The 'downed' state thing

The 'downed' state thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


So I’ve played this game off and on since launch, and there’s one thing that still confuses and frustrates me quite a bit, this ‘downed’ state thing before you are killed. I’m mostly talking about pve here because I don’t do much wvw. Sometimes when I’m downed this thing can be really cool, like if the mob is almost dead, I use the number 1 attack to finish it off and then I can get back up again, which is great.

Then there are the times when the mob also dies at the same time, so I have nothing to use the number 1 attack on, and I lay there and die. This is downright frustrating and doesn’t feel right, after all I did better than in the previous case, I managed to kill the thing before or as I went down.

Then there is the number 2 button which makes you rise as a mist or something? I’ve never discovered a use for this. I get up and then a second or two later I’m back down again. What is this supposed to be for?

Then there is the odd behavior of this in water, like if you can swim to the top you can always live? I don’t understand that.

Anyway, this whole mechanism feels like it’s broken or at least not quite right most of the time. Anyone agree?

The 'downed' state thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


The 4 skill on every single profession heals you if it’s not interrupted. If you hit 4, you heal…unless you’re attacked by something else.

The 'downed' state thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nova Stiker.8396

Nova Stiker.8396

Disagree. I have bad news for you bud.

Skills 2 and 3 are stalling skills to buy you enough time for someone to resurrect you.

So what does the 4th skill do? The 4th skill is a self resurrect. As long as you are not damaged while casting this skill, you can revive yourself slowly. You can even revive yourself underwater this way.

In other words, you’ve been dying for no reason other than… Yeah. :P

The 'downed' state thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Turamarth.3248


Then there are the times when the mob also dies at the same time, so I have nothing to use the number 1 attack on, and I lay there and die. This is downright frustrating and doesn’t feel right, after all I did better than in the previous case, I managed to kill the thing before or as I went down.

Use the fourth skill.

Then there is the number 2 button which makes you rise as a mist or something? I’ve never discovered a use for this. I get up and then a second or two later I’m back down again. What is this supposed to be for?

This is more interesting for wvw/pvp. Skill two is to avoid getting stomped, which can´t happen in pve.

Then there is the odd behavior of this in water, like if you can swim to the top you can always live? I don’t understand that.

If you are on the surface you can only heal yourself. I don´t know about mobs but it won´t stop enemy players from killing you.

Anyway, this whole mechanism feels like it’s broken or at least not quite right most of the time. Anyone agree?


Brandar – Kodash [DE]

The 'downed' state thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


Ok what about the 2nd case I gave, where the mob dies at the same time as me. This is the one I find the most frustrating, and I’m pretty sure I’ve tried spamming the 4 button.

The 'downed' state thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nova Stiker.8396

Nova Stiker.8396

Ok what about the 2nd case I gave, where the mob dies at the same time as me. This is the one I find the most frustrating, and I’m pretty sure I’ve tried spamming the 4 button.

As stated, you can’t just spam 4 while under attack. It will get interrupted, go into a 5 second recharge. When you are using skill 4 (also known as Bandage) it will heal you 2% of your downed health each second, press it and wait until you revive.

You can only self revive when not under attack, otherwise fight the attackers and get that Rally.
If the mob dies but you didn’t resurrect, it is probably because you didn’t hit the mob.

As for the same time? You died first obviously. Now, you can die and an enemy can bleed out shortly after but dead is dead, you aren’t going to rally as a zombie.

You can look at your downed skills in your Weapon Skills Tab in your Hero Panel if you are still really confused on what they do.

The 'downed' state thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


Well I didn’t know you were supposed to channel the number 4 button, so I guess that’s my problem. I’ll have to test it to see if it works as you guys say. Sucks that i didn’t realize this, because it would have saved me a lot of frustration. Anyway, still learning new stuff all the time in this game. I’m a casual player obviously. Thanks all.

The 'downed' state thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nova Stiker.8396

Nova Stiker.8396

Well I didn’t know you were supposed to channel the number 4 button, so I guess that’s my problem. I’ll have to test it to see if it works as you guys say. Sucks that i didn’t realize this, because it would have saved me a lot of frustration. Anyway, still learning new stuff all the time in this game. I’m a casual player obviously. Thanks all.

I can tell your an Elementalist as well, if you want some Elementalist tips feel free to message me, Nova Stiker.8396

The 'downed' state thing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oxstar.7643


I think it means that when you get downed, you are too injured to stand. Get downed enough, and you die right away because of your injuries. You need time to regain control of yourself to get up, but to do this you need to apply bandages (good knows where we keep these) to stabalize your legs and stop the bleeding. Others can help you apply bandages to speed the process up, and you can do the same for them.

Underwater, we use our entire body to move, not just our legs. So you have enough to move, but you need air to get back into combat shape. Oxygen to prevent your systems from shutting down. Get downed too many times though and your wounds finally claims you. When enemies attack you, the wounds worsen, meaning your banadages help less. Logic dictates you’d insta die if you got hit too many times in downed state, even if you can somehow outheal the damage done to you. But that would ruin the functionality.