The game is becoming a Grind
If you think this game is a grind then you have no hope with any other mmorpg that has come out or will ever come out.
I’ve played multiple asian MMO’s…. Rohan, Perfect world, Fiesta, Ragnarok Online, Lineage 2, Silkroad etc etc…
You know GW2 is as bad or worse than those to me…when grind is involved now, it didn’t used to be when GW2 opened, it is now..
This game is a broken, rampant with greed and infested with bugs nightmare with bad design, poorly implemented content patches, almost daily fixes, unbalanced combat, skills that havent worked properly since the game went live, time-gating, RNG on the rampage, culling, horrendous lag, horrendous personal story, dreadful voice acting, repetitive and uninspiring combat, 30 second zerg kills on most supposed “world bosses” and constant nerfs to reward and buffs to punishment.
In a nutshell…it sucks.
It doesn’t want your admiration…it wants your cash.
And I quite literally don’t care if you disagree with me, thats my opinion after 2000+ hours of play.
And its all easily fixable….its just that no-one cares.
I’ve played the game for 3000 hours. Doesn’t make my opinion more valuable than yours, but I think you’re wrong pretty much across the board.
You’re entitled to your opinion, but I think that you just don’t like the game, which is fine. Find another one. Not every game is going to appeal to every person. Clearly there are plenty of people out there who do like this game.
If you think this game is a grind then you have no hope with any other mmorpg that has come out or will ever come out.
I’ve played multiple asian MMO’s…. Rohan, Perfect world, Fiesta, Ragnarok Online, Lineage 2, Silkroad etc etc…
You know GW2 is as bad or worse than those to me…when grind is involved now, it didn’t used to be when GW2 opened, it is now..
I’ve played Perfect World and found it far more grindy than Guild Wars 2. Because in those games content is denied you without the proper gear. And that’s just not true in Guild Wars 2.
If you think this game is a grind then you have no hope with any other mmorpg that has come out or will ever come out.
I’ve played multiple asian MMO’s…. Rohan, Perfect world, Fiesta, Ragnarok Online, Lineage 2, Silkroad etc etc…
You know GW2 is as bad or worse than those to me…when grind is involved now, it didn’t used to be when GW2 opened, it is now..
I’ve played Perfect World and found it far more grindy than Guild Wars 2. Because in those games content is denied you without the proper gear. And that’s just not true in Guild Wars 2.
Well, PWI never had any requirements that were not player-generated. But the ones that were, were on a whole different level than GW2. Full exotics in GW2? A couple of months. 5 aps +10 weapon pre-NW? Quite a bit longer than that. And that’s the requirements to farm at “endgame”.
The PvP engame stuff? Well let’s just say that you’ll be farming several months. Oh and most people refused to farm unless it was 2x drops, which occured for a few weeks in the entire year.
Not to mention that TW and PvP were completely dominated by p2w.
And PWI still has many pieces of gear, most of which ended up in the cash shop, that players never got through the actual game because it would takes years to farm.
I giggle at people complaining that a Legendary might take them months when there are games out there that takes that long before you can even start on the months of repeating the same dungeon thousands of times to get the actual endgame gear. All while some people can whip out 1000$ and get it instantly.
(edited by Olba.5376)
I’ve played Flyff and the monster placement is the same in this game. Monsters are in fields. Eg. once you are through this Minotaur field you will run into skales. Those skales will always be in the exact same place just like the minotaurs waiting for the player in the same anchored place. Korean Yummy!
I know that there are MMOs that require more grinding, but wasn’t the original idea of GW2 to reduce grinding as much as possible?
First we got those merchants in Southsun that sell stuff for Karka Shells, and a Ancient Karka Shell for 1K shells, and now, we got these wings that cost 100K candy.
Let’s look at some Mystic recipes, not including the Gifts, most of them require 250 T6 materials, and you know what that means, go to Orr, Southsun or Frostgore maybe and kill everything that moves, over and over again.
Why not use a system that will give us materials for Karma?
For example, we could have something called “Multiplicator” that creates 1-10 of certain materials in Mystic Forge, and you could buy this “Multiplicator” for 200K karma, or some laurels.
It will somewhat speed the grinding process, and instead of having to grind one type of enemies over and over, you can spend Karma to get them.
