The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PowerCat.5738


Hey all

I think it’s really great that arenanet is stepping up to say they think they found an issue, however knowing arenanet’s track record, we have to take things lightly, and analyze their message.

Arenanet likes to dodge questions or issues, as they did again with this problem.

Some history, several months ago this thread was started:

it reached its climax at 26 pages, before it was locked.

Sure, drop QUANTITY was an issue, but the issue we actually care about is DROP QUALITY. Also many people reported being LOCKED OUT OF LOOT, as if affected by some sort of PERMANENT DR. Many people reported such issues. Many people have no issues. Something funky’s going on.

Now let’s read Colin’s message more indepth. Remember wording is important, they like to play with details.

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, we verified that all loot tables are indeed working correctly in the game.

Translation: The drops are what they are, and that’s it.

While it’s nice that we’ll tag more mobs, we’ll just end up with more junk. This did not deal with the core of the issue, which is DROP QUALITY, not quantity.

If you read the initial complaints, player submitted hundreds of data about what they received as drop. Why is the issue suddenly concerning tagging champions for loot?

Another good dodge by arenanet. Closing off both threads, posting a happy message that STILL dodges the issue at heart. Seems like it’s been a common pattern around here since the game started.

Here are both threads for your reading enjoyment.

Players started reporting reduced DROP QUALITY around the nov. patch.

Rares and Exotics should be much more likely to drop and every champion should be guaranteed to drop loot.

What Colin actually said was that this implementation of veterans and champs not dropping loot was actually a bug. He said drop quality was what it should be. He said champions will now guarantee drop FOR REAL.

About Arenanet picking specific words to answer questions, check out this thread:

Will the care package and the Captain’s council commendations stay ingame after the Wintersday patch or will these be removed? (notice he did not mention if Lyns will still sell stuff)

Then the answer:

It will be in the game during Wintersday.

Yep, she was ingame but she was DISABLED. This is why we’ve become a bit defensive about the wording of the answers.

(edited by PowerCat.5738)

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyrantis.8640


All I can think to say to the OP is speak for yourself.

SURE… we COULD get more loot. I am not against this, but to say that loot drops in general are crap is completely wrong.

When I am in Orr running around doing events, I tend to get 3-4 yellows within a few hours play. I also end up with enough greens to make quite a bit off of the TP.

I am not here as a “ArenaNet can’t to wrong” person, but I am actually giving you my honest opinion.

Good items in the TP are cheap enough that if you want you can buy a pretty decent set for not a lot of work. Sure it starts out a little slow (making money in game) but once you get up to a dungeon doable toon, you will be surprised how much money you can make.

Currently I am very happy with the economy in GW2. My items sell in the TP fairly quick and I feel like I find enough yellows to get ectos and such to make a legendary weapon at a reasonable rate.

I feel that economy would be ruined if they upped loot drops and I am happy that Champions will give me the rewards they were meant to from the beginning.

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bean.1247


Congratulations Tyrantis you seem to get decent drops however the threads were about those of us who do exactly the same as you but get hardly anything.
We don’t want loot upping we just want the same loot as you !

Yep Powercat seems like a dodge to me too and a great way to get rid of both the threads and bury the issues.

Sleep is a sign of caffeine deprivation !

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Medazolam.3058


You really should wait until the ‘fix’ is out to start a thread like this. you really have no idea if the soon to be increased quantity will lead to increased quality, but it is pretty safe to assume it will. more rolls of the dice.

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


Congratulations Tyrantis you seem to get decent drops however the threads were about those of us who do exactly the same as you but get hardly anything.
We don’t want loot upping we just want the same loot as you !

Yep Powercat seems like a dodge to me too and a great way to get rid of both the threads and bury the issues.

You’re playing with a random generator. The fact that your loot is not good always does not mean that there’s something wrong with it. I ran CoE for days now getting only blues. Went to metrica province to complete my daily, smacked a mob and got a yellow. It’s random. Sometimes you get unlucky for days, sometimes you get real luck streaks.

