areas.
Anet, back to my original point, please realize that fractals are difficult to complete unless you know them extremely well. Fractals, and explorable dungeon runs, can last for hours (or party quit) for those trying to learn (or aren’t interested in learning).
Anet, my suggestions based on todays options are:
1. The random generator for selecting the daily options should consider the 4-event less difficult than any fractal option. Fractals are considerably difficult for those who haven’t spent weeks or months trying to learn it’s intricacy’s. So, for dailys, please consider Fracals as highly difficult to complete (on a scale of 1-10, it should rate at least an, and “4-event” option, based on time consumption, as slightly less time consuming (on a scale of 1-10, I’d give this one a rating of 6).
2. Separate fractals and dungeon runs as a fourth and fifth optional method of accomplishing daily’s. In other words, allow players to select PvE, PvP, WvW, Fractals and Dungeons as separate methods of achieving daily’s.
My understanding of the purpose for the new daily system was to make it easier, and faster, for players. Todays options of the “4-event” and two Fractal’s fully contradicts the purpose for the change.
(edited by Gayle.1807)
In before merger to the daily feedback and before anyone tells you to do something besides pve.
Post Edit: Took them a bit longer than I was expecting for the merger.
(edited by Bran.7425)
Some of the basic claims in the OP are based on false premises.
Standing in a colored circle in WvW is neither difficult nor time consuming (unless you consider a few seconds to be time consuming).
Killing NPCs, or creatures that do not fight back, is not particularly difficult nor time consuming either.
Visiting an NPC in a non-combat area is not particularly difficult not time consuming either.
I personally think that A et should ensure that the dailies should not double up on fractals either, but I do wish the arguments made were a bit more accurate.
OK, I’m going to try and be helpful here.
The one daily is basically do any fractal instance. ANY FRACTAL. Not a full run, just one instance if it. Set to lv 1.
There are ones that are really easy, that you can complete. If you don’t get one of these on the first try, everyone exit and reenter, getting a new one.
Look for:
Battle for ascalon – you’ll be turned in a charr, run along the outer edge, avoiding all mobs, run along wall, and range kill siegemaster dulfy. The only hard part could be the seige in the middle of the city, which just takes time to destroy.
Free the giant – slightly harder than ascalon, because its longer and has a mechanic. Kill the guy at the beginning, grab his hammer. You’ll get stacks as you hold it, it you reach 40, you are downed. Drop it and let someone else take till yours go away. The purpose of the hammer is to break the seals, which to do so, wail on a cleric a bit till everyone kills it, target the seal and press 4. The only hard part here is the hand seals, which someone should stay at one as you have to alternate between the two, but at level one, you should be killing fast enough it should matter. If you ever lose the hammer and can’t find, everyone die. It will respawn near you.
That’s what I can think of off the top of my head. If you hate the giant, then keep rolling for ascalon. Its seriously just run through, kill everything, win.
Even though I’m not ‘allowed’ to leave feedback about the OP’s OP, I’m just going to say that it truly is quite easy to stand in a Ruin for a few seconds.
The worst that can happen is getting defeated (which is unlikely), but there is no Waypoint costs or Armor Repair costs, so one loses little but the 2 minutes travel-time.
Also, I’ve not found one (only) Fractal to take 2 to 4 hours, (except maybe the Dredge one), but that’s just me.
Good luck.
Given that the last thread, with a similar complaint, was deleted due to it being ‘not constructive’ or words to that effect, despite some insightful and rather brilliant posts (the ones I saw the last time I read the thread anyway . . . no idea if some epic meltdown happened later), I’m doubtful this thread will be seen in a better light.
Especially given Lucos’s response to boot.
In short, I agree . . . but in before topic lock and/or deletion. Edit: Or moved apparently…
(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)
- Get a friend (or some random person on LFG) to join you.
- Go to any empty custom arena on a class for which there’s a PvP daily (make sure that arena does not have “No Progression”.
- Trade wins with each other. It is easy to do since it will just be the two of you.
- Complete the other two tasks during the “match” if desired.
- Repeat on the other daily class if desired.
I realize you said no PvP/WvW, but I think you and your friend alone farming in a custom arena could be considered actual PvP, as it is probably more predictible and friendly than even most open world PvE.
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.
What is a “map farming server” in PvP and how do you find or get on it?
It’s not a map farming server but a rank farming server and the farming takes place on two different maps
Call up the PvP interface (top right icon with the crossed swords) and choose the 3rd tab (game browser). Farming servers are listed as such under the description (e.g. [Rank Farm] Red Caps, ….) and depending on the map (Skyhammer or Kyhlo) you know what to expect if you did read my previous post.