Sure, you might have to grind Karma then, but you can earn Karma anyway you like, daily, monthly, events, dungeons, and in my opinion it’s a lot better that standing in Orr or Southsun whole day and killing everything that moves.
Yeah… I don’t know.
We’re talking about skins that are not essentials to clear the game or that don’t give you a clear advantage…
Grind for something that is not mandatory, why complain ?
Long before this game came out, it was clearly stated by Eric Flannum that there would be things to grind for, but those grinds wouldn’t be required.
So many people watched and listened to the manifesto and the single use of the word grind by Colin came to mean something that he clearly wasn’t saying.
Colin was using the word grind as in grind to level. Not having to grind through the boring stuff to get to the fun stuff. And I think for most people Guild Wars 2 has accomplished that. Not all people, but most.
Farming however, is not grinding. They have different definitions. Look them up if you don’t believe me.
Long before this game came out, it was clearly stated by Eric Flannum that there would be things to grind for, but those grinds wouldn’t be required.
And that’s still the case.
GW2 was never designed to eliminate grind, but only to eliminate necessary grind. In my opinion, they more than succeeded.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
I see no problem with wings, it’s a cosmetic item, or with Legendary, since it’s a prestige item designed for hardcore players, but for any other / exotic ascended gear, not including dungeon sets, 250 T6 materials and 100 Passion Flowers is grind in my opinion.
It would be amazing if they gave us a way to speed this process up a bit.
(edited by Mentalhead.5721)
I see no problem with wings, it’s a cosmetic item, or with Legendary, since it’s a prestige item designed for hardcore players, but for any other / exotic ascended gear, not including dungeon sets, 250 T6 materials and 100 Passion Flowers is grind in my opinion.
What items exactly are you talking about? Furthermore ascended is hardly necessary, most of the game is balanced around exotic.
It would be amazing if they gave us a way to speed this process up a bit.
Presuming you meant the karka shell upgrade … 100 passion flowers can be gathered in a week or two by gathering daily on southsun. 250 karka shells is a bit of a farm but can be done by hunting veterans. Speeding up can be done by buying this stuff on the TP, it’s not terribly expensive.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
How about Ancient Karka Shell that costs 1K shells? I just don’t see any fun in grinding 250 of specific T6 element, except for Legendary perhaps.
We need something that could speed this up a bit, or at least give us an illusion that we’re not grinding.
They probably got scared that there are some people who have the time and dedication to finish those things in a week or so, that’s why they made it very difficult for us to get.
Off-topic: I want more title progression a la gw1. Which may be very well grindy. There are almost no special titles except in WvW/Pvp. Only in pvp there’s a nice title progression but I’d like to see more for the minigames/WvW progression.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
As long as there are no stats involved, I don’t mind. Grand Craftsman is quite a grindy title, but you get no stats advantage from it, so why not?
I know that there are MMOs that require more grinding, but wasn’t the original idea of GW2 to reduce grinding as much as possible?
First we got those merchants in Southsun that sell stuff for Karka Shells, and a Ancient Karka Shell for 1K shells, and now, we got these wings that cost 100K candy.
Let’s look at some Mystic recipes, not including the Gifts, most of them require 250 T6 materials, and you know what that means, go to Orr, Southsun or Frostgore maybe and kill everything that moves, over and over again.
Why not use a system that will give us materials for Karma?
For example, we could have something called “Multiplicator” that creates 1-10 of certain materials in Mystic Forge, and you could buy this “Multiplicator” for 200K karma, or some laurels.
It will somewhat speed the grinding process, and instead of having to grind one type of enemies over and over, you can spend Karma to get them.
Sure, you might have to grind Karma then, but you can earn Karma anyway you like, daily, monthly, events, dungeons, and in my opinion it’s a lot better that standing in Orr or Southsun whole day and killing everything that moves.
But, running around Orr,Southsun or Frostgorge ARE NOT viable ways to make steady money/mats. Unless you’re into spending 5 hours farming just to get 1 corrupted lodestone and 5 vicious claws. Then by all means go mutilate yourself trying to get whatever you’re trying to get
They should split goals so that the grinding isn’t kittening boring, I already said that a million times, they leave this as it is because they want.
