Something has always been bothering me on these forums.
we have: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/The-Cantha-Thread-Merged Which has 55 pages right now. Yet Elona doesn’t have its own meta-thread like this. As such, here it finally is.
This is a thread for all who wish to see an Elonian expansion, the living story taking us there, Raids within the boundaries of the Land of the Golden Sun and everything else Elona-related.
What would you like to see in an Elona-themed expansion?
- New Elite-Specializations fitting the landscapes and culture.
- New Masteries.
- Lore, both old and new.
- AI and other Game-Mechanics.
- Etc.
Here is my entry which starts with a long introduction for those unfamiliar with Elona:
“The jungle is said to provide… the desert however? I’ve only ever seen it take away. It consumes those who dare set foot on its scorching surface. All it grants is death and decay. Still we have reason to head into these wastelands. Two Elder-Dragons have been slain; danger still remains. Kralkatorrik, the Crystal Dragon, was last seen headed to these lands. From the moment it arose from its slumber deep within the Blood Legion Homelands it flew south, not even bothering to cover its track as if not giving any of the races of Tyria a single thought, it carved the brand into Tyria’s landscape.
Now Glint’s legacy has been bestowed upon us and the nation of Elona is in dire need of its Salvation. Reports have come in of Palawa Joko, an undead lich overlord, holding the entirety of Elona within the grasps of his dried, rotten hands. Having learnt from his past mistakes in his attempts of seizing control, he marched into Vabbi with renewed strategies, he dammed and diverted the Elon River which deprived the Vabbians and Kournans of its source of water whilst supplying his own with this priceless resource. Seeing no way out the Vabbians surrendered, the Kournans and Istani soon followed.
The hailed Order of the Sunspears, guardians of Elona, has been reduced to a mere shadow of its former self. Palawa Swiftly crushed the Order and converted prominent members to his own cause. These converted Sunspear Traitors now serve Palawa Joko as a unit of elite knights named the Mordant Crescent.
It is unclear to us if Palawa has met with the branded forces of Kralkatorrik, yet we know for sure that they are bound to be enemies. The upcoming war in the Crystal Desert and further south shall be a war on three fronts. We have Kralkatorrik on one side, Palawa Joko on the other and our united races taking it up to them both!"
The Crystal Desert, the Desolation and Elona itself all share a harsh climate.
“Legends tell of a time, thousands of years ago, when the Crystal Desert was covered in water. These legends claim that it was the gods who raised the land, leaving it bare and empty in order to give the solitary creatures of the world a place to call their own. If the legends are true, humans were not among those for whom this land was made. There have been attempts by humans to settle in the desert, but they have, without exception, failed miserably, leaving behind only the grand monuments they built here proclaiming their short-lived triumph over this harsh land.
The weather in the Crystal Desert is hot and unforgiving. The winds blow hard, making and unmaking dunes, covering up the present and uncovering the past. An examination of the sand will reveal that each grain is actually a tiny, pointed crystal. In isolated locations, larger crystal formations have been revealed by the constant, unforgiving wind." – The Guild Wars Manuscripts
Due to the rise of Orr, water has entered the wastes of the desert. This has given life to new creatures and others thrive on the water like never before. Sadly the water influences only portions of the desert, an area easily the size of the great nation of Kryta still remains without water and is hard to traverse because of this. Sandstorms, not unlike those witnessed in Dry Top, are common.
- Ancient ruins of past human civilizations have been uncovered by these sandstorms.
- The joint nations must rely on the help of native species among which Centaurs to traverse many dangerous areas.
- Scarabs plague the arid plains and Hydra’s are not fond of the activity within their territory either.
These Hydra’s can hold their own against the branded and Palawa Joko’s awakened forces. Prepare yourselves well. - Many traces can be found of the Forgotten and other ancient civilizations among which the Margonite.
The Tomb of the Primeval Kings has been uncovered, yet was found corrupted by Kralkatorrik. What dark forces lurk in these halls now?
- The Junundu
Use these majestic wurms to traverse the desolate plains.
Elite Specializations
Guardian – Paragon – Polearm/Spear
The arid plains have worn out the soldiers, a commander has to stand up to motivate these soldiers to jump back into the fight for a greater cause.
Ranger – Nomad – Hammer
The ranger knows the environment well and they knows how to shake it up. With heavy blows of their hammer they squash scarabs while using new and improved beast mastery to better control their pets. (Bunny Thumpers!)
- Hydra’s with their multiple heads now focus on multiple targets at once.
- Scarab swarms attack camps and they never attack alone. (Imagine pocket raptors, slower yet stronger.)
But this is all to spark an interest, please discuss and above all. Show your support for Elona as much as everyone else has been supporting Cantha!
As the great Turai Ossa once shouted:
“For Elona!”
a small, casual Guild with a play as you want style.