Edit: Select one of those entries and hit “Join Game” – depending on the amount of players you might not be able to join – so select one that’s not full or wait a bit. (If it says 18/20 but has 2 reserved slots in the description it is full)
(edited by HtFde.3856)
The newest method of achieving daily’s needs work. My understanding is daily’s were originally designed as a reward opportunity for more experienced players, and a bonus for regular players. They also were set up to encourage trying new things by rewarding players with extra achievement points for crossing into new territory (PvP or PvE or WvW). The recent changes have made daily’s harder and far more time-intensive for players.
Before you reply, I am not expressing my personal concerns. I am expressing the concerns I heard from friends, guildies, off “Say” and “Map” chat. I “encourage” people who want to comment to step outside of the box and offer suggestions that aren’t the “canned” responses, such as:
1. “just don’t do dailys” – How does this improve the game? How does this help players? It is not constructive. In my opinion, this type of comment is rude and a little “elitist” in attitude.
2. “If you can’t get your daily in PvP, try PvP or WvW” – the “just do it” (Nike shoe ad campaign) presumes you are addressing someone who has never tried PvP or WvW. Many people have indeed tried and do not have the skill to survive long enough to reach their daily. In other words, you are suggesting someone participate in events they have to spend weeks trying to learn an area of the game (if they ever gain the skills). Many people I know greatly dislike (loathe) PvP and WvW. “Just try it” is akin to telling someone to “just try spinach”. Unless you are willing to spend a couple hours helping someone learn these areas, “just don’t say it”.
3. Commenting that the daily “easy peasy” is bragging, and not constructive. In fact, unless you are an elite gamer, I would bet dollars to donuts that you spent a long time gaining this knowledge. I have friends, extremely skilled players, who spent hours upon hours (and, yes, I was part of their party) learning Fractals, WvW, PvP, and dungeons. Keep in mind that Fractals and dungeons need a party of five players (unless you are elite). WvW and PvP only works if you can stay alive to be able to earn the daily’s. Leaching off WvW zergs only succeeds if you can live long enough to find a zerg, assuming a zerg is around.
4. “WvW, PvP, dungeons and fractals” are quick to accomplish. I can’t count how many times I’ve seen fractal and dungeon runs last hours, or the party quits, because some or all of the players don’t know the intricacies needed to complete. WvW and PvP are time consuming to learn. They are hard to learn on your own if you can’t stay alive long enough to familiarize yourself with these areas. So, if you find these areas “easy peasy”, are you willing to take some hours to teach others, and leave your egotistical bragging out of the conversation.
5. Don’t presume that I am inexperienced. I have close to 15K a-pts in my primary GW2 account and over 9K a-pts in my secondary GW2 account. I’ve dabbled in WvW and tried PvP a couple times. My chance of achieving a daily in either of those is somewhere between “take a week, not a day”, or “never”. I used to do fractals when some of the players I hang with did them daily (in time they did multiple fractals every day); I learned fractals from playing with them. They had the patience to teach. They stopped playing fractals and became “pro” WvW gamers. I’ve tried tagging along with them in WvW, but I can’t stay alive long enough to keep up. So, I have been willing to learn and have spent hours in these areas. I know some of the speed dungeon runs. My remarks are intended to balance the game for many other players I know.
All that said, now I can get to my view. First, shouldn’t PvE, PvP and WvW daily options be equitably achievable for players? Putting two Fractals plus a “4-event” daily, like I saw today) only works for elite players. It places the “PvE” player in the distinct disadvantage. Are WvW and PvP daily’s have the occasional elite-only options? Second, shouldn’t the tasks be balanced? Fractals and dungeons are party-based events. Pugging, whether experienced or not, is a dice-roll for timely completion. I have seen many 2-4 hour runs, and quite often ends up in party quit or player kick. In short, the dailys should be balanced, encouraging and equitable.
My suggestion:
1. Party-based events (fractals and dungeons) should not be offered as a daily event.
2. Time consuming events (4-event in a specified area) and party-based events should never be offered on the same day as they exclude experienced players. Having two highly challenging options, plus one moderate challenging option plus one easy option is a better mix.
3. The reward for crossing into new territory should be far more tempting. Otherwise, all this new system accomplishes is discourage players.
What is a “map farming server” in PvP and how do you find or get on it?
It’s not a map farming server but a rank farming server and the farming takes place on two different maps
Call up the PvP interface (top right icon with the crossed swords) and choose the 3rd tab (game browser). Farming servers are listed as such under the description (e.g. [Rank Farm] Red Caps, ….) and depending on the map (Skyhammer or Kyhlo) you know what to expect if you did read my previous post.
Edit: Select one of those entries and hit “Join Game” – depending on the amount of players you might not be able to join – so select one that’s not full or wait a bit. (If it says 18/20 but has 2 reserved slots in the description it is full)
Thanks. I’ll check it out.
— snip —
Many people have indeed tried and do not have the skill to survive long enough to reach their daily. In other words, you are suggesting someone participate in events they have to spend weeks trying to learn an area of the game
--- snip —
WvW and PvP only works if you can stay alive to be able to earn the daily’s. Leaching off WvW zergs only succeeds if you can live long enough to find a zerg, assuming a zerg is around.
