The reason I keep logging in. :)

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: slamfunction.7462


I complain alot, so tonight, i figured i’d try a new approach.

I’ve been a GW2 junkie for a year now. I had a month or two spurt prior, but was still too addicted to other MMOs to commit at the time, so a year ago, this time, i finally came back in and started playing and i haven’t left.

I’m a mechanic and IT guy by trade. I was a mechanic, got sick of it and moved on to IT years and years ago. I like building and repairing things. Its just what i’ve always done.

Recently, i had conversation with a work buddy over his hobbies and he is no gamer, but he does build and ride motorcycles and one aspect of his hobby hit home with me during the conversation. He stated that he liked the building and repairing portion of the hobby more than riding. When i started to roll that around in my mind, i realized, THIS is why i log in everynight.

I do everything in game. WvW, Dungeons, mapping, sPvP. You name it, i do it at least once a week, because i have many characters and a great guild to game with. But all that stuff is either flawed or lacking in some apsects and although i’m not going to count them off – Mainly because i can’t and i think others have done a far better job at describing those issues – I LOVE building characters. Its my thing. Its the one, truly in-depth “thing” this game does and succeeds in spades at. Granted, everyone has access to the same stuff, but i’ve yet to see anyone in game that looked EXACTLY like one of my toons. And it goes beyond just physical appearance, and into the complex stats system. Thats where the repair comes in, after i’ve built a toon.

Furthermore, the gem store seems to cater to this hobby, so i spend a fair amount there as well. The open world is more or less, a beautifully crafted environment for my creations to live and breathe – a canvas to show off my building skills.

I think ANet will certainly keep me enthralled for some time to come, just because of this. There are many dyes. And as long as they keep making armor in some way or another, i’ll keep at it. So, thank you ANet!!

Arena Nets are used to catch Gladiator Fish.

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alteraphim.4629


I think that a lot of people don’t understand the kind of environment that is created when people do nothing but slam the game. Posts like this do a lot more for others than those that explain “why you hate the game”. I like to see positive feedback like this even though the game has major issues that some people believe should be addressed. Thanks for a nice post, I hope that issues you may have with the game are addressed positively and you can find more reasons to enter the game in the future

As a side note, I keep logging in because I enjoy being able to play for a short amount of time and still accomplish a portion of my goal. I tend to be very busy and I don’t always have a good amount of time to allot to gaming.

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terrin.2685


One of the big reasons I keep logging in is because Arena Net left out a lot of the terrible game mechanics other MMO developers use that have caused so much trouble over the years. Fighting over resource nodes, gear, quest kills, environmental quest goals are all gone. And the awful need and greed mechanic …. wow is it nice to see that gone. This has help contribute to a much friendly playing environment.

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Emtiarbi.3281


I’ll log when the Living History comes, until then, i will continue reading the forums in hope for something new and shiny to be announced.

I still have high hope on this game, even though we have 2 years here waiting for new things to do (well, at least in SPvP which is my favorite part).

I’m waiting for you Anet! Surprise me please!

Anredhal Amethyst – Lain Amethyst – Orss Jerre

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vix.6730


I’m all for Anet getting off the schnide and releasing an expansion (and not a hopped up Living Story episode). This game deserves so much more than it’s been given. Anet created a beautiful world. I enjoyed my time in it immensely.

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brutality.9631


Someday they’ll add guild halls and GvG and we’ll have something to BUILD again.

I recruited every day since day 1, kept a guild of 300 adults happy for 2 years, now they’re all bored and playing other games. I still recruit but the rate at which veterans of this game quit, is much greater than that of noobies looking for guilds (at least for my statistics purposes, at the times, zones, and mediums I use to recruit daily).

As for myself I log in every day to hit rich iron nodes, and the home instance blade shards, 30 ascended weapons, 2 legendaries, emperor title, yeah I’m finished. I think payday 2 gets more of my time at the moment.

Anyway yeah, your post was refreshing, I like hearing why people still enjoy this game, it’s one of few things I still find motivating. The CDI’s regarding guild halls are hopeful too, I got a million kitten influence to spend. Don’t tell the kittens.

(edited by Brutality.9631)

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vix.6730


Someday they’ll add guild halls and GvG and we’ll have something to BUILD again.

I recruited every day since day 1, kept a guild of 300 adults happy for 2 years, now they’re all bored and playing other games. I still recruit but the rate at which veterans of this game quit, is much greater than that of noobies looking for guilds (at least for my statistics purposes, at the times, zones, and mediums I use to recruit daily).

I was part of a guild that spanned 4 rosters of 400+ members eight months ago. The guild has since shuttered two branches and is close to a third. The guild leader achieved very little in maintaining a positive culture with members aside from a select few officers, but players joined because we tackled content together. When given the opportunity I was recruiting four players a night on Fridays and Saturdays alone.

You can only run through the same content so many times before you get bored, no matter how many players there are. It’s the natural order of things.

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cheshirefox.7026


i honestly just log in because i’m habitual, aside from making multiple alts to go through the game-book esque personal story, i’ve played through all the game modes and it seems this game lacks quite a bit of depth.. if they don’t start providing a reason to log in each day other than ‘dodge 15 times’ or ‘go trading post this’ then “the reason i keep logging in” is simply that i haven’t hit the delete button yet

i can outswim a centaur!
when i’m done on an issue
i start talking in nerglish

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

I keep logging in to RP and slowly work on things. As long as its a positive (mostly) environment for it and keeps getting better lore wise, I’ll be here.

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astraea.6075


There’s a number of reasons for me, including the building aspect of the OP, but like Alteraphim, it’s the fact that I can make progress towards most of my goals even if I only have a short time available to play.