I’m going to bring up this quote from Anet Prez Mike O’Brien every time someone mentions “But GW2 was promised to have no grind!”
Here’s what we believe: If someone wants to play for a thousand hours to get an item that is so rare that other players can’t realistically acquire it, that rare item should be differentiated by its visual appearance and rarity alone, not by being more powerful than everything else in the game. Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games — we leave the grind to other MMOs.
GW1 and GW2 has always been about cosmetic grind. You’re fooling yourself if you assume otherwise.
Just to clarify…its 2000 T6 mats. The gifts of might/magic both require stacks of 250 of the eight different T6 mats…and a think most legendary weapons also require a stack of 250 T6 cloth/leather…
Now it sounds like a grind lol
In other mmorpg you MUST grind different level of armor to move on to the next thing to get a higher level of armor in GW2 you do not need to do this THAT is all the difference you need to brake the old mmorpg stander.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Personally, I’m strongly against farming T6 materials for certain gear, let’s face it, killing one type of enemy over and over or trying to collect 250 Ancient Wood doesn’t sound fun at all, and I’m not talking about Legendary.
Why can’t we get those, or armor, by spending Karma, Skill Points, Laurels or Guild Commendations to get those? At least you can earn those by doing variety of activities instead of killing one type of enemy over and over, or farming one type of node.
(edited by Mentalhead.5721)
How about Ancient Karka Shell that costs 1K shells? I just don’t see any fun in grinding 250 of specific T6 element, except for Legendary perhaps.
We need something that could speed this up a bit, or at least give us an illusion that we’re not grinding.
Ancient karka shell was the reward for a one time event. The vendor was added for people who couldn’t make it. The high price point is meant to reflect that.
Since easy to get ascended earrings outclass the ancient karka shell, this vendor has officially become redundant. If you’re farming for that earring, you could just as well stop now.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
It really depends on how you define the term “grind”.
There seems to be as many different definitions of it as there are people complaining about it.
Personally, I think of “grinding” as an activity I would be forced to do even though I wouldn’t enjoy doing it in order to gain a reward I would enjoy having.
So far I haven’t ran into anything like that in this game.
(edited by Ensio.8172)
Well even though they said we wouldn’t have to grind so much, they should at least make drop rates a little more higher. Having to farm for constant crafting material or gold is such a hassle. (We) have to spend hours after hours of farming for certain mats that some people give up. I don’t know why they would make us go through that… Added to that, it’s pretty crazy how they are even taking away our farming locations bit by bit so now we have to work even harder on farming because of the fear they will remove this farming spot or something along those lines.
On a side note:
I know a few players with over 100k gold and I heard through those players there is a player with over 500k gold. This is news I heard about 2 months back so they probably have even more now.
I figured that’d be something interesting for you to know and for you to think about.
If you think this game is a grind then you have no hope with any other mmorpg that has come out or will ever come out.
I’ve played multiple asian MMO’s…. Rohan, Perfect world, Fiesta, Ragnarok Online, Lineage 2, Silkroad etc etc…
You know GW2 is as bad or worse than those to me…when grind is involved now, it didn’t used to be when GW2 opened, it is now..
I’ve played Perfect World and found it far more grindy than Guild Wars 2. Because in those games content is denied you without the proper gear. And that’s just not true in Guild Wars 2.
Wait for the complete set of ascended gear to be released… Just the armor and weapons are left and due to the time gated nature of ascended items you’re going to see more and more pugs refusing to let you do x path of x dungeon without pinging your ascended gear…
The game is becoming a ping your gear and what is your build thing to group for any of the dungeons….. True you can get away with yellows or even greens in open world but honestly how rewarding is it to go around in the open world…. World bosses are the only thing that is rewarding outside of coe/cof and that’s honestly depressing…
Back on topic… I don’t think the game is becoming a grind…. It’s becoming a cash grab… I have over 2k hours played as well and one thing I’ve noticed more then anything else over the past year is how high prices are getting and how the player gets fewer and fewer rewards….. A good example is 6 months ago I got the 100 icy lodestones for my legendary at a reasonable rate just doing events around orr and frostgorge and a few other areas….. Took around 2 weeks to get 100g doing that… Now just running around doing events and playing the same way I’ve made under 30g…. The time vs reward has been getting hit at a steady rate with each patch… The only way to make any real headway on making money is by speed clearing cof/coe or just logging on once a day for each world boss..
