The Real L.A.

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Captain Jack Sparrow.2674

Captain Jack Sparrow.2674

I noticed while sitting around in Lions Arch. It’s nice, but it isn’t realistic enough, especially with that acronym.

Can we spruce it up a bit with some city events? Maybe some random things just happen or something you can interact or help with. Some of the following are possibly examples.

1. While at the TP, an armed Skritt or bandit hold it up and possibly rob it.
2. Some shoddy scaffolding collapses onto pedestrians.
3. A negligent Charr mother lets her cub fall into Lions Arch Bay.
4. Norn are having a backyard wrestling match that goes terribly wrong.
5. A local crafting station bursts into flame from old Asuran wiring.
6. Sylvari march through the street for a plant pride parade.

The possibilities are nearly endless!

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Stay tuned for next week.

Something may be afoot. ; )

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

There are a few things going on, if you keep an eye out. (However, yeah, I always like seeing local color — more is always better.)

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greyhound.2058


Well I hope there will be more, it’s no fun hanging out in LA at the moment. I used to love Friday night quiz night It was just a lot more fun when there was more of a general gathering place where lots of people could hang out and do fun stuff together.

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I don’t hang out in LA anymore. It used to be the spot to go to see and be seen. To stand around by the bank and talk, dance, look for names you recognize, see call outs for help in WvW and in general, socialize. Then they trashed it first by making all servers one server (and not exempting cities) then they trashed it again by destroying LA and designing it so spread out that the congregation spot was removed.

One thing that’s apparent is the lack of understanding that people want to socialize and being careless of this aspect in designing or changing the game. It’s communities forged that hold people more than shinies or achievement points. ANet consistently doesn’t realize this. If they did, they would respect communities and their gathering spots instead of removing them. They would add things that support communities instead of neglecting them in favor of adding more outfits, gliders and gemstore weapon skins.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hoaxintelligence.4628


I miss the slacking in front of the bank of the old LA. It realy was a thing

Sît[MII]Ultimate Dominator
W v W-r o a m e r

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: penelopehannibal.8947


I wouldn’t mind seeing that detective examining the Sylvari body washed up on the beach to start questioning people, Columbo style.

“Errr.. Errr… Just one more thing if you please”

Blood & Merlot [Wine]

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


I miss the slacking in front of the bank of the old LA. It realy was a thing

Seems to be plenty of similar slacking in front of the DR bank now, at least on NA.

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


I don’t hang out in LA anymore. It used to be the spot to go to see and be seen. To stand around by the bank and talk, dance, look for names you recognize, see call outs for help in WvW and in general, socialize. Then they trashed it first by making all servers one server (and not exempting cities) then they trashed it again by destroying LA and designing it so spread out that the congregation spot was removed.

One thing that’s apparent is the lack of understanding that people want to socialize and being careless of this aspect in designing or changing the game. It’s communities forged that hold people more than shinies or achievement points. ANet consistently doesn’t realize this. If they did, they would respect communities and their gathering spots instead of removing them. They would add things that support communities instead of neglecting them in favor of adding more outfits, gliders and gemstore weapon skins.

You are kidding right?

The new Lions arch is head and shoulders above the old horrible boat arch, honestly i was not sorry to see that old place go, it was hideous and was a total disservice to the original GW1 lions arch..

I’d take this new bank over that claustrophobic last one we had any day.

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Greyhawk.9107

The Greyhawk.9107

I don’t hang out in LA anymore. It used to be the spot to go to see and be seen. To stand around by the bank and talk, dance, look for names you recognize, see call outs for help in WvW and in general, socialize. Then they trashed it first by making all servers one server (and not exempting cities) then they trashed it again by destroying LA and designing it so spread out that the congregation spot was removed.

One thing that’s apparent is the lack of understanding that people want to socialize and being careless of this aspect in designing or changing the game. It’s communities forged that hold people more than shinies or achievement points. ANet consistently doesn’t realize this. If they did, they would respect communities and their gathering spots instead of removing them. They would add things that support communities instead of neglecting them in favor of adding more outfits, gliders and gemstore weapon skins.

You are kidding right?

The new Lions arch is head and shoulders above the old horrible boat arch, honestly i was not sorry to see that old place go, it was hideous and was a total disservice to the original GW1 lions arch..

I’d take this new bank over that claustrophobic last one we had any day.

