The journey was the failure, not the idea
Yup. Fully agree. Why “quest” and “grind” and cough up a ton of $$ when you can play as normal, and get it from the TP without the frustration?
I am not hardcore or a roleplayer and I chose to do the journey for kudzu. It just seems more of an accomplishment and will make the legendary feel worth more to me, even if ofc. technicly it isn’t.
From the very very begining it bothered me that I had to buy my pre-cursor on tp… getting that lucky drop is just never going to happen…. ever… so I was thrilled that the old ones got a journey too.
The crafting part is kinda tedious, but not tooo bad, unless you are in a rush… which I guess most people are…
I definitely enjoyed the collection journey part so far, way more interesting than the alternative.
Not denying there are issues with some of the collections, but that aside I very much disagree that the journey should not be there for the old pre-cursors… despite all the faults in it, it is still one of the things I am very happy ANet did.