The Shatterer has a twin and I have proof!
Twin? There are most likely millions of Shatterers. You think you are killing the same one over and over again?
Bet you missed the 15+ Tequatl seen fighting the Pact airship fleet over Orr…
You don’t kill the Shatterer he flies away
You don’t kill the Shatterer he flies away
You clearly havent seen the ever growing pile of shattered bones on the other side of the mountain. Players are monsters I tell you…
You don’t kill the Shatterer he flies away
You clearly havent seen the ever growing pile of shattered bones on the other side of the mountain. Players are monsters I tell you…
Or him exploding into pieces as he tries to fly away.
“Shatterer” is a rank as opposed to a single specific entity. Clearly this second dragon has very little confidence in his superior and jumped the gun for his anticipated promotion.
I have been killing these guys for over a year…there’s no end to them.
“Shatterer” is a rank as opposed to a single specific entity. Clearly this second dragon has very little confidence in his superior and jumped the gun for his anticipated promotion.
Unless of course he is exactly where he is supposed to be. You know sort of like planes circling the airport before its their turn to land. And then as soon as they land a rabid mob is waiting, delaying the next incoming flight.
Bet you missed the 15+ Tequatl seen fighting the Pact airship fleet over Orr…
Well, those aren’t Tequatl. Those are Ogravros the Moondeath, Fafnarin the Heartslayer, Horrogos the Soulbreaker, and probably other mini-dragons we didn’t see the names of during Arah Story.
it isnt explained very well in the game but the shatterer is a LESSER dragon, there are thousands of those things.
From the wiki:
“The Shatterer is a World boss, also called the Beast by some Sentinels, is a rank given to a champion of Kralkatorrik. At any given time, there’s only a single dragon of this rank. Once a Shatterer dies, the title moves on to a different dragon”
Source of the source:
BTW, we don’t know if Tequatl is actually the same one or different ones each time. According to game lore, the word “Tequatl” means “the one in darkness” in the hylek language, the “the sunless” title is a translation of that… so basically we don’t know its true name, just the name the hylek use to refer to it, so for all we know it might be a different dragon that looks just the same each time.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.