-- snip —
WvW and PvP are time consuming to learn. They are hard to learn on your own if you can’t stay alive long enough to familiarize yourself with these areas. So, if you find these areas “easy peasy”, are you willing to take some hours to teach others, and leave your egotistical bragging out of the conversation.
--- snip —-
Problem is most often that people who "do PvE but not dungeons or fractals " have a serious communication issue … for some reason they don’t use map chat …
(a) I mentioned farming servers above – just scroll back a bit. It took me like 5 minutes to understand how things work – part of that was simply asking in chat then following my team mates and look what they were doing This should take care of 3 PvP dailies (player kills, point capture and – if you quaff the vials – rank progression).
(b) WvW only takes practise when you’re up against enemy players. Outside of that it is PvE – I’ve seen people kill guards and Doliaks who were uplevelled from level 2! Just today I announced which two camps I’d go after, collected a few guys and then we did those camps. You can also ask if someone will show you the best way to the closest ruin or explain how to best get to the closest camps. Sometimes you might get snotty answers (or no answers as well) but eventually you’ll find a helpful soul …
But, as I stated initially – it boils down to communication and many people I talked to who LOATHED WvW did the same … go solo, never ask questions, get killed by enemies … rage quit. For some reason many people do seem to have a communication problem …
Edit: Daily Ruin, Daily Spender and Daily Land Claimer are safe, Caravan Disruptor slightly less so, especially in enemy lands where a suddenly vanishing/oddly moving Dolyak might be noticed … capturing camps, towers or keeps requires at least a party (easier in a zerg – you can solo a keep but it takes AGES and ages is bad as the chances rise that you’ll get visitors)
(edited by HtFde.3856)
My suggestion:
1. Party-based events (fractals and dungeons) should not be offered as a daily event.
2. Time consuming events (4-event in a specified area) and party-based events should never be offered on the same day as they exclude experienced players. Having two highly challenging options, plus one moderate challenging option plus one easy option is a better mix.
3. The reward for crossing into new territory should be far more tempting. Otherwise, all this new system accomplishes is discourage players.
I completely agree with all of your points and your suggestions.
As said million times before, give us back the generic dailies:
- replace the “4 events in queensdale” by “4 events”.
- for pvp: check the most played character and add to the selection (=> the 2 random classes + the most played one). Or even better, add a generic task so that at least we can do them with our prefered class if it is not selected.
- for WvW: ensure we can do all of them in EOTM. I’m on a bad server so WvW is not an option for me.
*I would say make the 4 events region wide instead of zone. Instead of 4 events in Queensdale make it 4 events in Kryta.
*For pvp instead of 2 classes per day make it 3 and add that generic task so the classes not named have something to do
*I agree with your point here
I said it before and I will say it again. All of the people who are disagreeing with the ones who are not happy about the new dailys are basically saying the same thing. They keep telling people to just go do something that they have no interest or desire to do. All of you who are saying this are completely missing the point.
This is a game, we play it to have fun. To be honest, signing on and then spending my game time running around trying to complete these new dailys keeps me from doing what I want to, and need to, do with my characters. Some people have only a limited amount of time to play and I, for one, am at the point where I have to choose. Do I get my dailys done or do I work on my characters, I don’t have time for both any more.
Sorry but that is not a choice I like having to make
And please do not tell me just go pvp or just go WvW all you are doing is once again telling me to do something that I have no desire to do.
Please don’t add Fractals to daily anymore! It’s only a sideboard game and has nothing at all to do with PvE. Anet, if you really insist: make a new section called ‘Dungeons’ and add them there!
Please don’t add Fractals to daily anymore! It’s only a sideboard game and has nothing at all to do with PvE. Anet, if you really insist: make a new section called ‘Dungeons’ and add them there!
Not sure if trolling. How are Fractals (and dungeons) not PvE? Just because they may be less casual or easymode PvE does not mean they are not PvE.
On the other hand, I would be all for adding an additional 4th category for the dailies (Fractals/Dungeons in addition to WvW, PvP, and Open World PvE) so there were 16 total to choose from. In exchange, I don’t think it would be unreasonable to ask for 4 tasks to be completed instead of 3.
I’m sure there are many dungeon runners who would not enjoy PvP/WvW, and are also bored to death at the thought of gathering wood or spamming 1 at events.
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.
The one daily is basically do any fractal instance. ANY FRACTAL. Not a full run, just one instance if it. Set to lv 1.
You’re absolutely right but there’s people who don’t do dungeons or fractals (which is actually just another dungeon, although a scaling one). Dungeons require knowledge of the dungeon mechanics and teamwork …
I’ve done enough newbie introductions to fractals to be throroughly discouraged
Many people don’t communicate/listen, bother with mechanics … they’ll try it seat of pants and if they fail, they rage quit. For those players no fractal will ever be easy or fast … just try to get the giant one done if noone bothers switching hammers with you or they keep killing stuff although you tell them that you need to kill them with the hammer … frustration pure …
Please don’t add Fractals to daily anymore! It’s only a sideboard game and has nothing at all to do with PvE. Anet, if you really insist: make a new section called ‘Dungeons’ and add them there!
