The game that should have been better.

The game that should have been better.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: homedog.8076


This game has great graphics, great game play, and the best sounds I have had in a game in a long time. The classes are fun to play. What the game lacks…purpose. This game is one big grind. The quest or hearts are just cut and pasted, they are the same from one to 80. The personal storyline starts off slightly different then quickly becomes the same story for all chars. This game will be short lived IMHO amongst the hardcore gamers. I don’t like to have to grind for gold. I rather grind for my level. Honestly some of the graphics for gear are awful. Then there is community, guilds don’t even have a guild hall, let alone a reason to really banned together. Peeps on the battle field have very little to group unless your friends. Then there is The Hall of Monuments or as it should be refereed to is the Hall of Wasted time in GW1. 3 out of 5 stars from me. Already looking to see what is coming out in the near future in the MMO world.

The game that should have been better.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Asglarek.8976


They definitely need to do something in the Guild department Guild Wars without any Guild Wars is like ordering a ham sandwich and it being delivered without any ham (no offense to vegans, Jews, Muslims and Hindu’s).

Lets just be honest nothing outside of 25man+ raiding with huge raid size dungeons will satisfy hardcore mmo’ers and without the defined trinity of role’s that isn’t going to happen in GW2.

Maybe ANet can try their luck at reputation/faction grinds.

The game that should have been better.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rukia.4802


They definitely need to do something in the Guild department Guild Wars without any Guild Wars is like ordering a ham sandwich and it being delivered without any ham (no offense to vegans, Jews, Muslims and Hindu’s).

Lets just be honest nothing outside of 25man+ raiding with huge raid size dungeons will satisfy hardcore mmo’ers and without the defined trinity of role’s that isn’t going to happen in GW2.

Maybe ANet can try their luck at reputation/faction grinds.

Uhh rep grinds are not the answer for sure. I agree though, without raiding or defined roles this game is as good as dead to any real MMO player aside from the super casual.

“I find this rain quite pleasant, it feels as though raindrops are blessing our victory”

The game that should have been better.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


agreed i spend most my time wondering what the heck should i do so i go wvw a bit get bored go spvp get bored craft random stuff get bored and just log out and play other games. the game feels unrewarding and lacking in content i wish there was fishing literally farming crops and such wich could be used in several ways example get some cooking goods or make it so those crops are exclusively to be sold to a certain npc wich would provide an alternative method of making coins for laid back and casual players. life isn’t all about violence ya know.

The game that should have been better.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amos.8760


I thought this thread was going to be about SWTOR.

My turret is so much better at this game than I am.

The game that should have been better.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: spencerharrison.8136


I agree. Love so much about this game, but it lacks purpose. It isn’t anyone’s fault, and there are things to DO – but there seems to be some intangible missing. Maybe it’s me, or something hidden in the design.

But who knows, it could change in time.

The game that should have been better.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightarch.2943


This game has great graphics, great game play, and the best sounds I have had in a game in a long time. The classes are fun to play. What the game lacks…purpose. This game is one big grind. The quest or hearts are just cut and pasted, they are the same from one to 80. The personal storyline starts off slightly different then quickly becomes the same story for all chars. This game will be short lived IMHO amongst the hardcore gamers. I don’t like to have to grind for gold. I rather grind for my level. Honestly some of the graphics for gear are awful. Then there is community, guilds don’t even have a guild hall, let alone a reason to really banned together. Peeps on the battle field have very little to group unless your friends. Then there is The Hall of Monuments or as it should be refereed to is the Hall of Wasted time in GW1. 3 out of 5 stars from me. Already looking to see what is coming out in the near future in the MMO world.

Elder Scrolls Online,, that video cleared most of my doubts about the game. I feel as if ArenaNet wanted to be so unique that they actually created a living breathing cliche as well as a thriving contradiction.


Guild Wars 2 is not a sequel to the original Guild Wars but merely an alternative story setting.

(edited by Nightarch.2943)

The game that should have been better.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lorath.2504


Elder Scrolls Online,, that video cleared most of my doubts about the game. I feel as if ArenaNet wanted to be so unique that they actually created a living breathing cliche as well as a thriving contradiction.

Theres no point hyping yourself up again. ‘Oh a new game is being made! Listen to that PR talk! Its gonna be awesome! The best thing ever! Ill play it for years!’ Then the game comes out and its just another MMO you get bored with after 2-3 months. Like GW2. I dont really expect ESO to be different.

The game that should have been better.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Criminal.5627


i dont think there will be a faction grind again in any anet game, they tried it in GW factions, didnt fly so well, we just need some elite dungeons like The Deep, and Urgoz to grace GW2, something that req abit of cordnation and go back to teams of 8-12 for the added chaos of people needing to preform spicific roles to make it through a puzzle room, or to take down extreamly hard mobs…. something like Urgoz would be extreamly hard in GW2, just because of the lack of EoE

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

The game that should have been better.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Erasculio.2914


This game will be short lived IMHO amongst the hardcore gamers

nothing outside of 25man+ raiding with huge raid size dungeons will satisfy hardcore mmo’ers

Who cares? “Hardcore mmoers” are not this game’s target audience. They are such a small minority that I doubt any MMO is focused on them anymore.

“I think that players are starting to mature past the point of wanting to be on that
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons

The game that should have been better.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phlemhacker.1372


Oh look, it’s this thread again.

The game that should have been better.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nofo.8469


Elder Scrolls Online,, that video cleared most of my doubts about the game. I feel as if ArenaNet wanted to be so unique that they actually created a living breathing cliche as well as a thriving contradiction.