See, there’s these things called “opinions”, and none of us have to have the same ones as you do.

Hate is Fuel.

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Teofa Tsavo.9863

Teofa Tsavo.9863

With megaserver there is never going to be “old LA”. I haven’t bothered with the place since I walked out of Battle of LA on day 2.

Ley lines. The perfect solution to deadlines and writers block. Now in an easy open Can.

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vephar.8475


I wish they made LA more vibrant and colourful like it used to be. It’s just concrete everywhere you turn. The old LA had something special to it, it had character. New LA is just a sad gray world, it honestly depresses me, I avoid it unless I have to use the forge.

(edited by Vephar.8475)

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I don’t hang out in LA anymore. It used to be the spot to go to see and be seen. To stand around by the bank and talk, dance, look for names you recognize, see call outs for help in WvW and in general, socialize. Then they trashed it first by making all servers one server (and not exempting cities) then they trashed it again by destroying LA and designing it so spread out that the congregation spot was removed.

One thing that’s apparent is the lack of understanding that people want to socialize and being careless of this aspect in designing or changing the game. It’s communities forged that hold people more than shinies or achievement points. ANet consistently doesn’t realize this. If they did, they would respect communities and their gathering spots instead of removing them. They would add things that support communities instead of neglecting them in favor of adding more outfits, gliders and gemstore weapon skins.

You are kidding right?

The new Lions arch is head and shoulders above the old horrible boat arch, honestly i was not sorry to see that old place go, it was hideous and was a total disservice to the original GW1 lions arch..

I’d take this new bank over that claustrophobic last one we had any day.


And where are all the people who used to congregate at the old bank to socialize now? Gone, scattered between all the other cities. Some of them more “claustrophobic” than old La, such as the bank area in Rata Sum.

(Which was my point, not a comparison on aesthetics).

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doggie.3184


I want a Quaggan Nursery with with singing Quaggan.

Random non-instanced mini-game stuff of some sort would probably be better than typical events. Maybe some intractable bundles laying around too. Those table stands for that drinking game would be a decent example of simple mini-game~ not sure why they wasted it by making it pay2play.
I’m fine with the new layout but I agree the Bank could be more interesting.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardid.7203


The new LA is ok. The Old LA was AMAZING.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


The new LA is ok. The Old LA was AMAZING.


I have nothing against the new LA. It is serviceable. Not bad looking. Overall a decent city.

The old LA had character. It and Divinity’s Reach are my two all time favorite towns in games.

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardid.7203


I’m lucky to still have rave-spawning Rata Sum.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Razor.9872


So you want LA to be more like Ebonhawke?

NSPride <3

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EphemeralWallaby.7643


This thread is giving me déjà vu of when I followed the LA tour guide around.


The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

The new LA is ok. The Old LA was AMAZING.


I have nothing against the new LA. It is serviceable. Not bad looking. Overall a decent city.

The old LA had character. It and Divinity’s Reach are my two all time favorite towns in games.

The old LA was full of whimsical buildings, color and hidden areas. People congregated there to socialize.

It’s like they had a version of New Orleans with old, handcrafted turn of the century buildings and carpet bombed it and turned the city into downtown Dallas, full of white concrete and serviceable, modern buildings.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Greyhawk.9107

The Greyhawk.9107

The new LA is ok. The Old LA was AMAZING.

The new LA is ok. The Old LA was AMAZING.


I have nothing against the new LA. It is serviceable. Not bad looking. Overall a decent city.

The old LA had character. It and Divinity’s Reach are my two all time favorite towns in games.

The old LA was full of whimsical buildings, color and hidden areas. People congregated there to socialize.

It’s like they had a version of New Orleans with old, handcrafted turn of the century buildings and carpet bombed it and turned the city into downtown Dallas, full of white concrete and serviceable, modern buildings.

Agreed on all three of the above points.
I don’t really dislike current LA, but it really could be better. Current LA is more like…a resort, rather than a seaport city. It mostly doesn’t come across as a place where people live and work, but rather someplace they visit. If nothing else, the place needs some more kittening buildings, lots more. And more lion statues.
As far as the OP’s remark about events taking place in LA, thats just not going to happen. For better or for worse, the six cities are mechanically meant to be separate from the world maps where events and combat occur.

Hate is Fuel.

