The Pact weapons should NOT be Black lion
To me, weapon sets that are used specifically by npcs (friend or foe) in the game especially as a part of the world’s story, if they are going to be available to players, should be available via in-game methods even if they are also available via BLC’s. but that might just be me. Others, like chaos, tempest, even ley line since nothing in the game actually uses them, are perfectly fine in the chests.
finally, a weapon set that might not continuue to languish at 80g after 3 more sets are released
i smell profit
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You know what they coulda done?
Replaced the final story reward with a choice of these. Made them exotic and one-time stat selectable.
I feel that would have been appropriate.
Totally disagree Jake. Evon Gnashblade is running the Pact now. Not only should conscripted Commanders of the Pact not get the items for free, they should pay for them with gems. After all, gems are a currency the Pact can’t pay you in and that makes it all the more sweet for Evon.
Totally disagree Jake. Evon Gnashblade is running the Pact now. Not only should conscripted Commanders of the Pact not get the items for free, they should pay for them with gems. After all, gems are a currency the Pact can’t pay you in and that makes it all the more sweet for Evon.
If you get rid of Evon, you can get all of the pact weapons that you desire.
Totally disagree Jake. Evon Gnashblade is running the Pact now. Not only should conscripted Commanders of the Pact not get the items for free, they should pay for them with gems. After all, gems are a currency the Pact can’t pay you in and that makes it all the more sweet for Evon.
On the contrary. Every Evon dollar will be worth five Tyrian Gems. That is the exchange rate that the bank of Divinity’s Reach will implement after he kidnaps their queen.
They’re already on the TP now, 90g average.
BLTC weapons could be turned in to a real endgame goal, and all they’d need to do is introduce 4 recolored versions for every set put in (red, blue, green, purple).
That would give a wealth of high effort rewards that could be distributed throughout every playstyle, and make each new set a gigantic expansion of rewards.
Instead we get a 70g*13 tax every 2-10 weeks, that has no connection to actually achieving something in the game.
Even if they made the colored versions with a quick reshade, and completely ignored making them work with that color, they’d still function as prestige items while maintaining the appeal of the uncolored versions.
there have been pact weapons in the game for over 2 years and I don’t see you clamoring for those.
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While I do think the Pact Fleet weapons are beautifully designed, they also don’t suit my character aesthetics, so I’ll be passing on them.
I do agree that it’s kinda weird how the 2IC of the Pact can’t even get one of these weapons without shelling out big for them. :P Still, so far they don’t seem any more expensive than other BL weapon skins.
Personally i prefer to buy a skin for 60-70g from the TP instead of having to grind
chests and geodes for endless hours where you never know how long it takes you
until you finally have luck with the RNG.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
I had sort of hoped these skins would be something we could acquire/craft in game. Instead of being black lion fodder. So sad.
The only reason I was hopeful that these would be acquired by completing the Living Story and not with tickets is that NPC allies were using them.
Sure, I could buy them on the TP, but grinding gold by any old means and then purchasing them from the TP removes any personal value the items could have had. For me, that personal value is basically all that matters.
The only reason I was hopeful that these would be acquired by completing the Living Story and not with tickets is that NPC allies were using them.
Sure, I could buy them on the TP, but grinding gold by any old means and then purchasing them from the TP removes any personal value the items could have had. For me, that personal value is basically all that matters.
Ya sure.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
“Personally i prefer to buy a skin for 60-70g from the TP instead of having to grind
chests and geodes for endless hours where you never know how long it takes you
until you finally have luck with the RNG.”
How is this different than grinding out gold? Or better yet, why can’t it be both?
Personally i prefer to buy a skin for 60-70g from the TP instead of having to grind
chests and geodes for endless hours where you never know how long it takes you
until you finally have luck with the RNG.
The ambrite weapons are exactly what the game needs more of. Item which you cant straight up buy if you trade gems for gold or are a trading post mogul. And if RNG bothers you, you can do the pvp reward track for the fossils. But considering you need 16 fossils for the achievement, the RNG should pretty much even out for most people over the 16 fossils.
“Personally i prefer to buy a skin for 60-70g from the TP instead of having to grind
chests and geodes for endless hours where you never know how long it takes you
until you finally have luck with the RNG.”How is this different than grinding out gold? Or better yet, why can’t it be both?
People are never consistent because they love creating arbitrary rules for each situation, trying to figure it out is a fools errand as you already know.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
I think these are the worst BL skins ever
“Personally i prefer to buy a skin for 60-70g from the TP instead of having to grind
chests and geodes for endless hours where you never know how long it takes you
until you finally have luck with the RNG.”How is this different than grinding out gold? Or better yet, why can’t it be both?
The difference is that i can farm gold in a lot of different ways, while the RNG forces
me to play just in one specific area for a lot of time.
