I’m not coming back, not that you care.
The scariest class o.O
I’m not coming back, not that you care.
Ele played well then engi everything else is so predictable
[TWIN] Anvil Rock
Conditions trigger panic within me so I personally agree with Necro being number one. Also thieves and warriors are both annoying when they run conditions. I would agree on warriors being more scary than thieves, but that’s probably because I like bashing warriors faces in and I hate thieves. PU Mesmers are overwhelming in numbers which can be intimidating. Engi’s are super scary . Guardians, Eles and Rangers not so much.
Mesmers – because they’re OP
Warriors – because they’re a Heavy class, but is more mobile than any Light class.
Assuming they people are using good builds/attacks, I’d vote:
Everyone else
Mesmers – because they’re OP
Warriors – because they’re a Heavy class, but is more mobile than any Light class.
Lets not turn this into a class war, but only PU Mesmer’s are overpowered.
If we are talking about class aesthetics and not gameplay, my list would be:
Elementalist (I don’t wanna be burned to death)
Warrior (please don’t eviscerate me)
Ranger (I don’t want to be mauled by a bear!)
Thief (I really like my shinies)
Engineer (please don’t use all of my doodads for your silly turrets!)
Mesmer (you look pretty)
Guardian (guard me bro!)
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Scariest class?
Gotta be Warriors.
Is it me, or does almost every Warrior in the game has a bad attitude in Pugs?
Its the class i noticed that rages the most, complains the most, and even rages
when people rez them, complaining why they weren’t rezed earlier. It is also the only class that i see in parties that like to show off their ascended and legendary gear almost all the time. seriously wtf.
On a side note, Engineers are so far the most friendliest class people i’ve met.
I haven’t met a bad attitude one……yet.
Give us Mounts, Anet! Pretty Please with Chocolate, Whipped Cream, Cherry and Mayonnaise? d^_^b
Female Charr Ele
Just listen to them shout out when switching elements.
Is it me, or does almost every Warrior in the game has a bad attitude in Pugs?
Its the class i noticed that rages the most, complains the most, and even rages
when people rez them, complaining why they weren’t rezed earlier. It is also the only class that i see in parties that like to show off their ascended and legendary gear almost all the time. seriously wtf.
Makes perfect sense to me. Imagine you’re some kind of “alpha male” kittenbag. Or a gun nut. Or a racist/homophobe. Or a “hardcore” troll. Or one of those screaming Call of Duty kids. Or those people who spam religious mumbo-jumbo in YouTube comments. Now, if you were to pick up an MMORPG, what class do you think you’d be naturally drawn to?
Warrior. It’s familiar. It’s in every game, and you KNOW it’s going to be unfairly overpowered. It’s good solo play, damage dealing, and tanking. It’s simple to grasp, and easy to excel with. Your signature skills are “kill stuff with weapons” and “shout at things.” And in GW2, warriors get GUNS!!!
Of course, this is just an assumption I’m making, I can’t prove anything. It just seems pretty intuitive, to me. But I’m not saying all warriors are jerks, of course. Most of them probably aren’t. Keep in mind warriors are almost always the most popular class in MMOs, so if it seems like you’re encountering more jerky warriors it’s likely because there are just more of them.
On a side note, Engineers are so far the most friendliest class people i’ve met.
I haven’t met a bad attitude one……yet.
I guess you haven’t played skyhammer in soloqueue yet.
… I wonder how much of it comes from warrior privilege, and how easy the Open World game is for warriors: In situations where that is taken away without them knowing it (After “Knowing” how easy content is ‘supposed’ to be), they start looking for where the problem lies, knowing it can’t be within themselves because they’re the toughest and strongest strongest guy in the party/event.
Also – Sword 2 automatically halts forward momentum at maximum range, which is extremely frustrating when trying to leap for glory across great chasms in open-world content. It’s too easy to take warrior abilities for granted. I have to remind myself that other classes DON’T have access to a super-leap like Sword2, and the level 34 party ranger in AC runs doesn’t have my traits, vitality, toughness, armor, and overall staying power, when I need him to defend one of the two elementalists in AC 2 because the Party Guardian is keeping the other elementalist safe while working the rear ledge traps, and I’m working the center and drawing the attention of the queen. Aren’t rangers the toughest of the Adventurer classes?
Aesthetically, and not counting game mechanics in any way, I would have to say that Necromancers would be the scariest, followed in second by Rangers. Necromancers, because they are masters of DEATH They should be able to destroy you if you face them unprepared. Rangers, because enemies should be afraid and uncertain if there is a minefield of invisible traps between you and him, and that you don’t know what their second pet is, on the chance that you kill their first pet.
Unfortunately, game mechanics make me fear Warriors more than anything. You know, instead of a class that can take over my mind and play tricks with it; instead of a class that can burn, shock, drown, and crush me in the span of 10 seconds; instead of a class that can almost kill me in one strike and I’ll never see it coming; instead of the master of death; instead of the master of nature that can have eagles pecking my eyes out and have a bear mauling my arm off at the same time; instead of a class that has any number of hidden gadgets, any of them I could be totally unprepared for.
And guardians? sorry, nothing ever scary about a holy/paladin type character.
The class who uses fear a lot.
Just a fun thread. I was wondering what everyone rates the classes in terms of how scary they are aesthetically.
I don’t think people know what aesthetically means.
Aside from the purple laser beams and butterflies, I think mesmers are pretty creepy, with the reversed sound effects and all.
Necro for sure (in sPvP). Dat condition damage.
Second would probably be longbow warrior. A good LB warrior. They devastate me, similar reason as necro.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Oh yeah. See, I didn’t bother actually reading the first post, so I missed the aesthetic request. In that case:
Mesmer (the starter masks are creepy as all hell)
Everything else
Aside from the purple laser beams and butterflies, I think mesmers are pretty creepy, with the reversed sound effects and all.
That’s messed up…
I kind of have a new appreciation…and sense of wariness for mesmers.
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