Honestly I wish they would just make it so every mob in game drops a hand full of coppers or something to make it so killing normal mobs and just exploring the areas is actually rewarding….. As it is now I find myself ignoring mobs because it’s just not worth the time to deal with them.. I make more ignoring them and doing events to turn karma into boxes and sell the junk that drops from them….
Game has been becoming a grinding cash grab where open world is the lowest possible income to time investment.
(edited by Dakiaris.2798)
Long before this game came out, it was clearly stated by Eric Flannum that there would be things to grind for, but those grinds wouldn’t be required.
And that’s still the case.
GW2 was never designed to eliminate grind, but only to eliminate necessary grind. In my opinion, they more than succeeded.
We definitely can’t say that yet there are still holes in the design that some people try to make us all ignore or make us believe aren’t really there when even they know it’s true one of which being Runes and Sigils and another being certain materials that like Dusts are required to craft for general purposes not for legendary grinding that are missing from the game’s currency and purchase system entirely and thus are abused by the people who really run the economy, those who have way too much gold in the first place.
So until they fix these issues there will still be a grind, there will still be issues with finding these loot items for regular crafting, and until they eliminate the need to use the mystic toilet for anything we’re still in the problem zone. Hopefully their plans for the rewards system will truly make this game “play as you wish” when it’s released.
Presuming you meant the karka shell upgrade … 100 passion flowers can be gathered in a week or two by gathering daily on southsun. the rate of 3 flowers per day it will take a bit more than two weeks.
And if you add up all the little things that can be done easily by putting just a little time every day, you’re going to end up with days that are well over 24 hours long.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Long before this game came out, it was clearly stated by Eric Flannum that there would be things to grind for, but those grinds wouldn’t be required.
And that’s still the case.
GW2 was never designed to eliminate grind, but only to eliminate necessary grind. In my opinion, they more than succeeded.
We definitely can’t say that yet there are still holes in the design that some people try to make us all ignore or make us believe aren’t really there when even they know it’s true one of which being Runes and Sigils and another being certain materials that like Dusts are required to craft for general purposes not for legendary grinding that are missing from the game’s currency and purchase system entirely and thus are abused by the people who really run the economy, those who have way too much gold in the first place.
So until they fix these issues there will still be a grind, there will still be issues with finding these loot items for regular crafting, and until they eliminate the need to use the mystic toilet for anything we’re still in the problem zone. Hopefully their plans for the rewards system will truly make this game “play as you wish” when it’s released.
I agree. There ARE holes in the design of the game. And they take time to fix. Hopefully it will happen. But I’m having a lot of fun, holes and all.
ok " eliminate necessary grind " then why play the game EVERY DAY
to play a game every day, except grind how can it happen ?
GRIND IS OK IF IT IS WORTH IT and lazy kitten ppl always complain “aaaah i am week now i must spend hours grinding” WELL YES THIS IS TIME INVESTED IN GAME !
with no rewarding grind YOU WAIST YOUR TIME !
even pvp is grind btw
wvw to
so my advise is accept the useless grind or stop play the game
how can you make a game enjoyable FOR EVERYONE that is impossible
GW 2 delivers on it’s promise of reduced grinding because it’s VERY EASY to level up, get max stat gear, and be on an even playing field (gear wise) with other players. That’s the kind of grinding people didn’t want to do and they delivered that.
But optional skins will always require work to get and should, else there would be no reason to feel accomplished when you get them.
GW 2 delivers on it’s promise of reduced grinding because it’s VERY EASY to level up, get max stat gear, and be on an even playing field (gear wise) with other players. That’s the kind of grinding people didn’t want to do and they delivered that.
But optional skins will always require work to get and should, else there would be no reason to feel accomplished when you get them.
I highlighted the thing that doesn’t belong…. Max stat gear isn’t obtainable in a timely manor it involves a huge time grind.. I’m talking ascended gear… Though there seems to be people who are like “well I can play in rares and do fine!!!” they don’t realize the point…. They said max stat gear will be easily obtainable in a timely manor then they turned around added a new tier of quality with higher stats that have a massive time gate that isn’t obtainable in a timely manor.