(edited by The Greyhawk.9107)

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

I think the Shared Inventory Slot cut down on city populations, in some part. I know I used to use the Mists and LA, but once obtaining the shared slot, I don’t use them, at all, anymore (except for Daily Activity, maybe).

There may be more population in LA after the upcoming patch, though. /shrug

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ramoth.9064


the new LA sucks. The only thing bad about the old LA was maybe the claustrophobic auction house.

the new LA has such a bland color pallet, and the crafting area is all symmetrical its so easy to run the wrong way

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Also, everything is spaced so far apart. I only use LA for the mystic portal. Otherwise, I hang around DR or Rata Sum which provide everything you need in a small area. I spend enough time commuting in real life.

EDIT: Ebonhawke isn’t too bad either… except for Corporal Benny, who’s always invading my personal space to tell me how much he wants to “go to bed”. >.>

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Countess Aire.9410

Countess Aire.9410

Old LA was my favorite of the two also. I miss the activities of the NPCs. The little kids playing by the bank. The day and night people running around the city. I Wish they had changed the city so they Old LA slowly morph into new LA. Watch them slowly take down the damaged buildings and reorganizing the city into the new. They left very little of old LA. It is to plain for me. I only hang out there to craft I spend most of my time in the outer areas. I like That LA is new but still miss the plaza in old LA.

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GrandPaladinTyrux.5918


Some more liveliness, and maybe even actual world events in LA would be really cool, I definitely like your ideas

Grand Paladin Tyrux [RoFR]
Human Dragonhunter
Tarnished Coast

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


I don’t hang out in LA anymore. It used to be the spot to go to see and be seen. To stand around by the bank and talk, dance, look for names you recognize, see call outs for help in WvW and in general, socialize. Then they trashed it first by making all servers one server (and not exempting cities) then they trashed it again by destroying LA and designing it so spread out that the congregation spot was removed.

One thing that’s apparent is the lack of understanding that people want to socialize and being careless of this aspect in designing or changing the game. It’s communities forged that hold people more than shinies or achievement points. ANet consistently doesn’t realize this. If they did, they would respect communities and their gathering spots instead of removing them. They would add things that support communities instead of neglecting them in favor of adding more outfits, gliders and gemstore weapon skins.

You are kidding right?

The new Lions arch is head and shoulders above the old horrible boat arch, honestly i was not sorry to see that old place go, it was hideous and was a total disservice to the original GW1 lions arch..

I’d take this new bank over that claustrophobic last one we had any day.


And where are all the people who used to congregate at the old bank to socialize now? Gone, scattered between all the other cities. Some of them more “claustrophobic” than old La, such as the bank area in Rata Sum.

(Which was my point, not a comparison on aesthetics).

I see as much or more in the new LA as i ever did in the old, the only bad with the new LA is the jump puzzle is now stupid hard its not worth doing anymore.

And maybe those two annoying kids with kissing, but the old had the same annoyance with “ahh ghosts”…

Honestly to me Rata sum Bank is just as dead as it always was.. Divinity Reach and LA were always the most lively of the two.

(edited by Dante.1508)

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I don’t hang out in LA anymore. It used to be the spot to go to see and be seen. To stand around by the bank and talk, dance, look for names you recognize, see call outs for help in WvW and in general, socialize. Then they trashed it first by making all servers one server (and not exempting cities) then they trashed it again by destroying LA and designing it so spread out that the congregation spot was removed.

One thing that’s apparent is the lack of understanding that people want to socialize and being careless of this aspect in designing or changing the game. It’s communities forged that hold people more than shinies or achievement points. ANet consistently doesn’t realize this. If they did, they would respect communities and their gathering spots instead of removing them. They would add things that support communities instead of neglecting them in favor of adding more outfits, gliders and gemstore weapon skins.

You are kidding right?

The new Lions arch is head and shoulders above the old horrible boat arch, honestly i was not sorry to see that old place go, it was hideous and was a total disservice to the original GW1 lions arch..

I’d take this new bank over that claustrophobic last one we had any day.


And where are all the people who used to congregate at the old bank to socialize now? Gone, scattered between all the other cities. Some of them more “claustrophobic” than old La, such as the bank area in Rata Sum.

(Which was my point, not a comparison on aesthetics).

I see as much or more in the new LA as i ever did in the old, the only bad with the new LA is the jump puzzle is now stupid hard its not worth doing anymore.