Theres no point hyping yourself up again. ‘Oh a new game is being made! Listen to that PR talk! Its gonna be awesome! The best thing ever! Ill play it for years!’ Then the game comes out and its just another MMO you get bored with after 2-3 months. Like GW2. I dont really expect ESO to be different.

Yeah I looked at the ESO trailers and it honestly looked the same as GW2, until I see some evidence of depth in gameplay and/or proof its going to be PvP centric then there is no way I’m getting hyped for it.

The game that should have been better.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: scootshoot.6583


This game has great graphics, great game play, and the best sounds I have had in a game in a long time. The classes are fun to play. What the game lacks…purpose. This game is one big grind. The quest or hearts are just cut and pasted, they are the same from one to 80. The personal storyline starts off slightly different then quickly becomes the same story for all chars. This game will be short lived IMHO amongst the hardcore gamers. I don’t like to have to grind for gold. I rather grind for my level. Honestly some of the graphics for gear are awful. Then there is community, guilds don’t even have a guild hall, let alone a reason to really banned together. Peeps on the battle field have very little to group unless your friends. Then there is The Hall of Monuments or as it should be refereed to is the Hall of Wasted time in GW1. 3 out of 5 stars from me. Already looking to see what is coming out in the near future in the MMO world.

Elder Scrolls Online,, that video cleared most of my doubts about the game. I feel as if ArenaNet wanted to be so unique that they actually created a living breathing cliche as well as a thriving contradiction.

I like the one epic server concept stead of picking shards. There are a ton of Elder scrolls fanbase out there. Their last series, Skyrim pulled in record sales for Bethesda. I wager ESO will be hot at launch … will it have the lasting appeal? We’ll see.

Also, what fanboys of WOW and Guildwars 2 don’t realize is as they always get defensive when a new MMO is due for launch is like any consumer product, the more competition the better it is for all.

The game that should have been better.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


This game has great graphics, great game play, and the best sounds I have had in a game in a long time. The classes are fun to play. What the game lacks…purpose. This game is one big grind. The quest or hearts are just cut and pasted, they are the same from one to 80. The personal storyline starts off slightly different then quickly becomes the same story for all chars. This game will be short lived IMHO amongst the hardcore gamers. I don’t like to have to grind for gold. I rather grind for my level. Honestly some of the graphics for gear are awful. Then there is community, guilds don’t even have a guild hall, let alone a reason to really banned together. Peeps on the battle field have very little to group unless your friends. Then there is The Hall of Monuments or as it should be refereed to is the Hall of Wasted time in GW1. 3 out of 5 stars from me. Already looking to see what is coming out in the near future in the MMO world.

Elder Scrolls Online,, that video cleared most of my doubts about the game. I feel as if ArenaNet wanted to be so unique that they actually created a living breathing cliche as well as a thriving contradiction.

Lemme know when you come back from that flaming wreck. Seriously, you’re using ESO as an example of the next great game? Woooooow… If y’all are gonna use hyperbole might as well go all the way & list Pong.

Also, what fanboys of WOW and Guildwars 2 don’t realize is as they always get defensive when a new MMO is due for launch is like any consumer product, the more competition the better it is for all.

I’ll see your generic “fanboy’s disagree with me” defense & raise you 1 “anyone with eyes can see that ESO looks bland”.

(edited by DarksunG.9537)

The game that should have been better.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nightarch.2943


@Lorath.2504, I am merely suggesting a game that might be good and no I will never have hype for any game ever again after this wreck. Especially after the DR.
@scootshoot.6583, thank you! Someone with some common sense here, I was never an Elder Scrolls fan but I did think Skyrim looked amazing as a gamer I go out and try every game that I can because I’m always looking for ways to have fun, also to find a game that caters to one’s play style so that there is a lot of variety going on out there.
@DarksunG.9537, I find it extremely intriguing that you thought I was implying that TESO will be the next bringer of mmos, I do agree with scootshoot.6583 that the game won’t be that popular at launch but is that going to stop me from trying it out? No, but again it’s healthy for someone to go out and play another game for awhile and I never implied that I was leaving either that is like saying “lmfao all other films suck, Lord of the Rings4life” and by implying that shows how much fanboys annoy the hell out of me to the point I don’t even like watching that film anymore since that mainly shows that the community is biased toward other people/films, who the hell only watches one film for countless hours? Fandom is a scourge.
Now for those of you wondering why I called this game a living breathing cliche is so ~gandalfing~ obvious even you should see it, I’ll give you a hint: Things that fly, things that breath fire and things that most generic fantasy games play out. Next the story of every race is great at the start then the orders of Tyria come in and any hope of your “personal story: it’s really all about you” is smashed and the main star becomes Trahearne, the hero must put aside his current mantle and become the war HERO he was destined to become and yeah your just here for the ride. Is that cliche enough? Now for the thriving contradiction remark, I’m not even going to give my personal opinion on this for the fear of I would be here too ~gandalfing~ long, instead I’ll just quote the developers and post pictures with quotes.
“We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys that. No one finds it fun.” ~Colin Johanson
“As a structure, the MMO has lost the ability to make the player feel like a hero. Everybody around you is doing the same thing you are doing. The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
“We do not want to build the same MMO everyone else is building, and in Guild Wars 2, it’s your world. It’s your story. You affect things around you in a very permanent way.”


Guild Wars 2 is not a sequel to the original Guild Wars but merely an alternative story setting.

(edited by Nightarch.2943)