Anyways I’m stopping here the more I think about what they kept saying and what they are doing I get annoyed and start ranting so… yea…
ha! i won’t even dare look at attempting to acquire the needed mats, let alone the precursor, for a legendary with the current state of mat farming nerfs, DR and RNG.
i agree with OP that doing so is an unrewarding grind fest.
I’m going to bring up this quote from Anet Prez Mike O’Brien every time someone mentions “But GW2 was promised to have no grind!”
Here’s what we believe: If someone wants to play for a thousand hours to get an item that is so rare that other players can’t realistically acquire it, that rare item should be differentiated by its visual appearance and rarity alone, not by being more powerful than everything else in the game. Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games — we leave the grind to other MMOs.
GW1 and GW2 has always been about cosmetic grind. You’re fooling yourself if you assume otherwise.
Largely agreed, but there is some danger in the way the “best gear” thing is going. Level 80 exotics already take quite a while to get – not unreasonable, probably still within the reach of the average player, but they are expensive. Ascended equipment is even worse, and outright requires time commitment because of the laurel thing. So that’s dangerously close to the “grinding for more powerful gear” O’Brien was talking about already… it’s certainly not as bad as legendaries, but it is to the point you can only realistically get so many of them.
GW1 I’m with you 100% though – max gear was so cheap you really only needed to finish a campaign on a character and you could already buy a full set of it. The grinders were going after obsidian armor and chaos gloves, which didn’t do anything at all besides look “cool” (YMMV, mine certainly did).
Stormbluff Isle ( )
I’m going to bring up this quote from Anet Prez Mike O’Brien every time someone mentions “But GW2 was promised to have no grind!”
Here’s what we believe: If someone wants to play for a thousand hours to get an item that is so rare that other players can’t realistically acquire it, that rare item should be differentiated by its visual appearance and rarity alone, not by being more powerful than everything else in the game. Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games — we leave the grind to other MMOs.
GW1 and GW2 has always been about cosmetic grind. You’re fooling yourself if you assume otherwise.
Largely agreed, but there is some danger in the way the “best gear” thing is going. Level 80 exotics already take quite a while to get – not unreasonable, probably still within the reach of the average player, but they are expensive. Ascended equipment is even worse, and outright requires time commitment because of the laurel thing. So that’s dangerously close to the “grinding for more powerful gear” O’Brien was talking about already… it’s certainly not as bad as legendaries, but it is to the point you can only realistically get so many of them.
GW1 I’m with you 100% though – max gear was so cheap you really only needed to finish a campaign on a character and you could already buy a full set of it. The grinders were going after obsidian armor and chaos gloves, which didn’t do anything at all besides look “cool” (YMMV, mine certainly did
15k armor took a bit longer to get then normal armor. Obby armor was ment as the super elite armor that took a massive time investment and massive amount of materials and money… It was only 15k per piece like the 15k elite armor but the ectos/obby shards costed around 1 million total.
The game is casual for the most part. You can get full exotics and not log in for months, log in for some WvW play later on and not be less effective against other players. Granted, ascended gear does give an 8% stat boost, but it’s not enough to actually make a huge difference. They did just as they have done in GW1, where it’s easy to hit high level and max out your gear, but the hardcore aspect involved is getting those aesthetic things, just like it was in Guild Wars 1. To me, it sounds like to want these things but lack the drive to farm for them. Legendary weapons aren’t supposed to be easy and I do in fact feel very accomplished being the proud owner of a Kudzu. Hardcore players will always look better than casuals in any game due to their drive to do so. It’s not the philosophy of the game to make everyone look good, it’s the philosophy to make everyone on equal playing grounds stat-wise. Cosmetics are there for hardcore progression and to keep the casual players slowly working toward something.
I have said it before and will reiterate, this game makes even Perfect World games blush with embarrassment over how grindy it is. I have played several games made by that company, and while I probably won’t ever bother again, they were not nearly as grindy as gw2 is.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I have said it before and will reiterate, this game makes even Perfect World games blush with embarrassment over how grindy it is. I have played several games made by that company, and while I probably won’t ever bother again, they were not nearly as grindy as gw2 is.
