The hardest achievements
By hardest, do you mean those that take loads of time, or those that have a high skill-cap?
Killing 1000 Giants is a very time consuming achievement.
Giant killer
Most time consuming would probably be one of the WvW ones even when they reduced the numbers needed. For PvP, it’d probably be both of the 10K wins ones. For PvE maybe the giant slayer.
For PvE: Giant Slayer
Certainly one of the most time consuming but each giant is relatively easy with a few other players helping.
I would lean toward the diving googles because the Not So Secret JP. I’m terrible at even simple JP so having one I have to do over and over again only to get to a set of googles to jump into a pool of water you can’t see while avoiding pipes on the way down … and then the waypoint is pretty far away, it’s really difficult for me.
RIP City of Heroes
Not necessarily difficult, but I definitely think that the Dungeoneer collection is one of the more time consuming PvE achievements (ofc Giant slayer wins. Its kind of unfair competition, so I didn’t count it), since it requires you to collect all 336 weapon/armor pieces in every dungeon’s collection.
That and migraine if you want to solo the achievement.
For PvE: Giant Slayer
I’m willing to accept that as the hardest PvE achievement, but I’ve been under the impression that something like Weapon Master: Shield, or Weapon Master: Focus would be more difficult.
Are there good ways to cheese those two, cause they’re taking me forever.
10000 wins in tPvP is by far the most time consuming achievement, you are looking at 5000 hours of pvp.
250000 kills in WvW is a tough follow up which will take 3000-4000 hours depending on how populated your tier is. And you need to play in zerg, roaming will take decades.
Giant Slayer only takes like 20 hours if you know the drill, its nothing.
(edited by Malediktus.3740)
I think “Conquer the Creator” is one of the hardest achievements. You cant work actively towards it and the odds of having a dev in the opposing pvp-team are extremely low.
For PvE: Giant Slayer
I’m willing to accept that as the hardest PvE achievement, but I’ve been under the impression that something like Weapon Master: Shield, or Weapon Master: Focus would be more difficult.
Are there good ways to cheese those two, cause they’re taking me forever.
Ambient critters count for those achievements, so you can cheese it just by hanging around areas where lots of them spawn.
For PvE: Giant Slayer
I’m willing to accept that as the hardest PvE achievement, but I’ve been under the impression that something like Weapon Master: Shield, or Weapon Master: Focus would be more difficult.
Are there good ways to cheese those two, cause they’re taking me forever.Ambient critters count for those achievements, so you can cheese it just by hanging around areas where lots of them spawn.
Unfortunately, even in an ambient-rich area, it’s still very tedious and even difficult to get kills with shield and focus skills only.
For PvE: Giant Slayer
I’m willing to accept that as the hardest PvE achievement, but I’ve been under the impression that something like Weapon Master: Shield, or Weapon Master: Focus would be more difficult.
Are there good ways to cheese those two, cause they’re taking me forever.Ambient critters count for those achievements, so you can cheese it just by hanging around areas where lots of them spawn.
Unfortunately, even in an ambient-rich area, it’s still very tedious and even difficult to get kills with shield and focus skills only.
Its pretty tedious that’s for sure. But that’s kind of a good thing. Some achievements need to be tedious/long-ish to complete
That and migraine if you want to solo the achievement.
ye I think soloing for that achiev is not only difficult some classes but so very time consuming.. cos their health is scaled to 5man grp or something. I tried it for like 5min not something I consider worth my time lol
On plus side easily duoable, provided ur both decently geared and know the ins and outs of ur class. I just mostly duoed for this achiev.. first and last boss anyways majority of fight we duo, the mid one our mes basically carry us single handed with his perma reflect so oh wow but yeah that was even more doable than the rest lol. All in all not that hard at all.. just gotta be aware of new mechanics which.. easier said than done. Also find it amusing when I’m joining for normal mode in group bc apparently one of them can’t solo the mordremoth fight despite numerous attempts.. I always find that funny lol
(I think the reason why disorganized groups fail so many easy boss mechanics in raids lies somewhere there)
hmm but if I actually have to contribute smthing.. I guess I’d go with the achiev to unlock the fatebreaker title. That is like on par with that twice told legend one lol
(edited by nagr.1593)
For PvE: Giant Slayer
I’m willing to accept that as the hardest PvE achievement, but I’ve been under the impression that something like Weapon Master: Shield, or Weapon Master: Focus would be more difficult.
Are there good ways to cheese those two, cause they’re taking me forever.Ambient critters count for those achievements, so you can cheese it just by hanging around areas where lots of them spawn.
Unfortunately, even in an ambient-rich area, it’s still very tedious and even difficult to get kills with shield and focus skills only.
There are two PS steps that help a ton if you do them on an alt with the relevant weapon. One is with the Vigil when you investigate the LA sewers — at the start you get a constant stream of rats. Just only hit your off hand skills on them. Maybe even unequip the mainhand to make sure. As long as you stay in the entry area you’ll never run out of rats (you’ll have a couple of more aggressive mobs now and then to deal with too but they are easily handled). The other is in Orr, climbing the ramp of spiders, I don’t recall exactly how to make sure you get that particular step and it’s far more dangerous to you.
Tedium is still a factor; it helps to have something else going on to entertain you on another monitor, or someone to chat with in person or on voice chat.
Saving the City of Gold: doing Octovine 100 times and winning.
Saving the City of Gold: doing Octovine 100 times and winning.
You can always make that one go faster by using them looting squads to switch maps for multiple wins in a row.
Most of the squads even unknowingly assist you with it, by shouting out the progress of each map.
Saving the City of Gold: doing Octovine 100 times and winning.
That’s pretty easy to get though, even through casual play.
Also sorta on topic but it would be cool to have a meta achievement for the slayer and weapon master categories. Complete so many of the slayer/weapon mastery achievements and you should get a wicked cool title
Festive Imbiber is pretty hardcore (drink 10,000 festive drinks and presumably make your liver very poorly). Although you can do it all year round and it’s totally casual, *and* you can chug back 250 in a handy "Consume All" quaff, it’s definitely time-consuming if you’re not willing to throw away gold on it. I am itching for Wintersday to get on with it!
So which one are the hardest and the most time consuming achievements to get in GW2 PvP, PvE and WvW?
Most time consuming:
PvE – giant killer
PvP – Champion Brawler
WvW – ultimate dominator
Most challenging:
PvE – The raid achievements/Liadri
PvP – The league achievements, legendary every season etc
WvW – nothing’s hard in WvW, just time consuming
For PvE: Giant Slayer
I’m willing to accept that as the hardest PvE achievement, but I’ve been under the impression that something like Weapon Master: Shield, or Weapon Master: Focus would be more difficult.
Are there good ways to cheese those two, cause they’re taking me forever.Ambient critters count for those achievements, so you can cheese it just by hanging around areas where lots of them spawn.
Unfortunately, even in an ambient-rich area, it’s still very tedious and even difficult to get kills with shield and focus skills only.
Its pretty tedious that’s for sure. But that’s kind of a good thing. Some achievements need to be tedious/long-ish to complete
I think some siege weapons count as some type of weapon, if you kill players or mobs with it. I never played a staff wielding class but got the achievement completed, for example, while killing someone in wvw with a siege weapon (forgot which siege it was).
Warhorn is another hard one to complete, i guess. Before Tempests, i think Call of the Wild was the only offensive warhorn skill that could do damage. I always played warrior and most of the time used a warhorn and I only have 7 kills with it after thousands of hours. I think they just triggered, when i blasted a light field with it and the applied retaliation killed someone.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.