Not sure if trolling. How are Fractals (and dungeons) not PvE? Just because they may be less casual or easymode PvE does not mean they are not PvE.
On the other hand, I would be all for adding an additional 4th category for the dailies (Fractals/Dungeons in addition to WvW, PvP, and Open World PvE) so there were 16 total to choose from. In exchange, I don’t think it would be unreasonable to ask for 4 tasks to be completed instead of 3.
I’m sure there are many dungeon runners who would not enjoy PvP/WvW, and are also bored to death at the thought of gathering wood or spamming 1 at events.
You are missing the point: a lot of PvE players play solo and only team up for events like Teqatl on an open map. And no, it would not be reasonable to ask for 4 tasks instead of 3 for the same reason: We ONLY play (solo) PvE, and have no other choice to make.
Yeah, I don’t enjoy fractals either (nor hamster-wheel maps like Dry Top and Silverwastes). No more GW2 for me today.
So what is it?
- No WvW
- No sPvP
- No Fractals
- No Maguuma Wastes anything
What dailies would you enjoy? Mystic Forger, Exotic Crafter, Laurel and 10 minutes AFK in LA? :P
Something along the lines of
“Finish five events at your character’s level” (say lvl 10-20, 20-30, …, 70-80)
“Kill one world boss”
“Resurrect ten players”
“Kill 10 players in WvWvW”
“Use a finisher on a downed player or NPC”
“Buy or sell something on the trading post”
Just things I can do while playing the game without having to go to a specific map. I don’t mind fractals being on the list as long as there are enough options to allow me to do something else instead.
I also think it would be a good idea to include things specifically for new players to teach them about the game: dodging, using an item (plank, skull, snowball, gunk…) on a foe, swap weapons in combat, kill something underwater, etc.
And you may quote me on that.
You are missing the point: a lot of PvE players play solo and only team up for events like Teqatl on an open map. And no, it would not be reasonable to ask for 4 tasks instead of 3 for the same reason: We ONLY play (solo) PvE, and have no other choice to make.
Did you not read what I suggested in full? I proposed moving all the group PvE stuff into a “Dungeons/Fractals” section.
That you think 4 open world PvE tasks in that system is too much is a bit ridiculous.
“But I don’t want to do other game modes!” Okay, then let’s separate the PvE categories a bit more
“But I don’t even want to do everything in my own game mode!” No. Stop acting spoiled.
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.
Please don’t add Fractals to daily anymore! It’s only a sideboard game and has nothing at all to do with PvE. Anet, if you really insist: make a new section called ‘Dungeons’ and add them there!
Not sure if trolling. How are Fractals (and dungeons) not PvE? Just because they may be less casual or easymode PvE does not mean they are not PvE.
On the other hand, I would be all for adding an additional 4th category for the dailies (Fractals/Dungeons in addition to WvW, PvP, and Open World PvE) so there were 16 total to choose from. In exchange, I don’t think it would be unreasonable to ask for 4 tasks to be completed instead of 3.
I’m sure there are many dungeon runners who would not enjoy PvP/WvW, and are also bored to death at the thought of gathering wood or spamming 1 at events.
You are missing the point: a lot of PvE players play solo and only team up for events like Teqatl on an open map. And no, it would not be reasonable to ask for 4 tasks instead of 3 for the same reason: We ONLY play (solo) PvE, and have no other choice to make.
What does the second ‘M’ in MMO stand for?
Myself? Monoplayer?
We ONLY play (solo) PvE, and have no other choice to make.
Just out of curiosity – what made you pick an MMO? I mean … Diablo 3 or Skyrim (to name but two) are much more solo friendly and Skyrim offers way more depth than GW 2 does if you actually care for roleplay and D3 fulfills the hunter/gatherer and action part much better …
You should never be able to get AP by just playing the game without a goal that isn’t just killing mindlessly or gathering random crap. These daily achievements need to be specific and goal oriented. The rewards need to be better to incentivize doing challenging content and getting the achievement.
The specific zone daily achievement needs to be changed back to regional. Level 1-15 zones give nothing for level 80 players.
What some players are asking for is the equivalent of just logging in. These players are asking for no challenge at all to get their 10 AP which IMO is stupid. There is no reason to complain about these dailies unless you are trying to get more AP easier and that is pathetic.
We ONLY play (solo) PvE, and have no other choice to make.
Just out of curiosity – what made you pick an MMO? I mean … Diablo 3 or Skyrim (to name but two) are much more solo friendly and Skyrim offers way more depth than GW 2 does if you actually care for roleplay and D3 fulfills the hunter/gatherer and action part much better …
All D3 fufills is the endless grind.