I hate when people say “grind” about guild wars 2. “Grind” is repeating the same task over and over without change to get a single goal. Guild Wars 2 gives you options as to how you want to play. It’s your own choice to grind.
The game is casual for the most part. You can get full exotics and not log in for months, log in for some WvW play later on and not be less effective against other players. Granted, ascended gear does give an 8% stat boost, but it’s not enough to actually make a huge difference. They did just as they have done in GW1, where it’s easy to hit high level and max out your gear, but the hardcore aspect involved is getting those aesthetic things, just like it was in Guild Wars 1..
You say it doesn’t make a huge difference but you do admit it makes a difference… You also go on to state it’s easy to hit max level and max out your gear when ascended is time gated off..
To much contradiction…. Guild wars 1 there was no stat difference at all in gear once you got top gear that was it….. It was all 100% looks not 92% looks 8% stats. What they are doing now is nothing at all like guild wars 1 because if it was I would be able to craft my ascended gear and be focusing on getting elite armors and weapon skins.
The game is casual for the most part. You can get full exotics and not log in for months, log in for some WvW play later on and not be less effective against other players. Granted, ascended gear does give an 8% stat boost, but it’s not enough to actually make a huge difference. They did just as they have done in GW1, where it’s easy to hit high level and max out your gear, but the hardcore aspect involved is getting those aesthetic things, just like it was in Guild Wars 1..
You say it doesn’t make a huge difference but you do admit it makes a difference… You also go on to state it’s easy to hit max level and max out your gear when ascended is time gated off..
To much contradiction…. Guild wars 1 there was no stat difference at all in gear once you got top gear that was it….. It was all 100% looks not 92% looks 8% stats. What they are doing now is nothing at all like guild wars 1 because if it was I would be able to craft my ascended gear and be focusing on getting elite armors and weapon skins.
That’s because ascended gear was an afterthought when people were obtaining full exotics within a week of release. We needed some other type of progression, and they intentionally made it an 8% stat boost to give hardcore players just enough encouragement to go for it while not giving them much of an advantage over casuals. If you don’t like it, devote more time to the game. Simple as that.
That’s because ascended gear was an afterthought when people were obtaining full exotics within a week of release. We needed some other type of progression, and they intentionally made it an 8% stat boost to give hardcore players just enough encouragement to go for it while not giving them much of an advantage over casuals. If you don’t like it, devote more time to the game. Simple as that.
And everyone had full armor in gw1 within 3 days of release so I see that as a moot point… The fact they said they want players to be at a equal footing fairly easy then they went out of their way just to add some way to give advantages to players who get past the time barrier is a bit of a low blow.
Also I would like to add the gear isn’t there for hardcore players to go for… If it was they would have just made you bust your kitten for it not sit on your hands and wait for another day to pass after 20 minutes of play. It’s just a tasteless way to keep players logging on for short amount of time every day… Look at guild wars 1 if you really wanted 15k armor or obby armor you could bust that out of the way if you were willing to put forth the effort… On 2 you’re limited by time alone… Put in all the effort you want you’re not going to make but a set bit of progression per day/week/month.
I forgot to mention that the way they incorporated it means you’ll be lucky to gear 1 character fully in 4-5 months so it’s very alt unfriendly and doesn’t encourage building multiple sets for other builds. 8% isn’t a lot even 3% isn’t a lot but no matter what it’s a statistical difference which does mean it’s better.
(edited by Dakiaris.2798)
I have said it before and will reiterate, this game makes even Perfect World games blush with embarrassment over how grindy it is. I have played several games made by that company, and while I probably won’t ever bother again, they were not nearly as grindy as gw2 is.
I hate when people say “grind” about guild wars 2. “Grind” is repeating the same task over and over without change to get a single goal. Guild Wars 2 gives you options as to how you want to play. It’s your own choice to grind.
If you want to play this game and accomplish anything, you will meet a wall of grind. Whether you agree or not is inconsequential to what actually exists in the game. I appreciate the response though.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
/shrug vs this being a grind…… it is a MMORPG grind is built in to KEEP YOU PLAYING. I know I have been halfheartedly working on my Legendary and I’m happy with being half done when i spend/lose so much money in WvW.
