The real issue with open world fights

The real issue with open world fights

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Korilla.9614


How cool is that marionette fight? Lost of people complained about it, but I for one found it engaging and rewarding, even if I keep failing. It made me feel like i was in a large scale battle where I was contributing or hurting the effort.

How could I enjoy failing? The Key word is , I. If I fail the event, it becomes a learning experience and helps on my next try. If the game somehow disables me from doing so, we have a problem.

The issue I had? Overflow.

Overflows and timegates make these sort of events frustrating. It is clear that we are meant to be coordinated in these fights, meaning we need a group of people to have comms with and be on the same map. However, when there’s a a problem with in game mechanics (eg not being able to use skills) and I do a quick relog, apparently I can’t get back in to the same fight and get placed in an overflow. Due to the hardcap on map, I can’t even get ferried in.

So here’s what happened. I spent 2 hours waiting in a map so I stick with the same group, strategize, prep our teams, start the fight. Then I have to relog or be useless due to a bug causing all my buttons to do nothing. Because i wanted to contribute to the group effort and not leech, i relog and get placed in an overflow with no hope of getting back in. There’s 3 hours of my time gone due to poor in game mechanics and overflow\timegates.

Don’t get me wrong, the fight mechanic is great and the teamwork aspect is undeniably gratifying. Failing was fun too, since I got to talk it over with the guys on ts (just random people from the jq server), in turn giving me a sense of community!

But despite all this, having such a large aspect (overflow) of the game function this way is hurting my experience. We should be excited and antsy about the fight itself, not worried about how we’ll be inexplicably penalized by an arbitrary system called overflow.


If anet wants us to be in large groups and be organized, they need to give us clear and effective ways to do so. Making overflow stable enough to keep us WITH our groups without the fear of being unable to reenter our map would go a long way in helping us enjoy these larger contents.

Sorry for the rant, but had to get it off my chest. Feel free to discuss =]

The real issue with open world fights

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nekretaal.6485



Real issue is that the event should not require an amount of players that bumps up against the player limit. Should you fail because some people just happened to be in the zone doing map completion?

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