Even though I’m not ‘allowed’ to leave feedback about the OP’s OP, I’m just going to say that it truly is quite easy to stand in a Ruin for a few seconds.
The worst that can happen is getting defeated (which is unlikely), but there is no Waypoint costs or Armor Repair costs, so one loses little but the 2 minutes travel-time.
Also, I’ve not found one (only) Fractal to take 2 to 4 hours, (except maybe the Dredge one), but that’s just me.
Good luck.
Wow what were you doing that whole time?
Funny thing, I’ve never seen a full fractal run (even playing with highly skilled fractal players) take less than 2 hours. And, before the major Fractal patch (about a year ago?) I had reached fractal level 30+. I’ve also seen many, many single fractals fail (full party quit) because the players couldn’t complete it. Did you never have a learning curve? Do you always play with pugs or inexperienced players?
— snip —
Many people have indeed tried and do not have the skill to survive long enough to reach their daily. In other words, you are suggesting someone participate in events they have to spend weeks trying to learn an area of the game
--- snip —
WvW and PvP only works if you can stay alive to be able to earn the daily’s. Leaching off WvW zergs only succeeds if you can live long enough to find a zerg, assuming a zerg is around.
-- snip —
WvW and PvP are time consuming to learn. They are hard to learn on your own if you can’t stay alive long enough to familiarize yourself with these areas. So, if you find these areas “easy peasy”, are you willing to take some hours to teach others, and leave your egotistical bragging out of the conversation.
--- snip —-Problem is most often that people who "do PvE but not dungeons or fractals " have a serious communication issue … for some reason they don’t use map chat …
(a) I mentioned farming servers above – just scroll back a bit. It took me like 5 minutes to understand how things work – part of that was simply asking in chat then following my team mates and look what they were doing
This should take care of 3 PvP dailies (player kills, point capture and – if you quaff the vials – rank progression).
(b) WvW only takes practise when you’re up against enemy players. Outside of that it is PvE – I’ve seen people kill guards and Doliaks who were uplevelled from level 2! Just today I announced which two camps I’d go after, collected a few guys and then we did those camps. You can also ask if someone will show you the best way to the closest ruin or explain how to best get to the closest camps. Sometimes you might get snotty answers (or no answers as well) but eventually you’ll find a helpful soul …
But, as I stated initially – it boils down to communication and many people I talked to who LOATHED WvW did the same … go solo, never ask questions, get killed by enemies … rage quit. For some reason many people do seem to have a communication problem …
Edit: Daily Ruin, Daily Spender and Daily Land Claimer are safe, Caravan Disruptor slightly less so, especially in enemy lands where a suddenly vanishing/oddly moving Dolyak might be noticed … capturing camps, towers or keeps requires at least a party (easier in a zerg – you can solo a keep but it takes AGES and ages is bad as the chances rise that you’ll get visitors)
Um, I have played WvW, dungeons, fractals and a couple times in PvP. I have gone in all of these with friends, guildies and knowledgable (and patient) pugs. Some of the people I play with use TS or Vent to communicate. It still took time to learn these areas – I kind of need to know when to have stability, when to pull different weapons from inventory, when to use skills (the Fire Ele fractal). Funny thing about WvW – its filled with enemy players. If your on a server that doesn’t rank high in WvW (yes, that’s my server), there are times I can’t get out of the home base. The communication you mention is called teaching implying learning curve. It’s a dice roll to base success hoping someone on map chat will help. You can’t depend on that.
My biggest problem with the new dailies is that having events on a certain maps or killing certain villains draws too many players there. This makes it harder to complete that daily. Perhaps, if they widened the area for acceptable events or had you kill a type of creature in a certain zone, it wouldn’t be too bad. But not being able to complete an event because there were so many people doing it that it was over before I got there is just frustrating. I don’t enjoy dailies anymore.
We ONLY play (solo) PvE, and have no other choice to make.
Just out of curiosity – what made you pick an MMO? I mean … Diablo 3 or Skyrim (to name but two) are much more solo friendly and Skyrim offers way more depth than GW 2 does if you actually care for roleplay and D3 fulfills the hunter/gatherer and action part much better …
I often like socializing with people in game, but not being tired to others’ schedules and expectations. I find it enjoyable to casually team for things, but increasingly annoying the less able I am to go where I want and do what I wanted to do there.
If I need other people to do X, I will enjoy doing X less than if I could do it by myself. Not because I’m anti social, but rather, because I’m simply selfish with my relax-and-play-games time.
I dirt hate everybody, but neither do I love everybody and look forward to being forced to group with whatever kitten s are either around or are online in a guild, IF there are enough of them that also want to do that thing.
I love grouping with friends, but the reality of the situation is, you’re not my friends. Not a single one of you here are even distant acquaintances of mine. This is also true of most in game, and for most in the guilds I’m in.