Also you said your running 76%? you realize you can easily get 210+/- with armor/rune/weapon/food+guild buff fairly easily. Sure your soft but if your grouped up to farm/wander it shouldn’t matter. I know when i solo farm in x area i can get 4+ t6 of x type let alone t5/green/blue/white/grey and the odd rare for an hour farm.
And if you wanted more t6 do remember you can spend laurels on bags of them, rng mind. I don’t think they should add/change t6 drops to lower areas myself. Sure helping others might not net you any but that doesn’t mean you can’t make money to buy/try MFing some with what you get.
When i run around doing w/e and not in WvW at all that day i make 4g+ easy.
Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer
(edited by Mastermavrick.2439)
Just like any other MMORPG, once you done everything you just grind the easiest thing to do. I do have to say that this is one of the easiest MMORPGs I’ve ever played. Runescape doesn’t count too, because that was never an official game, still feels like a random IT dude got bored and created a random game to me.
Normally i wouldn’t mind a grind, heck, i don’t mind legendaries being a grind, because they require materials and effort from all aspects of gameplay (apart from PvP).
What i do mind is the extreme PvE/Dungeon centric progression system.
I am not a big fan of dungeons, i do everything i can to stay away from them, i don’t like grinding them, but all the good looking weapons and faster leveling methods almost force the player to do dungeons.
It would be nice to see WvW only unique skins, not the invader weapons currently available, these are not very good, i’m talking genuine stuff, and no laurels, simply weapon/armor skins exclusive to WvW, that require Badges, and perhaps another WvW only resource, like World Exp.
Largely agreed, but there is some danger in the way the “best gear” thing is going. Level 80 exotics already take quite a while to get – not unreasonable, probably still within the reach of the average player, but they are expensive. Ascended equipment is even worse, and outright requires time commitment because of the laurel thing. So that’s dangerously close to the “grinding for more powerful gear” O’Brien was talking about already… it’s certainly not as bad as legendaries, but it is to the point you can only realistically get so many of them.
GW1 I’m with you 100% though – max gear was so cheap you really only needed to finish a campaign on a character and you could already buy a full set of it. The grinders were going after obsidian armor and chaos gloves, which didn’t do anything at all besides look “cool” (YMMV, mine certainly did
15k armor took a bit longer to get then normal armor. Obby armor was ment as the super elite armor that took a massive time investment and massive amount of materials and money… It was only 15k per piece like the 15k elite armor but the ectos/obby shards costed around 1 million total.
Irrelevant. Both 15k and obsidian armor had exactly the same stats as the 1.5k one. There was a grind, true, but it covered only vanity gear. It didn’t offer you ingame advantage.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
EXACTLY what I have been trying to say….. The 1.5k – 15k and obby armor all had the same exact stats no one had a advantage….
Right now this is for berserker items exotic to ascended comes out to be a bonus piece of gear stat wise… The gap is going to be larger as they finish adding armor and weapons to the game… The largest part of the gap will be the weapons due to the base damage boost.
67 power 31 precision 9% crit damage
That’s the total bonus of having full ascended over full exotic…. That’s roughly +1 exotic ring worth of stats… This is back/neck/rings/accessories total…. It’s a power imbalance that you can’t just put effort into getting it’s time gated meaning new players are going to be shafted and players who alternate between characters are going to be shafted…..
(edited by Dakiaris.2798)
yeah this game turned into a grinding – farming game.
-Get gold – farm
-Get exotique armor – farm ( craft – dungeons – mcm )
-Get exotique weapon – farm
-Get event reward ? – farm
-Change build ? = farm gold + farm total new stuff + weapons..
Gw1 had only “grind” or “farm” for somes rare skins, except that, it was very easy to do everything without having to grind or farm anything.
And as someone said in another post
What I don’t get is the 180 turn that ANet has taken. They went from being the studio that had it’s finger on the pulse of MMO gamers, designing perhaps the best MMO in the history of the genre, to 2013 ANet, which seems like a clone of every other mediocre MMO development studio we’ve seen degrade the genre over the last decade.
I’m baffled.
Mike Obrien
Legen – Wait for It – dary joke
Yeah… I don’t know.
We’re talking about skins that are not essentials to clear the game or that don’t give you a clear advantage…
Grind for something that is not mandatory, why complain ?
Cause for those people that need something to aim for in a game there is nothing else.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro