The ability to change faction
Seems to me the three factions don’t trust each other. With that being the case, it would not work.
Seems to me the three factions don’t trust each other. With that being the case, it would not work.
The three factions formed The Pact and are unified.
oh yes i would love to re-pick my faction on my ranger,why would i want healing armour. as we cannot see the armour before hand,it’s kinda hard to pick the right faction when your a new player at the time.
you can only do it after completing the game.
They all give off a small chain quest to change.
That would be great imo.
Add me to this. I would love to switch from the one I chose to a different one.
Besides the back piece you get at the end, who uses any rewards from the story after 80? I can’t remember a single piece of decent gear I ever received, much of it, under the level the actual quest chain was even at. Anythng you got should’ve been quickly replaced from the TP or self crafting as soon as you hit 80. The reward system in the game is mostly deplorable and makes no sense at all compared to other MMOs.
You can preview what the armor looks like for each faction in the PVP locker on your toon if you’d like, but I agree you should be able to either change factions or join all factions at the end of the story.
So does anybody have a quote from anet concerning this?
Is the reason you want to join another faction, the armor? If so, perhaps ArenaNet could add the ability to buy the other armors after you reach an appropriate point in the personal story.
It could be some sort of “side” personal story, where you could earn trust to the other faction even though retaining your current one.
Scryer and aldor comes to mind.
I honestly don’t see why this wasn’t included in the game already. Guildwars 1 was all about grinding armor sets and collecting gear.
Some ppl like say t3 armour,so they can transmute it with different stats.
When it comes to armour,it’s always about the looks,stats can be changed anyway.
Some faction armour looks better than the others but we never get to see them until it’s to late,because we picked the wrong faction.
This is not exactly the same though, there is a ton of content that is different from faction to faction. So a simple faction change is kind of out of the question and very impractical. If it was just a faction you choose and that’s it I would say yes but that is sadly not the case.
If you wish to explore other factions make an alt and join the other factions.
I’m the “Champion of Orr” and Commander of the Pact. Seems like I should be allowed to shop from any of the 3, darn it!!
It’s cosmetic gear, but cosmetics is what we have to go on in GW2.
It’s my hope that in the not-near future there’s new story quests added. Perhaps in those we could have a new choice of Order.