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StevesDad.8213


I have no idea how this post can survive their all encompassing draconian terms of service for the forums but I applaud you for attempting to bring the issue to light, as well as all archiving sites that expose everything they delete.

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geotherma.2395


I was grinding Orr yesterday like I usually do. Upon my last event which I hadn’t really left the area I got my first rare in 2-3 event runs like usual. Ding goes the Gold Event Medal, and all of 5k XP to my level 80 character lol. RNG is RNG despite what little is known about DR, or the problem with loot claim. I look forward to the update it should make things a little more steady for everyone.

Intel i7 3.9ghz processor 16GB Ram 2TB HDD
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naqaj.6219


You’re playing with a random generator. The fact that your loot is not good always does not mean that there’s something wrong with it. I ran CoE for days now getting only blues. Went to metrica province to complete my daily, smacked a mob and got a yellow. It’s random. Sometimes you get unlucky for days, sometimes you get real luck streaks.

A valiant but futile effort. People don’t understand randomness.

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

I don’t think the missing quality in loot-drops is the big problem here, I think there is a general problem in the loot-system because of backscaling.

-) we get the statistical best loot in 1-3 weeks. From now on each single loot-drop is uninteresting for our own progress.

I like the fact that we reach the plateu fast, but it makes no sense to me that we still get tons of not-usable loot when we already have the best loot. In other games you actually spend a long time leveling up and you wear those low-level gear quite a long time – but here it’s totally different. Sometimes I even left out 5-10 levels wearing approptiate gear while leveling up and now I get gear for fully equipping 40 other characters.

What I’m trying to say: Anet implemented quite a lot new cool systems (backscaling, fast max. level) but took the loot-system from other mmos and left it unchanged.

It would feel nice if (for example) low level sets would be useful for something. E.g. equip a full Queensdale-Karma-Set in order to unlock a Queensdale-Guild Mission. That way the Guild-Mission could be easily balanced around the gear (because everyone wears the same set) and low-level stuff would actually feel usefull for high-level players. – show your look and rate others – great filters!!

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


I’ll wait the Feb patch, i’m happy they found something, i think its too premature to jump on them yet.. i’ll see what changes in a week or so..

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

All I can think to say to the OP is speak for yourself.

Stop starting threads with “we”, your thread is your opinion so forward it as such.
We will then see if it’s representative of a big amount of people or not.

I don’t want more loot, it just creates inflation.
We already have ways like CoFSC to make 30g/day, we don’t need more.

Also I have yet to see proof of “permanent DR”, until then I rest my case that it’s just some people blaming poor loots on external factors because they can’t accept it’s RNG.
Sometimes I run a fractal 20 and get all blues/greens, other times I run frac 10 and get 4 rares 2 exotics and a pink ring at the end.
It’s random number generator.

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


if you feel like you re really not getting enough loot, its because you reached endgame.
grind dailies/fractals for ascended but for gods sake, are you really gonna farm…. farm what? a virtual item that’ll take you 500 (ouch) hours? please…

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xaaz.8472


Congratulations Tyrantis you seem to get decent drops however the threads were about those of us who do exactly the same as you but get hardly anything.
We don’t want loot upping we just want the same loot as you !

Yep Powercat seems like a dodge to me too and a great way to get rid of both the threads and bury the issues.

You’re playing with a random generator. The fact that your loot is not good always does not mean that there’s something wrong with it. I ran CoE for days now getting only blues. Went to metrica province to complete my daily, smacked a mob and got a yellow. It’s random. Sometimes you get unlucky for days, sometimes you get real luck streaks.

See, there is a problem with this generator. I run the same groups every night. We do a fractal and then we do a number of dungeons. My account (doesn’t matter what character I am on) get almost no loot EVERY NIGHT compared to the rest of the group. We have some folks that get exotics every night along with multiple shards of mist in the Fractals. All of my drops are usually grey and white with blues in the chest. This is not a sometimes thing, this is every night. Our group has 2 very lucky, 2 sometimes lucky, 1 unlucky. This never changes and is standard for at least the last month.

Random is random, this is a pattern.

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


You’re playing with a random generator. The fact that your loot is not good always does not mean that there’s something wrong with it. I ran CoE for days now getting only blues. Went to metrica province to complete my daily, smacked a mob and got a yellow. It’s random. Sometimes you get unlucky for days, sometimes you get real luck streaks.

A valiant but futile effort. People don’t understand randomness.

I’m pretty sure that the majority of people posting on the forum have a reasonably good understanding of the term random. There are a few though that don’t understand the purpose and goals of a loot system that uses RNG. We play games for a variety of reasons. One of them is reward. When players do not experience a sense of reward beyond the gameplay itself you will see threads like this one. It has more to do with an experienced lack of reward than it has to do with misunderstanding randomness.

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iehova.9518


A valiant but futile effort. People don’t understand randomness.

Do you?

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zlatna bosna.4178

zlatna bosna.4178

Don’t expect any type of fix, no matter what they do to the loot table you will still have to farm and grind for hours and hours even though this isn’t a “grinding” game. I’ll be quitting this as soon as ESO comes out, this game really really had a lot going for it, but anet is slowly ruining that. Anet wants your money, they don’t care about your opinion, we had a 26 page thread of people complaining of horrid drops and yet their fix is to look into it and adjust the requirements for you to qualify for a drop. DR is still in effect which is pretty much destroying PvE. Remember for a legendary you need to either farm a crap ton or buy gold. This game is ruined in more ways than one, take a look at some of the WvW achievements. As I said, this game is dead, and bots are riddled throughout the whole game, and funny thing is DR only makes botting worse, Anet is too dumb to see this.

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zlatna bosna.4178

zlatna bosna.4178

Congratulations Tyrantis you seem to get decent drops however the threads were about those of us who do exactly the same as you but get hardly anything.
We don’t want loot upping we just want the same loot as you !

Yep Powercat seems like a dodge to me too and a great way to get rid of both the threads and bury the issues.

You’re playing with a random generator. The fact that your loot is not good always does not mean that there’s something wrong with it. I ran CoE for days now getting only blues. Went to metrica province to complete my daily, smacked a mob and got a yellow. It’s random. Sometimes you get unlucky for days, sometimes you get real luck streaks.

See, there is a problem with this generator. I run the same groups every night. We do a fractal and then we do a number of dungeons. My account (doesn’t matter what character I am on) get almost no loot EVERY NIGHT compared to the rest of the group. We have some folks that get exotics every night along with multiple shards of mist in the Fractals. All of my drops are usually grey and white with blues in the chest. This is not a sometimes thing, this is every night. Our group has 2 very lucky, 2 sometimes lucky, 1 unlucky. This never changes and is standard for at least the last month.

Random is random, this is a pattern.

No they clearly looked into the issue and it’s fixed, it’s okay, just do more damage. It’s not a grinding game at all either.

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


Speak for yourself OP. The quantity of loot is the problem, the quality is the same as it has always been and is also fine.

Plus more loot = more loot rolls = more chances at a better drop.

This means while yes you will see more junk items, you will also see more rares/hr since you are getting more loot rolls per hour, which means you’ll be getting better loot.

Plus, random is random. I went the first 300 hours of play without seeing a single exotic drop. by 305 hours I had seen 3 exotics drop, it is just RNG.

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xaaz.8472


Congratulations Tyrantis you seem to get decent drops however the threads were about those of us who do exactly the same as you but get hardly anything.
We don’t want loot upping we just want the same loot as you !

Yep Powercat seems like a dodge to me too and a great way to get rid of both the threads and bury the issues.

You’re playing with a random generator. The fact that your loot is not good always does not mean that there’s something wrong with it. I ran CoE for days now getting only blues. Went to metrica province to complete my daily, smacked a mob and got a yellow. It’s random. Sometimes you get unlucky for days, sometimes you get real luck streaks.

See, there is a problem with this generator. I run the same groups every night. We do a fractal and then we do a number of dungeons. My account (doesn’t matter what character I am on) get almost no loot EVERY NIGHT compared to the rest of the group. We have some folks that get exotics every night along with multiple shards of mist in the Fractals. All of my drops are usually grey and white with blues in the chest. This is not a sometimes thing, this is every night. Our group has 2 very lucky, 2 sometimes lucky, 1 unlucky. This never changes and is standard for at least the last month.

Random is random, this is a pattern.

No they clearly looked into the issue and it’s fixed, it’s okay, just do more damage. It’s not a grinding game at all either.

Thanks for the laugh, I got a good chuckle.

Sadly, I don’t mind the grind. What I do mind is the grind with nothing to show for it….ever.

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geotherma.2395


Congratulations Tyrantis you seem to get decent drops however the threads were about those of us who do exactly the same as you but get hardly anything.
We don’t want loot upping we just want the same loot as you !

Yep Powercat seems like a dodge to me too and a great way to get rid of both the threads and bury the issues.

You’re playing with a random generator. The fact that your loot is not good always does not mean that there’s something wrong with it. I ran CoE for days now getting only blues. Went to metrica province to complete my daily, smacked a mob and got a yellow. It’s random. Sometimes you get unlucky for days, sometimes you get real luck streaks.

See, there is a problem with this generator. I run the same groups every night. We do a fractal and then we do a number of dungeons. My account (doesn’t matter what character I am on) get almost no loot EVERY NIGHT compared to the rest of the group. We have some folks that get exotics every night along with multiple shards of mist in the Fractals. All of my drops are usually grey and white with blues in the chest. This is not a sometimes thing, this is every night. Our group has 2 very lucky, 2 sometimes lucky, 1 unlucky. This never changes and is standard for at least the last month.

Random is random, this is a pattern.

No they clearly looked into the issue and it’s fixed, it’s okay, just do more damage. It’s not a grinding game at all either.

Thanks for the laugh, I got a good chuckle.

Sadly, I don’t mind the grind. What I do mind is the grind with nothing to show for it….ever.

As my friend Charlize Theron says: Grind harder.

Intel i7 3.9ghz processor 16GB Ram 2TB HDD
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Iehova.9518


Plus, random is random. I went the first 300 hours of play without seeing a single exotic drop. by 305 hours I had seen 3 exotics drop, it is just RNG.

This is exactly the problem. It most often stems from incorrect usage of a good RNG or incorrect usage of RNG (oh hai bad seeds).

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mackdose.6504


I don’t think the missing quality in loot-drops is the big problem here, I think there is a general problem in the loot-system because of backscaling.

-) we get the statistical best loot in 1-3 weeks. From now on each single loot-drop is uninteresting for our own progress.

I like the fact that we reach the plateu fast, but it makes no sense to me that we still get tons of not-usable loot when we already have the best loot. In other games you actually spend a long time leveling up and you wear those low-level gear quite a long time – but here it’s totally different. Sometimes I even left out 5-10 levels wearing approptiate gear while leveling up and now I get gear for fully equipping 40 other characters.

What I’m trying to say: Anet implemented quite a lot new cool systems (backscaling, fast max. level) but took the loot-system from other mmos and left it unchanged.

It would feel nice if (for example) low level sets would be useful for something. E.g. equip a full Queensdale-Karma-Set in order to unlock a Queensdale-Guild Mission. That way the Guild-Mission could be easily balanced around the gear (because everyone wears the same set) and low-level stuff would actually feel usefull for high-level players.

I’d like to point out that this is the exact reason ascended gear exists.

“I didn’t buy into GW2 being the second coming of christ.
I just wanted a AAA MMO with no sub made by ArenaNet. And it’s awesome.”

The "loot investigation" isn't what we wanted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Ivonne.6782

CC Ivonne.6782

Community Coordinator

Hello everybody,
to discuss anything related to Loot drop please feel free to join the fowlloing thread:
This one will now be locked.