The Predator effects

The Predator effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chaosdurza.3291


I recently got The Predator for my engineer (yay!) and it is really, really cool. It is my first legendary, so I’m just absolutely thrilled to have one. However, I’ve noticed now that I’m paying more attention to other peoples legendaries, the Predator has noticeably less effects than some of the others. The footfalls, for example, are extremely small and feint, and only last for 2 steps, compared to the ax legendary or longbow. Both of those last for a solid 5-7 steps before the footfalls dissipate. The body glow is pretty awesome, but not as pronounced as I would hope it would be. I compare it to some of the players I see with Incinerator, which gives the user this really cool firey glow on their hands and arms.

Don’t get me wrong, if I could go back and pick another legendary to have, it would still be the predator. I just wish it was comparable to some of the other legendaries out there.

Side note: Why doesn’t it have an effect on the majority of my kit skills?

The Predator effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ameepa.6793


I like that is has less noticeable effects. That is actually one of the reasons I made the Predator. I don’t really like overly flashy things. It is perfect for me and goes well with the engineer theme.

The Predator effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


You can’t have all the things. Like I have Frostfang, the footprints is great but it doesn’t give any aura, Quip have a nice aura but no footprints, Predator have a nice aura imo and a small footprint.

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

The Predator effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chaosdurza.3291


The effects on the gun itself is nice, probably one of the best actually weapon looks imo. I guess I was just expecting a little more. Anything about engineer kits with legendaries? Do none of the kits have additional visual effects from it? I noticed the grenade barrage thing is different, but other than that I don’t see anything new, which was a little disappointing. It is a legendary after all, throw a hobo-sack on and suddenly you’re just a commoner again :P

The Predator effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


The effects on the gun itself is nice, probably one of the best actually weapon looks imo. I guess I was just expecting a little more. Anything about engineer kits with legendaries? Do none of the kits have additional visual effects from it? I noticed the grenade barrage thing is different, but other than that I don’t see anything new, which was a little disappointing. It is a legendary after all, throw a hobo-sack on and suddenly you’re just a commoner again :P

Indeed. I would have made predator a year ago if it actually had the grenade barrage effect on the actual grenade kit. Legendaries having zero effect on kit engineers is a HUGE problem that ANet needs to fix already—more than the basic ‘hobosack’ issue itself.

Honestly, I’ve stopped playing my Asura engineer because what’s the point? Medium armor is garbage, armor in general on Asura is garbage, and weapons don’t even show up on basically any PvE build except for the most basic static discharge build.

I still like my Asura Engineer as a character, but I enjoy my human elementalist much more, since it allows me to actually participate in the GW2 endgame. There’s nothing more demoralizing than seeing shiny thing after shiny thing added, and going “Hey, that’s a neat weapon/armor/backpack/whatever… FOR EVERYONE ELSE WHO CAN USE IT.”

The Predator effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chaosdurza.3291


Agreed wholeheartedly. I really hope they have some plan about changing this, its extremely disappointing that the legendary just gets completely removed by a backpack.

In my opinion, using any of the legendaries on an engineer should completely change the visual effects on the kits. Each grenade skill could have some firey effect to it if you have the predator, or streamers coming out of it if you’re using quip. Idk how they would change flamethrower or elixer gun, but hell even toolkit could just be lit on fire, or instead of a wrench be some sort of molten hammer when using predator.

I’m not a programmer so I have no idea how difficult any of that actually is, but it seems like it probably wouldn’t be rocket science.

The Predator effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The V.8759

The V.8759

I do aggree with the part about the footfalls that they should last a bit longer, but next to that it seems to be fine like me.

As for kit effects, there are none directly into kit skills. There are several toolbelt skills that are affected, wether you are using the kit or not.

If you want to see the full page about it check here

Greetings, Fvux

One of the Firstborn Channel of Fvux

(edited by The V.8759)

The Predator effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


…quip and pred on engi are actually the only 2 instances in the game where effects persist through weapon changes. no other class has anything at all whatsoever that suggests they have a legendary if they are simply on a different weapon or holding a bundle. engi keeps nade barrage and sd effects.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

The Predator effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gwapojosh.6428


At least it’s not a unicorn farting rainbows

The Predator effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


Idk how they would change flamethrower or elixer gun, but hell even toolkit could just be lit on fire, or instead of a wrench be some sort of molten hammer when using predator.

The flamethrower spitting confetti would be awesome. I mean, I still wouldn’t use pistol or flamethrower in PvE, let alone together, but it’d still be awesome.