And maybe those two annoying kids with kissing, but the old had the same annoyance with “ahh ghosts”…

Honestly to me Rata sum Bank is just as dead as it always was.. Divinity Reach and LA were always the most lively of the two.

The bad I see with the new LA is that it’s boring. It looks like something that could be set down in the heart of any modern western city. All white concrete, a few bushes here and there for color and uninspired buildings. It’s as far as you can get from the old, whimsical LA with its colorful, interesting buildings made up boats. I only go there for an occasional mystic forge and leave as soon as I’m done. Obviously tastes differ. I’m glad you like it.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


I don’t hang out in LA anymore. It used to be the spot to go to see and be seen. To stand around by the bank and talk, dance, look for names you recognize, see call outs for help in WvW and in general, socialize. Then they trashed it first by making all servers one server (and not exempting cities) then they trashed it again by destroying LA and designing it so spread out that the congregation spot was removed.

One thing that’s apparent is the lack of understanding that people want to socialize and being careless of this aspect in designing or changing the game. It’s communities forged that hold people more than shinies or achievement points. ANet consistently doesn’t realize this. If they did, they would respect communities and their gathering spots instead of removing them. They would add things that support communities instead of neglecting them in favor of adding more outfits, gliders and gemstore weapon skins.

You are kidding right?

The new Lions arch is head and shoulders above the old horrible boat arch, honestly i was not sorry to see that old place go, it was hideous and was a total disservice to the original GW1 lions arch..

I’d take this new bank over that claustrophobic last one we had any day.


And where are all the people who used to congregate at the old bank to socialize now? Gone, scattered between all the other cities. Some of them more “claustrophobic” than old La, such as the bank area in Rata Sum.

(Which was my point, not a comparison on aesthetics).

I see as much or more in the new LA as i ever did in the old, the only bad with the new LA is the jump puzzle is now stupid hard its not worth doing anymore.

And maybe those two annoying kids with kissing, but the old had the same annoyance with “ahh ghosts”…

Honestly to me Rata sum Bank is just as dead as it always was.. Divinity Reach and LA were always the most lively of the two.

The bad I see with the new LA is that it’s boring. It looks like something that could be set down in the heart of any modern western city. All white concrete, a few bushes here and there for color and uninspired buildings. It’s as far as you can get from the old, whimsical LA with its colorful, interesting buildings made up boats. I only go there for an occasional mystic forge and leave as soon as I’m done. Obviously tastes differ. I’m glad you like it.

Personally i still preferred the original lions arch but honestly i really hated the original boat one GW2 came with Default, and this new one to me is far more prettier and much more accessible to most things.

I agree its a lot more open but i like that personally, i also think its designed that way with events in mind, i maybe wrong but it makes sense to me..

I really dislike how the personal story still takes me back to the horrible old one though.

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nadha.6097


to me the boaty Lions Arch was the most original and appealing city I ever saw in a game.
the layout and structure was better suited to become a “social hub”, albeit the bank was a little too small.
the new one is an ok/pretty city I only go to if I need the main vendor for guild commendations.
it has lovely spots but is too clinical/streched out to be practical or a social place.

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Endless Soul.5178

Endless Soul.5178

Whenever someone mentions “Old LA”, I can’t help but think of Lion’s Arch in Guild Wars. Going to see Firstwatch Sergio for skill training, Magi Malaquire on the hilltop the Wintersday and Halloween events, and the barefoot beach parties we used to have.

That’s Old LA to me.

Asura characters: Zerina | Myndee | Rissa | Jaxxi | Feyyt | Bekka | Sixx | Akee | Tylee | Nuumy
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Will.6829


I wouldn’t expect Anet to redesign LA at this point. Alot of work for no tangible benefit.

However, the lack of a ‘lollygagging’ spot definitely needs addressing.

I think they should just simply un-mega ALL the cities, thus bringing back the sense of a local server and community.

People will naturally find a spot, it doesn’t need to be dictated. But with mega-server on the cities, it can’t work.

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardid.7203


Endless Soul has a BIG point there.
Old LA was already New LA, re-funded by Cobiah Marriner after being destructed by the rise of Orr.
Actual LA should be called New New LA!

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

The Real L.A.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sorudo.9054


the new LA is to one toned, it is black in every way.
both the GW1 version and the old LA version had character, it feels alive and shows the colonization.
what do we have left, Disney land without attractions, that’s what we have left.