I don’t enjoy relying on strangers to be able to do what I want in my unwind-and-goof-off game. So, I solo a lot.
Why don’t I just leave and sequester myself in a single player game? Believe you me, if Skyrim had a multiplayer option and I could play that with my wife and our friends that also love that game, I’d throw this and every mmo under the bus so fast it wouldn’t even be funny.
As it is, I mostly play with my wife for toddling around. She is a navy officer and would happily tell anyone all about how many kittens she does not give about PvP or carrot chasing in these games. She is chiefly interested in playing pretty princess dress me up with her characters and shares my total immunity to giving a bucket of kitten what any of the nameless, faceless sods n these games think about anything at all.
I like some of my guildies just fine, but I still don’t want to do everything with them. Everything t seem to live for in these games, I get at my own job. Comradery? Check. A sense achievement when we accomplish good things? Check. A focus for my ambitions in life? Check.
There isn’t a single thing I think I need from the ubiquitous ‘you’ out there. There’s very little I want to rely on any if you for when is comes to what I am able to do with my game time.
Make sense?
The new dailies are just awful, especially on the PvE side of things.
- Daily (Insert region here) Forager/Logger/Miner : On one hand, you only need half the gatherings you used to. On the other hand, it is now tied to a specific region and a specific type of gathering node. New players are basically out of luck on this one if they start off in a region outside of the one needed for the daily, unless they already know about Lion’s Arch and its gates to the other regional cities (which is unlikely). And that’s assuming it doesn’t pick Orr or the Magumma Wastes.
On top of that, believe it or not, some of us either don’t care for/don’t like/don’t explore certain regions, so it can feel like a chore to go get this daily now, while the previous Daily Gatherer let you gather anywhere, any node.
- Daily (Insert Region here) Vista Viewer : If it picks Orr or the Maguuma Wastes, any player without characters at Lv70+ is outta luck (Unless they know about the vista at Camp Resolve in the case of the Silverwastes) The other regional vistas can be done in their capital cities which are accessible via Lion’s Arch…but newer players most likely won’t realize that from the get-go.
- Daily (Insert World Boss) : This is just stupid. Not only an it easily bar players due to their varying levels and or simply not knowing what/where it is, but it feels like a chore to have to look up the timers for the world bosses to spawn. Believe it or not, I don’t want to have to have my browser up on a timer while playing, tabbing between the two to make sure I don’t miss a world boss. That’s not fun. I don’t even feel like fighting world bosses normally. Sure, I might go to where one is if it’s mentioned in map chat, but I’m not going to spend my time waiting on one every day.
- Daily (Insert Zone) Event Completer : This one requires 4 events done in a specific map. This is bad, because once again, newer players (or ones without a high enough level depending on the zone or those who simply haven’t been to the zone required) may not be able to go wherever they need to for this daily. In addition, this brings a large amount of players into the area clearing events as soon as they pop up. While they often call it out in map chat, these will be quickly cleared by those with the waypoints closest, while those new to the area without quick access to these events will have to wait longer to get this done.
Compare that to the previous Daily Events, which required 5, but could be done anywhere. Why couldn’t we have kept that?
- Daily Fractal : Amazingly enough, this one remains unchanged or had its requirements reduced. But then…
- Daily (Insert Scale Here) Fractal : Apparently whoever made these new dailies thought fractals were so nice, they needed two daily choices specifically for them! And there have been time where both the Daily Fractal AND this one have been up, taking space for one of the other PvE dailies. Sigh. Depending on the difficulty scale, anything above Scale 11+ can become painful without agony resist. So newer players and those not accustomed to fractals are out of luck again.
Daily Recycler? Gone. Daily Dungeon? Gone. Personal Story Completer? Gone. A bunch of other dailies that I can’t recall for PvE? Also gone. Replaced by these annoying chores.
Oh, and you don’t get Laurels or Mystic Coins from the Dailies anymore, and the Monthlies are gone too. Seriously, what the eff?
- Daily (Insert Scale Here) Fractal : Apparently whoever made these new dailies thought fractals were so nice, they needed two daily choices specifically for them! And there have been time where both the Daily Fractal AND this one have been up, taking space for one of the other PvE dailies. Sigh. Depending on the difficulty scale, anything above Scale 11+ can become painful without agony resist. So newer players and those not accustomed to fractals are out of luck again.
The scale bit should be removed. There’s really not much of a difference between the various scales except for when you hit 10 (e.g. Old Tom mechanic update). The higher difficulty scales don’t really warrant have a daily designated specifically for that tier nor should players be blocked behind a gear check to do a daily achievement. While players can get by doing 10-19 with no AR, they’ll often get downed, or worse, at 20+.
First: Since the new dailies, I do more pvp because I like the pvp daily chests and how I can progress faster on the pvp tracks with them! Before the new dailies: little to zero pvp, after the new dailies: 1-3 rounds of pvp daily.
Second: We have fractal and events in a specific location dailies, why not specific dungeon dailies? Like do 1 path of CoF etc. I’m missing this.
~wall of text~
For the umpteenth+1 time… Dailies are based on the highest level character on your account. If you don’t have a level 80, you get different dailies. New accounts all get dailies that they are perfectly able to complete.
Also, you get your laurels and mystic coins just from logging in. Freeing you not to have to do dailies for those things.
Or maybe just something like the old daylies with more choices ?
5 Events where ever you want
4 events in Shiverpeaks, Kryta, Maguuma, Ascalon
kill 50 mobs wherever you want
harvest 20 times .. maybe even 100+
apply 20 conditions .. also maybe 100+And so on ..
At that point, aren’t those dailies so automated that you might as well simplify the system to I don’t know, simply give the rewards upon logging in?
But the weird logic of the poster I quoted still applies:
If I cut out enough pieces of the game I don’t want to play, you cannot get me to do the dailies and then I’ll be angry ofc.
In your example, what if I don’t want to use conditions? It’s my game, let me play however I want, ANet! What if I want to play pacifist? Cannot do the dailies, which is meh. Fix please.
That was my point. “Hey, I don’t want to play sPvP, no WvW, no maguuma wastes, I hate dungeons, I drink only soy milk and eat vegan food. I’m clearly the target playerbase for this game so wtf ANet, fix this!”
Apparently mentioning the serious flaw of two of 4 ‘pve’ being fractals and asking for them to redesign the selections so this doesn’t occur again was ‘unconstructive criticism’ and the entire thread was removed. Ostrich syndrome- bury head in sand and pretend hard enough and the problem will go away?
There’s nothing ‘unconstructive’ about pointing it out and asking for it to be altered. Why is 21-30 level fractals even in the rotation at all?
Apparently mentioning the serious flaw of two of 4 ‘pve’ being fractals and asking for them to redesign the selections so this doesn’t occur again was ‘unconstructive criticism’ and the entire thread was removed. Ostrich syndrome- bury head in sand and pretend hard enough and the problem will go away?
There’s nothing ‘unconstructive’ about pointing it out and asking for it to be altered. Why is 21-30 level fractals even in the rotation at all?
Yeah you conveniently forgot to mention that as usual, moderators generally remove threads for swearwords / insults / slander, not for content. But anyhow…
True, shouldn’t have two “Daily Fractal”. The algorithm probably just needs a fix, those dailies are put into classes so the thing cannot pull two “Daily XYZ logger”, and I suspect the generic “Do a fractal” didn’t get put into the same category as the “Do a specific fractal” ones.
Easy to get 2 with one run, on the other hand. Could be worse. But yeah, shouldn’t really happen.
1. Your taking “just don’t do the daily” out of context. Its not " never do dailies again, quit the game and uninstall". Its so you choose to limit yourself to pve and you don’t do fractals and today ( make believe) 2 of the requirements deal with fractals….so just skip that day and do the daily the following day its only 10 ap. Hell you can do a daily wait a week and then do a daily – the world will still turn.
2. I take offense, when I was young I hate now I love it. Amazing what happens when you try something new. Here is a fun expriment- in game type /age and afterward type /deaths. The first command will tell you how long you’ve played on that character as well as account wise, the second command will tell you how many times you have died on that character. I bet you’ll have at least a couple hundred hours logged with a couple hundred deaths, strange how you put so much effort to learn how to survive in pve but when it comes to pvp you can’t when it uses the same exact skils and game mechanics…..see fun expriment you can even try it on your friends, even if they really are brand new. In the case they are brand new ask them to do the expriemnt and then use your guild list or friend list see what map they are in…. hmmm wonder how they got there without having to learn how to play?
3. err that a basic rule in life. In order to get better at something you have to put time and effort in. Your friends who put in hours to be skillful at w/e content guess what each one started at hour 1. You know that catch word “entitlement”, this point is a star studded poster board prime example of it. Players expect to do something once then claim thousand hours exprience and be told that they are prodigies even though they may have done it horribly bad. Look at the gripes here, and its because players aren’t given a trophy ap for performing the most basic actions, yet slightly make them a tiny bit more challanging ….suddenly players with hundreds of hours played are newborns.
4. How is spending time in pve not time consuming? In all actuality the whole purpose of video game is to consume time, your doing absolutely nothing productive. You gripe about dungeons taking hours to do but yet I bet youll spend hours mindlessly farming …. If your response is “well I choose/have fun farming” then refer to point 1 in terms of doing the daily
5. Sorry the moment you claimed x amount of ap as some triumph of exprience to the game, you were instead labeled as inexprience. Take a look at the top pvpers who have something like 6-10k ap who can show case 1v3’s as though it was regular breathing. Myself, I have something around 13k ap ( i think i dont really care ), lvl 33 fractals and either solo roam or small havoc in wvw as a glkittenter mesmer and yet still maintain a high rate of survivability. I am no where near a remote point that would even suggest that I was slightly “pro” – im mediocre at best.
take a week or never to earn the spvp achievements is pretty dang funny, sorry not meaning to poke fun. One achievement is to earn 50 rank points —- you get 200 rank points for losing a match, another one is a point capture or defend —- in hotjoin aka practice arena most players dont play seriously so more often then not youll have 2-3 other teammates on the same point you just have to stand in the circle lol. then you have 2 profession wins – if you werent aware you could be the lowest scoreing player on the winning side.
