The Shatterer, bad luck or too difficult?

The Shatterer, bad luck or too difficult?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skorpse.5978


I have been trying for close to two weeks to kill this boss. I haven’t succeeded once.
He seems to be healing way too much, there’s a million adds that deal so much damage and there are so many AoEs everywhere.

What’s the actual trick to kill this boss? We have a buttload of people on him, we destroy the crystals fairly quickly but he almost heals back to full each time. Whose brilliant idea was it to make a boss like this one?

Not ONE kill in over two weeks. Very discouraging.

The Shatterer, bad luck or too difficult?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheShniper.1852


Uhh…. This boss is not that hard. But like most bosses u have to get in the 1-3. Maps that are more populated and onow what they are doing. You are probably not showing. Up early enough to the world boss. Do not go out saying that something is hard just like everyone else. At least research these things friendo

The Shatterer, bad luck or too difficult?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skorpse.5978


I understand the boss mechanics but even with a fairly massive group, we still cannot kill it on time.

The Shatterer, bad luck or too difficult?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheShniper.1852


U need a person who calls out phases if thats the issue. Ive never failed the shatt five. Ive done it 20+ times since it was reworked. Thats not a ton but still im like 20 for 20

The Shatterer, bad luck or too difficult?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorDing.5890


There are some things I do find difficult in the game but the Shatterer would not make it onto that list for me. I’ve had a few fails and more than a few close wins but mostly it goes fine.

Suggest you get to the map 10 mins before the start. If there is no commander tag and if no-one is talking tactics in chat then dive into the LFG tool and there is bound to be another map taxiing people in.

Assuming you have gliding, be ready on the launch pads for when the healing crystals spawn and launch-glide-spam skill #1 on them. Ignore the inevitable doomsayers in chat who will declare a “fail” immediately after the crystal phase. Best place to fight from is on the little hill near the Shatterer’s front right foot. Folks tend to stack there so a quick res is always available. If you do find yourself dead away from the crowd just waypoint out and run back. WP is very close. I usually dies 3 or 4 times during the fight, often from falling from the glider.

The Shatterer, bad luck or too difficult?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


What’s the actual trick to kill this boss?

Here’s a little light reading. Good luck.

As noted by DoctorDing, it is also required that you be in a map shard that has people who also know this. Just as with Teq, you are unlikely to find that shard randomly, so do as he suggests and taxi via the LFG. In the unlikely event you don’t know what taxiing is: find a group advertising the Shatterer kill, join it, click on someone’s blacked out portrait and select Join in Blazeridge Steppes. Once there, you can leave the group so they can continue to taxi others. If you get the map is full message, look for a different taxi. If there is none, you’re probably SOL unless someone organizes and instructs the map you’re in.

The Shatterer, bad luck or too difficult?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skorpse.5978


So it seems I’ve been doing everything right, I thought I was personally doing something wrong but I guess world bosses are a collective effort…
I guess I’ll keep trying and trying until I actually do get the boss down, but so far I’ve been having absolutely no luck with my groups. I am getting annoyed and discouraged though, trying to kill this boss almost every spawn for days and days and not a single kill.
Best of luck to me, huh?

The Shatterer, bad luck or too difficult?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Scipion.7548


In EU server, I have roughly 4 win for 1 defeat. Seems to be bad luck for you. Try to join the map 10-15 minutes before, you will have more chance to have a populated map. Also, maybe explain the CC thing to the other players.

The Shatterer, bad luck or too difficult?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorDing.5890


So it seems I’ve been doing everything right, I thought I was personally doing something wrong but I guess world bosses are a collective effort…
I guess I’ll keep trying and trying until I actually do get the boss down, but so far I’ve been having absolutely no luck with my groups. I am getting annoyed and discouraged though, trying to kill this boss almost every spawn for days and days and not a single kill.
Best of luck to me, huh?

I’m just wondering if you play at an “odd” time of day. On the EU server evening times are probably best.

But, yeah, best of luck. You can always try posting your own advert in LFG saying something like “looking for a good Shatterer map”.

The Shatterer, bad luck or too difficult?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NeoCodex.2438


That’s really strange compared to my experience. I’ve just returned to the game after a long break and started doing Shatterer for the achievements/backpiece several times per day, including mornings, afternoons and late evening, and I was joining only CC maps where we try to get the no fly zone & smash the dragon achievement done, which was a struggle already, but I eventually got lucky in about the 20th time we managed to do a perfect run with no failed CC phases and got all achievements done.

And now the funny thing is, in all that time, we were begging other players to stop doing dps and come to the pads instead to help CC or just delay the fight so that it doesn’t die too quickly. And everyone that seriously wanted to do this achievement was waiting on the jumping pads 1 minute before the CC phase and did not care about the dps or whether we kill the dragon at all.

And in all those attempts we didn’t fail once, so I’m really surprised how can a non CC map not kill it at all, that’s like really strange. And as I mentioned there wasn’t a failed attempt no matter at what time of the day I was on (playing on EU). Maybe try joining a CC map? These don’t seem to fail, even if one third of the players are just standing on the pads all the time lol. Just use a taxi, and maybe get your backpiece on the way as well.

First jump is 14:15. Almost everyone always misses the first jump. We only ever had 1 successful CC phase at 14:15. So don’t be late.

The Shatterer, bad luck or too difficult?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Liston.9708


I have not done this since getting the back piece. I wonder if many have moved on once earniNg It since the Loot was not teq level loot, but still takes some effort….

The best suggestion was using the LFG tool looking for an organized or cc taxi 15 mins ish before the boss is scheduled…..

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB

The Shatterer, bad luck or too difficult?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NeoCodex.2438


The loot is really bad indeed i have to second that. It takes as long as teq and even tough it’s a bit easier, it’s not that uncommon to find an organised teq map.

Actually, it’s more likely you’ll find an organised teq map and do it faster than doing a random unorganised shatterer map which might take longer for worse loot.

The Shatterer, bad luck or too difficult?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alteriel valie.4751

alteriel valie.4751

if you are on EU,try with open community!!
they are doing lot of events

The Shatterer, bad luck or too difficult?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rap Tiger.1257

Rap Tiger.1257

The Shatter is not hard, problem is the players work together and organization.

The Shatterer, bad luck or too difficult?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardid.7203


“work together and organization” is a very accurate desctription of Hard, IMO.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

The Shatterer, bad luck or too difficult?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


The fight is kind of fun, but IMO it’s a little too on the chaotic side. All large scale content that isn’t painfully easy suffers from a similar problem in GW2 of it just being too difficult to see or avoid attacks because everything is such a clusterkitten mess. This in and of itself naturally causes poor player organization and atrophy of control.

In fights like the Shatterer I find myself frequently one- or two-shotted from things that I never see and spend a lot of time in a downed state, which takes away from how fun it would otherwise.

The Shatterer, bad luck or too difficult?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorDing.5890


Shatterer does not really need very much organisation. You need enough players to know how to take down the healing crystals but everything else can just be skill-spammed.

The Shatterer, bad luck or too difficult?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


It’s only the breakbar that needs coordination. Otherwise it’s just a dps race, with a rush to cc crystals.

Make sure you get into a full map. If you arrive just before or during pre’s, it’s prob going to be a tougher map than if you arrive 15-mins early