The best part of the new patch.

The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


The last item under General fixes:

We’ve relaxed our anti-exploiting system for loot and events.

Win. Pure Win.

Thank you.

The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kerri Knight.3168

Kerri Knight.3168

Gosh, yes. The hordes of nude and semi-nude ranger-bots infesting the human starting areas on presumably every server weren’t getting sufficient loot drops.

Glad we made them more profitable.

Another example of how when you try to make one group of people happy (the hordes of folks screaming about DR impacting legitimate players) someone will find a way to kitten about it.

The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Gosh, yes. The hordes of nude and semi-nude ranger-bots infesting the human starting areas on presumably every server weren’t getting sufficient loot drops.

Glad we made them more profitable.

I’ve only seen bots in the game a grand total of three times. I’m not worried about it. I’d much rather have the extra loot and not be “punished” for sticking around Orr for a while.

The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azaziel.3608


I’ve never seen or noticed a bot =(

The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chris.7653


Gosh, yes. The hordes of nude and semi-nude ranger-bots infesting the human starting areas on presumably every server weren’t getting sufficient loot drops.

Glad we made them more profitable.

You just can never be happy can you?

The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sanctus.8350


These are some good changes. It would be nice if they would at least officially address some major problems though, like the abysmal drop rate of badges of honor.

The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lothefallen.7081


Can i get a link to patch notes or are they on guru?

The Ardent Aegis

The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kerri Knight.3168

Kerri Knight.3168

Can i get a link to patch notes or are they on guru?

Literally 4 mouse clicks away…


The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dikeido.8436


We’ve relaxed our anti-exploiting system for loot and events.

What does that even mean ?

The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bvhjdbvkjf.1987


We’ve relaxed our anti-exploiting system for loot and events.

What does that even mean ?

Refers to the Diminishing Rewards system that nerfed results of people farming events continuously.

The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Apos.5184


These are some good changes. It would be nice if they would at least officially address some major problems though, like the abysmal drop rate of badges of honor.

But the abysmal drop rate of badges of honor is actually thanks to the diminishing returns being active in WvW as well.

They should disable it altogether for player kills to be honest.

The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bonzoso.7014


Bots are everywhere — I encounter (and report) several during every play session if I’m out in a leveling zone, even if it’s only 30 minutes. If you’re not seeing them, it’s likely you’re just not paying attention enough to spot the behavior that gives them away.

That said, bots could make up a full 25% of the game’s population, and I still would be against the implementation of any design measures that punish legitimate players in the attempt to curb botting.

The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


I did a server transfer to get at a skillpoint that was bugged in mine and that other server has an army of Charr running around farming Jourmag cultists in the 15-25 Norn zone =(

Human areas are really bad too, and on my server (switched back to Sanctum of Rall) there are armies of rangers with bears that just kill everything in their path. Harathi Hinterlands has such a bot zerg.

The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ounkeo.9138



Gosh, yes. The hordes of nude and semi-nude ranger-bots infesting the human starting areas on presumably every server weren’t getting sufficient loot drops.

Glad we made them more profitable.

They were profitable with or without the DR. All the DR did was affect legitimate players.

For a botter, it’s very easy to completely circumvent the DR completely. This changes nothing for them and helps us, the players, quite a bit; which makes their offering much less enticing.

The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


The truth about the DR system is:

All those complaining that DR hurts their farming and etc simply do not deserve to get more gold than normal players who just play the game. ArenaNet should punish farmers and other grinders, who create a massive gold disparity when compared to players who are not going to waste their time grinding, but instead would rather have fun.

I wish they would nerf farming more, and reward playing the game normally more. If you want a grind-based MMO, there are many options for you out there.

“I think that players are starting to mature past the point of wanting to be on that
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons

The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


The truth about the DR system is:

All those complaining that DR hurts their farming and etc simply do not deserve to get more gold than normal players who just play the game. ArenaNet should punish farmers and other grinders, who create a massive gold disparity when compared to players who are not going to waste their time grinding, but instead would rather have fun.

I wish they would nerf farming more, and reward playing the game normally more. If you want a grind-based MMO, there are many options for you out there.

So you basically want to punish people for actually earning their resources and want them to have just as much as those who put in less time and effort, sounds reasonable.

The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Schurge.5194


The truth about the DR system is:

All those complaining that DR hurts their farming and etc simply do not deserve to get more gold than normal players who just play the game. ArenaNet should punish farmers and other grinders, who create a massive gold disparity when compared to players who are not going to waste their time grinding, but instead would rather have fun.

I wish they would nerf farming more, and reward playing the game normally more. If you want a grind-based MMO, there are many options for you out there.

Oh give me a break. Those who work harder deserve more. Period.

Champion Phantom
We are not friends.

The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blacksarevok.8104


The truth about the DR system is:

All those complaining that DR hurts their farming and etc simply do not deserve to get more gold than normal players who just play the game. ArenaNet should punish farmers and other grinders, who create a massive gold disparity when compared to players who are not going to waste their time grinding, but instead would rather have fun.

I wish they would nerf farming more, and reward playing the game normally more. If you want a grind-based MMO, there are many options for you out there.

So basically people who put more time in the game should get the same amount of gold as people who put in less time? Basically, communism?

I’m down. I love communism!

The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leogolas.6941


Botters are on the increase especially in the centurs infested zone. Botters main aim in the game is to generate gold to sell for real life money , so Anet should start to monitor large amount of gold transaction between players and ban gold seller and gold buyer b4 inflation starts.

[TSA] The Stuffed Animals
~We Are Deadly When Required~

The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phaneo.4597


I’m glad this change is in place. I enjoy the game and absolutely love it, but lately even the higher lvl areas give out nothing but junk trophies, including WvW. Got my monthly WvW kills achievement in one night last friday, yet I got like 2-3 badges lol. I’m glad Anet realised this and relaxed things for legit players, so am expecting better drops later today during dragon events.

I hardly see botters as well, and either ways as many said, they’d still make profit regardless, thus hurting legit players with or without DR. Low DR would only help make players happier. I saw some 6-7 bots yesterday in Frostgorge sound though, 4 of them framing Murellows and Jotuns; another batch by the Grawl skill pt area. I was trying to get the skill pt. and saw these continuously moving in a pattern from start to finish of the cave killing those monkeys. I know they’re bots since when I was reporting them, all of their ID’s were named asdfkgh… or ssshhh or something like that lol

Tee See

The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mars.6319


Gosh, yes. The hordes of nude and semi-nude ranger-bots infesting the human starting areas on presumably every server weren’t getting sufficient loot drops.

Glad we made them more profitable.

I’ve only seen bots in the game a grand total of three times. I’m not worried about it. I’d much rather have the extra loot and not be “punished” for sticking around Orr for a while.

I welcome you to join us on Kaineng, land of the BORG, where litereally more than half the players in many zones are BOTS.

Don’t get me wrong, coming from Dragonbrand, I know that populated servers are NOT filled with BOTS, but the, um… lesser populated servers… are drowning in BOTS. I spend the first 2-5 minutes of entering a new area reporting BOTS.

The best part of the new patch.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krighton.2138


Actually the best part is the basic alpha/beta feature known as targeting finally works properly. Better late than never. Now let’s see if they can fix some grammatical errors and not screw up the other fixes.