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I log in less now than I once did. What I like most is going over the next hill and seeing something new and interesting. Over time, this has happened less and less, so I fall back on my secondary motivation. I log in when I feel like playing the game. There are times I find the gameplay boring, so when I do, I log out. I always come back, at least so far.

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crossaber.8934


I shared the same reason to play GW2 with OP.

I have done my 9th lv80, he is created after the NPE patch and after all, i think the leveling experience is great.

On the other hand, i preferred the trait update right after Apr15 patch (before some trait unlock requirement changed). As i have a new character created and lv to 80 before a trait requirement change, I actually enjoy map completion to unlock trait instead of killing this and killing that.

Well thats just me.

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Serophous.9085


One of the big reasons I keep logging in is because Arena Net left out a lot of the terrible game mechanics other MMO developers use that have caused so much trouble over the years. Fighting over resource nodes, gear, quest kills, environmental quest goals are all gone. And the awful need and greed mechanic …. wow is it nice to see that gone. This has help contribute to a much friendly playing environment.

all of this….I try other mmos and just groan most of the time.

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


One of the big reasons I keep logging in is because Arena Net left out a lot of the terrible game mechanics other MMO developers use that have caused so much trouble over the years. Fighting over resource nodes, gear, quest kills, environmental quest goals are all gone. And the awful need and greed mechanic …. wow is it nice to see that gone. This has help contribute to a much friendly playing environment.

Yeah, the “hardcore” players just don’t seem to get this. They simply reduce the world and gameplay of any MMO is set in to a super optimized set of mechanics, due to MMO similarity, to level to max quickly and then achieve BIS items for said maxed level character. And in this game nearly none of that matters. Leveling is very quick and nearly BIS gear is easily obtained.

So kick back and enjoy the journey.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


This week I got my 20th 80. Most of my characters are themed, so I like getting a certain look. Keeps me logging in for the most part.

It’s not quite roleplaying…but it’s not not roleplaying if you see what I mean. My characters exist in my head as individuals with individual tastes.

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

I have a friend just like you. When he gets one class to 80 he simply buys a new slot and starts again. He loves it. He doesn’t even have a full set of exotics for one of his toons yet.

Me I have 3 80s, but I only ever play my ranger. Nothing else.

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ofLegends.9853


I think that a lot of people don’t understand the kind of environment that is created when people do nothing but slam the game. Posts like this do a lot more for others than those that explain “why you hate the game”. I like to see positive feedback like this even though the game has major issues that some people believe should be addressed. Thanks for a nice post, I hope that issues you may have with the game are addressed positively and you can find more reasons to enter the game in the future

As a side note, I keep logging in because I enjoy being able to play for a short amount of time and still accomplish a portion of my goal. I tend to be very busy and I don’t always have a good amount of time to allot to gaming.

You’d like to see positive feedback?

Okay, I’ll go make a topic and link you to it.

Here you go:

— Former engi main | Bring back my Power Rifle Grenadier!

(edited by ofLegends.9853)

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I have a friend just like you. When he gets one class to 80 he simply buys a new slot and starts again. He loves it. He doesn’t even have a full set of exotics for one of his toons yet.

Me I have 3 80s, but I only ever play my ranger. Nothing else.

I have four legendaries and full ascended on at least my mesmer, and a bunch of other ascended weapons floating around other characters. Working on my main guardian’s ascended armor now, then I’ll do medium ascended for my ranger.

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


I haven’t played since months. I did all the content back in December 2012 with the Legendary Sunrise, I achieved more or less everything. World completion, one of the most rare weapons in game etc. A few weeks later I finished Dungeon Master (I wasn’t in a hurry).
Anyway, since then I made another couple of legendaries be cause there was nothing to do. I leveled a few alts, each profession to 80 and played with them – not the Thief though – this one is on 77 or 78 since months.

What is left? There was almost nothing else to do aside from the 1-2 hours content every now and then – shallow, always together with Gem store items to raise money. It didn’t deliver, it’s boring and there is no substantial content like a new campaign, a new continent, a new race, a new profession a new crafting job etc etc. What did they expect? That we will continue to play a game that has no content? They leave, most leave until there is a new fresh announcement that is NOT 1 hour of story with almost nothing to do and no replay value…

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: slamfunction.7462


This week I got my 20th 80. Most of my characters are themed, so I like getting a certain look. Keeps me logging in for the most part.

It’s not quite roleplaying…but it’s not not roleplaying if you see what I mean. My characters exist in my head as individuals with individual tastes.

This and exactly this. Im no RP’er at all, but i can’t help thinking of a “backstory” in my mind for a character, when i go to build out the character’s look. For example, i just got done with a norn mesmer that wears the cultural tier 2 with Aureate weapons. He has purple hair, eyes, tattoos. His armor and weapons sorta look drab and not really dark, so my thought with this guy is that maybe the magic he is using affected his hair, eyes, and tattoos, while the rest of him is normal? Things like that, but i don’t go walking into any RP events talking like a norn or anything crazy like that.

Arena Nets are used to catch Gladiator Fish.

The reason I keep logging in. :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hydeaut.1758


It’s not quite roleplaying…but it’s not not roleplaying if you see what I mean. My characters exist in my head as individuals with individual tastes.

I would say, that´s immersion, created through identification with your character(s), probably one of the most important “hooks” of a MMO.

While character-building is a driving force to play, it´s also kind of an investment in the game: whoever abandoned another MMO might remember a certain point when interest dwindled and immersion broke up, leaving characters behind as useless now.

That´s one of the points why I find that policy about “we won´t talk about future plans” rather harmful.