The better EU server to start on?
I originally came from Piken Square before moving to Gunnars Hold (cause guildies went there after the guild split), before finally coming over to the NA server Blackgate.
I can honestly say Piken Square was amazing. It’s mainly the unofficial world for roleplay, so I think you’d find in general nicer, more respectful players who don’t moan and groan and fight about things in map and team chat as you would in a few other servers – not to say it doesn’t exist in PS though as no world is perfect.
I moved to Blackgate personally because of my region though. Being an oceanic based player, I found as a WvW player sometimes hard to have a good battle. When there were enough players however, it was amazing in Piken Square. We could stand our ground and ward off enemies against our keep – and we even held off Vizunah Square against all odds (we were greatly outnumbered at the time) for a couple hours. Piken Square has great WvW strategy if you can manage to find a time when they are WvW’ing – I moved to Blackgate before Edge of the Mists came out though, so it might be more populated now, not sure. But yeah if I ever moved back to an EU server I would choose Piken Square.
I would also recommend Desolation because as an ex-Piken Squarian, they had huge blobs that would roll over enemies, so if winning is your thing, may be worth looking into them as well?
My two cents
Better for what?
Bear in mind for everything pve you can guest, but for wvw you’re stuck, so I’d always choose based on what you want from wvw (large groups, small groups, guild oriented, pug, solo roaming…) unless you have no interest in that mode.
The best EU guild (rT) – the best guild in the world – is on Desolation for the most part.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Come Gandara, lots of fun :P
Come Gandara, lots of fun :P
Seconded. We came second in the Silver league in Season 1, so we’re good but not uber. There’s some weeks we’re fighting a defensive battle, there’s some weeks we do pretty good, but WvW is rarely a walkover (either for or against) since Anet got rid of the dumb random matching. I prefer it like that, the OP’s opinion may vary of course.
I’m assuming you’re a new player. In which case, literally any non french/german/spanish server will fit perfectly.
Desolation seems 10th on the WvW list, yet people say its best for something?
Desolation is the most crowded and overfilled EU server. You go there if you want to make 110% sure that you end up in overflows only for new content. But besides that Deso mostly is one of the first servers to get the new content done.
On the other side, Deso isn´t the best in WvW, because we are mostly PvE oriented and therefor our WvW community isn´t that big.
If you´re going for the WvW rewards you should either check Gandara or the french servers
I’ve guested all servers and no disrespect to any other server, but Piken Square is by far the friendliest server out of all EU servers when it comes to trying to have a friendly conversation in map chat.
I’ve guested all servers and no disrespect to any other server, but [INSERT YOUR SERVER] is by far the friendliest server out of all EU servers when it comes to trying to have a friendly conversation in map chat.
I’ve guested all servers and no disrespect to any other server, but Seafarer’s Rest is by far the friendliest server out of all EU servers when it comes to trying to have a friendly conversation in map chat.