The Predator effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ponzu.4570


IMO its the engineer’s kit that is screwing the predator,u lost all its effect when u switch to a kit except grenade barrage.

lvl80 sylavari Engineer
Crystal Desert

The Predator effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jerus.4350


…quip and pred on engi are actually the only 2 instances in the game where effects persist through weapon changes. no other class has anything at all whatsoever that suggests they have a legendary if they are simply on a different weapon or holding a bundle. engi keeps nade barrage and sd effects.

Are you sure? I was quite certain the pred effect dissipated when my friend swapped to kits.

The Predator effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chaosdurza.3291


…quip and pred on engi are actually the only 2 instances in the game where effects persist through weapon changes. no other class has anything at all whatsoever that suggests they have a legendary if they are simply on a different weapon or holding a bundle. engi keeps nade barrage and sd effects.

Are you sure? I was quite certain the pred effect dissipated when my friend swapped to kits.

The effect IS gone when you swap to a kit, as Jerus suggests. The reason that I find this to be unfair is because swapping to a kit is NOT the same as changing weapons. It’s utilizing a utility skill. The only build that I can seem to find that makes full use of the Predator is a static discharge build. Not that it’s that big of a deal, I enjoy my SD build but it’s just kind of stupid that you are drastically limited when using the ultimate rifle.

The Predator effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


…quip and pred on engi are actually the only 2 instances in the game where effects persist through weapon changes. no other class has anything at all whatsoever that suggests they have a legendary if they are simply on a different weapon or holding a bundle. engi keeps nade barrage and sd effects.

Are you sure? I was quite certain the pred effect dissipated when my friend swapped to kits.

the aura disappears. the footsteps disappear. nade barrage and rifle turret / toolkit wrench with sd procs remain legendary, those are the effects im referring to.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

The Predator effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Dunno, I have the predator, it’s the last legendary i made and IMO it has some of the most noticeable effects, For sure the footsteps are lacking a lot, they should be at least twice as big.

However the Aura is Amazing, and very noticeable, and so many attacks change, as well as new attack animations and the sounds, on engi your grenade barrage becomes unique as well.

I’m not sure what Legendary you want to compare it to, as it would depend on your point of view

The Predator effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion Templar.4589

Orion Templar.4589

the Predator has noticeably less effects than some of the others.

I hear ya – some Legendaries just need to be more… well… Legendary.

But The Predator isn’t the only one needing some attention. My first was The Howler. Pretty long discussion about it needing some attention over here

The Predator effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chaosdurza.3291


Alright, small update. My engineer is a charr, and the aura wasn’t overly apparent on him. Just rolled a human engineer and skinned it onto a basic rifle, it is MUCH more obvious. Definitely going to be blowing 80 tomes on this toon tonight.

The Predator effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chaosdurza.3291


I recently got The Predator for my engineer (yay!) and it is really, really cool. It is my first legendary, so I’m just absolutely thrilled to have one. However, I’ve noticed now that I’m paying more attention to other peoples legendaries, the Predator has noticeably less effects than some of the others. The footfalls, for example, are extremely small and feint, and only last for 2 steps, compared to the ax legendary or longbow. Both of those last for a solid 5-7 steps before the footfalls dissipate. The body glow is pretty awesome, but not as pronounced as I would hope it would be. I compare it to some of the players I see with Incinerator, which gives the user this really cool firey glow on their hands and arms.

Don’t get me wrong, if I could go back and pick another legendary to have, it would still be the predator. I just wish it was comparable to some of the other legendaries out there.

Side note: Why doesn’t it have an effect on the majority of my kit skills?

Yes,Yes,Yes and have i said Yes yet ?

Moooaaaarr footfalls and on-skill effects. I’m running a GS (Twighlight) and Rifle (Predator) Warrior and would love to see these improvements with the Predator rifle

Thanks for bringing this up.

I would LOVE it if the footfalls at least would be improved. I still feel like they are drastically too small. As for on-skill effects, I unfortunately find it somewhat unlikely to see any changes at this point, since it’s been this way for so long. But that would be a welcome change by almost anyone I imagine

Maybe if we bring enough attention to this, they’ll consider boosting the footfall effects at the very least?

The Predator effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: krixis.9538


I found a fellow engineer in rata sum with the pred and asked him to do a grenade barrage.

because of that I am now getting one myself half way to getting it now.



Desolation EU
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR