The most stable profession?
Probably Guardian.
I would also say Guardian.
Raingarde – Level 80 Necromancer
Warriors and Guardians both seem to be fairly strong options, though I agree, Guardian is probably more, ‘Stable,’ than Warrior is.
Guardian, no question. Balance changes to them are very minor at this point.
Read: Playing to Win.
Guide: How to play a Mesmer in dungeons.
totally agree.. guardian.. as whole largley unchanged. other classes are getting tweaks an changes every release…
Strongest or current meta is different to stable and warrior is constantly changed..def not stable…
guardian is both stable, strong and largely welcome is groups/pugs and all aspects of play. other classes such as necro/ranger/thief/mesmer omplaints are pretty warranted. elementalist is also pretty darn good but doesn’t have the range of play guardian does and also requires a high degree of knowlege and prolly the highest combat requirements (switching from earth,fire,air,water) constantly to get the best bang.
Guardians are so stable there’s mold growing on them >.>
Guardian definitely. Perfect balance between damage and survivability.
~Sincerely, Scissors
The guardian… That old dust covered relic left to rot and fester in the upper attic.
My god…it needs some fresh air…
The guardian… That old dust covered relic left to rot and fester in the upper attic.
My god…it needs some fresh air…
Can’t see why you say that. Guardian has been my main and its easily my strongest character. Excellent damage output, excellent healing capability, excellent maneuverability… Its a great class. My current build even lets me use a one-handed sword, which is my favorite weapon. Its just a pity that the Focus is much more powerful than the shield. I’d much rather use a shield.
Back during beta, QA somewhat answered this (was their opinion) by stating that Warrior was the most complete and treated as the pillar class that everyone else balanced around.
But that was back during beta.
the best after the guardian role has being fullfilled is Warrior, Guardian is definetly better in single situation.
after you are partied with a guardian, a warrior will double their life pools and leech 100% of the guardian buffs and heals ending up with more effectiveness overall at the end.
Guardian is better, but if you play with the other 5+ people above my msg playing their guardian… then warrior is the most effective choice
Guardian because unlike the warrior, they don’t rely on stats (damage and high health) to be useful. They have access to virtues, shouts, aoe’s, wall of reflection and in general a lot of skills to buff not just themselves but their whole team while being tanky and doing at least decent damage. Due to this guardians will always be strong whereas a little tweaking of stats could possibly make other classes useless. This is actually the reason why I’ve always felt the guardian is OP.
The guardian… That old dust covered relic left to rot and fester in the upper attic.
My god…it needs some fresh air…
The reason it barely recieved any significant changes is because the class already works.
No need to fix something that isn’t broken.
~Sincerely, Scissors
People have become so complacent with Bunker Guardians they’ve given up QQing about them, despite them basically defining the sPvP meta since launch.
Their support is unmatched, their role uncontested and they are heavily thought-after in every content.
Guardian is definitely the most complete and balanced class in game. They have many different builds and weapons that are all useful, not too insanely OP not UP. Their only flaw is probably spirit weapon build having no use anymore.
I like that it is agreed that Guardian is either close to, or actually the most stable/rounded profession, but it has a whole branch of utilities (Spirit Weapons) that are so weak they’re almost never, ever used.
I like that it is agreed that Guardian is either close to, or actually the most stable/rounded profession, but it has a whole branch of utilities (Spirit Weapons) that are so weak they’re almost never, ever used.
Every class has some useless skills.
~Sincerely, Scissors
Guardian, they are like a rock unchanging…
Every class has some useless skills.
Yep. Instead of, yaknow, maybe just the most broken professions. That’s the sad part .
It’s kind of compounded on Guard when it’s an entire branch instead of just some from that branch. Again, I know Guardian is not along in that respect either.
a warrior will double their life pools and leech 100% of the guardian buffs and heals ending up with more effectiveness overall at the end.
“Leech” would suggest that the warriors does nothing in return for the guardian and team they are partied up with.
As a new guardian i’d like to ask. Is a soldier geared guardian good in terms of damage and survivability?
Soldier’s is a solid choice (I mix in a couple pieces in my gear) for WvWvW where health totals make a big impact.
Soldier’s is a solid choice (I mix in a couple pieces in my gear) for WvWvW where health totals make a big impact.
What about PvE dungeons that kind of thing?
Zerker is the meta in PvE.
Alright Thanks ^^