Ive kinda had a good chuckle at a recurring point, you challenge us to take other players under our wings to learn certain mechanics yet even though it sounds like you spent a goood time running with the exprienced players but when it comes time for you to teach suddenly it becomes someone elses responsibility. You sound kinda selfish
Three things:
- Dailies as Structure: some people used to structure their play experience using the old dailies. The relative freedom as to where the dailies could be completed dovetailed better with other things these players used to do than the new dailies do. That freedom has been curtailed to a small degree. Sure, they can choose not to do the new version, but then they’re playing with less structure.
- Removing Previous Systems in Games: When you take away an existing system that players enjoyed, or that they earned, or that they feel is their due, there is going to be a backlash. Argue the relative merits of the two systems all you want, but don’t expect people not to be peeved. Remember the Fractal Level removal? I do.
- Why Some Players Might Avoid PvP: Is anyone going to dispute the fact that PvP and WvW can be more challenging than anything in PvE in this game? Greater challenge in a game can stimulate the production of adrenaline. Adrenaline release causes physiological changes in people. Some people experience these changes as excitement and increased focus. Others experience them as stress. If life is already stressful, then there is a greater likelihood that a person might prefer to use his off time to relax.
Without diving into the mire of some of this commentary, I think a lot of this could be fixed with simply more choices. I don’t mind the new system, though I don’t find the rewards as stellar as they were sold to be. I’m sort of like, ‘meh’ when I get them. If we got things like Black Lion keys or makeover kits, you’d suddenly have people a lot more interested in the rewards, I feel.
Ok, I am going to put in my two cents on this matter.
The way I see it, instead of three different areas of play, there are three, with some subsets.
(1) PVP
(2) WWW
(3) PVE
(1) PVP, these people love to spend time going after each other. Having to slink into Open World PVE to get their dailys done is not a way they would like to spend their playtime.
(2) WWW is the same way. They enjoy WWWing and don’t really want to stop doing their gameplay of choice, and dip their toes into PVE, to get the dailies done.
Now, we come to PVE.
In PVE we have the subsets.
(1) Dungeons
(2) Fractals
(3) Open World
Not sure if the Dungeon and Fractal people care about going into open world for the daily, but the one thing all three of these subsets have in common is a loathing for PVP, and do not want to go into PVP, WWW areas for the daily.
The PVP, WWW people are telling the PVE people tough beans because they don’t like going into PVE to get dailys done.
Fair enough, but there is a very big BUT here.
When one does dailies in PVE, one can do them without fear of a squad of enemy players leaping out of a bush, killing you, and telling you that your mother wears army boots, and you are such a sorry player you should just die, die, die….which I am told, happens in PVP, and WWW…something about making the player you are attacking mad enough that they will make mistakes…but still…
PVE players don’t think it is fair that they have to throw themselves into that sort of ugly situation for achievement points, when all the PVP, WWW, crowd have to worry about in PVE land is boredom.
It is my opinion that because of this unequality, PVP and WWW should not share dailies with PVE.
I know this will never happen, but I would like to see a different three divisions for the dailies
(1) PVP, WWW-put them together . They understand, and are properly geared, for fighting their fellow players
(2) Dungeon, and Fractals-Let the Dungeon and Fractal crowd earn dailies while doing the game mode they enjoy the best.
(3) Open World PVE-Let them Gather, climb Vistas, Raise the Dead, and do Orange Circle missions to their hearts content.
Everyone is happy, well, everyone except those players who argue against everything just for the fun of arguing. oohhh, edit, Those people who argue for the sake of arguing..they are happy too because they have something to argue about
Happy players tell their friends, their friends buy the game, and Anet has more cash to make more fun stuff for us to do and wear.
There, there are my thoughts
(edited by Julischka Bean.7491)
Or just delete the daily achievements from the game and add the AP to be awarded by logging in for the day. Easy solution and problem solved.
Without diving into the mire of some of this commentary, I think a lot of this could be fixed with simply more choices. I don’t mind the new system, though I don’t find the rewards as stellar as they were sold to be. I’m sort of like, ‘meh’ when I get them. If we got things like Black Lion keys or makeover kits, you’d suddenly have people a lot more interested in the rewards, I feel.
So far the Chest of BL goods has turned out (for me) to be BL salvage kits. One in each chest.