Both would of course be the best .. then nobody would be forced to grind in an are
while also people who don’t like those skins would have a reason to farm there if
they could sell the skins.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
There is a reason why multiple ways to earn the same thing is bad. Humans take the path of least resistance if they want to achieve something, so the majority will take the easier way and the main way (in ambrite weapon case dry top) would become a wasteland.
You are of course correct Malediktus but if there was more than one way to get it then the variety of activities I am doing in game can earn me more than one skin.
rough example:
I could earn 60-70 over time (long time for me) while I am farming XYZ to earn a skin, this would eventually net 2 skins if I should choose to buy one.
You are of course correct Malediktus but if there was more than one way to get it then the variety of activities I am doing in game can earn me more than one skin.
rough example:
I could earn 60-70 over time (long time for me) while I am farming XYZ to earn a skin, this would eventually net 2 skins if I should choose to buy one.
That sounds like an argument in favor of skins being available through the TP: every activity in the game earns some coin, so eventually you accumulate enough to buy skins. In contrast, there’s only one way to earn the insect weapons and only two ways to earn dungeon skins.
Personally, I like the fact that ANet doesn’t stick to one system. Some skins are gem store, some are story related, some require tokens, and some are available for gold. That means there are always some skins that are available in a way that works best for each type of player.
I am not in favor of only one system, ie: buying through the TP. There is no feeling of accomplishment when you buy something. This is one of the problems I have with legendary weapons. You can simply buy them. There is nothing Legendary about that.
My issue is more that a lot of weapon skins are released via black lion tickets and not via game content. There are so many in fact that Anet has been removing skins from that merchant. Now I am sure there are a variety of reasons for this but one theory (not my own) is that there are too many skins, they need to temporarily remove some of the skins in order to make room for new ones.
I’d much rather play through an epic encounter to get this skin, kill a difficult boss, earn tokens for doing events or such in order to earn these skins. It just doesn’t mean as much when you simply buy it with gold or gems or some combination there of.
Just my opinion. I realize not everyone favors this.
I am not in favor of only one system, ie: buying through the TP. There is no feeling of accomplishment when you buy something. This is one of the problems I have with legendary weapons. You can simply buy them. There is nothing Legendary about that.
My issue is more that a lot of weapon skins are released via black lion tickets and not via game content. There are so many in fact that Anet has been removing skins from that merchant. Now I am sure there are a variety of reasons for this but one theory (not my own) is that there are too many skins, they need to temporarily remove some of the skins in order to make room for new ones.
I’d much rather play through an epic encounter to get this skin, kill a difficult boss, earn tokens for doing events or such in order to earn these skins. It just doesn’t mean as much when you simply buy it with gold or gems or some combination there of.
Just my opinion. I realize not everyone favors this.
One (of the many) things I loved about GW1 was that several bosses in the world dropped named weapons, some with unique skins. Most were max stat weapons, but eventually, they added some in lower level areas, too. Those were the “Legendary” weapons of GW1. People would show them off, because of the effort it took to get them. You couldn’t just simply craft them. Not only did you have to beat the boss, but to increase the odds of getting it, you had to beat it without henchies or heroes. They were marks of skill or talent.
There should be a similar way of getting them in GW2.
And yes, I know, people traded and sold them in Kamadan, but if you could make the plat+ectos to buy some of them, that took some skill too :P
(edited by Gryphon.2875)
This was such a big disappointment. Pact´s weapons sold by Evon. Sure. (?)
Wouldnt selling the weapons directly on gem store be better sales? I dont mind some sets being gem store only but dislike the rng aspect of it.
If selling the weapons directly created better sales, ANet would have done it by now. I don’t have access to their sales metrics, but I’m willing to bet that locking the skins behind RNG gets them far more gem sales.
Wouldnt selling the weapons directly on gem store be better sales? I dont mind some sets being gem store only but dislike the rng aspect of it.
The very first set of weapons did sell in the gem store, the Winter’s weapon skins in December 2012. I remember that one as I bought 2 weapons directly from the gem store from that set, the shortbow and the shield. (That set was later made available through tickets) The set after that, Fused weapons, was through the ticket method. While one could argue that the first set didn’t sell well enough based on their looks, the fact that ANet quickly switched to and then kept the RNG method of selling weapon skins suggests the sales directly were below expectations.
Now I agree that the first set was very niche and the second set was wildly popular which would lead to a large discrepancy in sales but they did try the direct sale method and it must have been a failure even when you take these factors into consideration. They must have forecasted X number of sales directly, and didn’t achieve it, and Y sales by RNG and surpassed it. Once that happened, sales by RNG were set in stone.
If selling the weapons directly created better sales, ANet would have done it by now.
I don’t have access to their sales metrics, but I’m willing to bet that locking the skins behind RNG gets them far more gem sales.
I agree! They do sell specific skins directly. belinda’s sword, for example. I’m sure they have compared how many more keys they sell vs. how many direct purchases are made and found the keys bring in more money. They probably only release as direct gem purchase if there is only 1 special weapon (such as belinda’s sword) instead of an entire set.
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