The difference.
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Many times players have tried being respectful and the developers constantly ignore the posts and proceed with updates such as this one. After constantly being ignored by the company the consumers are now tired of being patient and are starting to let the company know that they the consumer pay the bills.
If a company constantly ignores its consumer base and fails to provide the services or product desired the consumers will move on to a company that can provide what they are looking for.
Anet clearly disregarded what the consumers have been requesting and changed portions of the game that should have been left alone and did not change things people actually complained about.
Many times players have tried being respectful and the developers constantly ignore the posts and proceed with updates such as this one. After constantly being ignored by the company the consumers are now tired of being patient and are starting to let the company know that they the consumer pay the bills.
If a company constantly ignores its consumer base and fails to provide the services or product desired the consumers will move on to a company that can provide what they are looking for.
Anet clearly disregarded what the consumers have been requesting and changed portions of the game that should have been left alone and did not change things people actually complained about.
I won’t disagree the low level areas should not have changed but to say they don’t listen is kinda stretching the truth a bit. Dry Top/EotM/PvP fix/FotM/transmutation charges/TP (personaly i really like this new one!)New volunteer zone switch (nice one too imo) to name a few. Now lets remember all just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t. About the new low level zones seems that they might have to look into that one.
Ok they listen to what they want to hear, does that make you feel better? They have taken the core game that people have been playing for 2 years and changed things that few if any actually wanted changed. They throw in a few tidbits to give the sheeple a rah rah we got this, yet they ignore key things repeatedly asked for over the course of 2 years and change things that probably would have been better left alone.
Ok they listen to what they want to hear, does that make you feel better? They have taken the core game that people have been playing for 2 years and changed things that few if any actually wanted changed. They throw in a few tidbits to give the sheeple a rah rah we got this, yet they ignore key things repeatedly asked for over the course of 2 years and change things that probably would have been better left alone.
Can you describe the key things for me real quick I’m trying to understand what it is your looking to be added?
P.S i’d really like for them to open the world up a bit more! Dry Top and Southsun Cove were nice but more would be nice too
(edited by Zoso.8279)
What most would like is for them to fix what is broken, not break what is working. Small maps are nice but after 2 years open up some major area. Balance is an area needing work by a balance team that actually knows the classes. Dont dumb the game down its already easy enough. People have been looking for more skills or useless skills fixed lets see them work on things like this not giving a little direction arrow for people who cant read a map. To name just a few off the topof my dead tired and needing sleep head.
What most would like is for them to fix what is broken, not break what is working. Small maps are nice but after 2 years open up some major area. Balance is an area needing work by a balance team that actually knows the classes. Dont dumb the game down its already easy enough. People have been looking for more skills or useless skills fixed lets see them work on things like this not giving a little direction arrow for people who cant read a map. To name just a few off the topof my dead tired and needing sleep head.
Yeah I agree would be nice to see some more space in the map of Tyria open up. I’ve been running necro and engi in PvP it looks well balanced from my point of view but have to run some more classes in PvP a little harder (mesmer = quick death for me). lol and get some sleep bro the game will be here tomorrow!
Many times players have tried being respectful and the developers constantly ignore the posts and proceed with updates such as this one. After constantly being ignored by the company the consumers are now tired of being patient and are starting to let the company know that they the consumer pay the bills.
If a company constantly ignores its consumer base and fails to provide the services or product desired the consumers will move on to a company that can provide what they are looking for.
Anet clearly disregarded what the consumers have been requesting and changed portions of the game that should have been left alone and did not change things people actually complained about.
Unfortunately you are right…
The sentiment is nice, Zoso. Really, it is.
But the righteously indignant will shout how it’s their god-given right to say what they want in as vicious and vitriolic a way as possible because it’s really easy to do that from behind their computer monitors.
Yay for the autonomy of the internet…
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’
About the PVP the balance for that portion of the game does not fit into portions like World Vs World or PVE very well. I know it would take some work but it should be balanced different then the rest of the game. This used to be a company that went as far as placing a mod in Lions arch from time to time to hold open discussions with and now you are lucky to get a reply in the forums unless its a shame on you and infraction for stepping on toes. I myself do not have all the answers but there are many avid players who have invested considerable time and energy into the game and the forums who could really help the development team.
The main thing we as players want is to be listened to replied to and see the game succeed. People who raise their voices and stand up for what they think is right are usually very passionate about what they are fighting for. I have played since early in GW1 and would like to see GW2 have that kind of longevity. Dont take me wrong when I get going I want to see the game succeed and get better. I am sorry if at times Im about like a sledge hamer to the forehead.